Chapter 10 Take the initiative
There is such a good thing?Seeing the light curtains jumping out in front of him one after another, Fang Chang was surprised and delighted.

It never occurred to him that the additional skills acquired by the Devouring Soul Beast could be upgraded.

After acquiring the low-level fire immunity skill, the decline in HP finally stopped.

Even though the fire ants were still spewing secretions at him, and even though the armor on his body was still red from the heat, he didn't feel any discomfort anymore.

After eating a few more fire ants, Fang Chang simply closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Now he can't move, there is not much to do with these annoying fire ants, and these fire ants also have nothing to do with the current Fang Chang, and the two sides just stand there deadlocked.

This state lasted for several days, and most of the fire ants retreated to the cave after finding that their attacks could not deal with Fang Chang.

There were only a few persevering little guys left, sometimes happily spitting high-temperature secretions towards Fang Chang, and sometimes knocking Fang Chang's armor with the jaws on his head.

Fang Chang's eyes slowly opened, and he tried to move his body. The injury caused by the fall from the cliff before has basically healed, and the broken spider leg has also grown back.

Name: Fang Chang
Race: Dark Armored Demon Spider
Soul Power: 2283

Evolution point: 2040
HP: 515/550 (slow recovery)

Strength: 131
Attack: 140
Defense: 217
Speed: 178
In the past few days, he has eaten a few fire ants that hit his mouth intermittently. Although their individual soul power is not strong, they are better than the large number, and they still provide Fang Zhang with a lot of soul power.

Under the horrified gaze of the five or six remaining fire ants around, Fang Chang, who had been in the pit for a long time, supported the ground with two shield-like long legs, and the other spider legs supported his body together.

He glanced around indifferently, and his attention finally settled on the fire ants, which had been "accompanying him" for the past few days, so that he would not be too lonely.

He moved his spider legs towards the fire ants.

Those fire ants wanted to escape, but their speed was not as fast as Fang Chang's, and their size was dozens of times worse.

Fang Chang's eight-legged body stopped in front of them in just a few steps. The "Spider Lance" skill was activated, and several spider legs pierced through the fire ants one by one, and then sent them into the mouth.

Then his attention turned to the cave not far away, which should be the old nest of these fire ants.

These fire ants almost killed him when he was in trouble, now that he has recovered, naturally he will not let them go easily.

The entrance of this cave is like a slightly flattened oval shape, the widest point is no more than [-] to [-] centimeters, and the height is only about ten centimeters.

This is enough for a fire ant with a size like this, but it is obviously impossible for the other party to be such a "monster" to enter directly through this hole.

But Fang Chang didn't think about going through the main entrance. Since there was no way, he would dig one out by himself.

He walked to the entrance of the cave, slowly lifted up the two shield-like spider legs, and suddenly dug down.

The soil here is not too hard, and the long and square spider legs are sharp enough. In just a few minutes, he has dug a small hole more than half a meter deep.

The fire ants in the depths of the cave also noticed the movement outside at this time, and drilled out one after another. Some of them were cut in half by the long square spider legs just after they emerged, and were sucked into his mouth again.

The rest of the fire ants wandered back and forth on the ground, spitting out dense secretions from their mouths, but they couldn't hurt Fang Chang in the slightest.

The pit was dug deeper and deeper, and it got bigger and bigger. At a certain moment, the ground here suddenly collapsed, and Fang Chang's body fell down without having time to avoid it.

The underground structure is quite different from Fang Chang's idea. The place he is staying in now looks like a rectangular room with five or six meters in length and width.

There is not a short distance from the ground, at least a body like Fang Chang, although it is a bit crowded in this room, it is not too depressing.

At the edge of the room, there are three corridors that are supposed to lead to other rooms, and Fang Chang estimated that he should be able to barely pass through.

This saves trouble.

There are hundreds of fire ants surrounding Fang Chang in this room now, and most of the little guys who besieged him a few days ago came from here.

These fire ants were full of anger at the alien that broke into their homeland, completely ignoring the strength gap between them and their opponents, and rushed up one by one without fear of death.

Fang Chang didn't have any good impressions of them either, and he would not refuse anyone who came with a big mouthful. As long as there were fire ants rushing up, he would swallow them in one gulp.

Facing Fang Chang, who was in full bloom and possessed the "fire immunity" ability to restrain them extremely, this group of fire ants naturally had no chance of winning.

After only delaying for about half an hour, the hundred or so fire ants were almost wiped out.

Fang Chang swallowed the last fire ant that dared to challenge him, his eyes swept across the empty room, and then locked on the middle one of the three corridors.

Most of the remaining fire ants in this room escaped here.

He tentatively poked his head into the tunnel first, the tunnel twisted and circled and he didn't know where it led, and there was no living thing inside, and the fire ants probably escaped some distance.

Thinking for a while, Fang Chang squeezed his body completely in. Fortunately, when he evolved into the Dark Armored Demon Spider, his size was a little smaller, and now he can barely pass through this tunnel.

After walking inside for about three or four minutes, a little light appeared at the end of the corridor, and Fang Chang walked there cautiously.

At the end, a bigger room appeared in Fang Chang's eyes.

This room, or it should be an underground castle, is seven or eighty meters wide, and its area is more than a hundred times that of the room just now.

The fire ants inside are densely packed, the number is uncountable, and their strength is much stronger than those outside. Fang Chang can find several fire ants with a soul power of about 400 years at a glance.

In the center of the room, there is a high platform that protrudes several meters from the ground, and under the high platform are milky white eggs the size of a child's fist.

From time to time, the egg cells burst, and new fire ants emerge from the inside.

And on the high platform, there is a fire ant queen with a body length of two to three meters and two sizes larger than the square length.

Her appearance is much more delicate than the other fire ants, and she has a human-like face and demeanor. When Fang Chang looked at her, she also saw Fang Chang.

Resentment and disgust hung on her face unabashedly, and as she gave a few "squeak" instructions, the busy fire ants below all stopped their work and turned their heads to stare at Fang Chang.

I don't know if it's because I've been single for too long, or because after transmigrating into the Man-faced Demon Spider, my orientation has also been affected. At this moment, Fang Chang actually thinks that this fire ant queen looks pretty.

Especially coupled with her now resistant and resentful eyes, it aroused Fang Chang's desire to conquer in his heart.

It made him almost uncontrollable to rush... to beat her up.

(End of this chapter)

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