Douluo: Evolving from the Man-faced Demon Spider

Chapter 137 Devouring Great Ming 2 Ming

Chapter 137 Devouring Great Ming Erming
Less than ten miles away from the lake of life, Fang Chang suddenly ordered all the little spiders under him to stop.Not long after that, there was a violent shock in that direction.

Immediately afterwards, a gigantic ape with a height of tens of meters and a body as strong as a hill appeared in Fang Chang's and his group's field of vision.

Then, a cyan boa constrictor with the body of a bull-headed snake that was not inferior to that giant ape also appeared.

Titan giant ape, sky blue bull python... Fang Chang recognized them immediately.

In addition to them, there are hundreds of soul beasts with soul power of ten thousand years following them in that direction, and they are much stronger than the group of soul beasts just now in terms of strength and formation.

This is probably the majority of the ten thousand year soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest today, Fang Chang couldn't help sighing.

"It's them." Xiaobai moved to Fang Chang's side at this time, and whispered to him in the language of the man-faced demon spider, "It was the two of them who drove us out of the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest with other spirit beasts. Killed many of our people."

Fang Chang nodded. For these two guys, he had long regarded them as targets, and now he finally had enough strength to deal with them.

As 10-year-old soul beasts, Da Ming and Er Ming already had quite strong spiritual intelligence, and their strength was enough to convince these soul beasts that the herd of beasts followed them obediently. Chaos like the army of soul beasts.

They glanced at the spider army not far away, and finally fixed on Fang Chang in the center of the army.

Who is this weird spider?Never seen him before?Could it be because of him that these spiders dared to invade the core area of ​​the forest again so boldly?

Da Ming and Er Ming looked at each other, both of them could see the doubt in each other's eyes, but at this moment, the arrow was on the string, and they had no choice but to act.And if these spider spirit beasts are not eradicated, sooner or later they will become a disaster in the Star Dou Forest.

Their eyes gradually became firmer, and they took the lead to walk towards Fang Chang, but the speed was not fast, and they were very careful, as if they were ready to deal with possible emergencies at any time.

"Lay out the net!" When they were only 600 meters away from here, Fang Chang quickly sent out a signal, and more than 3000 little spiders spit out their webs together.

But in the face of the overwhelming spider webs, Da Ming Er was ready early tomorrow.

I saw that the sky blue bull python suddenly stood up, its eyes glowed blue, everything around seemed to slow down by half a beat at this moment.The same is true for those spider webs, the speed of falling is obviously much slower.

Er Ming took this opportunity to clenched his hands into fists, condensing the surrounding air in front of his chest and turning it into an air mass.Then it let out a low growl, and the air mass shot up into the sky, scattering most of the spider webs in the sky.

Even if some of the spider webs fell down and caused some troubles for the army of spirit beasts behind them, at least they wouldn't lose most of their fighting ability like the first batch of spirit beast army did just now.

After the spider webs were dealt with, the army of spirit beasts continued to approach the spider clan unabated.

Seeing that the spider web didn't have much effect, Fang Chang was not in a hurry to fight back.While ordering the little spiders to continue to maintain their formation through telepathy, he gathered the spider spirit beasts with spirit power over ten thousand years and gathered them behind him.

The army of soul beasts was getting closer and closer, and when Da Ming and Er Ming were less than a hundred meters away from them, Fang Chang rushed out to meet the two beasts.

"Lay out the net!" At the same time, his voice sounded from the hearts of these spider spirit beasts.

After Fang Chang stopped Da Ming Erming's two 10-year-old soul beasts, the [-]-year-level spider soul beasts behind him spit out their webs at the same time, cutting off the connection between the other soul beasts and Da Ming Erming.

Fang Chang's figure was blurred and separated into three spider clones, and then the four spiders were covered with black mist and flames at the same time, the sound of dragon chant sounded, and their power soared.

Blade armor, hardening, slimy... A series of skills were used by him at the same time one after another, and the battle between the four spiders and Da Ming and Er Ming became more and more intense.

Da Ming roared continuously, blue thunder surged from his body, and countless blue electric lights shot out from his body to attack the four spider figures in front of him.

Er Ming also hit the ground hard at this time, hundreds of gravels flew towards Fang Chang and his phantom.

Faced with these attacks, Fang Chang was not afraid, and let the avatar dissipate in the attacks of Da Ming and Er Ming.And his body took the opportunity to spit out a poisonous net towards Da Ming, and then rammed straight into Er Ming.

Facing the sudden spider web, Da Ming quickly turned the direction of Thunder's attack and concentrated the Thunder's attack on the spider web, trying to shoot it down.

But it still underestimated the spider web spit out by a 40-year-old spider spirit beast.

After the thunderbolt hit the spider web, it didn't produce much effect. The spider web continued to fall on his body, enveloping him completely, temporarily losing his ability to move.

At this time, Fang Chang had already bumped into Er Ming, knocked him to the ground and flew him upside down, without using any skills, but relying solely on his absolute superiority in strength.

