Chapter 168 Goodbye Qian Renxue

In addition to the Spider Clan and Sea Spider Clan in the Star Dou Great Forest, the Spider God Sect has also developed rapidly in the past two years.

Especially in some places near the edge of the Star Dou Great Forest, apart from the cities where most of the residents believed in the Spider God Cult, almost all of them were frequently harassed by spirit beasts.

And in those cities that believe in the Spider God Sect, although there will be spirit beasts approaching, or small-scale "beast swarms", they are often suppressed by the soul masters of the Spider God Sect, and have never caused too much loss. .

Although some people had doubts about the relationship between the Spider God Sect and the spirit beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest, they were dismissed in the end due to insufficient evidence and the influence of the Spider God Sect.

In such a big environment, the reputation of the Spider God Cult is getting bigger and bigger, and it seems to be the last hope for people to fight against the spirit beasts.

In just two years, the number of soul masters belonging to the Spider God Sect reached nearly [-], even surpassing the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and the defeated Spirit Hall.

Just when the war between humans and spirit beasts was about to break out, Fang Chang quietly returned to the Sunset Forest again.

The nest here has now expanded at least ten times, and the number of small spiders has expanded from the initial five, one male and four females, plus a tool spider that digs holes, to more than a hundred.

After entering the lair, Fang Chang walked to the westernmost room of the lair with ease, where Qian Renxue was imprisoned.

It's just that at this time she is no longer bound by the spider web, and can move freely within the lair. Except that her soul power is still sealed and she cannot leave the lair, she is not subject to too many restrictions.

"You're here again." In Qian Renxue's voice, there was no longer the strong resistance of the other party at the beginning, and there was even a little expectation for his arrival.

After all, except for her, there are only little spiders in this nest, and she doesn't even have anyone to talk to when she's bored.

Only when Fang Chang came to talk to her every few months did she feel that she was still alone.

"En." Fang Chang put a package of things on the square table cut from miscellaneous wood in her room, "This is the meat bun I brought from Heaven Dou City, do you want to try one?"

Qian Renxue was not too polite, and walked up with small steps, casually took out a steaming bun from the things Fang Chang brought that was wrapped in butter paper, put it in her mouth, and ate it with big mouthfuls regardless of her appearance. .

During the two years trapped in the nest, she couldn't eat human food, and almost lived on the wild fruits picked by the little spiders, and she lost two circles of weight.

Only when Fang Chang came, she could eat meat. This might be another important reason why she looked forward to Fang Chang's arrival.

After quickly eating a steamed bun, Qian Renxue raised her head and looked at Fang Chang, "Are you still talking about your 'world peace' principle today?"

Besides food, what she looks forward to most is to talk to Fang Chang, especially to listen to him talk about the current situation on the mainland.

"Let's not talk about that, anyway, you will soon be able to memorize what I said, right?" Fang Chang asked Qian Renxue with a strange smile.

"Eh..." Qian Renxue didn't refute, the only communication she had with "people" in the past two years was almost Fang Chang's big reasoning.

Every time after she finished speaking, Fang Chang's words would always pop into her mind over and over during the few months in between, and she couldn't help but think about it.

At first, she could still use the dogmas of Wuhundian that she believed in since she was a child to numb herself, but gradually she felt more and more that what Fang Chang said was quite reasonable...

"Let me tell you about the changes in the situation on the mainland in the past few months." Fang Chang sat down on one of the only two wooden stools in the room.

"En." Qian Renxue nodded, took two more buns, stuffed one into her mouth and held the other in her hand.

No matter who has been locked up in one place for a long time, they will always be full of curiosity and longing for the changes in the outside world.

"Let's talk about the Wuhun Palace that you are most concerned about first." Fang Chang put on a trick on purpose, "Since the last battle, the territory of the Wuhun Palace has shrunk by more than half, leaving almost only Wuhun City and its surrounding areas. little place."

"You've said this several times." Hearing this, Qian Renxue looked a little impatient.

