Douluo: Evolving from the Man-faced Demon Spider

Chapter 36 The Death of the Giant Demon Ape

Chapter 36 The Death of the Giant Demon Ape
In the storage room, Chang Fang heaved a sigh of relief. This place is almost close to the passage leading to the valley. He heard what Hu Liena and the others said clearly just now.

Thanks to Yan, he was praised too highly by the Hall of Spirits since he was a child, and his bones were too self-confident, which gave him a chance to escape.

Although his current strength has skyrocketed again, he is still very vain to face the three of them who are not weak Sihuan soul masters at the same time.

Besides, his current state is not very good, his blood volume is not enough, and his hardening skills are still cooling down.

After a while, seeing that there was still no movement in the hall, Fang Chang tried to poke his head out of the passageway from the storage room into the hall.

His head slightly poked out of the passageway, and his eight small eyes vigilantly scanned the hall, confirming that Hu Liena and the others had gone far away, and then he slowly poked out.

Then, he looked at the other passages leaving the hall, with a slight hesitation in his eyes.

He doesn't know which one Hu Liena and the others are going to. If he chooses to escape through other passages now, he may bump into them.

Even if he was lucky and didn't hit him, the exits are probably already guarded by soul masters, and if he goes out, he will inevitably have to fight hard.

But if he just hides like that, he will be discovered by Hu Liena and the others sooner or later. Right now he is neither advancing nor retreating.

At this moment, he happened to see behind him again, the passage leading to the valley where the giant ape was.

In his previous life, there was a saying that spread widely, the most dangerous place is the safest.

Moreover, there is also a very arrogant giant ape, Fang Chang was not its opponent in the past, but now...

Thinking of this, Fang Chang quickly made a decision. He turned his head, and his body wrapped in black mist slowly disappeared into the passage.

In this valley full of spirit grass and spirit fruits, the five soul masters who came in with Hu Liena and the others had been cornered by the giant ape.

One of the five of them had already died in battle, and one was missing an arm and a leg, lying on the side and basically lost the ability to fight. The remaining three were also covered in wounds, and it seemed that they could not last long.

The Giant Power Demon Ape became more and more crazy, and the frequency of attacks became faster and faster. The three human soul masters formed a circle, gathering their soul power as much as possible, so that they could barely block the Giant Power Demon Ape's attack.

Their eyes were full of desperation, and they regretted why they joined in the fun in the first place. If they had stayed on the ground honestly, how could they have become what they are now.

One of the three people suddenly had a look in their eyes, and pointed to the hole when they came in just now, "Look, hold on a little longer, someone is coming."

The other two raised their spirits and looked in the direction he pointed.

A thick black "hook" as thick as a child's arm protruded from the hole and hit the ground, followed by the second, and the third...

Is someone really here?The three of them became more energetic as if they had come back to life, and the protective shield formed by their soul power was also more condensed.

But then they saw that a larger and flatter "hook" also protruded from the hole. Why did the shape of this "hook" seem familiar...

Immediately after, those "hooks" were pulled, and a pitch-black head came up from the hole, and then Fang Chang's frightening body wrapped in black mist.

The one who came was not a human... but a mutated human-faced demon spider!

The eyes of the three of them turned gray in an instant, all hopes were shattered at this moment, and the fist of the giant ape finally broke through their soul power shields and landed on them.

This scene happened to be seen by Fang Chang, but he surprisingly didn't think too much, as if what was killed by the giant ape was just three insignificant kittens and puppies.

Race: Giant Ape (can devour)
Soul Power: 4900

HP: 650/1700
Strength: 550
Attack: 510
Defense: 484
Speed: 400
It has been almost a month since I saw this guy for the first time, but it has not improved at all, Fang Chang sighed inwardly.

On the contrary, it was seriously injured because of the fight with Yan today, and it was even more severely injured by the fight with those five human soul masters just now.

Just as he was looking at the giant ape, the giant ape also turned its head and saw him, it jumped several meters high in an instant, and rushed towards Fang Chang.

