You become holy by eating soft food, right?

Chapter 102 99~100. In the Wind and Cloud, Rainy Night Kills the Old Friend, the Red Umbrella and th

Chapter 102 99~100. In the Wind and Cloud, Rainy Night Kills the Old Friend, the Red Umbrella and the King's Return (8.1K words - big chapter)

Bai Feng opened the gift box on the table.

In the gift box were two pills that exuded a strange fragrance.

The smell of meat and medicine is mixed together, and the surface seems to have a ferocious texture naturally.

This is the gift given to him by the Black Moon Demon Controlling Sect.

But why did the Black Moon Demon Controlling Sect give him a gift?

What kind of medicine is this?
With doubts in his heart, he walked out of the storage pavilion and ordered a bean bag.

Dou Bao gently attached his ear, and told Bai Feng what the Lord had done recently.

To put it simply, the Mao family wanted to replace him with the Seventh Prince who had a royal bloodline; the Que family was watching from the outside and did not dare to enter the city easily;
Therefore, in the name of the prince, the lord spread the news that "the seventh prince has developed a [devil bear addiction], and the cat family has moved his mind on the seventh prince" through the servants of the prince's mansion who are in contact with the Black Moon Demon Sect. Gave it to the Black Moon Demon Controlling Sect.

The Black Moon Demon Controlling Sect gave the information to the Que family.

In this way, the purpose of the Black Moon Demon Sect to stir up conflicts has been achieved, and the opportunity for the Que family to enter the city has also come, and the Mao family will not be able to change him even if they want to.

Now, the members of the Black Moon Demon Controlling Sect reciprocated by giving him a gift, and at the same time reduced any doubts about his identity; the cat family directly agreed that he would join the cat family, and at the same time, they were rushing to repair the relationship.

Bai Feng was stunned.

From the bottom of his heart, he had a little respect for Aunt Bai.

If Aunt Bai hadn't seduced him, if it hadn't been for what had happened between Aunt Bai and him, he would definitely regard Aunt Bai as the most respected elder and the most caring mentor.

But now, Aunt Bai's excellence will only stimulate him more and make him yearn to become stronger.

Aunt Bai wasn't driving, she was really what happened with him, so he wouldn't lie to himself anymore.

At this time, Sister Doubao poked her head curiously, and asked, "What gift did the Demon Controlling Sect give you? I asked the master, but the master didn't say anything."

"Lets come look."

"Good meow~"

Dou Bao followed Bai Feng into the room, and her cute big eyes cast her eyes on the two pills on the table.

Follow your eyes.

Sister Doubao also leaned over in an instant, she was very curious.


The next moment, Sister Doubao's eyes froze, and her fingers trembled undetectably.

Immediately afterwards, he retreated again and again like an electric shock, and shrank to the door.
"Demon Pill. Monster Pill!!! Monster Pill!!!"

She had a frightened look on her face.

"What is the demon pill?" During the first training, Bai Feng had heard about the "demon pill" from those little Taoist priests from the Black Moon Demon Controlling Sect.

Sister Doubao was so frightened that she bit her tongue: "Sisi used live goblins and herbs to refine the demon pill. The pill pattern on it is said to be the expression on the goblin's face when it died, wow!!"

The little cat girl in black yelled "Wow", she was frightened, but then her face was full of hatred, and she stomped her feet fiercely: "These bad guys should be damned, damned, damned, damned!"

What did the Black Moon Demon Controlling Sect give him?
No matter how effective this thing is, it must not be eaten.
As long as they eat it, the favorability between Sister Doubao and Aunt Bai will probably be reset, right?

This is also Aunt Bai testing him, right?

This kind of temptation is meaningless, and he will not choose.

He stepped forward, took the demon pill, picked it up and looked at it, and sure enough, he vaguely saw the expression texture of fear and pain on the pill pattern, which was the fear of being smelted to death by the fire of the pill furnace.

He was silent for a while, then put the pill back into the box, closed the box, and handed it to Doubao, "Give it to Aunt Bai."

