Douluo: Evolving from the Man-faced Demon Spider

Chapter 187 The Battle of the Spider God

Chapter 187 The Battle of the Spider God

After Sea God's death, Fang Chang approached God Shura again, and now the Dark Devilgod Tiger had already suffered serious injuries from his attack.

If it weren't for its own soul power that has reached nearly 50 years, and it is an extremely special and powerful race, it may not be able to do this step at all.After Fang Chang took over, it was finally able to retreat.

At this moment, God Shura looked at Fang Zhang uncertainly, it was this guy who just killed a first-level god in front of him...

One must know that Seagod's strength is not weak. As a self-created god who forcibly became a god, even among the first-level gods, his combat power is quite high, not much worse than Shura God.

But even so, he was still beheaded alive by the spider in front of him.

But Fang Chang didn't care about his gaze at all, his body twisted slightly under the night for a moment, and "Night Walker" started.

Behind him suddenly separated three clones that were almost identical to him, and then together with his main body, the four square lengths disappeared into the night at the same time.

Seeing this scene, God Shura's pupils suddenly narrowed, and he raised the dark red long sword in his hand, and slashed behind him.

The strength of his knife is not small, the blade cut into the body of "Fang Chang" about a finger deep, but the strange thing is that there is no blood on the wound of "Fang Chang", and the attack does not have the slightest delay.

The next moment, four Fang Chang appeared in the four directions of Shura's body one after another, and attacked him together.

You must know that now his clone can inherit [-]% of the body's damage and almost all the skills, and after evolving into an undead evil spider, the limit on the number of times he can be attacked has been cancelled.

So at this moment, it is equivalent to four masters of the god king level attacking God Shura together, forcing him to retreat steadily.

The seven or eight second- and third-level gods in the distance also condensed a second wave of attacks at this time, and it was almost convenient for Fang Chang to attack here.

The colorful streamer came down with astonishing power and knocked out one of Fang Chang's clones, but after that, the colorful streamer also slowly dissipated and entered the state of charging again.

Seeing this, God Shura finally raised his fighting spirit again. His greatest advantage is his teammates. As long as he can delay for a while, those second and third-level gods will always hit Fang Chang in the end.

Even if he couldn't kill him with one blow, it would still expose him. At that time, they would work together to kill this stinky spider!

I saw a large red light erupting from his body, and his momentum climbed again. Although he was still at a disadvantage with one against three, it was much better than before.

Fang Chang looked at his desperate posture, and then glanced at Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong who were still able to hold on on the other two sides, and let out a mocking laugh instead.

How could God Shura not guess what plan he had in mind?Since he wants to play like that, then he will accompany him to the end.

Thinking like this, he seemed to have intentionally slowed down the frequency of attacking God Shura, making it a little easier for him to deal with it.

About another minute later, the attacks of those second and third-level gods over there were once again concentrated, and the colorful streamer fell on Fang Chang again, breaking another of his clones.

Fang Chang now only has his main body and a clone left, and God Shura's pressure has been greatly reduced. While panting heavily, he tried his best to draw his divine power from his body to fight.

Not long after, the third colorful streamer appeared again, and this time there were fine beads of sweat on the heads of the second and third-level gods. Obviously, it was not easy for them to condense this level of offensive continuously.

This time, the target of the colorful streamer turned out to be Fang Chang's body, but his body flickered strangely, and he moved a little further away, and then pulled the last clone over and pushed it up.

"Bang" the third clone shattered, but Fang Chang's main body managed to get out of the attack range of the colorful streamer with one block, without suffering any damage.

"Huhu... What a Fang Chang, I see what you have this time..." Shura God wasted a lot at the moment, it can be seen that Fang Chang's three clones were broken up, and he was in a good mood and couldn't help but sneer.

But before he finished speaking, Fang Chang looked at him jokingly, his body twisted slightly under the night again, and three clones appeared behind him.

"Brother Shura God, you don't think that my precious avatar is a one-time thing, do you? I'm sorry that you have been struggling for so long, are you not feeling well now?"

"You!" God Shura was startled and angry at this moment, and his figure suddenly retreated, retreating towards the seven or eight second-level gods.

"Let's set up an array and don't give them a chance to break through."

