Chapter 47 Hunting the Soul King
Name: Fang Chang
Race: Ghost armored spider
Soul Power: 8125

Evolution point: 51160
HP: 2793/3025 (slow recovery)

Strength: 762
Attack: 789
Defense: 1138
Speed: 875
Thanks to the three members of the golden generation, Fang Chang picked up the corpse of a ten-thousand-year soul beast for nothing without wasting much effort.

It would be great if there were more opportunities like this in the future, he thought in his heart.

Although eating corpses seems to be a little bit wrong, but who can improve their strength without fighting, who wouldn't think it's really delicious?
The three members of the golden generation of Wuhundian have now reached the place where Fang Chang devoured the four-eyed golden horned snake. Hu Liena secretly thought that it was not good, and rushed over with one step.

She bent down and took a look at the huge skeleton. The meat on it had been eaten up by Fang Chang, and there was not even a trace of granulation.

But the traces of the surrounding battle clearly just passed not long ago. There are still a few cyan arrows stuck in the skeleton, and the blood on the arrows has not completely dried, presenting a gel-like semi-solid state.

"Nana, come here."

Before she could recover from the shock brought to her by the scene in front of her, Xie Yue called her away.

When he came to the place where he was, under a big tree with a diameter of five or six meters, a middle-aged man who had been stripped naked lay twisted on the ground.

As soon as Hu Liena took a look, her pretty face turned red in an instant, and she quickly turned her head and covered her eyes with her small hands, "Brother!"

She yelled at Xie Yue, her voice seemed to have the power to penetrate the soul, making Xie Yueya's roots go numb.

Xie Yue trembled slightly, pointed at the corpse on the ground, and said in a more solemn voice, "He is from the Wuhun Palace."

"Oh?" After hearing what he said, Hu Liena turned around again, picked up the half of the robe on the ground to make sure, and then she nodded, "Well, it's ours."

Yan also came up at this time, and the three of them looked at each other with a bit more solemn expression.

Regarding the plan of Wuhundian, although the three of them are not the main executors, they still know some inside information more or less.

They entered the Star Dou Great Forest this time, but dispatched hundreds of soul masters, led by real Titled Douluo, and also recruited many masters of the level of soul king and soul king from various branch halls.

But now someone here is actually killed by this mutated human-faced demon spider. Will this affect their real plan...

"Damn it, what the hell are those two guys from the Baishui City branch hall doing? They clearly said that this mutated human-faced demon spider only has 4000 years of soul power, but now it has tossed to this extent."

The more Yan thought about it, the angrier he became. From the beginning to the end, they seemed to be led by the nose by this mutant human-faced spider.

And he had a feeling that the tighter they chased, the more powerful the Mutant Man-faced Demon Spider would become, and if it went on like this, maybe even they would no longer be opponents.

"Keep chasing." Xie Yue took a deep breath, her voice was firm, she must not let this mutated human-faced demon spider continue to be arrogant!

On Fang Chang's side, he was moving in the opposite direction, and the distance between him and the three members of the golden generation was getting farther and farther.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but it seems that there are far fewer soul beasts when walking this way than the other side just now.

He has been walking this way for two full hours, but he has only met a golden crane with a soul power of more than 5000 years.

The golden crane was still very sensitive, and just as soon as it saw him turn its head, it flapped its wings and flew away.

The sky was getting dark, and the forest became more and more gloomy. Fang Chang just walked and walked, and suddenly he found a fire in the small forest in front of him.

He lowered his footsteps and slowly leaned over there, with his head protruding halfway from the straw, and his eight eyes aimed at the source of the fire.

There vaguely seemed to be someone roasting something on the fire, and bursts of fragrance blew along the wind and passed into Fang Chang's olfactory organs.

For a long time, he was excited by food. For more than a month, he had been gnawing on raw meat, which had no taste and was not as juicy as cooked meat.

Strange, this is the fourth ring of the Star Dou Great Forest, most of the spirit beasts are above 5000 years old, how dare this guy spend the night here alone?
Fang Chang felt that it was better to be cautious, so he moved forward a few steps, found a hidden place and took another look at the man.

Name: Duan Tao

Race: human

Soul Power: Level 54 Soul King

Martial Soul: Wolf

Good guy, he is actually a level 54 Soul King, no wonder he has such a hard head.

Soul King...

Fang Chang calculated in his mind that the soul king is naturally a human soul master above the soul sect, and if he were to be killed, it would definitely be included in the evolutionary needs.

But the Soul King is no better than the Soul Sect, although there is only one word difference, but the strength between them is far apart, not only the soul power is a few levels less, but also lacks an important soul ring.

If the age of the soul power of the soul beast is used as a reference, the soul sect is only equivalent to an ordinary soul beast of 5000 to less than 1 years, while the soul king is equivalent to at least 1 years.

The strength of this human being is conservatively estimated to be similar to that of the crypt demon spider.

If he was the only one, he would still be able to deal with it, but I don't know if he would have other teammates.

With that thought in mind, Fang Chang immediately turned on the hidden state, quietly observing the human soul king from a distance.

This is the biggest difference between humans and spirit beasts.

Soul beasts all have a strong sense of territory, especially high-level spirit beasts. If they are not of the same species and are closely related, it is difficult to see them appearing together.

But human beings are just the opposite. They like to live in groups, and they especially protect their weaknesses!If you don't make complete preparations, you will often clean up the small ones, and then an old one will pop out.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the human soul master didn't notice Fang Chang who had been secretly watching him from a distance.

He roasted the meat of some kind of soul beast in his hand, and with the wine in the flagon that he carried with him, he ate the meat and the wine, eating so happily that Fang Chang's mouth watered.

Satisfied with food and drink, he may be a bit over the top, he even wobbled when he walked, and went to the bottom of a tree with three wobbles and lay down against it.

After another ten minutes, there were still no other humans appearing here, the fire was almost burnt out, and the human soul king's snoring came from under the tree.

At this time, Fang Chang finally moved.

He took a long way around and approached the human soul king slightly from behind.

Until there was less than two meters away from him, Fang Chang suddenly jumped up, his two shield-like spider legs were raised high, ready to deal with sudden situations, and the other two spider legs pierced his left chest and lower abdomen respectively.

The sudden killing intent woke up the half-lying human soul king, and subconsciously summoned the martial soul.

But before he could resist, Fang Long's spider legs had already pierced into his body.

The soul king is worthy of being a soul king. After suffering such a fatal injury, he still endured the pain and slapped Fang Chang with his backhand, and the phantom of the martial soul behind him also moved his hand.

With a muffled "dong", Fang Chang's shield-like spider legs that had been prepared long ago blocked his attack, and his body remained motionless. The spider legs that pierced into his body were more forceful, and pierced out from his back.

The human soul king wanted to continue to resist, but his hand dropped heavily after halfway up, and a generation of soul kings was finally killed by the spider's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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