You become holy by eating soft food, right?

Chapter 112 110. The Journey of the Crown Princess and Song Zhi

Chapter 112 110. The Journey of the Crown Princess and Song Zhi (for Subscription)
In the storage pavilion, following Bai Feng's description, Song Zhi was getting more and more headaches.

She originally wanted to cut through the mess quickly, no matter what the price was, she wanted to take Xiaofeng away from the Prince's Mansion.

In her opinion, Xiaofeng's identity is a servant, no matter how special he is in the prince's plan, he is still a servant with little strength.

The prince should be happy to exchange a servant for huge benefits.

For the Prince's Mansion, it was just the loss of a servant, but for her, it brought back her relatives, as well as her unspoken and unspoken beloved.

The darker and ruthless a person is, the more hidden in his heart is a person whom she has instilled all love in.

It is precisely because she condenses all her love into one place that she can be indifferent to the common people and ruthless to the world.

However, the development of things seemed extremely outrageous, far beyond her imagination.

Xiaofeng has become a fake prince, and he is also the prince of the entire cat family, he is going to fight for the throne
Fighting for the throne, what kind of terrifying vortex is this?

The more he ascended to a high position, the more Song Zhi could see the phantoms of those "lost people" in the high places.

Shadow Imperial Court, Xiang Er Guan, Fairy Family, Jianghu Family, Ming Cult, Demon Race, Taoist Sect, Remnants of Buddhism
These many nets, many thoughts, weaved into the vortex of the dark tide.

And the throne, although not the center, is clearly at the center of the vortex.

Once you get close, countless pairs of eyes will stare at you.

I heard that the current emperor is seriously ill and has coughed up blood for a long time.If he is here, all parties will be fine, and will be a little more stable, waiting for him to die. If he is not here, it will be a day of chaos in the world. How can the new emperor balance in this vortex?

Besides, she also heard some secret news about the Shadow Emperor Court.

The Shadow Imperial Court was supposed to protect the royal family, but there is only one emperor who is addicted to the demon bear, and the number of people in the black-robed imperial court is accumulating more and more. In addition to the old monster in the legend of the Shadow Imperial Court, they have already given birth to He came up with the idea of ​​controlling the imperial court.

The emperor seems to be aloof, but to some extent, he is already extremely dangerous.
And fighting for the throne after a narrow escape is just entering a more terrifying battlefield.

But now.
Xiaofeng is on this battlefield.

For a moment, Song Zhi hated the Mao family to death.

But she still had a bright and considerate look on her face, quietly listening to her brother's description.

"This is how things are now. Great changes have taken place in Longmelting Pond, which is unspeakably strange and involves a lot. Zhi'er and I plan to take refuge outside the imperial capital and return when the dust settles."

Baifeng knew what the princess was thinking, so he specially used the sweeter title "Zhier" here to reflect his relationship with the princess.

At the same time, he also knew that Sister Zhizhi was worried about him and had doubts about the people around him, so he just used this intimate address to dispel Sister Zhizhi's suspicion and reassure her.

The word "Zhier" was passed by, and the princess immediately understood Bai Feng's careful thoughts. She would say "no big or small" on weekdays, but now she seemed to declare sovereignty, and said naturally: "Now we For the cat family, my prince is the most important. It must not be a dangerous place, so we must leave.

My prince is worried about your sister, so we have to wait a few more days, otherwise we would have left long ago.

My sister-in-law is also true. She wrote a letter and didn't come sooner, so we had to wait. "


To son?

The pronunciation is so similar, but the meaning is very different.

Song Zhi was in a daze for a moment. As the leader of the Southern Alliance, she had dealt with countless things and killed countless people in this year. What overtones couldn't be heard?

However, she was not extreme, and quickly understood the thoughts of the two people in front of her, and extracted two important pieces of information from the words of the princess.

One, the princess thought she wrote a letter asking Bai Feng to wait for her, but she didn't write it;
Second, Bai Fengzhi predicted that she would come in advance, and the process of her entering the mansion was extremely smooth.

These two judgments made her firmly believe that Bai Feng was the "prophet", but the princess did not know the "prophet".

It is clear at a glance whether it is strange or far.

She closed her eyes slightly, stood up and replied respectfully: "Song Zhi doesn't dare, if that's the case, then leave quickly. It's better to go than to stay in such a dangerous place, and changes will happen later."

Spring waves flowed in the princess's beautiful eyes, and she said: "Come on, prepare the car."

On this day, five carriages left the Prince's Mansion.

Then, the four people, Crown Princess, Song Zhi, Dou Bao, and Bai Feng quietly left through the secret passage.

