Chapter 39 Changes
After Fang Chang finished all this, he finally turned his head and took another look at the Ten Thousand Years Crypt Demon Spider, and reluctantly left before she recovered her ability to move.

It was only behind the barren land that it looked like a normal forest. The trees became lush again, and finally there was the breath of spirit beasts again.

It was a digger with enough soul power for 6000 years. In such a weak race, it was not easy to cultivate to this level.

It had already appeared when Fang Chang was fighting with that crypt spider, but it was quietly watching the battle from a distance, not daring to get close.

Now seeing Fang Chang walking towards it, it burrowed into the ground without giving Fang Chang a chance to catch it.

Alas, it's boring. Fang Chang wanted to have a full meal to make up for the lost strength and fluids.

It stands to reason that this area has just entered the fourth ring, and there are not many cultivation resources.

The soul beasts living here should be mainly soul beasts that are around 6000 or [-] years old. Guys with soul power over [-] years like the Crypt Demon Spider should live in a deeper place, near the third ring.

Seeing this digging mouse, Fang Chang immediately thought of something else.

The barren land just now didn't look like it could be made by only one crypt spider, but if it was a large group of 6000-year-old diggers, it would make sense.

Presumably she is also an outsider, who just appeared recently and took over the digger's home.

So what was the reason that made her run out from the depths of the forest?

Fang Chang couldn't figure it out for a while, but he was more wary of the depths of the forest. Before his strength was fully developed, he should not approach it lightly.

"Nana, look quickly." In the ring-shaped valley, Yan pointed at the pile of bones not far away, with a surprised tone.

"I'm not blind yet, I've seen everything." Hu Liena gave him an annoyed look, and walked forward.

She bent down, picked up a smaller piece of bone that looked like a finger bone, held it in her hand, looked at it carefully, and smelled it.

From the size, shape, and position of the skeleton, it was easy to tell that it belonged to the giant ape that had just fought with Yan.

Unexpectedly, they had just walked for a short while, and this big man turned into such a miserable appearance.

She stood up again, her eyes twitched as she glanced over the corpses of the five human soul masters.

"The marrow in the bone is not yet dry, and the blood has just clotted. That mutated man-faced demon spider should not have gone far." Hu Liena turned her head to Yan and Xie Yue, giving her judgment.

Then her eyes scanned the circular valley carefully again, and finally noticed the steep mountain wall.

"Damn it!" Hu Liena spat lightly suddenly, drawing the attention of Xie Yue and Yan, "Why did I forget this?"

The mountain wall here is three to forty meters high, and the slope is almost vertical, so when they first considered the possible escape path of the mutated man-faced demon spider, they subconsciously skipped it.

But now that I think about it carefully, what they are chasing is a spider. For a spider, the crater here is the most suitable path for it to escape.

"What's the matter, Nana." Yan's tone was soft and waxy, like a child who got a zero in the test, testing whether his parents would scold him.

Hu Liena didn't even look at him, and didn't reply to his words, she just stretched out her hand and held Xie Yue's clothes, "Brother, let's go."

The sky has been dyed red by the morning glow, implying that it is almost dawn, and their mission has already failed.

This is a task personally entrusted to them by the Pope and her master Bibi Dong. Thinking of this, Hu Liena gritted her teeth in hatred for the self-righteous Yan.

Yan fell behind, looking a little lonely, but he still kept a subtle distance, closely following Hu Liena's brother and sister, and would not appear in Hu Liena's sight to annoy her.

Nana would be so angry, she must still like me, thinking of this, he laughed again.

Just when the three of them were about to climb the crater to chase Fang Chang, he had already wandered a long way in the forest.

Right now, he's staring at a four-eyed golden horned snake with 600 years of soul power.

The appearance of this kind of soul beast is like a king cobra enlarged several times. The reason why it is called four eyes means that there are two circles of eye-shaped patterns on its neck. to the eyes.

In addition, there is a single horn on the top of its head, from which it can launch a powerful thunder attack, and it can already be regarded as a relatively strong one among many snake-like spirit beasts .

The one that Fang Chang found was estimated to be over ten meters long, and its body circumference was as thick as three or four adults hugging each other. Just looking at its appearance, it felt very oppressive.

It's just that it seems to have been seriously injured now, with five hideous wounds on its body, two of which look older, and three of which look newer, and blood is still oozing out.

At this moment it seemed to have fallen asleep, lying alone next to a boulder by the river, its body motionless, but its chest and abdomen rose and fell regularly with its breathing.

Race: Four-eyed Golden Horned Snake (can devour)

Soul Power: 5600

HP: 452/2700
Strength: 565
Attack: 591
Defense: 435
Speed: 469
Fang Chang glanced at its panel, all the attributes are not weak, almost at the same level as the Giant Demon Ape.

Taking another look at its blood volume, it was indeed seriously injured. Who doesn't like harvesting residual blood?Fang Chang is happy.

He walked towards the river with his feet pressed down carefully, already silently thinking about how to eat this four-eyed golden horned snake.

As he got closer, Fang Chang felt the size of this guy more clearly. His height of more than three meters was actually only one-third of it. Compared with him, he was like a child.

But it was just such a little one, who had already raised its spider leg towards the wound on the abdomen of the four-eyed golden horned snake.

With a whistling sound, the spider leg thrust down fiercely, directly stabbing the original wound on the abdomen of the four-eyed golden horned snake.

This wound happened to be almost half of its body, and the four-eyed golden horned snake suddenly felt severe pain in its sleep, and its whole body bowed instinctively.

It's like changing from an irregular straight line to the shape of the bottom of a boat.

Then, it woke up suddenly, its head and tail swung vigorously, and sand and stones flew around in an instant, and dust was flying around.

Soon he followed the source of the pain and found Fang Chang, who was almost at the waist and abdomen, turned around and bit him with red eyes.

Seeing the head of the four-eyed golden horned snake attacking, Fang Chang's spider legs stuck in its body did not loosen at all, and continued to pour paralytic poison into its body.

On the other side, he raised his two shield-shaped front legs and placed them in front of him, intending to defend against the bite of the four-eyed golden horned snake.

But the imaginable attack did not come. Just as the head of the four-eyed golden horned snake was about to approach Fang Chang, an arrow suddenly shot from a distant dense forest.

The arrow entered from the right eye of the four-eyed golden horned snake, and then exited from its left eye. Before it touched Fang Chang, it lost its breath, and its head drooped feebly.

But the arrow's attack did not end, and another arrow flew in, but this time its target was no longer the four-eyed golden horned snake, but Fang Chang...

(End of this chapter)

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