In the afternoon, Doubaozai came back with 5000 taels of silver notes, a land deed, a box, and a book.

"The lord said, you like money, since you don't want the demon pill, I will give you 5000 taels of silver.

This title deed is for a quiet house in the imperial capital. No one knows that the house belongs to the Prince's Mansion, and the key to the house is inside the box.

The Lord said that since you are so motivated and want to practice so much, sometimes there is no need to rush back when you are late.

Whether you live there or settle the woman there, the Lord will not bother. After all, you are too full of energy and blood, and you always need to vent.

As for this book, it is some of the master's thoughts on disguise, she thinks you may be able to use it.

When walking outside, killing is inevitable. If you offend people just because of experience, the gain is not worth the loss, so disguise is a very important skill. "

Bai Feng took the "5000 taels of silver note" and the "Book of Transfiguration" from the gift, but did not take the "land deed and key box".

"Your Highness, Your Highness, you forgot to take it." Bai Doubao reminded.

Bai Feng said: "Tell Aunt Bai, I don't need to live outside, and I don't need to find women outside."

"Huh?" Bai Doubao was stunned.
And Bai Feng has gone far.

He can't make a mistake with this level of proposition.

Bai Feng continued to practice "Yin Mo Bao Yi Dao Zhang (fragment)".

This is the fifth practice.

Two hours later. He unexpectedly succeeded.

Not only was it successful, but the zhenqi beads also changed.

He glanced at his own information:
【Name: Baifeng】

【Shouyuan: 17/48】

【Occupation: None】

[Blood: Demon Bear Addiction - Crazy (Blue)]

[Zhen Qi: Yin Demon Hugs One (Purple)

[Spirit: Black Moon Spirit Enhancement (Green)]

[Special: Variation Prophet (Red)]

"Shouyuan remains unchanged, the reason is unknown"

"After the fifth success, the zhenqi bead immediately turned purple."

Yin Demon Hug One: Not only can you use the Yin Yin Talisman normally, but you can also use the power of the Yin Devil Talisman to open up wider meridians and a bigger dantian.The powerful zhenqi is compressed and condensed in the dantian, and the meridians through it are far beyond ordinary people. Even if you don’t have moves, you can use these powers as you like, and use these powers to build a fighting style that suits you, but please pay attention to your consumption will also get bigger.

Bai Feng tried it.

He closed his eyes slightly, and his clothes were suddenly puffed up by invisible energy.

This is a powerful performance.

However, he can do more.

He controlled the true qi, allowing the true qi to flow out naturally along the legs of his clothes without touching him.

In an instant, all the bulging clothes were held back.

There was a terrifying amount of true energy circulating around him, but it looked like he had no true energy.

"It's more control."

"Compress the true energy that should have naturally escaped on the surface of the body"

He walked forward, walked into the yard, and saw a half-knee-high stone.

He walked past the stone, and just as the stone touched it, it "bursted" and flew in the opposite direction at the same time, landing on a rockery not far away.

The rockery was shot by bullets, and the rocks collapsed one by one, falling to the ground one after another.

He raised his hand again, flexed his fingers, flicked lightly, and an invisible ripple suddenly appeared in the air. This ripple was like an air cannonball, which burst and shot far away, passing through another large stone pier not far away.

The original tight stone pier was pierced with a hole, and after a few breaths, there was a crackling sound, and the stone pier was shattered soon.

Bai Feng raised his hand and suddenly pointed at a bamboo pole not far away.
I want to grab it from a distance.

But after scratching, the bamboo pole didn't move at all.

He vaguely remembered that in some martial arts dramas he watched before time travel, wasn't it very common for those masters to pick things up from a distance?

He tried again, but it still didn't work.

He recalled the principle of the operation of zhenqi, and probably came up with the answer.

The source of this qi is the breath you breathe.

And this ordinary breath, from the outside into the inside, and after passing through the meridians, is transformed into true qi.

The dantian can store a lot of true qi, and apart from the dantian true qi, the usual true qi must be obtained by breathing, and the function of the reverse yin talisman is simply to mobilize the qi stored in your body at ordinary times, so that those qi Activated.