The tortuous route will soon reach the end.

After leaving the secret path, there was a mountain forest. Dou Bao stretched out comfortably, while Song Zhi suddenly drew his sword, and in a flash of his body, he swept to a place like an electric fire.

She didn't see any movement, and three men in black came out from the shadows with dull faces. Their faces were full of inexplicable fear, so they couldn't help themselves, they couldn't control their movements at all, and they just walked aimlessly. Song Zhi came over.

Song Zhi didn't even look at it, he pulled out the saber skillfully, and three heads fell to the ground.

At the same time, dozens of old bamboos from this mountain forest fell to the ground.

The bamboo leaves were flourishing, and when they fell to the ground, they just covered the bodies of the three people.

As a result, the bloody scene was also covered up, instead of falling into Bai Feng's eyes.

She walked back quickly, and Bai Guanshi stared at her with wide eyes, just put down his stretched hands, and said in shock: "How do you know there is someone here?

He. How did they hide it?

I obviously checked, and I didn't find anyone at all. "

Song Zhidao: "They have invisibility talismans affixed to them, so it's definitely not possible to check them normally.

Among the three schools of Taoism, Yuanshen is the most powerful, but itself is weak; Yaoyu is the most balanced, but everyone can shout and beat; Talismans are the most treacherous, strange and changeable. "

Doubao said: "Which Taoist sect will help them?"

Song Zhidao: "It doesn't have to be the Daoist sect, the underground world can also buy talismans."

Doubao asked: "Then how did you find out? Can your eyes still see through the invisibility talisman?"

Manager Bai was very unconvinced, everyone was at the sixth rank a year ago, why can she be abused by picking someone now?
Song Zhi said indifferently: "It's just some small means that can't be put on the table, so it's not worth mentioning.

Baiguan, now is not the time to talk about this, let's leave quickly."

The princess said: "Let's go first."

Bean Bao is not to be outdone.

The little cat can feel the Lord's thoughts the most. She can feel that Song Zhi is not kind to those who come, and the kind people don't come, so she wants to save face for the Lord.

So, a group of beanbag sisters and cats poked their heads, suddenly leaned out from the trees, and suddenly raised their heads from the grass to show their pomp.

Song Zhi glanced at it from the corner of his eye, and pretended he didn't see it without saying anything.

In her eyes, Manager Bai behaved like a child, but if it was an enemy, it would be a mob. She killed them very quickly, and none of them could escape.

The four of them moved forward quickly, passing through the maze-like forest, and behind a rock, a quack-style carriage was parked.

On the carriage, sat a short man wearing a bamboo hat, a Tsing Yi, and a knife.

This is Sister Doubao in "jianghu fashion".

The chivalrous lady Doubao on the carriage waved and greeted the leading lady Doubao, then the leading lady stopped obediently and watched the three of them get into the carriage.

The route of the carriage has been arranged long ago, so naturally the whereabouts of the prince cannot be known, otherwise it will be extremely dangerous.

Sister Doubao happily drives the carriage
But in the car, there are some subtleties.

At first, Bai Feng planned to sit in the middle.

The crown princess pulled him and let him sit on her left, and the remaining vacant seat was on the right.

However, Song Zhi didn't sit in the vacant seat on the right, but sat on the left side with Bai Feng, and then said: "Xiaofeng, tell me about what happened these years okay?"

The princess shrugged slightly.

So, Bai Feng gently squeezed the beautiful woman's shoulders, and at the same time talked with Song Zhi about these years.

To say that there is really a lot to say, although he spent most of this year in retreat, comprehending and perfecting the [Yin Mo Huo Yi Dao Zhang], but the events that happened and participated in other times It is also extremely complicated.

He has personally experienced the rise and fall of the Snake family, and has also participated in it.

While talking, the beautiful woman yawned and said lazily: "Tired."

Bai Feng put his arms around her shoulders.

The princess is like a cat protecting the food, she continued to declare her sovereignty and fell asleep leaning on Baifeng's shoulder. Although her relationship with Baifeng didn't end in this part, and even though it was uncomfortable to sleep like this, she didn't want to just because of a temporary Negligence allows the domestic monster to be pried away by other women.

Song Zhi is from the city, she turned her head silently, opened the curtain slightly, and looked out the window
The sky was getting dark, and counting the distance, it was just enough to get out of the imperial capital, but it couldn't reach further.

She asked, "Camping, or traveling?"

"Hurry up, the surrounding area of ​​the imperial capital is still very lively after nightfall, so if you hurry, you won't be noticed," said the princess.


Song Zhi responded softly, holding the knife in his arms slightly sideways in the darkness, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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