You become holy by eating soft food, right?

Chapter 106 104.9 months later...

Chapter 106 104. Nine Months Later (Subscribe)

The days of concentrating on cultivation are boring, boring and without emotional fluctuations.

Bai Feng, who possesses [Yin Demon Embracing Dao Zhang (Remnant Chapter)] and [Black Moon Harnessing Hell Art], is living such a life.
And outside.
A certain balance has been reached between the monolithic cat family and the sparrow family.

The Black Moon Demon Controlling Sect wanted to carry out the plan of "help one fight one" again, but unfortunately the Mao family and the Que family didn't care about him.

The Black Moon Demon Controlling Sect could only end by itself, making all kinds of troubles in secret, such as arresting the Mao family, framing the Que family, arresting the Que family, and then framing the Mao family.

The cats and sparrows already had an old feud, and such an agitation naturally aroused conflicts.

But the cats and birds are not fools. After going back and forth a few times, they all know who did it.

A "three-legged" situation is formed.

Both the Mao family and the Que family want to join the Black Moon Demon Controlling Sect.

At the same time, the Mao family and the Que family also want to fuck each other.

The reason is very simple, there is some hatred, and they know it is "to sow dissension", but they will still be fooled, because there is real hatred.

With hatred, even when the other party enters the door with his left foot, or the other party breathes a little faster, it can become a reason for dislike.

But in the court hall, the Mao family and the sparrow family all spoke in unison, saying that they would send troops to destroy the Black Moon Demon Sect.

With military power, there is a lot to do.

After all, if you destroy your own family, you don't know how many people you will lose.

It is impossible for the Mao family and the Que family to cooperate, and even more people will die.

The Black Moon Demon Controlling Sect is a powerful and intricate force, and after digesting some of the Snake Family, its background is very terrifying.

And the battle between the goblin and the demon-controlling sect may also cause a situation of "fighting to feed the war", the opponent becomes stronger and stronger, and the opponent becomes weaker and weaker.

Decades ago, the Dayuan iron cavalry slaughtered the lineage of taoist priests who control monsters. Decades later, the cat and sparrow family wanted to do it again.

The emperor agreed, but did not fully agree.

The emperor agreed to send troops, but the Ministry of War said that there were no more soldiers.
Nowadays, Mingjiao uprisings are everywhere, and soldiers and horses are needed everywhere, while the forbidden army in the palace needs to protect the royal family, and the city defense army of the imperial capital needs to protect the imperial capital. place.

The cats and sparrows were a little dumbfounded.

The emperor suggested setting up a new army, but it needed training and it would take a little time.After the training is over, it will be used to attack the Black Moon Demon Controlling Sect.

Cats and sparrows can't refuse
The name of the new army—Fayue, began to be established slowly.

However, the middle way collapsed, let it go.

The reason is simple, no money, and the weather is too hot.

For some reason, this summer has been extraordinarily hot, and in late autumn, the heat still hasn't dissipated.

In winter, the temperature dropped a little, but in the twelfth lunar month, the flowers bloomed abnormally.

Obviously it should be the season of howling wind and freezing weather, but spring is warm and flowers are blooming
And when the real spring comes, the original "March with warm spring and flowers" has become "hot and unbearable dog days". People walking on the street fainted directly from the heat.

People start to get scared.

It's already so hot this spring, and I don't know what will happen when it comes to summer.

March of the following year
On this day, in the Prince's Mansion.

The servant girl was by the well, with her sleeves rolled up, turning the pulley hard.

In the sound of babbling, the wooden barrel sank slowly, and after a while, only the rope was "swish" down.

Soon, the wooden barrel sank to the bottom of the well, but there was no feeling of floating in the water, but a feeling of bottoming out.

The servant girl held the pulley with one hand and the rope with the other, swinging back and forth for a long time, but only pulled up half a bucket of water.

The water was cloudy and full of yellow mud.

"No water"

The maid was dumbfounded.

She only heard that which one of the houses in the market had no water, but she never thought that her own house would also have no water.

This is the Prince's Mansion, and the well in the Prince's Mansion is out of water, which is too unbelievable.

The kitten girl in tight black clothes stood beside her with a dignified expression.

The servant girl cried and said: "Master, there is no water, there is no water at all."

Sister Doubao said lightly, "Since last autumn, it hasn't rained and there is no water. It's normal."

The servant girl was infected by the chief steward's calm tone.

The servant girl couldn't help thinking: The chief manager looks small, but every big event must be calm.

the other side.

Doubao cried and said, "My lord, there is no water in the house, and I am dying of thirst, meow."

The beautiful woman is wearing a red gauze as thin as a cicada's wings, her ankles are not covered, but her ankles are exposed, which seems to be burning on a hot day.

Compared with a year ago, beautiful women have changed a lot. If they want to change, it is that the image of "dignified" and "frivolous" is more profound.

"You have a clone. Didn't the clone go to Xuequan Mountain with the royal family? Isn't the water in Xuequan Mountain not enough for you to drink?"


Sister Doubao suddenly felt that life was not difficult.