The air is transformed through the meridians to form a very explosive attack.

Qi that already exists can be called directly.

This is also doomed that the true energy can only go out, not in.

You can use true qi to form an air armor on your body surface, and you can shoot in the air, but you can't shoot objects.

With a thought in Bai Feng's mind, the qi in his body dissipated.

After a while, sister Doubao who heard the commotion ran over, looked at the gravel in the yard, stuck out her tongue, but didn't ask anything, it's just like cultivation
After a while, several beanbag sisters ran over, some wearing helmets, some carrying poles, and began to move the gravel out, throwing it far away.
While Sister Doubao was busy, Bai Feng returned to the pavilion.

A sense of breakthrough came.

Just thinking about it, at this moment, a strange sense of connection suddenly appeared in his heart.

Blurred at first, but becoming clearer.

Dantian, Xinxin, Zifu, the martial arts beads in the three places suddenly began to spread out "invisible lines", and began to connect with each other, weaving
The Prophet Martial Arts Orb, which was originally isolated, was now connected to the other two.

Bai Feng sits cross-legged again
Quietly feel the connection.

A powerful sense of breakthrough spread throughout the body.

Qi and blood, true energy, spirit, and all of his own strengths began to increase significantly.

An hour later, Bai Feng understood what was going on.

He glanced at the information:

【Name: Baifeng】

【Shouyuan: 17/48】

[Occupation: Martial Artist (Rank [-])]

[Blood: Demon Bear Addiction - Crazy (Blue)]

[Zhen Qi: Yin Demon Hugs One (Purple)]

[Spirit: Black Moon Spirit Enhancement (Green)]

[Special: Prophet (Red)]

Active skill: Five Deaths——Causes 80%*5 attack damage. After pasting Yin Yin Talismans, each one will increase the attack power by 40%, and a maximum of 5 cards can be pasted [Zhen Qi: Yin Demon Hug One (purple )]

Passive skill 1: Turn 5——Attack power increased by 10*[-]% [Zhen Qi: Yin Demon Hug One (Purple)]

Passive skill 2: Bloodthirsty——all attributes, and recovery power, blood volume increased by 8%, after seeing blood, the value is tripled [Blood: Demon Bear Addiction - Crazy (Blue)]

Black Moon Yuyao——has 4 demon spaces, and draws power from space fairies (it has been replaced by a higher one, current attribute: comprehensive strength increased by 84) [Spirit: Black Moon Spirit Enhancement (Green)]

Further down are the skills derived from the Prophet.

"I've crossed the seventh rank directly from the eighth rank, and reached the sixth rank?"

"It should be. I am a Taoist priest who controls demons. The spirit of the seventh rank is enough, and I have the red spirit martial arts orb, so I broke through directly."

"From now on, I will also be a sixth-rank martial artist."

And just when Bai Feng succeeded in training, an unexpected visitor came to the Prince's Mansion in the twilight.

The stooped man was wearing a cloak, handed an ancient jade to the guard in front of the mansion with both hands, and said in a hoarse voice: "Please pass it on to the Crown Princess, saying that the old man is visiting."

The guard looked at the ancient jade, touched it again, and knew it was worth a lot, so he didn't dare to take it as nothing, and said: "Later."

Then, he grabbed the ancient jade and hurried into the mansion, and handed the jade to the ubiquitous chief steward.

This bean bag sister looked at the ancient jade, put it between her nose and smelled it, then picked it up and held it in front of her eyes to look at the sunset, there was nothing unusual.
This ancient jade was in the hands of the Crown Princess.

"My lord, that person is said to be an old friend, do you know him?" Dou Bao was curious.

The beautiful woman held the ancient jade in her hand, her almond pupils narrowed indiscernibly, as if the past and memories flowed in her expression.
Then, she threw Gu Yu out.

Doubao jumped up and caught it accurately.

"I don't know you, and I don't want to see you." The beautiful woman's voice was heartless and without any warmth.

