Chapter 153 Star Luo Empire
Under the brainwashing of Fang Chang's cadenced words, Qian Renxue began to doubt whether what they did in Wuhundian was right.

Perhaps as he said, too many soul masters will indeed bring a lot of negative effects to the mainland, and most of the current disputes are indeed caused by soul masters.

But she just thought about it, and soon she forcibly suppressed these thoughts.As the young master of the Wuhun Palace and the future helm of the Wuhun Palace, how could she listen to this man's rumors to confuse the public!

And Fang Chang didn't expect to completely change Qian Renxue's belief through this conversation, he just wanted to plant a seed in her heart first, and then subtly influence her in the future relationship, and finally make her completely believe in spiders .

But now, his goal has obviously been achieved.

He had already thought about the content of his conversation with Qian Renxue this time. On the one hand, he deliberately exaggerated the disaster that the soul master brought to the mainland, and on the other hand, he described the Spider God Sect as a good man who saved the world.

Of course, we must not tell Qian Renxue about the spider clan, let alone let her know that his ultimate goal of reducing the number of soul masters is to let the spider clan unify the continent.

Fang Chang has long thought that it is not realistic for the spiders to control humans, and it is impossible for humans to obey the orders of the spiders. At that time, the humans will definitely rise up to resist.

And to resist, there must be a party to take the lead, rather than letting the two great empires of Wuhundian or human beings take the lead, it is better for him to do it himself.

Let the Spider God Sect become the common belief and guardian of mankind, and then let them lead mankind to fight against the spirit beast forces represented by the spider clan, while he silently controls the overall situation behind the scenes, it must be very interesting.

Thinking of this, Fang Chang looked to the south, now this big battle is the key to achieve his goal, he no longer has to worry about the relationship between the Heaven Dou Empire and the Spirit Hall.

But the Star Luo Empire seems to have been intentionally avoiding the chaos of war. Although they also sent troops to strengthen the border guards, they have not taken any substantive actions for a long time.

The gap between the high-level combat power of the Heaven Dou Empire and the Spirit Hall is too great, if they continue to consume like this, they will soon be defeated, and the Star Luo Empire must be dragged in as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Fang Chang's figure quietly left the lair and flew towards the border of the Star Luo Empire.

At this time, the Star Luo Empire dispatched most of the domestic army and imperial soul masters to the front line, only tens of miles away from the Spirit Hall.

The Wuhundian side didn't dare to be careless, and stationed a large number of soul masters opposite them, but the two sides just looked at each other from a distance, and there was very little friction, which was completely different from the situation on the side of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Now the Star Luo Empire is guarding against the sudden attack of the Spirit Hall, and at the same time planning to wait until the Spirit Hall and the Heaven Dou Empire are almost exhausted before they enter the field to harvest.

The three forces have created a delicate balance over the past few hundred years. If any one party fails, the pattern of the entire continent will be rewritten in an instant.

It is impossible for the Star Luo Empire to just sit back and watch the Spirit Hall swallow the Heaven Dou Empire, and come back to trouble itself after recovering its vitality.

Similarly, if the Spirit Hall had enough strength, they would not let a hard thorn like the Star Luo Empire hang on its back.

It's just that now both sides want to do the biggest thing with the least cost, and try to increase their winning rate as much as possible.

Fang Chang looked at the two parties who had no plans to fight in the air for the time being, and quickly thought about how to guide them so as to induce a war between the two sides.

It will definitely not work according to the Heaven Dou Empire.After the accident happened on the side of Tiandou Empire, the Star Luo Empire stepped up its guard, and almost all the important people hid well, for fear of being assassinated by the people of Spirit Hall.

And if they directly create chaos on the border, there is a high probability that it will only be dealt with as friction. Before the battle in the Heaven Dou Empire comes to an end, neither side will have much movement.

It's a bit difficult, Fang Chang was thinking about it and suddenly noticed a small river meandering by the square of Wuhun Hall.

This river happened to be between the realms of the Star Luo Empire and the Spirit Hall, the upstream was in the Star Luo Empire, and the downstream flowed into the area of ​​the Spirit Hall.

At this time, because there are many soul masters stationed in the Wuhun Temple, and water is in short supply, this river has become their main source of water.

God help me too!Fang Chang was overjoyed, he quickly fell from the sky, and found a hidden place on the side of the Star Luo Empire to hide it.

It wasn't until noon the next day that Fang Chang saw a stove set up on the battlefield on the other side of the Wuhun Hall and green smoke rose, and then he realized that the time had come.

He rushed to the edge of the small river in a few strides, opened his mouth and used the poisonous mist breathing skill into the river.

The poisonous mist contaminated the river, instantly turning the river into a purple-black color, but as the water flowed, other branches continued to flow into the small river, and the strange color was also quickly diluted.

Until it flows into Wuhundian, the color of the river is only slightly darker than usual, and it is difficult to distinguish the difference without careful inspection.

Fang Chang kept injecting toxins into the river while looking into the distance quietly.

The people in Wuhundian didn't realize the danger at this time, they still carried water from the river to wash vegetables, cook or drink directly as usual.

But Fang Chang saw that it was almost done, so he stopped the poisonous mist breathing skill, and watched the movement of Wuhun Hall from a distance with great interest.

After about ten minutes, some soul masters who directly drank the water from across the river began to feel unwell, and then more and more people had problems, and there was a wail of mourning in the Wuhun Hall.

With the toxin produced by Fang Chang's more than 50 years of soul power, even if it is diluted countless times, it can still cause fatal damage to ordinary low-level soul masters.

At this moment, Fang Chang quietly sneaked into the formation of the Star Luo Empire and beat the war drum.

The sound of war drums shook the sky, and the soldiers of the Star Luo Empire who were also lighting a fire to cook, threw away their bowls and chopsticks and returned to their defensive positions.

But at this time they found that the sound of the war drums had stopped unexpectedly, and there was no one at the place where the drums were beating. It became a mystery who was beating the war drums.

On the other side, the front of the Wuhun Hall was already in chaos, and many soul masters fell to the ground and died because of the poison.

At this moment, they heard the sound of war drums from the Star Luo Empire. Most of the people who were contacted with the poison had drank the river water flowing from there.

Immediately, they concluded that this was a trick by the Star Luo Empire. First, they poisoned the river to weaken their combat power, and then took advantage of the chaos to sneak attack!
Simply despicable!The head coach of Wuhundian had a dark face, even though they were ordered to avoid fighting the Star Luo Empire as much as possible.

But now they have all bullied themselves to this extent, and they were the first to beat the drums of war, sending out the signal to start the war.

"If you want to fight, fight, pass on my order, gather the remaining soul masters, beat the drums, and start the battle!" The general methodically organized the remaining soul masters to set up a battle posture, and also sounded the war drums.

On the side of the Star Luo Empire, the oolong of the war drum just now hadn't passed, and then they heard the same drumming from the Wuhun Hall on the opposite side, which was the signal to start the war.

Now the soldiers had no choice but to return to the defense position again, and were forced to start a war with Wuhundian.

And Fang Chang had already slipped away a long time ago, quite satisfied with his method just now, and now the Star Luo Empire had to join the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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