Chapter 6 The First Evolution

Bunny is so cute, do you eat the head first?Or eat the legs first?

At this moment, while Fang Chang was running, he was already thinking silently in his heart.

Relying on the gap between the two sides fighting just now, he has already rushed hundreds of meters, leaving them far behind.

"Sa~ Sa Sa" several ear-piercing breaking wind sounds suddenly came from behind Fang Chang, and he hastily turned his body to the right.

Seven or eight crossbow arrows shot almost close to his body into the thick tree trunk in front of him, piercing through this tree trunk with a diameter less than half a meter from front to back.

Fang Chang let out a strange cry, subconsciously increased his speed, and passed through the dense forest.

damn it!Why is Tang San chasing so closely?
Right now, both the people from Wuhundian and Shrek are chasing Fang Chang.But only Tang San followed the most closely and worked hard, as if he had hatred for taking his wife away from him.

In addition, he also had an annoying hidden weapon, which almost killed Fang Chang several times, making him unable to relax for a moment.

This kind of pursuit lasted about ten minutes, and at a certain point, Fang Chang's eight spider legs plunged into the ground one after another, forcibly stopping the forward momentum.

In front of him was a cliff.

Although he couldn't tell how high the cliff was, at least he could see the thick fog on the top of the jungle below from here, and occasionally a few giant trees peeked out of the fog.

"Boom, boom" several muffled thunders exploded, and the pouring rain also arrived unexpectedly at this time. The irregular coral reef-like lightning in the dark night sky brought a moment of light, but it added a bit of heroism and sadness.

Fang Chang turned around cautiously on the edge of the cliff, and inadvertently a spider leg bumped into a stone the size of an adult's head.

The stone rolled and fell from the cliff, and the sound of it falling to the ground and colliding with it could not be heard for a long time.

Tang San had also chased to the edge of the cliff at this moment, he let the rain hit him, and walked towards Fang Chang with extra firm steps, completely blocking Fang Chang's retreat.

The distance between one person and one spider was less than ten meters, Fang Chang gritted his teeth anxiously.

Further back, the figures on both sides of Wuhundian and Shrek flickered, and blurred figures could already be seen.

In Fang Chang's mouth, the rainwater melted the blood clot that had gradually dried up on the soft bone rabbit, and flowed into his mouth along the root of his teeth, causing the part of his body that belonged to the original desire of the soul beast to churn.

This is already the last resort, Fang Chang originally wanted to find a safe place to eat this soft bone rabbit, and carefully consider the evolution route by the way.

But now he had no choice, under Tang San's horrified gaze, his half-opened mouth suddenly closed, and the comatose Soft Bone Rabbit kicked its legs weakly, and was swallowed whole by him.

"How dare you!" Tang San's eyes widened, his eyes were about to burst, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated a lot.

In the eyes of soul beasts, human beings are food, so his Xiao Wu, who was captured by the titan giant ape, is also...

No, it can't be!

The nameless fire rushed to the Tianling Gai, Tang San didn't care about it anymore, he rushed towards Fang Chang with blue silver grass in one hand and Clear Sky Hammer in the other.

Evolution conditions are met, optional evolution type:
Dark Scythe
Consumption: [-] evolution points

Evolution reward: Appearance changes, attack attribute is greatly improved, other attributes are slightly increased, status is fully restored, and the talent skill "Reaper's Scythe" is obtained.

Dark Armor Spider
Evolution consumption: [-] evolution points

Evolution Reward: Appearance changes, defense attributes are greatly improved, other attributes are slightly increased, status is fully restored, and the talent skill "hardening" is obtained.

In Fang Chang's consciousness, the light curtain appeared without accident. It can be imagined that one of these two branches is biased towards attack, and the other is biased towards defense, which will also have a considerable impact on the subsequent evolutionary route.

If you want to put it on most people, you may choose the first branch without hesitation, the dark scythe spider.

But Fang Chang is different, there is a mature man's heart hidden under his spider's appearance, he has already made a choice.

As for the spider, it must be a little more stable, a little tougher, and a little harder.

Tang San's Haotian Hammer hit Fang Chang's body heavily, the cracks on his bone shell deepened a bit.

But immediately after, streaks of purple-black rays of light diffused from the cracks, and under Tang San's bewildered gaze, this layer of shell unexpectedly burst open.

A human face... a weird spider jumped out of the originally square and broken shell.

It was a full circle smaller than the original Man-faced Demon Spider, about one meter in length, and each of its eight spider legs was more than two meters long. Its appearance was probably [-]% similar to that of the Man-faced Demon Spider, but it looked even more dangerous.

The biggest change lies in the black bone carapace covering its body, which has become darker in color and has a metallic luster; the two front legs have become flattened, resembling two curved shields.

Especially the lower body, the lower abdomen with the "human face", which was his biggest weakness, is now also covered by the carapace, and the "human face" is branded on it like a prominent embossment.

Name: Fang Chang
Race: Dark Armored Demon Spider
Soul Power: 2173

Evolution point: 730
HP: 550/550
Strength: 126
Attack: 134
Defense: 208
Speed: 171
Racial Skills: Poison Web, Spider Lance, Stealth

Talent Skills: Devour, Poison Resistance, Harden

Extra skill: regenerative power lv1
With his evolution, all attributes have been strengthened, especially the defense attribute, which has more than doubled directly, and the blood volume has also been fully restored!

There were not many changes in skills. Fang Chang focused on the new skill "hardening" acquired after evolution.

Hardening: Doubles own physical defense within 3 minutes, usable times per day: 1/1
It's okay, the skills that can be used to save lives at critical times are all good skills.

Facing Tang San again, Fang Chang already had some confidence.

He no longer flinched, instead he walked towards Tang San with long legs. Although his body was a little smaller, the coercion he exuded was even stronger.

Tang San has never seen this kind of scene, but he is angry now, naturally it is impossible to let this man-faced demon spider go because of such a change, let alone this is the spirit ring he chose.

He raised the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand and slammed it heavily towards Fang Chang again.

With the sound of "铛", sparks shot out, Fang Chang raised a front leg turned into a shield to block Tang San's attack.

He didn't move at all, but the spider legs standing on the ground were pierced half an inch deeper in the wet ground after the rain.

But Tang San stepped back five or six steps one after another, his back hit a short tree before he stopped, his tiger's mouth was numb, and the Clear Sky Hammer was trembling slightly.

Unable to succeed with one move, he hastily turned sideways, pulled out the Godly Zhuge Crossbow, and shot more than a dozen arrows at Fang Chang one after another.

Clank clang clang clang~ Amid a series of fine metal sounds, all the crossbow arrows with strong penetrating power were bounced off by the square shell, without hurting him at all.

Tang San only felt a bit of a headache, and in the blink of an eye, how could the Man Faced Demon Spider's defense become so terrifying.

And on the opposite side of him, Fang Chang's confidence soared after receiving several attacks from Tang San, didn't Tang San?Is the main character?Today, the man-faced demon spider is going to abuse the master!

He let out a loud laugh, jumped towards Tang San, and the shield turned into a spider leg slammed hard on his head.

(End of this chapter)

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