Doubao is not stupid, and she has good eyesight. She immediately saw that the Lord definitely knew that person, so she kindly reminded: "Is it true?"

The beautiful woman beckoned.

Doubao ran over.

The beautiful woman patted Doubao's cute and fleshy cheeks lightly with both hands, rubbed them "gurgling", and then smiled charmingly: "I don't see you, and I don't know you either."

Doubao said: "But the Lord knows each other clearly. There are many memories in the eyes of the Lord. Don't you really regret seeing each other?"

The beautiful woman said: "You are really the same as Bai Feng, one is a little girl who knows nothing about the world, and the other is a little boy who is overconfident"

"Huh? That's right, I really like Baifeng's cat." Dou Bao was pleasantly surprised, "So it's because I'm the same as him?"

Immediately, she became distressed again, muttering: "No, no, I am different from him, at least in two places."

She is not stupid at all, and you can still see where she is different.

The princess rubbed her forehead in distress.

Where did you just say that?

Why is the topic suddenly off topic?

"Go." said the beautiful woman.

"Hmm!" Doubao was full of energy and jumped out of the window.

After running a few steps, she stopped again, hesitated to speak, and then stopped.

What did you just say?

No matter, go reject him.

Doubao handed the ancient jade to the guard and said, "I don't know it, fork it out."

The guard nodded, went back to the door, looked at the uninvited guest, returned the ancient jade, and waved: "Go, go!"

The man froze for a moment, and asked hoarsely, "Then when will she see me?"

"See you?" The guard said angrily, "The Crown Princess doesn't know you at all, so go!"

"It's impossible that she doesn't know me, let Bai Zhi come to see me, let her see me! I hugged her when she was a child!" The man's eyes flashed hatred, and he cried hysterically.

So, two guards forked him out.

"People change, Old Zheng.

She doesn't see you because she doesn't want to target the cat family.

Back then, her biological father was kicked out of the cat clan because he was outside the clan. What a tragedy. As a daughter, she was really not filial at all.

But what can you do?
She is a crown princess, she is high above her, so naturally she will not deal with the cat clan again because of this past incident. "

"Damn it!! I told my brother not to hang out with cat monsters. He didn't listen, but the cat family drove him away, and he gave birth to such a lowly species! Damn it!" Old Zheng clenched his fists tightly. , all eyebrows and hairs are angry.

Sitting in the wheelchair, Wang Zhenyi looked at him quietly, rolled his eyes, and sighed: "If the princess can't help us, the Mao family will be monolithic.

The cat family is monolithic, and you can no longer take revenge.

It was fine, but who would have thought that this woman would not be willing to help?
It's obviously a great opportunity in front of her, and our Que family is willing to help her, why doesn't she know how to seize the opportunity?
Should it be counted? "

"No! I can't forget it." Lao Zheng said in a panic, "Military division, the princess and the Mao family obviously have conflicts. When my brother left for the last time, she ran a long way crying, chasing a long way, shouting 'Daddy'. could she not have conflicts with the Mao family? "

Wang Zhenyi smiled and said: "Perhaps, she thinks that this will become my Que family's sword and weapon in my Que family's hands?"

"What knife? What weapon? Is this more important than revenge? This bastard really doesn't know good from bad!!" Old Zheng said angrily.

He paced back and forth, saying, "No, no, we can't let this matter just drown out like this."

Wang Zhenyi sighed: "She didn't see you, so what's the point of this past between her and the Mao family? A contradiction that everyone doesn't know is not a contradiction. Right? Old Zheng?"

Lao Zheng thought for a while, and accompanied him carefully and said: "Military Master, Lao Zheng, I have an idea."


"That fool is sure to gain something if he thinks a lot."

"Yo, I'm pretty good at talking." Wang Zhenyi said with a smile, "Speak, let me listen."

Old Zheng said: "Military division, think about it, our purpose is to split the cat family.

Since that bastard is not benevolent, we don't need to talk about loyalty.

Just shake this thing out.

