Douluo: Evolving from the Man-faced Demon Spider

Chapter 189 Finding Silver Dragon King

Chapter 189 Finding Silver Dragon King
After seeing how powerful the spider clan is today, Fang Chang was relieved a lot.

With the current power of the God Realm, there are thousands of gods, big and small, no matter how strong my side is, there are only a few who can really fight them.

It is unrealistic to try to overthrow the God Realm with only this manpower, but with these little spiders, it is different. Their bloodline talents are not bad, and they all have the "swallowing" skill, which determines that they have amazing abilities. upper limit!
As long as they are allowed to grow more in time, they may really pose a threat to the God Realm and become Fang Chang's biggest reliance on counterattacking the God Realm in the future.

But before that he still has some things to deal with.After more than ten years in the Star Dou Forest, Fang Chang finally decided to go deep into the Lake of Life to have a look.

There is also a force that should not be underestimated. In the past, because the time had not come, he didn't want to alarm them too early, but now that it was the critical time to recruit troops, he didn't hesitate any longer.

As his body sank deeper and deeper in the lake of life, it seemed that an invisible force suddenly rose from the bottom of the lake, repelling him to continue going deeper.

Faced with this power, Fang Chang didn't take it seriously at all. His current soul power has exceeded 300 million years, and he has double gods, which is much stronger than ordinary god kings. Power to block?
I saw the six red dots on his forehead split open suddenly, revealing the six scarlet eyes below.

Then his eight eyes flashed red at the same time, and the invisible force that blocked him was shaken away, and his body continued to sink.

"Who is coming, outsiders are not welcome here." Seeing that he had broken the protection, a man's voice suddenly came from the bottom of the lake.

Following the sound, a giant black dragon more than a thousand meters long rushed up from the bottom of the lake of life, facing Fang Chang nervously.

"Get out of the way, I'm here to find the Silver Dragon King." Fang Chang ignored him, and with a wave of his hand, an undercurrent surged in the lake, pushing this majestic-looking black dragon far away.

"You!" The black dragon was furious, and the dragon's mouth was wide open, and he wanted to fight Fang Chang.

At this moment, a soft female voice came from the bottom of the lake, stopping him, "Di Tian retreats, you are no match for him."

The black dragon's eyes flickered a few times, and finally turned into a human form, standing aside as if listening to the woman very much.

Seeing this, Fang Chang didn't make things difficult for him, and continued to sink.The woman only said to ask Di Tian to step down, but she didn't say a word to invite him to go down, obviously she didn't welcome Fang Chang's arrival.

At the bottom of the lake of life, besides the black dragon just now, there are several other soul beasts, most of which have been cultivated at the level of tens of thousands of years.If they go out, they must also bring a little trouble to the spider family.

And among these soul beasts, there was also a big worm trapped by them. Judging by its fat and plump appearance covered in protein, it must taste delicious.

Its aura is obviously the strongest among these soul beasts, but its combat power is not as good as that of the Titan Giant Ape Erming, it's a shame!
And behind these soul beasts was a giant silver egg with a diameter of hundreds of meters. The woman's voice just now seemed to come from this giant egg.

The black dragon transformed into a man named Di Tian carefully shielded Fang Chang and the giant egg at this moment, for fear that he would have any evil thoughts about the giant egg.

At this moment, outside the giant egg, an illusory female figure appeared.

She has silver hair and purple eyes, is dressed in a silver robe, and has a flawless face. Even Fang Chang, who has not been tempted by humans for a long time, has some affection for her at this time.

"Are you the spider Fang Chang that Ditian said was doing things up there?" the woman asked him as soon as she showed up, her tone was cold and haughty, with an air of condescension.

"It's me." Fang Chang stepped forward without hesitation.

When he passed by Ditian, his shoulder touched him, and Ditian flew upside down for more than ten meters like an electric shock. The other soul beasts stood up one after another, looking at Fang Chang with unkind eyes, but in the end they didn't Dare to shoot.

"The last time I saw you fighting those guys from the God Realm, I felt that you had some strength. Now it seems that you are stronger than then." The silver-haired woman's eyes were fixed, but her tone did not change at all. So cool.

Before Fang Chang attracted people from the God Realm to fight in the sky above the Star Dou Forest, Silver Dragon King Gu Yue had already noticed them.

It was also because of that time that she strictly ordered Ditian and the others not to leave the Lake of Life, let alone provoke Fang Chang, and wait for her to leave the customs.

It's just that it's only been ten years since this guy came to the door by himself.

"It seems that Miss Gu pays attention to me." Facing the phantom that Gu Yue cast, Fang Chang got closer and closer, and his tone became more frivolous.

"You recognize me?" After hearing his words, Gu Yue finally had a look of surprise on his face.

Fang Chang pointed to Ditian, then to the other soul beasts, and finally his eyes fell on Tianmeng Bingcan, "Not only you, him, them, but also that bug, I recognize them all."

Fang Chang had already come to the side of Gu Yue's phantom, and took the opportunity to touch the silver dragon egg, causing Di Tian's eyes to burst into flames, and Gu Yue's eyes turned cold.

"What do you want to come here? If you just want to humiliate me, even if I die, I will definitely make you pay the price."

"Miss Gu, you're outrageous when you say that." Fang Chang simply leaned against the silver dragon egg, squeezing all his weight on top of it, "As I expected, your injuries are not fully healed yet. Bar."

According to the setting in the original book, the Silver Dragon King is still recuperating at this time, and it will take another 2 years to truly recover. Now is the time when she is at her weakest.

Seeing that he was so clear about her situation, Gu Yue was startled, and her complexion became ugly again.

At this time, she hadn't fully recovered from her injuries, she hadn't left the test, and she hadn't been distracted by Na'er, so it's more appropriate to call her Gu Yue.

"Tell me, what on earth are you trying to do? I can't believe you're here just to chat with me?"

"Isn't it okay to chat for a while?" Fang Chang asked with a playful smile, "With such a beautiful woman as a neighbor, I should have come to visit a long time ago."

He knew very well that for a self-confident woman like Gu Yue, he had to provoke her first, so that her self-esteem could return to normal before he could take her down.

"You!" Since Gu Yue was born, it was the first time someone dared to disobey her like this, and this guy was actually a spider!
"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, I just want to ask if you are interested in attacking the God Realm together?" Seeing that she was angry, Fang Chang was more serious this time.

"Besides, you yourself have some connections with the God Realm."

"No, I'm not interested." Gu Yue retorted, "Even if I wanted to fight, I wouldn't be with a guy like you."

"Oh, but what if I just want to be with you?" When Fang Chang said this, he could obviously feel the silver dragon egg behind him vibrate a few times.

Di Tian who was next to him rushed up immediately, but was fanned away casually by Fang Chang.

The phantom cast by the Silver Dragon King also disappeared at this time, obviously Fang Chang was very angry, if he hadn't noticed his killing intent, he might have rushed out of the dragon egg long ago.

"That's all, since Miss Gu is not happy today, I'll come back tomorrow." Fang Chang finally left a sentence and walked away, leaving behind Ditian a stunned soul beast.

Gu Yue, the silver dragon king who is the co-lord of soul and beast, was bullied by a spider today?

(End of this chapter)

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