She knew very well in her heart that Fang Chang's purpose of repeatedly mentioning this matter was to break the illusion in her heart.Let her understand that the Wuhun Temple has fallen, and it is almost impossible to unify the mainland.

Fang Chang smiled, and stopped discussing this issue, "Then let's talk about the two empires."

"Didn't I tell you last time that the Star Luo Empire is at war with the Heaven Dou Empire again?"

"En." Qian Renxue's eyes lit up suddenly, obviously eager to know the outcome of this battle.

"This time, the Star Luo Empire lost."

"What?" Qian Renxue couldn't believe it. As the heir of the Spirit Hall, she had played the role of the eldest prince of the Heaven Dou Empire for so many years, so she obviously knew the strength of the two empires very well.

With the strength of the Star Luo Empire, if it weren't for the Spirit Hall to check and balance, the mainland would have been unified long ago, and the Spirit Hall is quite afraid of them.

It was indeed as she thought, since the defeat of the Wuhun Palace and retreated to the Wuhun City, the Star Luo Empire has continued to exert pressure on the Tiandou Empire.

In the past two years, the two sides have fought more than a dozen battles, big and small, but most of them were suffered by the Heaven Dou Empire side.

"As for the reason, I think you can guess it." Fang Chang didn't answer Qian Renxue's question directly.

"Did the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School join the battle?"

"Yes, but it's not all because of them." Fang Chang continued, "The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family is also on the side of the Heaven Dou Empire this time."

"The former 'upper three sects', now one sect has been eliminated, and the other two sects are on the side of the Heaven Dou Empire. Naturally, it has had an irreversible impact on the battle situation."

"The Star Luo Empire suffered heavy losses and was unable to continue the war, so they had to retreat."

After hearing this, Qian Renxue gritted her teeth angrily, "Sure enough, it's the soul master's fault. Ordinary people can do whatever they want. Why do soul master forces interfere in ordinary people's affairs?"

This... Just blurted out the words, Qian Renxue was also taken aback for a moment.This set of fallacies was obviously taught to her by Fang Chang, but she did not expect that her thoughts would gradually be assimilated over the past two years.

She didn't dare to continue talking, but just looked at Fang Chang.Fang Chang secretly laughed, his brainwashing plan has already succeeded more than half.

"Then let's talk about the matter over there in the Star Dou Great Forest." Fang Chang said again, "Recently there have been more and more disputes between soul beasts and humans, and many people in the world of soul masters are advocating war with soul beasts ,What do you think?"

Qian Renxue curled her lips, she would definitely support these soul masters without hesitation before this happened.After all, in her previous view, soul beasts were soul beasts, and they were originally creatures that provided soul rings to humans.

But now she has spent two years with a brood of soul beasts day and night. Seeing how these little spiders develop and grow, and how they struggle to survive in the forest, her views have also changed a lot.

In particular, she didn't know Fang Chang's real identity, and always regarded him as a person with a strange brain circuit.

He and himself can live in harmony with the soul beast, so why can't others?There must be a path of coexistence between humans and spirit beasts.

"I think these spirit beasts will only rise up to resist after being oppressed by humans for too long. Instead of fighting them, why not try to find a way to coexist with them?"

This... Even Fang Chang couldn't believe that these words came from Qian Renxue's mouth.

The two chatted for a long time, and Fang Chang was finally ready to leave.

As soon as he stood up on his front foot, Qian Renxue muttered reluctantly on his back foot, "Are you leaving? When will you come next time?"

Thinking that after Fang Chang left, she would have to face these dumb little spiders alone for several months, and eat wild fruits every day, Qian Renxue felt her scalp go numb.

"I'm not coming." At this moment, Fang Chang's voice rang in her ears, causing her body to shake violently.

Then, Fang Chang volleyed a little, and an invisible force hit Qian Renxue's chest lightly, releasing her soul power that had been sealed for two years.

"You can go. How you do it in the future depends entirely on yourself."

Seeing Fang Chang's back gradually leaving, Qian Renxue felt a sense of loss.

(End of this chapter)

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