Whether it's my brother or her slut mother with red lips and thousands of tastes, they can directly expose it to the outside world and let others know how the Mao family harmed her princess.

At that time, even if she doesn't want to pursue the matter of the Mao family, the Mao family will definitely have trouble with her, right? "

Wang Zhenyi was silent for a while, and said: "If it makes sense, then let's do it."

Showers, suddenly fell.

A catastrophe poured down, as if the sky gate had been opened, and no human beings were allowed.

After the rain, some rumors suddenly spread in the imperial capital, as if the seeds had taken root and sprouted, spreading rapidly.

The more this rumor is related to a big shot, the more it has the attribute of "self-fire".

If there is a beautiful beauty here, it will be "adding fire to the fire".

This time, the rumors are that he is a beautiful big man.

"real or fake?
The princess actually has such a past? "

"The cat family kicked the princess' father out, and then the princess' mother started to bring other men to the house heartlessly? And then have a good time with other men? This is true"

"More than that, I also heard that in order to please foreign men, the mother of the princess often asked the princess when she was a child to dress up as those men liked. Sometimes she was asked to be dignified, sometimes she was asked to be charming, and sometimes Make her pitiful, sometimes make her naughty."

"All these tragedies are caused by the cat family.

The cat family forced her father to death.

Let her mother fall like that.

How could she still have the nerve to stay at Mao's house? "

"A goblin is a goblin, so I don't know what filial piety is."

"Bastard, what do you know?"

"Perhaps, the Crown Princess is also like her mother? Hehe. It's really unexpected."

All kinds of information are flying all over the sky.

Some information is outside, and some information is said in the yard after dinner at home.

The former is slightly better, but the latter is filthy.
However, what will happen at home?Even the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu can't control it.

The government quickly arrested a group of people, and the news calmed down for a while, but soon broke out like wildfire.

All kinds of past events of the princess were revealed.

But this time, one more thing was exposed.

The Crown Princess had an uncle named Zheng, who ran around to avenge her father, but was turned away by the Crown Princess and beaten out with a stick.

In this way, the princess was labeled as "immoral" again.

Leaving aside the family of goblins, many humans would dislike her.

tick tock tick tock
Rain falls from the eaves.

In the gloomy weather, only the swaying light of the red lanterns showed swaying broken shadows in the puddles and ponds, illuminating some places.

Tonight, Baizhi is not here, and Doubao is not at bedtime.

Zangjiaoyuan became Baifeng's place alone.

At this time, in the open space deep in the garden, two figures were fighting together.

A young man, a short man.

This is Baifeng and Lianyou.

Baifeng wanted to test his strength, so he went to Lianyou.

Bang bang bang! !

The figure was fast, and the burly body slammed into Lianyou's face fiercely, and the fist slammed at Lianyou.

Lianyou defended against Qi, the strength of the fourth rank was against that of the upper rank, Bai Feng took a step back, and then a violent breath gushed out from his body.

He seemed to be hit by a high-speed carriage from afar, bursting with true energy, retreating slowly, but advancing violently.

The lotus pomelo was sent flying out, spun a few times in mid-air, landed lightly on a branch not far away, and then jumped back in front of the boy.

Bai Feng asked: "How is it?"

Lianyou said: "It's very powerful and has reached the level of the fourth grade.
It's just Bai Feng, is this evil method really all right? "

Bai Feng shook his head and said, "It's okay."

Lianyou said: "Then what do you plan to do after practicing?"

Bai Fengdao: "Continue to improve the [Yin Demon Embracing Dao Chapter]."

"But this is evil"

"Didn't I work out?"

"I'm worried that you are the same as me." The little cat girl looked down at her toes.

Bai Feng laughed and said, "We are the same."

Lianyou's lifespan limit is 42, but he is 48, isn't it the same?

"I don't live long." The cat girl said, "I practiced the skills of the demon clan. But... I don't regret it. If I choose again, I will probably still practice it?"

Bai Feng said: "Don't talk about this now. Let's go, let's kill someone."

"Who to kill?" Lianyou showed curiosity on her small face, and the topic changed too quickly.

