Daming: At the start of the showdown, Lao Zhu was stunned

Chapter 184 Is it true that I dare not kill you?

Chapter 184 Is it true that I dare not kill you?
"Are you really not afraid that I will tell Father?" Zhu Su didn't notice Yao Guangxiao's thoughtfulness, and only looked at Zhu Xian in front of him coldly, confronting him.

"Your Majesty is wise and powerful. Even if Your Majesty is His Majesty's own son, how can Your Majesty listen to what His Majesty's family says?" After killing Wang Zaixian, Zhu Xian was even more confident.

"Since the matter has come to this, I have something to say, Your Highness, please listen quietly."

"You and I might as well just pretend that this never happened... Since you have recovered these craftsmen, I, the Marquis of Yongjia, have also got a little trick in your hands."

"Your Highness has no loss, and we can pretend nothing happened. How?"

"What if I don't agree?" Zhu Su said coldly.

"Your Highness is still young after all." Zhu Xian shook his head, as if he couldn't stand Zhu Su.

"How can those who achieve great things stick to small details. Your Highness needs the help of my Yongjia Marquis Mansion, and my Marquis Mansion is also a sincere vassal of Your Highness."

"Besides, if we leave His Highness, it's amazing that His Highness informed His Majesty of this matter. But the witness is dead, His Majesty can at most reprimand my Marquis."

"But if His Highness leaves us...the rest of the Marquis Mansion attached to His Highness must be suspicious in their hearts, thinking that His Majesty treats us poorly."

"The advantages and disadvantages of it, I hope His Highness will think about it for himself."

Zhu Su cast a cold glance at Zhu Siam, and saw that he had a confident expression on his face, as if he was sure that Zhu Su would agree.

Indeed, judging from the results, Zhu Su didn't have any losses.If it is for the benefit, it is the most correct choice to continue to collude with the Marquis of Yongjia.

"Your Highness." At this moment, the dog that was guarding the craftsmen suddenly turned around behind Zhu Su.


"Your Highness, among the missing craftsmen, three are not here."

The dog whispered.

"The three people who are not here are all refugees on the cement kiln..."

"Let's go and ask."

Zhu Su turned his head to look at Gou'er, waved him casually, and Gou'er nodded, and went back to ask among the craftsmen.

Zhu Su turned his head and asked Zhu Xian:
"Since this is the case, Prince Zhu has to show some sincerity first."

"Since you feel that this king has no loss, then this king has something to ask you."

"Among the missing craftsmen, there are still three cement kiln craftsmen, but I don't know where they are now?"

Hearing that Zhu Su changed the subject, thinking that Zhu Su had given in, Zhu Xian said:

"Could it be that Your Highness thinks that my Hou Mansion is really coveting the cement recipe, so they hid the three of them?" Zhu Xian snorted disdainfully.

"To be honest, if it's for His Highness's prescriptions, my Hou Mansion really has no interest in abolishing this Zhou Zhang."

He kicked Wang Zaixian's body on the ground.

"I don't know what is the allure of His Highness's Gewu, which has attracted such admiration from the Koreans."

"He originally wanted to join His Highness's door, and asked me to introduce him on his behalf. But he couldn't get in."

"That's why I made a crooked idea, thinking about stealing those recipes from workshops everywhere, and finding out the mystery of Gewu."

"It's ridiculous to even take away the broken wood..." He said and looked at the Jenny machine over there.

Zhu Su narrowed his eyes slightly.It seems that the Koreans did not necessarily want to steal prescriptions, but what they wanted to steal might be the knowledge of "gewu".That's why I don't know what the Jenny machine does, but I stole it when I saw it alone in the workshop.

"This king didn't ask you these things."

"What this king is asking is where are the three craftsmen?"

Zhu Su was expressionless.

"Your Highness, don't worry. They are not hidden by me."

"The cement was created by His Royal Highness. Even if there is a prescription, without His Highness's approval, our Marquis Mansion cannot make and sell cement openly."

"How much profit can I make by selling it privately? To me, this cement recipe is nothing more than tasteless."

"Those three craftsmen were killed by me."