It recognized Fang Chang, the guy who just ate its Soul Ascension Fruit while it was fighting with the flaming human soul master.

Fang Chang looked at the charging giant ape and was not in a hurry. The fourth race skill "Blade Armor" was activated, and blades like steel knives appeared on the dark armor and two shield-shaped front legs on his body.

Each of these thorns is about seven or eight centimeters long, shaped like an eagle's claw, with a wide and thick bottom and a sharp and thin top, with sharp blades on both sides.

These blade thorns were just covered by the black mist on his body, and it was difficult to find any changes from the outside.

After doing this, Fang Chang crossed his two shield-shaped front legs to form a cross in front of him.

The giant ape's attack also came at this time, its rice vat-sized slap slammed onto the square long crossed shield-shaped front legs.

"Dang~" There was a loud noise, Fang Chang just stood there motionless, but the Giant Demon Ape stepped back a few steps, fell to the ground and panted heavily.

It looked at its palm, there were several cuts on it, and several streams of blood flowed down the arm, dripping to the ground.

But it just didn't believe this evil, struggled to stand up, bent down and lowered its legs, gathered a little strength, and slammed into Fang Chang again.

This time he actually planned to use his body to forcefully break Fang Chang's defense.

Behind the crossed shield-shaped front legs, Fang Chang secretly laughed, and the other six spider legs were deeply buried in the ground, and they were ready to fight head-on with the giant ape.

There was another loud noise, and the figure of the Giant Demon Ape flew upside down from the place where it collided like a kite that had been unthreaded, most of its body was stained red with blood.

At this moment, Fang Chang retracted his shield-shaped front legs, released his defensive posture, and walked step by step towards the giant ape lying on the ground.

As he got closer, he raised a spider leg and stabbed it at the giant ape's body, injecting the paralyzing toxin into the giant ape's body as if it didn't cost money.

The Giant Demon Ape was still struggling hard at first, but the extent of its struggle became smaller and weaker, and its strength became weaker and weaker. Finally, it completely softened and could no longer move.

At this time, Fang Chang showed a satisfied smile, slowly opened his mouth, picked a piece of snowflake meat on the back of the giant ape, and tore it off fiercely.

The giant ape's consciousness has not completely disappeared, and its body trembled violently, but due to the effect of the paralyzing toxin, it couldn't exert any strength.

After eating this piece of snowflake meat, Fang Chang took another look at the thick hind thigh of the Giant Power Demon Ape, and took a bite.

Nuoda was a giant ape, and within half an hour there was only a pile of bones left.

Fang Chang hiccupped, raised his head, and glanced up at the valley.

There are cliffs on all sides of the valley, and humans who are not strong enough will definitely not be able to climb up without the help of tools, but Fang Chang is a spider, so maybe he can try.

 In the past few days, I have been in a hurry, and the state of dozing off while coding at night is not very good, even I myself feel that the

  It will be better tomorrow!

  I read everyone's comments and suggestions carefully. Most readers may still feel that the pace of this book is a bit slow, and they are not very interested in the plots I used to shape the characters.

  For these problems, I modified the outline here, deleted two branch lines and most of the filler plots that shape the characters, and the rhythm will be greatly accelerated later.Originally, it was planned to have a large realm of about 80 characters, and seven to eight million characters to 10 years. Now it is estimated that a large realm of five to sixty thousand characters will be a large realm, and thirty to 40 characters will reach 10 years, and 60 to 70 characters will enter the realm of the gods|ω ')
  Finally, there is the issue of cannibalism. If you are too sensitive, it is easy to get 404. We still dare not write about this.But according to readers' opinions, a skill will be added in 10 years, so that the protagonist can devour human spirits to improve his strength.The main reason for not adding it in the early stage is that it will be very verbose when it comes to level conversion, and in the early stage, the martial soul is upgraded too quickly, and the combat power is easy to collapse.

  If you have other questions, you can respond in the comment area. This pot will try to deal with it after seeing it. Thank you everyone, and I wish you all a fortune! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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