Bai Feng said: "That person who spread rumors.

That person is said to be Uncle Bai.

I know where he is.
These days, King Bai found him.

It seems that there is a sparrow family behind him.

But the Que family didn't dare to support him publicly, so they settled him in a hidden place and sent experts to guard him.

Tonight, I want to kill him. "


Lianyou immediately understood.

These days, the vicious words in the imperial capital are too much, and all of them are directed at the crown princess.

And it seems that someone is pushing all this behind the scenes, so that although the government did something, it didn't do that.

It turned out to be the sparrow family.

However, the Que family did not dare to support that person openly. This would directly lead to conflicts between the two clans, which would be of no benefit to anyone.

This kind of thing is difficult to find out, but Bai Wang's harmless "ordinary kitten" really does not belong to this category.

Or maybe.
and many more!

Lianyou suddenly thought of something, she suddenly raised her head to meet Bai Feng's gaze.

Bai Feng said: "You want to say that this news was released by the Que family on purpose, the purpose is to let the Crown Princess kill that surnamed Zheng, right?"

Lianyou nodded.
Her intelligence is different from Baiwang and Doubao, she is really intelligent.

"If this rumor is to be pushed to the top, and if Aunt Bai is to bear the name of immorality, then let this Zheng die.

But if the person surnamed Zheng is really Aunt Bai's uncle, how could Aunt Bai kill him?
The cat family knows all this, so naturally they will not kill
Therefore, the Que family is disgusting people here. "Bai Feng said.

"However, I want to kill him. If I don't kill him, my thoughts will not be clear. Just leave a blood letter after killing him."

"What word?"

"Murderer—Mingjiao Zhang Wuji!"

"Who is Zhang Wuji?"


"Oh, if you're at home, I'll kill people. I'll be Zhang Wuji." Lianyou said.

Bai Feng said: "Let's go together, let's observe first, if the timing is not good, you are not allowed to go."

"Yeah" Lianyou didn't refuse.
The two figures moved quickly through the imperial capital on a rainy night, and came to a market in a short while.

The market has long been closed and a curfew is in place.

On heavy rainy days, the guards of the Yuan Dynasty wore coir raincoats, and after a brief inspection, they stopped caring.

The two figures landed on a roof and crouched down again.

"The target is in the eighth house ahead."

Bai Feng already knew the target through Bai Wang, "But there are masters in that yard."

"The lotus pomelo is gone." The short little cat girl was ready to make a move. For Bai Feng, she could go even if it was a sea of ​​swords and fire. "Don't worry, I will play by ear, that's what I do."

Bai Feng raised his hand to hold her down, and said: "No, wait a little longer, what if there is danger? Observe for a while."

"En." Lianyou obediently responded, and then began to wait.

The summer rain is not cold, even with some kind of coolness.

But those rumors still seem to be floating in the air
"Her mother, a little bit of red lips can be tasted by thousands of people, hahaha"

"A demon is a demon, what kind of filial piety do you know?"

"Don't avenge your father, but stay at Mao's house with peace of mind, how can you be ashamed?"

"Maybe she's like her mother, haha."

The viciousness of a rumor never lies in whether it is true or not, nor does it care whether the person involved is in pain, but that the speaker will instill all his own malice in it.

The rumormongers don't need to pay much.

What's more, this rumor is clearly a conspiracy.

The Que family and the Mao family were at odds, so they created a split in the Mao family. This conspiracy came out. How could the princess not have a rift with the Mao family?

And the person who made the rumors was the princess' uncle, a man of love and righteousness who worked hard for her father.Such a person already has the word "virtue" affixed to him.

Killing is immoral.

Goblins don't care about this, but humans do.

The crown princess has a special status, so she will definitely be affected.

What's more, if these things are not guaranteed, the princess will break with the Mao family.

The boy and the cat girl hid in the rainy night quietly, waiting for the right time.

And at this moment, a strange aura enveloped him.

In the distant air, the tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of raindrops suddenly froze, as if locked by some mysterious force, and settled in the dark midair.