Zhu Xian's tone was extremely indifferent, as if he was talking about killing a chicken.


Zhu Su's tone froze.

"It's just three refugees, why should your Highness bother?" Zhu Xian's tone was a little impatient, as if he thought there was nothing to say about such a trivial matter.

"Your Highness." Gou'er came back after asking, and whispered to Zhu Su with his ears: "I have asked clearly."

"Most of these craftsmen were hijacked by Yongjia Houshizi's people pretending to be refugees. Ordinary craftsmen arrested their wives and children and threatened them, but those three were refugees without wives and children."

"I heard that after they were asked to go to Korea, the three of them had no family members, and they believed that they had a meal because of your kindness, so they resolutely refused to reveal the cement formula."

"In order to scare the chickens and monkeys, Yongjia Hou Shizi beheaded him in public..."

"My great kindness?" Zhu Su was taken aback.When those refugees came to Zhuangzi, I just asked them to leave a bowl of porridge so that they could work to support themselves.

It's just that, what kind of grace is this?
Is it worth their... losing their lives?


Zhu Su was speechless for a while, and Zhu Xian couldn't hear what the dog said to Zhu Su, so he was surprised.

However, looking at Zhu Su's complexion, his face turned blue and white.Knowing that Zhu Su was thinking about something, he didn't bother him.

Anyway, in his opinion, it is inevitable for Zhu Su to be soft.The Korean man is dead, and there is no proof of his death. The biggest weakness of the Yongjiahou Mansion has been covered up.

So what if he is a prince?If he wanted to wrestle with the prince, he had to win over the power of the Marquis of Yongjia.

The basic pros and cons, even though His Highness the King of Wu is just a yellow-mouthed child, he should be able to understand it clearly.

Sure enough, Zhu Su spoke after a while. "Zhu Shizi."

"Since you said that nothing happened, why did you let these soldiers surround me?"

Zhu Xian's face was filled with joy, and he thought that this kid was finally going down the stairs.Immediately said: "Your Highness, forgive me, these soldiers have no malice towards His Highness."

"Speaking of which, they are not soldiers under my command, they just have some friendship with my father. An Gan is not good for you. I think it is because I have never met the prince of the Tian family, so I am curious... You still have to get out of the way!" Head to scold those soldiers who are faintly encircled.

"Hehe. So that's the case. It's just that this king is still young after all, and his heart is really terrified... Can Prince Zhu come to accompany this king? With Prince Zhu accompanying him, this king can feel at ease. What do you think?" Zhu Su said with a face He barely showed a smile on his face.

Seeing Zhu Su's stiff smile, Zhu Xian felt even more disdainful.The young prince was actually intimidated by the soldiers, because he wanted to go to him as a hostage, so he could rest assured.

After thinking about it, he simply threw away the long sword in his hand, and spread his hands to express that he had no weapon in his hand, "Since His Highness wishes so, how dare I not obey." He said and walked to Zhu Su's side.

"Oh, Prince Zhu is quite courageous." Zhu Su whispered.A pair of eyes looked at Zhu Xian without any emotion. "You underestimated me so much today, aren't you afraid that I will kill you with a single sword?"

"Your Highness won't do that." Zhu Xian was confident.He felt that he was like those courageous and scheming lobbyists in ancient times, showing off his extraordinary courage: "As I said just now, if I cooperate with Your Highness, we will benefit both, and if we divide, we will harm both."

"Some verbal conflicts, I should make up for it. I think it will be relieved in the future. How can a wise and martial artist use words to determine the way to die."

"Besides, my family is also a prince. If you kill me, His Highness will have no chance with you..."

"Therefore, His Highness will not kill me, nor dare to kill me."

Zhu Xian was extremely determined.

"You are right. Words are not the way to kill." Zhu Su nodded lightly.


"Are you really my king and dare not kill you?"

The tone of this voice was light, but it was like a thunderbolt, which suddenly rang in Zhu Xian's ears,

Zhu Xian was shocked all over, and turned his head suddenly in shock, but what he saw was a cold light like autumn water...

(End of this chapter)

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