Chapter 69 Ability Grant!Faith surges! !

About how to engage in a wave of Poseidon.

Lin Mo also had a plan in his heart.

He looked back at his younger brothers.

I didn't expect that the rations that I didn't like at the beginning would still be of great use today!

"Is there something we need to do?"

A dolphin came to Lin Mo's side.

This is also the smartest of Lin Mo's followers, and his mouth is quite sweet!


Lin Mo nodded.

If you want to expand Lin Mo's beliefs, Lin Mo alone cannot do it.

"I will give you some abilities."

"You go to save those humans who are in danger."

"And leave this thing behind."

Lin Mo used his own ability to condense a red and blue dragon-shaped emblem.


The soul beasts in front of Lin Mo all expressed their understanding.

As for the reason why Lin Mo did this, they don't care, it's enough to do their own thing well!


Lin Mo used the 'Predator' to connect the soul beasts in front of him with himself.

Then, according to their race, they were endowed with different abilities.

"This power!"

The dolphin sensed his rapidly growing cultivation, and his eyes were full of surprise.

'really! '

'Following Mr. Lin Mo is the most correct decision I have ever made! '

The dolphin couldn't help thinking in his heart.

"Dolphin, I give you a 'Ice Desire'."

"You are an ice attribute soul beast, this skill is the most suitable for you!"

As Lin Mo's number one younger brother, Lin Mo certainly doesn't mind giving it some powerful skills.

'Frozen Desire' is just that.

It can greatly increase the damage and control ability of ice attribute soul beasts.

Coupled with the soul power given to it by Lin Mo, the dolphin directly became a 7-year-old soul beast!

There is also the power of self-protection in the sea!

Under the dolphins, the most powerful is a phantom seahorse.

It belongs to the spirit beast.

Can let the enemy see his happiest moment, and then kill him at this time.

And Lin Mo's most powerful is also the spirit.

So Lin Mo directly gave Phantom Seahorse a bunch of spiritual skills, and improved its mental power.

It can be said that the biggest harvest this time is not the dolphins, but the phantom seahorse.

The strength has directly reached 8 years!
Stronger than a dolphin.

"You all go!"

"Remember, be sure to leave the badge for you!"

Lin Mo ordered again, and then let his younger brothers disperse.


The soul beasts scattered away...



"Why did I meet giant claw crabs here!"

A medium-sized fishing boat was riddled with potholes.

There are also many places that are neatly divided into two sections as if they have been cut by scissors.

A huge red crab claw hit the fishing boat again from the bottom of the sea, adding another blow to the crumbling fishing boat!
"Oh no!"

"Captain, the ship will surely sink if we go on like this!"

How could the captain not know what would happen to them if this went on.

But now he can't do anything about it!

This giant claw crab is a 5-year-old soul beast!

That's what a medium-sized fishing boat like them can resist!


"Have humans been attacked..."

The dolphin rushed up after seeing this scene.

A 5-year-old giant claw crab is no match for it!
"Touch of Ice!"

The dolphin's tail was wrapped in ice, and it swiped towards the giant claw crab.

The huge force directly lifted the giant claw crab from the bottom of the sea to the sky.

The terrifying power of ice exploded, directly speaking that the giant claw crab was frozen into ice lumps in the sky.

"The ability that the Lord gave me is really terrifying!"

Lin Mo gave it two skills, one is the 'Ice Desire' augmentation ability, and the other is the 'Ice Touch' single-target attack ability.


"We survived?"

The people on the fishing boat looked at the giant claw crab that was frozen into ice bumps.

They really don't understand what's going on.

Just now they were going to be buried in the belly of the fish, but now the giant claw crab is gone?
The dolphin looked at the humans on the fishing boat and directly revealed itself.

"It's over!"

After everyone on the fishing boat saw another soul beast appeared, their hearts that had just been relieved were desperate again.

But beyond everyone's expectations.

The dolphin spirit beast didn't attack them, but threw a red and blue object instead.

Then disappeared in front of everyone.

"this is……"

Everyone gathered around, and a red and blue dragon-shaped badge appeared in front of them.

"this thing……"

"It feels a bit like the Sea Dragon King!"

The captain also knew about Wang Lin, and he also visited the Sea Dragon King Temple.

The Sea Dragon King there is almost exactly the same as the one on this badge!
"That's right!"

"It's the Sea Dragon King!"

Many people here have heard about the Sea Dragon King and have worshiped it in the past.

So it was quickly recognized.

"Could it be that the soul beast just now is a subordinate of the Sea Dragon King?"

Everyone looked at each other...


Similar incidents have occurred frequently in the near future.

Shocked the fishermen along the coast again.

The Sea Dragon King Temple built by Wang Lin kept burning incense.

Lin Mo received more and more power of faith!
Many fishermen who were rescued by Lin Mo's men no longer believed in the sea god.

Instead, he turned around and became Lin Mo's fanatic.

Mainly, at their most dangerous time, the sea god they believed in did not appear.

Instead, it was Lin Mo's men who rescued them.

How could this make them believe in the Sea God again?

One is the sea dragon king who does practical things, and the other is the illusory god. Even ghosts know how to choose!

"So, Sea Dragon King is really a great character!"

"That's right, if it wasn't for the Sea Dragon King, I would have been eaten by giant claw crabs!"

"I met a demon octopus..."

Everyone is talking about their experiences outside the Sea Dragon King Temple...



Feeling the improvement of his cultivation base, Lin Mo couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart.

The undulating body made Princess Hai under Lin Mo cast a charming glance at Lin Mo.

"Happy today!"

"Come here!"

Lin Mo pressed Princess Hai's head.

"Sea God..."

"I don't know what kind of expression you will have when you find out about this..."

A smile appeared on Lin Mo's face...

(End of this chapter)

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