Douluo: Evolving from the Man-faced Demon Spider

Chapter 108 The Devil Soul Great White Shark Killed

Chapter 108 The Devil Soul Great White Shark Killed
The Demon Soul Great White Shark Clan almost came out in full force, but Demon Shark Xiaobai still kept an extra care and kept a few important clan members in Sea God Island, including her daughter Bai Xiuxiu.

It led the people from Sea God Island all the way to the west, and went straight to the base camp of the evil killer whales.

Hundreds of years of siege and massacres have deepened the hatred between the already incompatible two clans. The members of the Demon Soul Great White Shark Clan have long been looking forward to a big fight with the Evil Orca Clan.

Not long after they set off, another group of people quietly took a detour from behind and copied their back route. It was the sea spider clan led by Fang Chang.

They are now about five or six miles away from Sea God Island, which happens to be on the only way for the Demon Soul Great White Sharks to return to Sea God Island.

As soon as he arrived here, Fang Chang ordered his subordinates to form nets to block the road, and he himself spit out poisonous nets one after another.

The webs formed by sea spiders are slightly different from the spider spirit beasts on land. Their webs do not have toxins, and the meshes are smaller and stronger. They are originally used to intercept weak spirit beasts in the sea. At this time, it is best to use them to block roads. is suitable.

In just a few minutes, hundreds of sea spiders have tied the spider web together, and the spider webs are connected with each other to form a huge web wall with a diameter of 300 meters, which just completely blocks the sea outlet in this direction.

After finishing these, they were divided into two groups under the leadership of Fang Chang and the three sisters Xiao Jin, and hid nearby, one on the left and the other on the right.

At the same time, Demon Shark Xiaobai was leading his people to the base camp of the Demon Killer Whale Clan.

As soon as she arrived here, she secretly thought that it was not good. With her perception ability, even if the evil killer whale king deliberately hides his breath at this distance, she is destined to be noticed by her.

She could clearly feel that the Evil Orca King's aura was surging and full of blood at this time. He was killed in battle as rumored in the clan, and he didn't even have any injuries at all!

Let's talk about other masters of the evil killer whale clan. They have been hostile to each other for so long, and they are very familiar with each other's generals.

She could clearly feel that the main strength of the evil orcas hadn't been compromised in the slightest. This was completely a trap set by them to lure them out and catch them all.

Damn it!Demon Shark Xiaobai cursed secretly, and quickly issued an order to the tribe to retreat back to Sea God Island.

The number of Evil Orcas is already larger than them, and their individual strength far surpasses them. One Evil Orca can completely deal with two Evil Great White Sharks with similar soul power.

Facing the evil orcas in their heyday, they had no chance of winning.

But her subordinates didn't have such a powerful perception ability as hers, and they didn't realize that they had fallen into a trap until she gave the order.

A few clansmen who were dazzled by hatred were even rushing towards the base camp of the evil killer whale clan.

Demon Shark Xiaobai hastened to increase his voice, and at the same time hastily issued orders, he turned around and led his clansmen back to Sea God Island.

At this time, the evil orca family that had been prepared for a long time also rushed out of the base camp under the leadership of the evil orca king, and went straight to the demon spirit great white shark family.

A few demonic great white sharks rushing ahead were bitten by the charging evil orcas before they could stop, and then were torn into pieces and devoured by more evil orcas.

The Demon Soul Great White Shark behind also realized the seriousness of the problem at this time, and quickly retreated towards Sea God Island with Demon Shark Xiaobai.

It was so hard to lure them out, how could the evil killer whale king let them go so easily, now he continued to chase them with his clansmen.

At this moment, the powerful Demon Soul Great White Shark is naturally faster, so it runs ahead; the weaker ones are slower, so they naturally fall behind, and they can't care about anyone under the threat of their lives.

On the side of the evil orca clan, the stronger ones are also in front, and the weaker ones are in the rear.

In this way, it resulted in such a consequence that the weakest Demon Soul Great White Shark directly faced the strongest Demon Orca, and at this moment they had no fighting intentions and just wanted to escape for their lives.

