Daming: At the start of the showdown, Lao Zhu was stunned

Chapter 186 Why Does Your Highness Injure Himself?

Chapter 186 Why Does Your Highness Injure Himself?

"Amitabha. Your Highness, we have dealt with it properly." Li Rong walked over and interrupted the conversation between Zhu Su and Di Meng.

"People have been sent to report to the Fusi of Jinyiwei Town and the Yamen of the Ministry of Punishment that Zhu Xian, the son of the Marquis of Yongjia, held His Highness hostage, but was killed by His Highness instead."

"Qixiawei was tied up and guarded by our people. They haven't escaped for the time being. And the Marquis of Yongjia is far away in Beiping. Our people must report the news faster."

"It's just that the number of Qixia Guards is much larger than ours. It's safer to report to the Governor's Mansion and send soldiers to guard them."

"Yes. Thank you Commander Li." Zhu Su nodded.Turning around, he asked Yao Guangxiao who had been silent all the time: "Monk, is it safe enough to do this?"

"Amitabha, from the point of view of this little monk, it's sixty-seven out of ten." Seeing Zhu Su's inquiry, Yao Guangxiao replied with clasped hands. "Our people go to report the news first, and they will take the initiative by taking advantage of this fast word. Your Majesty can easily finish for His Highness."

"And there is also the cabinet and Qingliu on the side of His Royal Highness..."

The cabinet and Qingliu have been suppressed by Hu Weiyong in Zhu Su's name these days, but the emperor let himself go, and the crown prince is protecting his younger brother and not allowing them to impeach, so they live in a very aggrieved way.

Now that they learned about Zhu Su's beheading of the son of the Marquis of Yongjia, they would not continue to sit idly by.He will definitely do his best to make it into an iron case, so that Zhu Su will be completely separated from the nobles of the Houfu, and he will do everything possible to find a way to bite Hu Weiyong.

Coincidentally, Zhu Su didn't want the people in the court to look at him at all, so he just took advantage of their strength to get out of this quagmire.

"Six or seven out of ten...it's still a little less." Zhu Su pondered for a moment. "Monk, from your point of view, where is it not perfect?"

"Returning to Your Highness, the dignified son of the Marquis Mansion, for the sake of a little wealth, he took the risk to assassinate the king... After all, it is too absurd." Yao Guangxiao said. "Although it is true that Zhu Xian colluded with the Koreans, it is unlikely that he would do such a treasonous thing just because of the incident of stealing the formula."

"Besides, the north is still in a stalemate with Beiyuan. If there is an assassination of Wang Jia, the case will be difficult to cover up. The king of Koryo must be prosecuted."

"Maybe someone in the court will ask to suppress the case on the grounds that they are worried that Goryeo will fall to Beiyuan."

"If so, your Highness will be in a disadvantaged position."

"Hmm..." Zhu Su frowned in thought, what Yao Guangxiao said was true, given the current situation of the war in the north, it is indeed possible that some ministers were afraid of Goryeo's relapse, and tried their best to suppress this matter.

If he couldn't kill Yongjia Hou with one blow, Zhu Su's own situation would be in danger.

I'm afraid I won't even dare to go out in the future.

"It's okay to be afraid of Korea..." After thinking about it again, with Lao Zhu's violent temper, if he wants to accomplish this, he shouldn't be fettered by mere Korea.

What's more, his father and son opened the future vision, and wanted to drag the situation in Korea, so Lao Zhu's political experience must have his way.

Maybe you can use your strength to fight, and add another firewood to the Li Chenggui rebellion in Goryeo in the future!
"As for the reason, it's too ridiculous..." Zhu Su thought for a while. "The monk means that I should find a way to make Zhu Xian's 'rebellion' more believable?"

"Amitabha, it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. This matter is too abrupt and absurd. In any case, if you intend to attack, you can take advantage of it." Yao Guangxiao put his hands together. "The meaning of the poor monk is that His Highness is the best, so that others will not dare to criticize, or His Majesty has a reason to refute the criticism..."

"Don't dare to criticize?"

Zhu Su thought for a while, and couldn't help but look up at Yao Guangxiao: "... Monk, do you have to do this?"

"Amitabha, the poor monk is just lying. It's up to His Highness to decide." Yao Guangxiao simply closed his eyes.

Di Meng, Gou'er, Li Rong and others all looked puzzled, not understanding what kind of riddle Zhu Su was playing with the monk in black.Zhu Su smiled wryly in his heart, and there was only one way to make Lao Zhu refute the criticism with legitimate reasons.

Because of his serious injury, when Chaoju lived in Qianqing Palace, the emperor's dormitory, he was in a similar situation.

As long as his son is injured, Lao Zhu can justifiably rage, and justifiably subdue the courtier Xun Jiu...

"Monk, it's best that the method you mentioned works." After thinking about it, Zhu Su gritted his teeth, and drew out his long sword under the horrified eyes of Gou'er and others. "Otherwise, I'll be in the palace and you let you be a servant!"

"Amitabha." Yao Guangxiao whispered the Buddha's name, neither happy nor sad.

"Dog, remember to apply the wound medicine I made myself after returning to Zhuangzi. Also, wrap my wound with gauze boiled in boiling water." Zhu Su turned his head and ordered.Then he closed his eyes, his heart became ruthless, and he turned the tip of the sword with a pop, and the tip of the sword sank a few inches into his shoulder.


Unexpectedly, Zhu Su who was in such pain suddenly fell backwards.

"Your Highness?"

"Your Highness!"

"Your Highness!"

The nearest Gou'er and Di Meng immediately caught Zhu Su in shock, and Li Rong also turned pale with fright:
"Your Highness, why did you harm yourself!"

"What self-mutilation, it was stabbed by Zhu Xian!" Zhu Su scolded.But it touched the wound, grinning in pain.After finally relieving himself, he looked at Yao Guangxiao: "Monk, this injury is enough."

"Amitabha, Your Highness is truly wise and brave." Yao Guangxiao clasped his hands together and praised.

"It's just that it doesn't need to be like this. The meaning of the poor monk is that as long as I look a little bit embarrassed, His Highness will cut off the clothes and smear some blood, so that I can pretend to be injured when I return to the city..."

"Damn!" Zhu Su stood up angrily and sat up, but then fell down again due to the injury on his shoulder: "You are so special!"

"Then you bastard, tell me sooner!"

"...The poor monk saw His Highness acting in a daze, thinking that His Highness had already realized..." Yao Guangxiao was rarely speechless.


"Day, I actually forgot!"

"My sword just stabbed that dog Zhu Xian!"

"Big loss, big loss."

"That guy, you don't have any infectious disease, do you?"


The imperial city, the palace of the body.

"What?" Old Zhu was writing the memorabilia under the tallow candle, when he heard Mao Xiang's report, the ink brush in his hand stopped immediately, and Nuo Da's red ink dripped on the memorabilia.

"You said, the fifth brother killed Zhu Xian, the prince of Yongjia Hou?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. The brocade spies stationed under the Fifth Highness saw it with their own eyes." Mao Xiang knelt on one knee, not daring to look up at the emperor's expression. "The messenger sent by His Royal Highness is already on the way. I think that soon, there will be officials from the Ministry of Punishment."

"Ridiculous!" Old Zhu threw the brush on the imperial case, making Mao Xiang tremble all over.

"What is the fifth one doing? How dare you kill someone at such a young age?"

"Liangzu is still far away in Beiping. If he knows that his eldest son is dead, why not cause trouble?"

"Those rotten fish and rotten shrimp bastards haven't all surfaced yet, so he's going to kill them first. Don't they ruin our big business!"

(End of this chapter)

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