Chapter 227 Conflict
"The old man won't really find out something, right?" Zhu Zhu couldn't help asking after returning to the house.

This time Zhu Jing, who was always carefree, also chose to remain silent. Silver Moon Douluo, as the strongest person in the Sun Moon Empire, needless to say his strength.

What worried them even more was that he was still a tenth-level soul engineer, and he was best at using various soul tools.

What ordinary soul masters can't do, he may be able to find out some things with the help of soul tools.

Seeing her like this, Zhu Zhu was even more anxious, "Why don't you two run away first, with the strength of the two of you, if you just want to run away by yourself, it shouldn't be difficult."

"Don't worry, it's just a Silver Moon Douluo that I should be able to deal with." The words from Fang Chang's mouth made Zhu Zhu's mouth wide open in shock.

She knew Fang Chang was hiding his strength, and also knew that he and Zhu Jing had killed two titled Douluo from Shrek Academy.

But she always only regarded Fang Chang as an ordinary titled Douluo, and believed that Zhu Jing was mainly responsible for killing those two people.

But with this kind of strength, she is not too sensitive. After all, she was able to do this before she transformed into a form and rebuilt.

But now Fang Chang said that he can deal with a tenth-level soul engineer!This has made her look up.

But Zhu Jing on the side was not too surprised, that day she saw with her own eyes how Fang Chang dealt with those two Titled Douluo.

At that time, she had guessed that Fang Chang's current strength was at least at the level of Peerless Douluo.

"Well, something really happened. With our two abilities, we should be able to resist for a while." Zhu Jing gritted her lips, "I'm just worried that they might have other ambushes."

"Silver Moon Douluo is the great enshrinement of the Sun Moon Empire's Royal Shrine Hall, and he can mobilize quite a few Title Douluo."

"If we add the Royal Soul Engineering Group of the Sun Moon Empire and the Life Sect that is ambiguous with the spider hunters, then our situation will be very dangerous."

In fact, by this time, Zhu Jing had already started to withdraw.To be able to get rid of two Titled Douluo-level spider hunters this time is already a great achievement in her opinion.

She was not in a hurry to find out the relationship between the spider hunter and other forces.In her opinion, anyway, with the current strength of the spider clan, even if they really knew about these things, they would not be able to deal with them.

But Fang Chang was not satisfied, now he was only one step away from the real image, especially after knowing the relationship between the spider hunter and Tangmen, he was even more worried.

Just as they were hesitating, five or six figures gathered in the small square in the depths of Shrek Academy.

If someone recognizes them at this moment, they will be shocked, because these people are all the top soul engineers in the entire Sun Moon Empire.

"How, what do you see?" Yinyue Douluo stared at the few people in the small square, his voice was cold.

Several people froze for a moment, then shook their heads again and again. It had been three days since this matter was handed over to them, and the site had been surveyed several times, which more or less destroyed the scene.

In particular, the bodies of those who died had also been transferred, which made them clueless to investigate.

"There were not many traces of fighting at the scene, which means that there is a huge gap in strength between the person killed and the assailant, and he was killed almost instantly." One of them said.

"Speaking of which, I have seen the corpses of the Shrek Academy principal and that elder. They all died of poisoning themselves."

"Before they died, they should have had their soul power crippled and their limbs broken. They should have been asked about something very sensitive, so they had no choice but to do this." Another person interjected.

Seeing that the two companions had said something, the third soul engineer also answered, "There shouldn't be many murderers. I tested it with a soul tool, and there are not many other people's footprints on the battlefield except the dead."

"Your soul tool is not good, old iron." Just after he finished speaking, someone interrupted, "I tested it, and the murderer should be two people."

As he spoke, he activated a soul tool that he carried with him, and a little white powder was emitted from it, and several footprints appeared on the scene from the side of the wall where Fang Chang and the others were hiding to the front of the low wall.

And these footprints can be recognized at a glance, and should belong to two people respectively.

Listening to the descriptions of these people, Yinyue Douluo frowned more and more deeply, "You all missed the point."

He stretched out his hand casually, and the soul tool in his hand released several rays of light, hitting several hidden places in the small square respectively.

"Take a good look at these places." The places that were photographed were relatively high-lying, but at this moment, they all showed obvious signs of being soaked in water.

These places are either rusted or mossy, and they are all new. They should have been soaked in some kind of very salty liquid.

Seeing this scene, several soul guides were startled, "It's because we were negligent."

"Also, among the few people who were killed, some of their bodies also showed similar signs of being soaked in water, so I don't need to say anything more?" Yinyue Douluo added.

"You mean, the owner of Zhuhai Pavilion, Zhu Jing?" There is only one person in Sun Moon City who can create such traces, and that is Zhu Jing.

"Besides, she was in Shrek Academy when the incident happened. Even if she cannot be sure that she is the murderer, judging from all the evidence, she is the most suspected." Yinyue Douluo's tone gradually rose.

"But, can she really do this by herself?" Several people couldn't help asking.

Although she is a level 97 Title Douluo, her opponents are not common hands, so it is impossible to kill them so easily.

"That's exactly what I'm worried about." Yinyue Douluo sighed, "I doubt she must have a helper not weaker than me."

"That's why I transferred all of you here, and also contacted the Life Sect and the Royal Magisters, and asked them to send people over to support them as soon as possible."

"Tonight, we're going to do something big."

In the panic, another day passed.

Until night fell, a pawn from the Sun and Moon Empire came to the Fangchang Room to report, "Governor Zhu, Yinyue Douluo invites you to the main hall of the academy. He said that the investigation has progressed and we need your help."

After speaking, before Zhu Jing could refute, the pawn ran away as if fleeing for his life.

"It's time to come." Zhu Jing sighed, "They should have found out what to write."

"Sister Zhu Jing, run away quickly." Zhu Zhu persuaded again.

"No, I can't go anymore. Since they dared to invite me, they must have made all the preparations." Zhu Jing said and turned to Fang Chang.

"Brother Fang Qi, what do you think of this matter, the trouble was caused by the two of us together, don't ignore me now."

Zhu Jing's tone was a bit pleading, she knew she would be doomed by herself, now only by believing in Fang Chang, might she have a chance.

"Let me go with you, I want to see how far they can go." Fang Chang said, using the stretching ability, changed his appearance a bit, and wanted to go out with her.

Zhu Zhu on the side watched him hesitate to speak at this time, and finally failed to say what he had thought about.

Fang Chang turned his head and smiled easily, "Don't worry, wait for me here."

(End of this chapter)

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