Douluo: Evolving from the Man-faced Demon Spider

Chapter 219 Soul Master Competition

Chapter 219 Soul Master Competition
A dozen clusters of flames suddenly appeared in the air, and accompanied by several heart-piercing screams, the dozen men in black who ambushed Fang Chang and the others instantly turned into sticks of fire.

Zhu Zhu's gaze vaguely saw a bit of the tragic situation outside through the gaps between Fang Long's fingers, and his body couldn't help shaking.

Those are more than a dozen soul kings and soul emperors, their strengths are not far behind, but why do they have no ability to resist at all in Fang Chang's hands?She was full of doubts.

In addition, what Fang Chang had done during this period of time, and the attitude of the senior management of the college towards him, no matter how I thought about it, I felt that there was a problem.

The screams gradually subsided, and the dozens of men in black were burned to ashes, Fang Chang then removed his hand from her face.

She didn't budge, her eyes widened, and she looked straight at Fang Chang, "You're hiding your strength, aren't you?"

In fact, when he asked this sentence, Zhu Zhu was almost sure in his heart, but he couldn't help but ask out of curiosity.

She can understand this kind of thing very well, for one thing, she used to be a 10-year-old soul beast, standing at the top of the continent, her knowledge is much higher than that of a human soul master of this level.

Secondly, she also understands how dangerous the transformed soul beasts are in human society, so it's not surprising that they hide part of their strength under such circumstances.

Fang Chang didn't answer her directly, instead, he walked towards the charred corpses, picked out a few yellowed and blackened tokens from them, and threw them at Zhu Zhu.

"Have you seen these things before?"

"Wait for me to see." Zhu Zhu took the token, frowned, wiped the stain on the token with his sleeve back and forth, and carefully identified it.

"This... seems to be the royal mark of the Sun Moon Empire." She said uncertainly, "I should have seen it in this city before."

She leaned over worriedly, "It must be because of Xu Sheng's matter. You were in the Spider God Academy before, and they dared not do anything to you due to the prestige of the Three Great Empires and the Spider God Academy."

"But now that you're in their territory, how could they let you go so easily."

She hesitated for a moment, "Why don't you go back first, let the seven of us go to the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition."

Fang Chang rubbed her head noncommittally, "It's nothing, it's just a royal family of the Sun and Moon Empire, it can't scare me."

"Besides, I have come to Sun Moon City this time, and I have other things to deal with."

The main reason for Fang Chang to come back this time is to investigate the Tang Sect and the so-called spider hunter organization, and participating in the Soul Master Competition is a matter of course.

"Oh." Zhu Zhu pouted, "Then you should be careful, if anything happens to you, I won't care about you."

Although Fang Chang said it clearly, his meaning is already very clear. He must have hidden his strength, but how much his real strength is now is a question.

Judging from the fact that he was able to defeat these assassins of the Soul King and Soul Emperor level of the Sun Moon Empire just now, he was probably at least at the level of a Soul Sage or even stronger, Zhu Zhu guessed silently in his heart.

"Let's go, the place you said you would take me to is not here yet." Fang Chang quickly changed the subject.

Zhu Zhu was stunned for a while, then remembered this matter, "Let's go, we'll be there soon."

She pulled Fang Chang all the way to the west of the city, passed through a slum, and came to a small river.

There are countless floating lights floating in this river, showing little yellow light in the night, decorating the night scene very beautifully.

"Here, this is the place I was talking about. When I was still in Sun Moon City, my favorite thing to do at night was to come here to look at these floating lights." She explained to Fang Chang.

"There is a custom in the Sun Moon Empire. If someone in the family dies, they will come to this river to light a floating lantern every time it is his birthday, death anniversary or other festivals. This can be regarded as expressing the family's grief Bar."

"And here happens to be the whole river. The water flow is the slowest in the widest part of the city. These floating lights often gather here for a long time." She couldn't help showing a little sadness in her eyes when she said this.

Fang Chang didn't say a word, didn't ask much, just stood beside her quietly.

It wasn't until the night was getting dark that the two turned back and returned to their residence in the city.

About what happened that night, Fang Chang did not disclose it to others, and Zhu Zhu also chose to hide it for him empathetically.

Almost a month passed like this, and it was not until the start of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition that the two mentors led everyone into the host of the competition, Shrek Academy.

The architectural style here is in line with the trend of the Sun Moon Empire. Most of them are tall buildings, full of modern atmosphere, but the uniforms of the students are still dark green.

Fang Chang couldn't help frowning, and what made him feel bad was that he had heard that the name Shrek Seven Monsters was still kept in this academy.

From these two points alone, it is clear that this place must be related to the Shrek Academy that was wiped out by the Wuhun Temple, but who is it?
There were still two days before the official start of the competition, Fang Chang and his party were only taken to the residence arranged by Shrek Academy, and there was nothing else to do.

"Teacher, the students of Shrek Academy don't seem to be weak." Yu Nantian was a little worried. He had met several students who were not inferior to them all the way here.

"Naturally, they are also one of our two main competitors in this competition." The mentor of the team leader was a little helpless.

"These two academies happen to be in this Sun Moon City, one is the Shrek Academy, and the other is the Royal Soul Master Academy of the Sun Moon Empire."

"Among the two schools, the Sun Moon Empire Royal Soul Master Academy is unique in the field of soul tools. I believe you have seen their fighting methods these days,"

"As for Shrek Academy, they claim to only accept monsters, and they always show one or two little monsters every time they compete."

"Not only that, because of their advantages in Sun Moon City, their achievements in soul tools are also higher than ours."

"If it's not..." He secretly glanced at Fang Chang, "But don't worry, I have great confidence in you, you will definitely defeat them this time."

"Oh..." Yunantian and the others were a little frustrated. Hearing what the instructor said, it seemed that they were the worst in the Spider God Academy among these teams.

Fang Chang looked at the crowds in the college, and his expression gradually became abnormal.

Shrek Academy, since I killed you once 1 years ago, I will kill you again this time.

His divine sense unscrupulously swept across this academy, the current strength of Shrek Academy is not much different from that of Spider God Academy.

Two Titled Douluo and a dozen Soul Douluo, this kind of strength may look good to others, but it is nothing to him.

(End of this chapter)

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