She said again: "Master, you and His Highness should go to the mountain together. You must go to Tianlu Mountain. Tianlu Mountain is much better than Xuequan Mountain."

Xuequan Mountain and Tianlu Mountain, one in the west of the city and the other in the east of the city, are mountains dedicated to supplying water to the imperial palace.And the latter is better.

"How is Bai Feng doing now?"

"Not out yet."

"Shut up and die?"

"No, he was fine when I delivered the meal yesterday. It's just." Sister Doubao paused and sighed softly, "It just feels more and more ordinary, not as handsome as before."

"How long has it been since I saw him?" the beautiful woman asked lazily.

Sister Doubao snapped her fingers and said, "Three months, you haven't seen him for three whole months."

"The little man is obediently retreating, didn't he go anywhere?"

"I didn't go, Empress. Everyone in Wu knew that he was retreating, so they didn't bother him."

"Such a strong blood, so much desire. Doubao, did you send him paper?" The beautiful woman suddenly laughed like a silver bell.

Sister Doubao shook her head, and said softly: "The servant girl has checked everything, and found nothing abnormal. Are you going to see him, my lord?"

"Go see him, there is no water in the house, he should be closed now."

In the depths of the Prince's Mansion.

In the courtyard of the storage cabinet.

The boy glanced at his own information.

【Name: Baifeng】

【Shouyuan: 18/48】

[Occupation: Martial Artist (Rank [-])]

[Blood: Demon Bear Addiction - Crazy (Blue)]

[Zhen Qi: Yin Demon Hug One VI (Purple)]

[Spirit: Black Moon Spirit Enhancement (Green)]

[Special: Variation Prophet (Red)]

Active skill: Reincarnation——deals 100%*9 physical attack damage. After affixed with Yin Yin Talisman, each additional physical attack power will be increased by 60%, and a maximum of 9 pieces can be attached [Zhen Qi: Yin Demon Hug One VI] (Purple)】

Passive skill 1: Demon heart———Physical attack power increased by 9*14% [Zhen Qi: Yin Demon Hug One VI (Purple)]

Passive skill 2: Bloodthirsty——all attributes, and recovery power, blood volume increased by 8%, after seeing blood, the value is tripled [Blood: Demon Bear Addiction - Crazy (Blue)]

Passive skill 3: Black Moon Controlling Demon——has 4 demon spaces, and draws power from space fairies (it has been replaced by a higher level, and the current comprehensive increase is 120) [Spirit: Black Moon Spirit Enhancement (Green)]

For more than half a year, he has been studying [Yin Mo Bao Yi Yan Dao Zhang (remnant chapter)], and the word "remnant chapter" of this exercise has been removed.

Bai Feng completed the mental method of performing Daozhang, so that the 70% mortality rate of honing martial arts beads disappeared, but became a 95% failure rate.

But different from other exercises, if you fail, you can continue to try.

However, if this exercise is to be perfected from blue to purple, it needs to be successful 45 times.

That is to say, in the case of a 95% failure rate, you have enough counter-yin symbols and succeed 45 times.

But this kind of failure is not unlimited. After reaching a certain limit, this skill will be locked directly, and the number of times this time is about 500.

In other words, on average, you will succeed once out of ten times.

Proper Ouhuang Kung Fu.
Then calculate his current strength.

The strength data of the fourth rank is 300 for the time being, and 120 is added to the "Grace of Enlightenment", and the basic value is 420.

Even if there is no blood, the value of passive energy provided is 134%.

And even if the Yin Yin Talisman is not attached, the active skill "Rebirth" can provide a 900% bonus.

In other words, on weekdays, when Baifeng does not erupt, the data can reach "8845".

If there are nine Negative Yin Talismans posted, the data will be "14152".

As for seeing blood, because the power of [Magic Bear Addiction] has not been improved, there is not much, even if it is added, it is only "15120".

This is mainly because no one in the Mao family thought that the fake prince could practice this, let alone that he could practice it so fast that the follow-up exercises have not yet been obtained.
"It should be a bit short of Baizhi's strength. After all, Aunt Bai has no reason to explode."

"But if I can grind 'Yin Mo Bao Yi VI' into gold, there should be hope.

However, this requires me to play tricks.
I've tried my best.

On weekdays, I pretend to be ordinary, but on the other hand, I am extremely crazy and brutal, but it is really difficult, and I still haven't been able to touch the core.

Or, I turn to practice 'Black Moon Harnessing Demon Art'.

No, the 'Black Moon Harnessing the Black Art' will gradually fade away.

That is to get the "Grace of Enlightenment", which requires a good opinion. As long as the more strong people have a good opinion of me at 100, then I will be stronger. "

"It's time to get out and walk."

PS: Basic data reference (just to make it easier for everyone to understand the strength): Ninth Rank 10, Eighth Rank 20, Seventh Rank 30, Sixth Rank 100, Fifth Rank 200, Fourth Rank 300, Third Rank 1000, Second Rank 2000, First Rank 10000 ,ultimate? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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