Chapter 153

Chihiro's work at the soup house went smoothly.

Because of Gu Yun's intervention, Chihiro's status has changed, and she is no longer a helpless little human girl.

This made Granny Tang no longer order her around so casually.

The soup house was very busy with work, after Gu Yun left, Chihiro felt relieved and worked hard here for two days.

The flow of time in the afterlife and the present world is different, sometimes fast, sometimes slow.

An average of one to five, but only average.

Even Gu Yun can't control the flow of time in the afterlife.

If he hadn't specially instructed the little ghost, and a big boss like Old Zhasa was watching over him, he wouldn't have dared to leave Qianxun in the soup house casually.

"Xiao Qian~~"

Xiaoling took two buns and handed one of them to Qianxun: "You did a good job today."

Previously, when I saw Qianxun as a little human girl, I thought she would be pampered and spoiled, but I didn't expect that she would work without sloppiness.

"I am impressed with you!"

Xiao Ling was eating the steamed stuffed bun, but she saw Qian Xun looking at the sea in the distance, she asked, "Are you thinking about that little lover of yours again?"

"I've said it many times, Gu Yunjun is just my classmate."

Chihiro's reaction was normal, after all, the two were innocent, and the girl really treated Gu Yun as her elder brother.

"Well, that's it."

Xiao Ling felt that the relationship between Gu Yun and Qian Xun must be unusual.

Otherwise, how could the other party take the risk to come here to save her.

"Gu Yun-jun, you are very powerful."

After staying in the soup house for a few days, Qianxun also learned the secrets of this world from Xiaoling.

This is the last journey of the soul after the underworld.

Generally speaking, except for gods and souls, it is impossible for other things to come into this world.

Therefore, Xiaoling felt very incredible about Gu Yun's ability.

Moreover, Xiaoling also learned of Granny Tang's order through her own means. She actually asked the people in the soup house to take care of Chihiro, so don't make things too difficult for this human girl.

In addition, Qian Xun was able to find Grandpa Boiler and get his help earlier, it is obvious that there is an expert behind Qian Xun's back.

But for what Gu Yun said, Chihiro will definitely be rescued, Xiaoling actually doesn't have much expectation.

"We're turning off the lights, Ling."


The lights dimmed, and Xiaoling also went to sleep, leaving Qianxun sitting there alone.

She was waiting for Gu Yun and believed that he would definitely come.

"Go to sleep."

Chihiro, who is already a girl, is not as overwhelmed as in the original book.

Chihiro knows that what she has to do now is to play her role well and live in the soup house with peace of mind.

Gu Yun said he would save her, but now that he is nowhere to be seen, he must be looking for a way to save her.

Chihiro is not in a hurry.

In her opinion, soup houses, Shenyin, the afterlife, and parents turning into pigs, without exception, are too unimaginable.

Even if Gu Yun is very powerful, it will take time to resolve these matters.

So the girl got into her quilt.

Instead of crying, she closed her eyes calmly, and soon fell asleep.

The work of soup houses is exactly the opposite of that of human beings.

They sleep during the day and work at night.

Just because of the speed of time, the arrival time of the encounter with the devil is not fixed.

Fortunately, the law of the afterlife shelters the residents here.

Even if you can only sleep for an hour, as long as you fall asleep, you will be able to recover quickly. This is the 'need'.

Just like the gods come here, they want to enjoy food and hot springs.

Then the sky won't brighten while they're still in the soup house.

Only when the gods leave, the staff of the soup house will get off work, and the time in the area where the soup house is located will be back to normal.

So there is no need to worry about the time difference.

The laws here have their own set of rules, as long as they follow its will, everyone can adapt to the environment here.

As for how to identify who is a resident.

It's very simple, as long as you eat the food of the afterlife, you will become a part of this world, protected and bound by the law.


As evening fell again, Qianxun helped Xiaoling and other employees in the same room pack the bedding.

The pitch-black night was shrouded in dark clouds, and the pouring rain seemed to wash away all the filth in the world.

The lights on the street were turned on one after another, and translucent black shadows began to emerge.

The green smoke from the store is curling up, and the tangy fragrance can be smelled even by Chihiro standing on the attic of the soup house.

"dong dong dong~~"

After Qianxun wiped the floor, she took the washbasin and poured the sewage into the courtyard.

The girl raised her head, and saw a vague figure standing in the yard. It was completely black with a white mask on its face. It was the faceless man who appeared in the original book.

The Faceless Man is a strange and mysterious monster.

It was born from the nothingness of human beings, and represents the person's self, ego and true self.

The faceless man is very special, it does not exist in this world or other worlds, even in the afterlife, it is an extremely rare type of monster.

As I said before, the afterlife is the last stop on the journey of sentient beings, where they will abandon everything in their lifetime.

The abandonment here includes emotion, character, memory, and knowledge.

And when a person does not have these, what is left is naturally a blank sheet of paper.

The Faceless Man is a monster born from this blank slate.

It is very weak, but it can add various attributes to itself by devouring other substances.

But because of the attributes of monsters, the faceless man is not popular in the afterlife.

They have no personality and cannot speak.

In a place like soup house, where capital is paramount, a faceless man who cannot bring benefits has no value at all.

Granny Tang only treats gods as guests, and as for monsters like the faceless man, she has always turned a blind eye to them.

The soup house has a magic barrier, which can block most of the filth.

Granny Tang used her authority as a local administrator to enclose the land as the king. Without her permission, no demons and ghosts would be able to step on this line.

"Why are you standing in the rain?"

Chihiro doesn't know the faceless man, and only regards him as a guest of the soup house.

The gods here are full of strange things, and it is not surprising that they have any kind of posture. Although Chihiro has only been here for a few days, it is not surprising.


The faceless man couldn't speak, he could only nod slightly to Chihiro, and then let out a soft 'woo ah' sound.


Chihiro stepped aside and opened the door a little at the same time: "You'll catch a cold standing in the rain, come in quickly."

This is the biggest cover of Granny Tang's magic barrier.

Just like humans and demons in the real world, when the owner of the house sends an invitation, demons can enter other people's territory.


The faceless man let out a cry of unknown meaning, it remained calm, but felt the concern from Chihiro.

This is a feeling that the faceless man has never experienced.

Strange, yet inexplicably longing for it, like a moth to a flame, knowing that the flame is hot and deadly, but still wants to get closer.

(End of this chapter)

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