Douluo: Evolving from the Man-faced Demon Spider

Chapter 55 Attack of the Titled Douluo

Chapter 55 Attack of the Titled Douluo
Fang Chang approached the three members of the golden generation lying on the ground step by step, slowly raised his spider legs, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

At the moment when his spider legs were about to land on Yan, who was the closest among the three, he suddenly felt a chill down his back, as if he was firmly locked by an extremely terrifying existence.

Fang Chang felt ruthless in his heart, and the spider legs accelerated down, pointing directly at Yan's throat.

There was only an angry whisper coming from the dark forest in the distance. A small stone seemed to come through time and space, and it hit Fang Chang's spider leg that was about to fall.

The spider leg seemed to lose consciousness for a moment, and fell powerlessly, rubbing against Yan's neck and falling to the ground.

Fang Chang looked down at the broken spider leg, and was shocked in his heart. The stone just now was not some kind of soul skill, but was pushed out purely by strong soul power.

What is the strength of the person who made this attack?If that stone didn't hit his spider leg, but his head...

Fang Chang didn't dare to think too much, and quickly turned around and jumped into the mud pond, but the powerful being still seemed unwilling to let him go, and threw three more stones into the mud pond one after another.

One of them pierced through the water, pierced Fang Chang's abdomen, and brought out a blood hole the size of an adult's fist, and his health bar dropped by more than half immediately.

He didn't dare to stay any longer, and quickly crawled deeper into the swamp under the water.

About a second or two after he jumped off the mud pond, the air somewhere in the camp suddenly twisted for a moment, and then an old man in a black robe appeared out of thin air like a ghost.

He first glanced at the mud pond where Fang Chang escaped, shook his head, then turned his head to check the injuries of the three members of the golden generation, but he didn't even glance at the corpses of the other soul kings, soul sects.

"Grandpa Ghost..." Hu Liena just woke up at this moment, watching the old man in front of her lower her proud head in a rare way.

"En." The old man whom she called Grandpa Ghost responded, and continued to make a hoarse voice like a parent advising a child, "It's good to let you suffer a little bit, lest you are too arrogant and lose sight of your current strength. "

Hu Liena nodded half-understood. She had always regarded herself as the heir of the future Pope, and she was very confident in her abilities, but this time...

She glanced at the corpses of the soul kings of the soul sect on the opposite side. Although she had gained some growth from this operation, the price was too high.

The mutant human-faced demon spider... Thinking of the soul beast just now, she felt a sense of powerlessness in her heart. She had never been so eager to improve her strength since she was a child.

Seeing her like this, the old man in black robe showed a rare gratified smile on his face covered by the cloak.

His task is to protect these three little guys and rescue them when necessary.

But from his personal point of view, instead of watching them show off, he would rather see them suffer like this time and have a longer memory.

So unless it is really an emergency like just now, he will not show up.

After speaking, his figure blurred for a while, and then disappeared in the same place, not knowing where he went.

After a while, Hu Liena woke up Yan and Xie Yue who were beside them, and the three left the swamp in a panic and retreated to the outside.

On Fang Chang's side, he endured the pain in his abdomen and crawled all the way from the bottom of the muddy pond to the depths of the swamp, not daring to turn his head back and let alone come out of the water.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, he felt a little dizzy, so he leaned against the shore and stopped to take a rest.

This time Wuhundian and his Liang Zi became friends, Fang Chang pulled the hatred value of Wuhundian to second only to Tang San in his heart, and he will definitely make them pay the price if they have a chance in the future!
Fang Chang thought of the mysterious operation they were doing in the depths of the forest, but when he thought of the terrifying existence just now, he immediately dismissed the idea.

With his current strength, he is not qualified to compete head-on with Wuhundian, strength is still strength, his teeth creaked, and his heart was secretly ruthless.

Evolution conditions: soul power reaches 1 years (completed); evolution points hundreds of thousands of points (not achieved, currently 77010); kill ten human soul masters above the soul sect (completed)

He opened the evolution line panel in the "system" again, and now he was only one step away from evolving into the Shadow Evil Spider—the evolution point.

And this is actually the simplest item. The fastest shortcut for him to become stronger is to rely on the "system", and the most important thing in the "system" is evolution!
Just wait for him to evolve into the Immortal Evil Spider Emperor, what Tang San, what Spirit Hall, let them all climb!
After making up his mind, Fang Chang took another short rest and continued to travel deep into the swamp.

At the same time when things were calming down here, in the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest, a group of human soul masters were fighting fiercely with tens of thousands of year-old soul beasts. them.

In addition to the few fighting ones, there are still many corpses of spirit beasts on the ground, all of which are more than [-] years old. If Fang Chang sees them, he must yell at them for a waste of time!
And the human soul masters also suffered a lot of losses, but under the leadership of the old man in the middle, they still held their formation firmly and fought against these soul beasts.

The old man in the middle looked dignified, and there was a bit of rejoicing in the dignified.

Fortunately, His Excellency the Pope had the foresight, this time he did not directly move the two innermost ones, but chose to use the name of the Soul Hunting Conference to send them to deal with some of the peripheral powerful soul beasts first, so as to prevent them from becoming a major event in the Spirit Hall obstacles.

And... He took a look at the thing wrapped in white cloth in his arms, and he finally got it.

And at the outermost edge of the Star Dou Great Forest, despite the incident of the mutated human-faced demon spider, the Soul Hunting Conference was still going on.

Those young soul masters under the age of 25 were all full of energy, constantly searching for the hidden soul beasts in the forest, and attacking them.

From Whitewater City to the Lake of Life, the core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest, the number of both high-level and low-level spirit beasts is decreasing sharply.

A passage was formed indistinctly, as if preparing for some major event.

Fang Chang didn't know about all this. At this time, he may be targeted by the green ghost leech again because of the continuous bleeding from the abdominal wound.

But this time he was not only not afraid, but happy instead.

He first retreated to a corner with mud walls on both sides, with his back against the mud wall, facing the green ghost leeches, trying to minimize the area of ​​his body that might be sucked by them.

Then he deliberately removed the "Poison Mist" skill, allowing the green ghost leeches to flood in large numbers under the attraction of blood.

When the number of green ghost leeches was almost the same, he turned on the "poison mist" again and spit out the poisonous net.

Fang Chang was in a good mood watching the green ghost leeches sinking from the water in large pieces, and the remaining seven spider legs kept inserting the green ghost leeches that had sunk to the bottom of the pond and put them into their mouths like they were picking up jelly beans on the ground.

On his panel, the number of evolution points is also increasing accordingly.

(End of this chapter)

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