Chapter 28 Attacked
The reward is equivalent to killing a ten-thousand-year soul beast. These words seem ordinary, but the meaning behind them is enough to drive many people crazy.

This time the Soul Hunting Conference, the Hall of Souls gave out a lot of training materials as rewards, and to get these rewards, you need to show a sufficiently impressive record in the Soul Hunting Conference.

Depending on the record, the rewards that can be obtained will also vary.

Killing ordinary millennium soul beasts can only get some common treasure medicines or soul coins of the same value.

However, the rewards for killing soul beasts over 5000 years old are much richer and rarer.

As for killing the ten-thousand-year soul beast, there are rumors that the Spirit Hall will even give out a soul bone as the final prize.

Although this rumor has not been officially confirmed, they have not refuted it.

Everyone is guessing that even if the final grand prize at the bottom of the box is not said to be able to get a soul bone, it will not be too bad.

After all, given the difficulty, Wuhundian will not lose face like this.

Originally, this attractive final prize was destined to be missed by most people, but the appearance of this mutated human-faced demon spider changed this situation.

According to gossip, its soul power is only about 4000 years old.

Although the man-faced demon spider is a special soul beast, a man-faced demon spider with hundreds of years of soul power can fight some thousand-year-old soul beasts, and this one is mutated, probably even stronger.

But compared to the ten thousand year soul beast, it must be much easier to kill it.

Therefore, as soon as the announcement came out, almost everyone who participated in the Soul Hunting Conference was gearing up, and with the help of the Wuhun Palace secretly, the atmosphere became even hotter for a while.

Fang Chang didn't know the news yet, he was still wandering in the Star Dou Forest, looking for his next target.

Name: Fang Chang
Race: Dark Armored Demon Spider
Soul Power: 3580

Evolution point: 16010
HP: 811/811
Strength: 184
Attack: 196
Defense: 310
Speed: 243
Before, he took advantage of the dragon kite and the two brothers You Dayu who were both injured in the fight, went up and devoured it, and his soul power increased again, and he obtained a "dragon blood lv1" skill.

Dragon's Blood lv1: Temporarily increases power by 10% during battle, lasts for 10 minutes, cooldown time is [-] hours.

Finally got an aggressive skill!Fang Chang couldn't help sighing.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, but since he evolved into the Dark Armored Demon Spider, the extra skills he got seem to be more meat-tank.

Healing, burns, fire immunity, soaring... He once doubted for a while, whether it should be released next... Ah bah, he got a skill similar to Bing Xin.

Just as Fang Chang was enjoying himself, a large net suddenly bounced from the ground covered with fallen leaves, wrapped around his body, and hoisted him to the branch of a nearby big tree.

Um?In a trap?Fang Chang reacted immediately, but he didn't hurry to get out of trouble, but just curled up quietly and waited in the net.

After almost 2 minutes, three men emerged from the surrounding weeds.

Name: Shen Mazi
Race: human

Soul Power: Level 35 Soul Venerable

Martial Soul: Eight-foot Broad Axe


Name: Xu Er

Race: human

Soul Power: Level 33 Soul Venerable

Martial Soul: Faithful Snake Spear

Name: Wang Hu

Race: human

Soul Power: Level 32 Soul Venerable

Martial Soul: Red Eyed Tiger
Fang Chang glanced at their panel, and he was relieved.

These people hid it very well before, even Fang Chang didn't notice the slightest difference, and they fell into their trap, fearing that they might be some formidable opponents.

"Brother, it's this guy, this time we've developed." Wang Hu, the youngest among them, shook the weeds on his body and looked at their leader, Shen Mazi.

"Well, it should be it." There was a scar on Shen Mazi's face, which looked like a villain's face.

They were originally professional soul beast hunters in the Star Dou Forest, and their means of making a living was to kill some soul beasts, obtain some useful materials from them, and then sell them outside.

Occasionally, he would also do some chores, such as helping children from rich families in the city obtain soul rings, or escorting people into the forest to find some precious medicines.

They saw the announcement issued by the Wuhun Temple earlier, and immediately learned about the situation of this man-faced demon spider and the place where it last appeared.

Relying on their familiarity with the topography of the Star Dou Great Forest, they quickly decided to set up an ambush here, and they didn't expect to bump into this mutated Man Faced Demon Spider so soon.

Xu Er, who hadn't spoken before, asked at this time: "Brother, what should we do with it, kill it first? Or just tie it up and hand it over to the Wuhundian?"

After listening to Xu Er's words, Shen Mazi thought about Chen for a moment, then looked at Fang Chang who was hanging on the tree, "It's better to kill him first, lest the night will have more dreams."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but he always feels that this "Man Faced Demon Spider" is not that simple.

After hearing what they said, Fang Changzhu had a humane smile on his face, just because you want to kill me?
Accompanied by his smile, tongues of fire suddenly emerged from his body, and the "Fire Armor Technique" was activated at the same time.

The animal trap made of thick hemp rope was instantly ignited, and the burnt out-of-shape net could no longer bear Fang Chang's weight, and it fell apart completely, allowing him to fall from inside.

The three of them who were happy at first were dumbfounded for a moment. They had seen the Man-faced Demon Spider a lot, but it was the first time they saw the one who could play with fire.

Fortunately, they usually rely on this for food, and they have encountered many unexpected situations. Although they were surprised at the moment, they were not panicked, so they quickly formed a formation and surrounded Fang Chang in the middle.

Fang Chang's eight eyes scanned the three of them, and finally landed on the leader Shen Mazi.

Among the three, he is the strongest and the most threatening. As long as he is dealt with first, the other two will not be a problem.

Shen Mazi and Fang Chang looked at each other, and subconsciously took half a step back.

He quickly pointed to Wang Hu beside him, and said in a hurried voice, "Huzi, hurry up, go and send the signal."

"Ah?" Wang Hu didn't quite understand, "Brother, if someone else comes, they will be rewarded."

"You listen to me, you fucking go!" Shen Mazi couldn't help cursing.

After working as a soul beast hunter for so many years, he can tell at a glance which soul beasts can be provoked and which soul beasts cannot be provoked just by intuition.

In his opinion, this mutated human-faced spider was something they couldn't afford to mess with.

After being scolded, Huzi understood the seriousness of the problem and stumbled out.

When Fang Chang heard the words "send the signal", he immediately changed his target and chased after Wang Hu, but was stopped by Shen Mazi.

He held an exaggeratedly shaped broad ax in his hand. The length of the handle was about two meters less, and the blade was more than half a meter wide. It should be his martial spirit "eight-foot broad axe".

Three soul rings, one white, two yellow, danced on his body, the third soul ring flashed as soon as it appeared, the whole person jumped up high, and the ax made a vertical chop towards Fang Chang.

He used his soul skills almost as soon as they fought.

On the other side, Xu Er, who was on the same team as him, also rushed over, and the two of them worked together to temporarily stop Fang Chang.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Hu had already run to the open ground outside the forest, lit something like a firework, and a flame shot up into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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