Chapter 179 The Lost Loom
It was the dog who had been waiting outside Xu's mansion to report the letter.It seems that people from the village can't enter the inner house, so the internal official Gou'er made the report on his behalf.Zhu Su pleaded guilty to Xu Da and Xie Shi, and left the banquet outside the pavilion.

"what's up?"

"Mr. Yao sent someone to report that there was civil unrest in the Zhuangzi cement kiln, and someone set fire to it at night." Gou'er said to Zhu Su.

"Civil unrest?" Zhu Su was a little surprised.Ever since he figured out the way and successfully developed cement, Zhu Su handed over the cement kiln to the Ministry of Industry.It's been a long time since I asked about the situation there.

Could it be that the Ministry of Industry pushed too hard and pushed the craftsmen back?
"Has the chaos spread? Are other places okay?"

"It's okay. It calmed down soon. When Li Qianhu led his troops to arrive, the fire on the kiln had already been extinguished. There were not too many casualties. It's just..."

Zhu Su was a little surprised, since there were no casualties, Yao Guangxiao hurriedly sent someone to find him what to do.If there is no diffusion, that is the Ministry of Industry's business.As for the affairs of the Ministry of Industry, let the Ministry of Industry handle it by itself, and it has nothing to do with us.

"It's just that Mr. Yao specifically asked me to tell you that the loom in the small workshop next to the cement kiln is missing." Gou'er continued.

In fact, he was a little puzzled, but it was just a loom, so there was nothing to emphasize.

But he didn't want to, when he heard the word loom, his Fifth Highness was stunned for a moment, and then his face turned pale.

"The loom?"

"The loom is missing?"

The loom that the dog talks about is the Jenny loom that Zhu Su tinkered with.After studying the existing looms in Ming Dynasty, Zhu Su successfully made the first version of the Jenny loom with eight spindles after several failures.

The efficiency of spinning has been successfully increased to eight times.If you continue to increase the spindle, you can even improve it even more.

The workshop for improving looms happened to be near the cement kiln, so it was placed under the management of a Lang official from the Ministry of Industry together with the cement kiln.Many people sneered at Zhu Su's insistence on playing with looms.No one could have imagined that this small loom has such a huge energy hidden behind it, and what kind of storm it will cause in the history of mankind.

Except Yao Guangxiao!
Come to think of it, through what Zhu Su told him about "sheep eating people" before, Yao Guangxiao guessed that the so-called rough plan of the grassland was on this humble loom.

Therefore, after discovering that the loom was missing, he hurriedly sent someone to report to Zhu Su.

"Uncle Xu, Auntie. There is some trouble in Zhuangzi, and I'm afraid I will be excused."

Zhu Su turned back into the pavilion and confessed to Xu Da and Xie Shi. "When I have free time, I will apologize to my uncle and aunt."

"You kid, why don't you pay for your crimes?" Xie said.

Xu Da saw that Zhu Su's face was not right, so he asked with a serious face, "Is it important?"

"It's nothing serious, Li Qianhu has put the chaos to rest."

"It's just something I'm concerned about, and I want to go back and check it out."

Zhu Su replied.Xu Da nodded. "Li Rong is a strong general. With him in charge, I think there won't be any chaos."

"Since your Highness is interested, you can go on your own. If you have time to spare, come here and talk about it."

Zhu Su nodded, bowed again, got up and left.The rush of footsteps caused the Xu family in the pavilion to look sideways.Seeing Zhu Su leaving in such a hurry, Mrs. Xie couldn't help wondering: "Didn't you say it's over? Why did His Highness the Fifth Prince leave in such a hurry?"

Xu Da lightly twirled his short beard thoughtfully, then suddenly turned his head and asked Xu Yungong: "Yungong, you have been with His Highness for a long time, do you know what in this Zhuangzi makes His Highness so nervous?"

Xu Yungong paused for a moment, frowned and thought about it, before he said: "His Royal Highness usually doesn't care about everything. He only cares about the matter of investigating things."

"Could it be that the rioters destroyed the cement kilns and glass kilns in Zhuangzi. Or places like firearms trial workshops..."

"There are only a few fire kiln workshops in the area. They are destroyed and rebuilt. They are just some strange skills and ingenious things."

"Going in such a hurry, if you bump into one or two evils on the road, the son of a thousand gold will not be able to sit down..." After realizing it, Xie began to worry about Zhu Su's safety.

"What mother said is wrong." It was Xu Miaoyun who refuted Mrs. Xie.

"The knowledge of His Highness Fifth Highness is mostly practical."

"Those things he made may turn stones into gold, defeat the enemy and win victory, or benefit the country and the people. How can they be summed up in four words: miraculous skills and obscenities."

"It may even have a more advanced's just hard for us to know."

She looked at the direction Zhu Su was leaving, and gently pinched the corner of the embroidered skirt.


"Why did the cement kiln suddenly become chaotic?" Disliked that the carriage was too slow, Zhu Su simply abandoned the carriage and took a horse, and rode the horse out of the city to gallop towards Huangzhuang.Dozens of soldiers were divided into two teams to guard the left and right, holding torches to illuminate the official road, not afraid that they would not be able to ride the road at night.While speeding, Zhu Su asked a young sergeant beside him.The young sergeant's name was Di Meng, who was ordered by Yao Guangxiao to inform the lost loom, and he was also one of the twenty or so soldiers who had been trained.On that day, there were two teams of mandarin ducks, one team had Zhu Su as its opponent, and the other team had Di Meng as its opponent.

"My lord." Di Meng was also riding a horse, no matter how fast or slow Zhu Su was, he was always half a body behind Zhu Su's right, thinking that Zhu Su was guarding his side. "No one knows the specifics. The official Mei Lang of the cement kiln pretended to be putting out the fire and wouldn't let me get close to the cement kiln easily."

"The loss of the loom was caused by one of our brothers who saw the mess in the workshop..."

"Hmm..." Zhu Su bit his lower lip and thought.Mei Ying, who is in charge of the cement kiln, is an official from the Ministry of Industry, and it is normal for Li Rong, who is in charge of the Qianhu Institute, to be unable to suppress Qianhu.It has been several months since I have not managed the cement kiln. The most likely reason is that Mei Ying exploited too much, which aroused the resentment of the craftsmen and set fire to the coal kiln.But what did they do with the loom?
"Dog!" Zhu Su shouted, and the dog on Zhu Su's left hurried up to meet him. "Let's go ahead and check the glass kiln, steel kiln, and firearms workshop to see if any craftsmen are lost."

"Also, go to a few inns in the market and ask if that Korean man named Wang Zaixian still stays in the market!"

Gou'er was stunned for a moment, wondering why his prince thought of the Korean man surnamed Wang.

But he didn't ask any more questions after all, and after answering, he held up a torch and rode off on his horse.

"It can't be that this universe country is really a stick, come to steal something." Zhu Su gritted his teeth.Originally, he was only wary of the Korean man named Wang Zaixian stealing his own science and technology, but he never thought about whether the other party would extend his hand to those industries in Zhuangzi.

However, apart from glass and cement, other things have not yet shown their sharpness. A mere Korean person should not know the actual value and function of looms and other things.

Moreover, the cement kiln has been adhering to the production principle of "assembly line" before. Even if they caught a few cement craftsmen in the chaos, they still have no way of knowing the exact formula.As long as the loom is recovered, it will be no big deal... After comforting himself in this way, Zhu Su continued to ride the horse, and found that his Suwangzhuang was close at hand.

(End of this chapter)

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