Chapter 176
Outside the Slaughter Capital, tens of thousands of spider spirit beasts got Fang Chang's order, and chased in the direction Tang San was escaping.

On the other side, Fang Chang also encountered a little trouble, because the Slaughter King is equivalent to the combination of the blood-red nine-headed Bat King and Tang Chen, and both of them have extremely strong soul power.

After devouring him, Fang Chang's soul power broke through from 82 years to more than 98 years in one fell swoop, and the ninth catastrophe also came.

Fortunately, he has already gained experience in crossing the catastrophe, and now he has the "Thunder and Lightning Mastery" skill. Although he can't completely reverse the catastrophe, it can also weaken it by a few points.

Therefore, the ninth catastrophe that almost every soul beast would fear was just a small numbness to him.The biggest problem is that he has no time to distract himself from chasing Tang San himself.

Returning to Tang San's side, he watched getting closer and closer, and all kinds of spider spirit beasts that came overwhelmingly had almost fallen into despair.

In terms of his own soul power, he is no match for these spider soul beasts anyway, and now his only reliance is the hidden weapon in his hand.

However, there are countless hidden weapons, and the hidden weapons that can kill ten thousand-year-old soul beasts are even rarer, even he doesn't have many.

Just at this time, a cliff happened to cross his path again, cutting off his escape path directly, and the spider spirit beasts behind him pressed on every step of the way, pushing him to the edge of the cliff.

Tang San was short of breath, looked at the spider army that was getting closer, and then turned to look at the cliff behind him.

Because of the movement of his feet, a clod of soil fell off the edge of the cliff, fell into the cliff, and broke into countless small pieces when it fell halfway, and finally fell into the big river at the bottom of the cliff.

Tang San swallowed, he knew at this moment that if he was caught by these spider spirit beasts, there would definitely be no good fruit to eat, but if he jumped off this cliff, the probability of surviving must be very small.

At this moment, he thought of the Shrek Seven Devils again, Tang Hao and his mother, and the girl Xiao Wu who pestered him every day to let him comb his hair.

The army of spiders was only less than three meters away from Tang San, with cruelty and mockery in their eyes.

Tang San took a deep breath, his heart sank, he jumped towards the cliff behind him surrounded by an army of nearly ten thousand spiders.

At this moment, dazzling blue light erupted from Tang San's body, large pieces of Blue Silver Emperor poured out from all over his body, and wrapped his body into a ball, like a light blue sphere.

Not long after, about [-] meters down, Tang San in this state smashed heavily on a protruding stone wall.

Although he didn't suffer any obvious trauma under the protection of the thick Blue Silver Emperor, the impact alone already made him vomit several mouthfuls of blood one after another.

But at this moment, the sphere formed by the Blue Silver Emperor was far from landing. After being bounced off the protruding cliff, he continued to roll down for about eighty meters, and hit a rock wall again.

In such continuous collisions, Tang San's body suffered constant impacts, almost all the ribs in his chest were broken, and the once injured leg bones also cracked again.

He fainted from the pain several times, and then became sober again because of the pain and impact, his consciousness gradually lost, and his body gradually lost support.

Finally, the Blue Silver Emperor sphere wrapped his body and smashed into the river under the cliff completely scattered, and Tang San, who lost consciousness, followed the river up and down, and was taken far away.

The pain that Fang Chang experienced once fell on Tang San again this time, maybe this is the so-called feng shui turn.

The little spiders rushed to the edge of the cliff and didn't dare to continue down. Only about 800 Bloodwing Demon Spiders still refused to let him go by taking advantage of their flying ability, and dived down the cliff.

But their falling speed with the help of flying buffer was no match for Tang San's rolling all the way down, and they were quickly thrown away by Tang San.

When they rushed to the bottom of the cliff, Tang San had already been taken several kilometers away by the rushing river, and the little spiders searched for it in vain.

At this time, only about twenty minutes had passed since Tang San escaped, Fang Chang went through the catastrophe and chased him again, and rushed straight to the edge of the cliff.

And the nearly ten thousand little spiders looked like brats who had done something wrong, and they all shrank back with their heads down, as if they were waiting for Fang Chang to punish them.

Unexpectedly, Fang Chang smiled instead of anger, he looked at the cliff that Tang San jumped off just now, his eyes seemed to have seen how desperate he was at that time.

In fact, he was really worried that his inhuman descendants would "accidentally" kill Tang San, that would be too cheap for him.

Right now Tang San is fleeing, that's just right, if he dies in this river, then he can only be considered lucky; but if he can come out alive in the end, Fang Chang has already thought of a countermeasure.

He still holds several trump cards against Tang San in his hand, let Tang San experience the changes in this world first, and then lure him over to kill him at the end, which seems to be quite good.

He also didn't know how exciting his expression would be when he found out that the former Shrek Academy had been destroyed, Haotianzong had been exterminated, and Grandmaster, Tang Hao, and former partners had all been killed.

As for the most important character, Xiao Wu, after Fang Chang had eliminated Da Ming and Er Ming, he had captured her along the way, but he was never willing to eat her after that, because of this moment.

He didn't believe that Tang San could ignore her, as long as she was still in his hand, he wouldn't have to worry about finding Tang San.

After this incident, Fang Chang didn't blame the little spiders, and returned to court immediately.

In the following time, the Spider God Sect issued a wanted order, and the wanted object was Tang San.

The arrest warrant stated that he was the son of the 10-year-old soul beast Blue Silver Emperor and the human titled Douluo. At the same time, his lover was also a transformed 10-year-old soul beast Soft Bone Rabbit. He was highly suspicious of him. It is related to the recent rebellion of soul beasts.

As soon as this news came out, there was an uproar on the mainland. People on the mainland had already heard about Tang San's life experience, and now that the Spider God Sect issued a wanted arrest, everyone was shouting and beating him.

At such a time when a soul beast and human beings are hostile to each other, a son/lover of a soul beast will naturally poke the nerves of countless people.

Not long after this arrest warrant was issued, the Spider God Sect sent out a second message, that Tang San's lover, that is, the 10-year-old soul beast Soft Bone Rabbit had been captured by the Spider God Sect, and now it was handed over to the Heavenly God. Doo royal deal.

Immediately afterwards, the Heaven Dou Empire issued a statement that Xue Beng, who had just succeeded the Emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire, would personally supervise the scene ten days later and execute the 10-year-old Soft Boned Rabbit.

Due to various changes, although Xue Beng knew Tang San now, he did not worship him as his teacher.What's more, all these years, he has been brainwashed by Fang Chang long ago and joined the Spider God Cult. Right now, he is just pushed out by Fang Chang as a cover.

Coincidentally, Tang San who is being wanted is also on his way to Tiandou City, but he still doesn't know the news that Xiao Wu will be executed.

Originally, he just heard that Shrek Academy had been destroyed by the Spirit Hall, so he was anxious to see if those companions were all right.

But now...

(End of this chapter)

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