The heavy rain was still falling violently, but the rain in that area never fell again.

Not only did it not fall, but it also suddenly took shape, turning into a giant floating in mid-air.

The giant had just formed, so it bent down and rushed towards the ground of the square city.

That huge fist made of raindrops, with a swift and sharp arrow-like gust of wind, slammed towards the house on the ground violently.

There are Taos of power in the room soaring to the sky, trying to resist this punch.

The two phases collided, and a violent circle pattern appeared in the air. The tiles of the surrounding houses were shaken by the shock, and the rain became a tide, which spread horizontally in all directions.

And the fist finally hit the ground, smashing everything with one punch.

The guards in the house, the people in the house, and Uncle Zheng in the house...all were smashed.

This sudden sudden blow, like a catastrophe from heaven, immediately caused the whole city to commotion and panic.

People who were nearby ran out of the house one after another, like headless chickens in panic; people in the distance closed the windows and doors, and carefully looked out through the cracks of the windows.

in the rain.
There was the sound of pattering footsteps.

It was the sound of women's embroidered shoes. There is a certain style of shoes with a slightly raised heel, which makes this special knocking sound when walking, but men do not.

The high heels widen the ripples between puddles and ponds.

The woman took advantage of the red oiled paper umbrella and wore a long black dress. She came to the ruins, took a wooden stick, dipped it in the blood of the person who was shot in the distance, and stroked it on a wall that was still intact. Planned writing.

True energy and blood seeped into the writing, and soon formed a picture———————————————————————The killer, Baizhi.

With the last word settled, the woman threw the wooden stick away, and then returned to the long way.

Panicked people scattered to make way.

Bai Feng was stunned, this kind of result was something he had never imagined.

He put the lotus pomelo into the demon's space, lowered his body again, and prepared to wait until the white weaving was over before returning.

The beautiful woman held an umbrella and walked around to the house where he was, paused for a moment, and asked coldly, "Who?"

On the roof, the boy straightened up. Although he was wearing a mask, he still said: "I."


The beautiful woman was stunned for a moment, she had never imagined that this person would be here.

"Me." The boy said again, and then jumped off the roof.

The beautiful woman laughed and said, "Come here at night?"


"Then let's take a walk together." The beautiful woman handed over the umbrella suddenly.

Bai Feng took it, and held up the red umbrella to shield the beautiful woman and him from the wind and rain.

"I hate cowardly men who give up without even trying."

"I also hate stupid men. He may not be bad, but he is used as a knife to kill people with an innocent and righteous face."

Whispering softly, said from the mouth of the beautiful woman.

For some things, she always finds someone to talk to.

And this person is not Baidoubao.

After she finished speaking a few sentences, she didn't say anything else, leaning silently under the white wind umbrella, she came to the carriage in the dark alley in the distance, picked up her long black skirt, and got into the carriage.

Royal car is the bean bag.

Bai Feng also got into the car.

in the car
The beautiful woman suddenly smiled and said: "You dare to come here today, it seems that the kung fu has improved, after you go back, let Auntie have a look?"

Bai Feng said: "Just a little bit"

The beautiful woman rested her chin again, looked at him and said: "But you can find out that he is here, what should I say about you? Little boy. Maybe, you can really surprise Auntie.

In view of this intention, Auntie will give you a reward.Just tonight, don't wait. "

Coquettish and charming, like poppies blooming in the night.

At midnight, in Zangjiao Garden, in the Huahou Pavilion.

Bai Feng received the reward.

But he didn't fully receive it, because he didn't do anything, but quietly hugged the beautiful woman in his arms.

And the beautiful woman also let him hug and cling to her.

"Don't you really want to do something?" the beautiful woman asked frivolously, but there was some hidden sadness in her eyes.

Bai Feng hugged her tightly and said, "Next time."

The beautiful woman's red lips moved a few times, and she wanted to say a few more words, but she seemed to be tired after all, she took off her smile, closed her eyes, and said softly: "Then next time."

(End of this chapter)

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