Chapter 65

"Successfully devouring the snow rabbit, gaining the extra skill "Ice Attribute Resistance""

"Successfully devouring the snow rabbit, "Ice Attribute Resistance" has been upgraded to "Low-Level Ice Attribute Immunity""


It was not until the No.20 nine snow rabbits were devoured that Fang Chang nodded in satisfaction and stopped persecuting the snow rabbits.He also finally got the extra skill he had dreamed of, "low-level ice attribute immunity."

Low-level ice attribute immunity: Immune to damage from most ice attribute attacks, and can survive in extremely low temperatures.

Perfect!So far, Fang Chang has completed all the preparations for entering the Eye of Ice and Fire. He looked towards the center of the Sunset Forest, the hill about 500 meters above the ground.

It is from there that the cold and hot air that affects this forest is continuously emitted.

And on the valley, the white mist produced by the collision of hot and cold air almost completely covered the top of the valley. From below, it looked like a whole piece of flowing clouds covered the valley.

But Fang Chang can't rush up now, he has to wait for another night.

On the bare mountain wall during the day, his "stealth" skills will be completely ineffective, and it may be a little troublesome if someone targets him at this time.

Besides, this is the hermitage of the famous "Poison Douluo" Dugu Bo, and it's unknown if he's still there, so Fang Chang couldn't be careless.

As the time passed by, Fang Chang was like a candidate who had finished the test papers in the examination room long ago and was waiting for the time to hand in the papers. He just waited at the bottom of the valley, looking at the sun that was gradually setting west from time to time.

Finally, the sky changed from blue to a slightly reddish orange-blue, and then it became darker and darker, until the daylight was about to disappear completely, and Fang Chang's body flew up the mountain wall.

He activated the "stealth" skill in an instant, and his body seemed to be integrated with the mountain wall. Except for the two shield-like spider legs among the eight spider legs, they kept piercing into the mountain wall, dragging his body to climb up.

His spider legs were originally sharp, but now they have been upgraded again with evolution, even if it doesn't mean cutting iron like mud, it is no problem to deal with such a mountain wall.

The higher he went, the thicker the hot and cold air became. As the air flow fluctuated, Fang Chang's body became extremely cold and extremely hot. Fortunately, with the help of the two types of immunity, he was not too uncomfortable.

When he reached the top of the mountain, Fang Chang looked down vigilantly. Although the thick fog obscured most of his vision, he could still roughly make out the scene in the valley.

The valley is in the shape of an inverted cone as a whole, with a steeper slope at the top and a gentler slope at the bottom, just like the wine glass he used to hold red wine in his previous life.

At the bottom of the relatively gentle slope, about two-thirds of the area is occupied by a "hot spring".

It is not entirely correct to say that it is a hot spring, because this "hot spring" seems to be neatly divided into two halves by a mysterious force, one half is red and the other half is white.

The red half exudes high temperature all the time, and the boiling spring inside sprays bubbles, and the hot air hits the top of the mountain.

The white half exudes severe cold. The water temperature is obviously far below the freezing point, but the spring water does not freeze, which is very strange.

There is clearly no barrier between the springs on both sides, but they are not connected to each other, and they just stay on their side obediently.

And around the spring, in the remaining circle of valleys, you can vaguely see a lot of spiritual herbs growing, and the fragrance of the medicine is caught in the air, and the smell is very attractive.

After staying on the top of the valley for a while, after confirming that there was no danger for the time being, Fang Chang stepped on his spider legs again and carefully climbed down towards the bottom of the valley.

The further you go down, the clearer the view of the bottom of the valley becomes. When I looked at it from above, the bottom of the valley was only the size of a palm, but now it looks countless times bigger.

About [-] meters away from where Fang Chang landed, a thatched hut was particularly eye-catching. Fang Chang put his heart in his throat and slowly moved towards the thatched hut.

It was probably Dugu Bo's temporary residence in the valley, and there was no other place in the valley where people could live.

Fang Chang walked to a place less than ten meters away from the thatched hut, hid behind a black stone and observed the thatched hut carefully.

About ten minutes later, seeing that there had been no movement in the thatched hut, he boldly stepped forward again and came outside the thatched hut.

Fang Chang took a deep breath, lifted a spider leg slightly, and poked a small hole in one of the outer walls of the thatched house, then moved his eyes closer to look at the situation inside the house.

The layout of the room is as simple as its appearance, with only a wooden bed and a round table simply cut from a tree stump, and most of the remaining space is occupied by shelves for storing medicinal materials.

But there is no one here!
After confirming that Dugu Bo is not in the valley, Fang Chang let out a sigh of relief. With his current strength, most of the soul emperors are no longer opponents. Even soul saints with some weaknesses are still capable of fighting.

But in the face of Title Douluo, he still didn't think he had the ability to provoke him. Even if he was somewhat resistant to poison, but with Dugu Bo's strength, just suppressing his soul power was enough to prevent him from having any chance of turning over.

It wasn't until this time that Fang Chang let go of his hands and feet completely. He continued to maintain the "stealth" state. First, he walked around the Ice and Fire Yinyi Eye, and then tore off a few well-growing herbs and stuffed them into his mouth.

Ordinary medicinal materials such as Cordyceps, cinnabar lotus, and snow silkworm are almost useless to him, but in line with the idea that even if it is wasted, it must not be left to Tang San, he also ate it into his mouth wholeheartedly. .

In just half an hour, the medicine field that Dugu Bo has painstakingly managed for decades has already been eaten away by Fang Chang.

He just walked and ate all the way, without showing any mercy, and soon he came to the place where the red and white springs intersect.

An extra-large pale pink flower on the shore here attracted his attention, even though it was still five or six meters away, the fragrance of the flower was already blowing in his face.

Variety: Youxiang Qiluo Xianpin

Grade: Immortal Medicine

Year: 15000

Good guy, it turned out to be it, Fang Chang realized in an instant, this thing is actually Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Grade, one of Tang San's many tricks in the original book, it can be called the nemesis of all poisons in the world.

This Dongfangchang will definitely not stay, or he has gone through all kinds of troubles to enter the Eye of Ice and Fire Yinyi this time, and the biggest purpose is these fairy treasure medicines.

Fang Chang held back his saliva, and walked step by step towards this delicate fragrance and Qiluo fairy product.When it was getting closer, he took another careful look at the herb and bit it down.

The strong medicinal fragrance melted in Fang Chang's mouth, and the taste was sweet and refreshing, which lifted his spirits, and the fatigue accumulated from the constant traveling these days also dissipated in an instant.

"Successfully devouring Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Product, the poison resistance skill has been upgraded to advanced poison immunity"

Advanced Poison Immunity: Completely immune to all poisonous attacks and the negative effects of poisons. When poisoned, it will be converted into an equal amount of healing effect.

This... is the first time he discovered that not only the extra skills acquired by Devouring Soul Beast, but also his own innate skills can also evolve as long as certain conditions are met.

Looking at the attribute panel again, his soul power has also increased for 500 years, and devouring the celestial medicine has the same effect as devouring the soul beast.

Fang Chang felt even happier. He swept his eyes across the area, and the information of several celestial and precious medicines appeared in his eyes as light curtains.

Star Anise Black Ice Grass, Blazing Fire Apricot Jiaoshu, Sunflower Qiluo Immortal... This time he picked up a big bargain.

(End of this chapter)

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