God Shura was not stupid, he saw that Fang Chang's combat power was extremely extreme among the gods on the field at this moment, and one or two gods alone would definitely not be able to stop him, so he immediately decided to line up to face the enemy.

The three gods who were fighting with Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue looked at each other, and finally retreated according to God Shura's will.

After all, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue have just become gods, and they are not quite used to the fighting style of gods, so they don't have an advantage against the three of them right now.

However, God Shura's will, these three deities are not easy to disobey, so we can only put them down and line up with other deities first.

As they joined, a total of twelve gods were like a twelve-pointed star. Vast divine power gushed out from their bodies, connecting with each other, and a destructive aura emanated from the center of them at this time.

"This... what should we do?" Qian Renxue looked over there with flickering eyes.She had a hunch that if she couldn't take their blow, the three gods on her side would all fall.

It is conceivable how powerful the final offensive will be with a god king as the leader and the power of twelve gods integrated.

Fang Chang was not flustered, but turned his head to her and said, "Don't worry, I have my own way, just help me later."

After that, he closed his eyes, and instantly enveloped the entire continent with the power of telepathy.

This is also the bonus he obtained by evolving into the Undead Evil Spider Queen. The coverage of telepathy has been greatly expanded, enough to cover the entire continent.

Immediately afterwards, a voice resounded in the hearts of all the beings on the entire continent.

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are regarded as dogs! The gods of the God Realm are descending from the lower realm, and want to destroy my Douluo's inheritance, how can we respond?"

"Now, in the name of Spider God, I implore everyone to lend me some power to help me repel the gods and save the continent!"

It is estimated that not many people would believe what he said if someone else said it, but now he used the name of Spider God.

You must know that nearly two-thirds of the people on the mainland are followers of the Spider God Sect, so they naturally have no doubts about the gods they believe in.

Coupled with the terrifying unblocking of the entire continent in the night sky, and the ongoing battle there, this is even more evidence of this.

Just after he finished speaking, countless golden light spots suddenly emanated from the Douluo Continent.

At first, it was somewhere in the Star Dou Forest and the Sea Territory. These were naturally Fang Chang's descendants, and they naturally supported him the most.

Then there are other spirit beasts in the forest, and the branches of the Spider God Sect, most of them are people who have benefited from him.

Then the area emitting golden light became wider and denser, and the entire Douluo Continent seemed to become a golden ocean.

The power of faith poured in continuously, and Fang Chang's power became stronger and stronger. At this moment, he stretched out a hand to Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue respectively.

"You two, please help me, the next moment is to witness the miracle."

The two of them had never seen such a formation before, and they were a little dazed at the moment, and they subconsciously handed over their hands to Fang Chang, and their divine power rushed to him.

With the divine power input from the two of them, Fang Chang's final preparations were also ready. Under his two outstretched hands, four more hands emerged, tore his clothes and exposed them, making handprints towards the gods.

"Using the power of all the creatures on the continent, God will destroy—God will punish death!"

He shouted slogans in his mouth, and a golden light burst out from his handprints, and shot straight at God Shura.

At this time, they also finished charging, and a colorful streamer that was almost three times as thick as before also shot towards this side.

The two beams of light collided heavily in the air, and the expected big explosion did not appear, but the golden beam of light almost suppressed the colorful beams of light one by one, pressing the contact point of the two beams of light towards Shura God and the others.

At this moment, God Shura and the others were already horrified, no matter how they mobilized their divine power, they couldn't shake Fang Chang's attack with his strength.


Before they even had time to dodge, the golden beam of light completely crushed the colorful beam of light and bombarded them. Under the impact of indescribably huge energy, the bodies of the twelve gods exploded one after another, turning into bits of stardust.

As they passed away, the crack in the night sky began to close, and the golden beam of light gradually dissipated, but the golden light from those continents did not dissipate for a while, and even became stronger.

Today, countless people on the Douluo Continent witnessed an incredible victory. Someone actually defeated the god in front of them, and they were actually one of the participants in this great victory.

The gods are not invincible, a belief echoed in their hearts.

I don't know who started it, but countless people on the continent started shouting "Spider God! Spider God!"

The voice spread more and more widely, and the same voice appeared in the entire continent at this time.

Douluo Dalu, doomed to sleepless tonight!
(End of this chapter)

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