As one of the most bloodthirsty spirit beasts in the ocean, the Evil Orcas certainly wouldn't let them go. Just a casual bite from those mighty Evil Orcas made the Evil Spirit Great White Shark in front of it lose its ability to fight.

Immediately afterwards, they actually ignored these weak devil spirit great white sharks any more, and allowed their seriously injured bodies to float further back in the sea, while they continued to chase the devil spirit great white sharks in front, with almost no delay in speed How many.

Behind them, the weaker evil orcas, which were already hungry, were not polite to their elders, and happily accepted the gift.

I saw several evil killer whales surrounding a devil spirit great white shark with similar soul power as them at the same time, scrambling to bite off the flesh and blood of the devil spirit great white shark like vicious dogs snatching food.

The poor devil spirit great white sharks themselves were bitten by the devil killer whales whose strength was far superior to them, and now facing such an attack, there was nothing but despair in their eyes.

The demon shark Xiaobai in front turned his head when he heard the screaming from behind, and saw this scene like Shura's purgatory.

Her eyes were red, but in order to preserve the blood of the clansmen as much as possible, she still had no choice but to continue leading the clansmen to retreat towards Sea God Island.

Behind her, five or six members of the Demon Soul Great White Shark tribe with slightly stronger strength gritted their teeth, slowed down to the rear, and protected the weaker tribesmen to go first.

These weak tribesmen have their descendants, and they cannot just watch these tribesmen die.

Seeing this scene, Demon Shark Xiaobai's eyes turned even redder, and he acquiesced to their actions, wrapping up the clansmen behind with his own soul power to help them speed up.

Almost at the same time after they left, these five or six devil spirit great white sharks were entangled by the masters of the evil killer whale clan, and fell into a bitter fight.

The distance of several tens of miles can be reached in the blink of an eye, but when the members of the Demon Soul Great White Shark Clan are about to return to Sea God Island, they see that the sea area in front of them is blocked by a huge network wall, and they feel even more chilled .

Demon Shark Xiaobai's eyes were cold. She had already figured out that such a trick must not be something that the Evil Orca Clan could have come up with. Now that she saw the net wall, she was sure that there was a helper behind them.

It wasn't long before they walked on their front feet, when their retreat was blocked by someone. This was simply trying to drive them to a dead end!

She glanced at the net wall in front of her again, just as she was about to use her soul power to break through it, she felt an attack coming from behind her, so she could only turn around and go back to give the comer a hard blow.

The soul beast that sneaked up on her was naturally Fang Chang who had been sneaking to the side long ago.With his soul power getting stronger and stronger, his current "stealth" state, even a 10-year soul beast, is easy to ignore if you don't check carefully.

And Mosha Xiaobai, who was in a hurry to lead his tribe away just now, was in such a situation.

"Boom" She turned her head suddenly, biting the attacker with a huge mouth, but only heard a muffled sound, and her mouth could not be closed for a while.

One of Fang Chang's shield-like spider legs caught Demon Shark Xiaobai's mouth, and the other shield-like spider leg slammed into her side face fiercely.

There was another muffled sound, and Mosha Xiaobai's whole body was lifted and turned twice in the sea before he managed to stabilize himself.

Whether she did mental arithmetic or not, she and Fang Chang suffered a big loss as soon as they got into hands.

But at this time, the other powerful members of the Demon Soul Great White Shark Clan were behind to resist the evil demon killer whale, and Demon Shark Xiaobai was entangled by Fang Chang again, and the other clansmen couldn't break through the web wall set by the Sea Spider Clan for a while.

Just when they were anxious, the evil killer whale king led his people to catch up, and the sea spiders who had been hiding on both sides for a long time also appeared under Fang Chang's order, forming a three-sided encirclement of the demon spirit great white sharks.

As the evil killer whale king arrived, Fang Chang consciously gave up the demon shark Xiaobai to him.

But he himself retreated to the side of the sea spider tribe, covering them to secretly attack the lone Demon Soul Great White Shark.

(End of this chapter)

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