Chapter 129 Two Confrontations
Just as the battle here was about to break out, two people were confronting each other in the depths of Sea God Island.

These two are naturally the high priest Qian Daoliu of the Spirit Hall and the high priest Bo Saixi of the Sea God Island.

The two of them respectively represent the strongest combat power on both sides, but at this time they have a very tacit understanding not to join the battle of the juniors on both sides.

"Bo Saixi, your people seem to be unable to stand it anymore." After a long silence, Qian Daoliu finally spoke.

Bo Saixi had a cold face, "It doesn't matter".

But despite what she said, the corner of her eye subconsciously looked in that direction.Just try to keep your demeanor and expression, so that the old man opposite can't see any flaws.

"Since you came to my little Sea God Island as a guest, you must have some purpose." Bo Saixi still held his head high, showing an extraordinary temperament, "Let's talk about it first, maybe I will agree to you."

"Oh?" Qian Daoliu was quite surprised when he heard this. This is not like the Bo Saixi he knew. Could it be that she has changed her sex after not seeing her for decades?

"I came here mainly to find someone?" he asked tentatively.

"Who?" Bo Saixi was a little puzzled after hearing his question, "You should be very clear that our Sea God Island never accepts outsiders, and even if outsiders come in, they won't let them out easily."

In fact, after she said this, Qian Daoliu had already determined that Wuhundian was being tricked by others.From the very beginning, he suspected that this so-called spider god messenger had nothing to do with Seagod Island.

It was only in order to realize his larger plan that he did everything he could.

At this moment, even though he knew it in his heart, he still pretended not to know anything on the surface, "Oh, is there such a thing?"

"But that emissary of the Spider God himself said he wanted us to come to Sea God Island to find him."

"What spider god messenger, there is no such person in our Sea God Island." Bo Saixi's words were very straightforward, without the slightest hesitation.

"Tell me, what do you want? Don't beat around the bush with me."

Although she looks only in her thirties, she is really of the same generation as Qian Daoliu.They are all in their [-]s and dozens of years old. Can she fail to see Qian Daoliu's little abacus?

At this time, Qian Daoliu's inner thoughts were exposed by her, but he was not surprised, "Haha, since we are old acquaintances for decades, then I will not be polite."

"I came here this time mainly to borrow the holy stone from your Sea God Island."

This holy stone refers to Jiuxing Qiongyu, one of the nine sea-suppressing cornerstones in the Jiuxing Sea, the center of Sea God Island, and the place where hundreds of 10-year-old sea soul beasts return to after their deaths.

This thing can be regarded as the foundation of Seagod Island.Without this thing, the many methods left by the Lord Seagod in Seagod Island will also be useless.

The reason why Qian Daoliu wanted to obtain this object was because it was one of the tests for his granddaughter Qian Renxue when she would inherit the throne in the future.

Although it seemed too early, since he had an opportunity and an excuse, he naturally took advantage of it.

"Holy stone? How dare you open your mouth." Bo Saixi smiled angrily at this moment, but her heart was extremely anxious.

Now that she is seriously injured, she will definitely not be Qian Daoliu's opponent in a real fight, and her own people have just been almost wiped out, so they are completely unable to resist the troops he brought.

If Qian Daoliu wanted something else, she might give it to him as an expedient measure in exchange for a short-term peace.

But now what he wants is the cornerstone of Sea God Island...

Even if it was impossible to give him this thing in the past, it is even more important now that the sea spiders are eyeing Sea God Island.

If there were no many backups left by Lord Seagod to protect Seagod Island at this time, it would be a disaster for them!
"Some things are not something you dare to do, but you have to do it." Qian Daoliu sighed, "If I have a choice, I don't want to take the risk of coming to your Sea God Island."

He even doubted in his heart whether there was any conflict between the Angel God of the Upper Realm and the Sea God, that's why he added such a clause to the test for the successor.

Bo Saixi gritted her teeth tightly, if it was in the past, she might have violently attacked the old man Qian Daoliu by now.

But now she is seriously injured, and she is no match for him at all, so she can only think about it in the long run.

At this moment, Qian Daoliu felt even more strange, Bo Saixi's various behaviors today were completely different from her previous personality, as if she was trying to hide something deliberately.

Moreover, there seem to be too few people on Sea God Island now...

When he came with another man decades ago, the island was much more lively than it is now.

Below, the people who landed on the island of Wuhundian were already fighting with the remaining sea soul masters on Seagod Island.

Those weak sea soul masters faced with land soul masters whose combat strength and numbers far surpassed theirs, they could only rely on some kind of formation on Sea God Island to form a defensive line for a little delay.

At this time, Sea Horse Douluo and Sea Devil Douluo were facing off against the two Titled Douluo from the Hall of Spirits, and soon fell completely into a disadvantage.

Almost only half an hour later, the two Seahorse Douluo were completely defeated and were captured by a group of experts from the Spirit Hall.

And the protection formed by those sea soul masters with the formation method was finally shattered at this time, surrounded by the strong men of the Wuhun Temple, they dared not make any more moves.

Ju Douluo looked at the unconvinced Seahorse Douluo, "If I had known this was the result, why would you bother to act bravely? Why don't you let people enter the island to report the news and hand over the spider god messenger?"

Seahorse Douluo bit his lip with his teeth, and snorted heavily from his nose, they didn't know what the spider god messenger was, today's incident was simply a disaster for them.

"If you want to fight, you can fight, if you want to kill, you can kill. There is not a single coward on our Sea God Island."

"I've already told you what kind of spider god messenger you are talking about. There is no such person in our Sea God Island. If you don't believe me, just bring someone inside to search."

"Hey, you guys are still acting like this at this hour, do you really think we'll be fooled?" Ghost Douluo sneered at his words, "We're really going to enter the island, maybe you will prepare some kind of trap to deal with us. "

Seahorse Douluo is speechless at the moment, what kind of person is this!If you say no, you don't believe it, and if you tell them to go in and look for it, you are afraid that there will be a trap.

So far, he has nothing to say to the other party, and the people on both sides are just wasted here.

In the depths of Sea God Island, seeing the people on his side succeed, Qian Daoliu taunted Bo Saixi again, "Your people are no good, it didn't take long before they all became prisoners."

Bo Saixi snorted coldly, turned her head to the side, trying not to let Qian Daoliu see the panic on her face at the moment.

It's just that after a long time, the people of Wuhundian just spent time with these sea spirit masters on the shore.

Qian Daoliu could only "hold up" Bo Saixi here, and the battle situation suddenly became weird.

And outside the island, Fang Chang also got a little impatient waiting, thinking about what to do to make them fight harder.

After a long time, he finally used the "Shadow Clone" skill, transformed into three spider clones and sneaked into Sea God Island from the other side of the island.

(End of this chapter)

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