Fang Chang, whose soul power has now reached 43 years, has reached several times that of Er Ming, just like when he faced himself on that cliff back then.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Chang used "flexibility" to enlarge his body to the limit, looked down at Er Ming from a high position, raised a spider leg and slammed it down towards him.

Er Ming was stunned by the bump just now. From his birth to now, this was the first time he was completely suppressed by the enemy in terms of strength.

But it didn't have time to think about it when it saw a spider leg about the thickness of its waist smashing towards him, and quickly slapped the floor and jumped to the other side, just in time to avoid the attack of the spider leg.

However, it had just escaped the attack and before it could stand still, Fang Chang stretched out another spider leg and continued to smash at him.

"Boom~dong~dong" Every time the spider leg falls, it will bring up the sky full of sand.

The titan great ape's body was tall enough to be called burly, but at this moment, like a little mouse, it could only rely on its agility to jump back and forth between Fang Chang's dropped spider legs.

This appearance is quite a bit of a "whack-a-mole" taste, but it is actually a gorilla that is tens of meters tall.

In the distance, the eyes of the sky blue bull's light saw through the spider web what happened to the titan giant ape at this time, and his heart became more and more anxious.But the more anxious it is, the more it can't untie the poisonous web on its body, and instead makes the spider web bind tighter and tighter as it struggles.

And the ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts behind them, after seeing what happened to the titan giant ape at this time, their fighting spirit instantly dissipated a little, and they all stood still and did not dare to move forward.

There are even some races that are good at hiding, and they have quietly hidden themselves in the forest, planning to escape immediately if there is a change.

Finally, Er Ming accidentally evaded, and was hit by the square long spider leg, which brought most of its body down and trampled it firmly into the soil.

Er Ming spat out a big mouthful of blood, and his breath became weaker, but Fang Chang's attack did not end there.

I saw him lift the spider leg, smash it down, lift it up again, and smash it down again.

After suffering an attack and being seriously injured, Er Ming lost the dexterity he had just now, and was hit by the spider legs repeatedly. In the end, he could only lie on the spot and watch Fang Chang's spider legs keep falling.

At this time, Fang Chang also became interested in playing. He simply stepped back on the ground with his four legs, lifted the front half of his body slightly, and then his other four front legs were like a boxer punching a sandbag, constantly attacking this place. A titan great ape.

During this intensive attack, Er Ming's huge body continuously resounded with the muffled sound of bones bursting, and the flesh and blood on his body burst open from time to time, and the blood spattered dozens of meters away.

Seeing Er Ming who was being tortured and killed at this time, the army of soul beasts felt a chill in their hearts, and they all took a few steps back in unison.

At this time, Da Ming finally broke free from the shackles of the poisonous net, and rushed towards the dying Er Ming, but was kicked far away by Fang Chang casually.

Fang Chang saw that Er Ming had completely lost the ability to resist, and Da Ming had escaped from the predicament, so he didn't delay any longer.

He opened his mouth wide, bit off most of Er Ming's shoulder and an arm in one bite, and swallowed without even chewing.

Then he bit Er Ming's waist and abdomen with one bite, and swallowed most of its internal organs together with flesh and blood.

At this moment Er Ming's eyes finally closed slowly, there wasn't much hatred, there was just tiredness, just despair for this world.

Daming watched his younger brother die and was reduced to food in the mouths of his enemies. At that moment, a sense of grief and indignation arose in his heart, and there was a strange fluctuation in his body.

Self-detonation, it actually wants to self-destruction!
Those ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts around them already had some spiritual intelligence, even if many beasts recognized the meaning of Daming's move, they all turned to the rear immediately, and fled here desperately.

Fang Chang looked at Daming who was about to explode himself, his eyes narrowed slightly, then he turned his head in the same direction and bit the slightly upper middle of Daming's body.

Under normal conditions, Daming would definitely be able to dodge this bite, but now it is preparing to self-destruct, its body is completely unable to move, and it can only watch helplessly as Fang Chang's huge mouth falls on him.

With a crisp sound of "Kacha", Fang Chang bit off the flesh and bones on this part of Da Ming's body, and the rest of his body was cut into two pieces, and the wave of self-explosion also gradually dissipated.

The vitality of the poor snake-like soul beasts is extremely tenacious. Although Da Ming's body has been broken in two at this time, those two parts of his body are still struggling non-stop, looking extremely miserable.

Especially on the half of the body with the head, Daming's eyes were still fixed on Fang Chang, as if he wanted to remember the enemy who killed the two of them before he died.

Fang Chang seemed to want to follow its will, pierced half of its body with a spider leg, moved it to the side of Er Ming's body, and deliberately let its eyes see Er Ming.

Afterwards, under the gaze of half of Da Ming's body, he devoured Er Ming's remaining body with big mouthfuls.

Then he touched the other half of his body and ate it raw like eating an extra-large spicy stick.Only at the end did he swallow the remaining upper body of Daming.

Once the king of the Star Dou Great Forest, the two mighty 10-year-old soul beasts Da Ming and Er Ming became food on Fang Chang's growth path.

(End of this chapter)

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