Chapter 76 Continued Suppression
Faced with this sudden attack, the seven little monsters were isolated into several war zones before they could react.

Here Dai Mubai faced a 42-level Soul Sect and a 39-level Soul Master alone, and there was also an auxiliary Soul Master who joined spontaneously to buff them.

Not long after he started playing, he was slapped far away with a slap, and a smear of blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.

"Fuck, you guys are serious." He cursed in a low voice, first used the third soul skill White Tiger Vajra Transformation, and then used the second soul skill Baihu Lieguangbo, and shook with the two of them for a while. There was no obvious disadvantage.

Compared with him, the other battle circles are miserable.

Xiao Wu was surrounded by six people, and the girls fought much harder than the boys.

Some of them pulled her hair, some of them tore her clothes, and some were even more vicious, concentrating their soul power on their fingers and clawing at her face, all aimed at disfiguring her.

At first, Xiao Wu relied on her agility to move around Xuan among several people, sometimes kicking one or two of them away.

But at this time, the only male soul master had a smirk on his face, and seized the opportunity to hug her from behind. One of the female soul masters saw the opportunity and punched her in the abdomen.

Tang San looked at the five people in front of him, and at Xiao Wu who was hugged by that man, his heart became more and more anxious, he immediately urged the Blue Silver Grass.

Five arms-thick blue silver grass came out from the ground, bound the five people in front of them together, and wanted to help Xiao Wu who was at the side.

With his current soul power, it's a little bit reluctant to restrain a soul master whose soul power is higher than his, but it's naturally impossible to restrain five soul masters at the same time.

The five soul masters mobilized their soul power together, and the blue silver grass on their body was instantly tightened, and then quickly torn off.

Seeing that this trick didn't work, Tang San took a step back, touched the 24 Bridge Moonlit Night with his left hand, and took out a crossbow from inside, but he thought for a while and put the crossbow back.

Those on the opposite side were all students from the same college as him. If something really went wrong, they wouldn't be able to explain it. They would only cause trouble for the master and the others.

At the moment when he hesitated, the five soul masters rushed forward and smashed his head with their fists.

"For the gift of the Spider God!" I don't know who among the five of them yelled, and the five of them all became energetic all of a sudden, and the attack was a little harder.

At this distance, the level of spirit power was suppressed, and the number of opponents was still five times that of his own. All Tang San could do was use his Xuantian Kung Fu to protect his body as much as possible.

Half of those five soul masters were tempted by Fang Chang, half of them held their breath a long time ago, and now they hit harder and harder, hitting Tang San more and more.

There was a sound of broken bones, and these people came to their senses, stopped their hands, and took a half step back.

Right now, the knee of Tang San's right calf was twisted abnormally, it was red and black, and it swelled up all of a sudden. He gritted his teeth, hugged his leg, arched his body, and sweated profusely from the pain.

Those five soul masters look at me, I look at you, who is the one who is cruel, even they themselves can't tell.

Seeing that the five of them withdrew to make room, those 20-level low-level soul masters rushed forward and continued to beat Tang San violently.

And the five of them coincidentally took advantage of this moment to quickly turn around and run to support other places, no longer caring about the mess here.

"Don't hit me, don't hit me, I'm kicked." Oscar threw himself on Ning Rongrong, trying to protect her as much as possible, while the surrounding four soul masters kicked him like sandbags.

After a while, he had shoe prints all over his body, his voice became softer and weaker, his body was hanging limply on Ning Rongrong's body, but his arms still hugged her tightly.

"You dare! My father is Qi..." Seeing Oscar like this, Ning Rongrong also shouted anxiously, but before she finished speaking, a shock of soul power hit her face, knocking out even her teeth Two, the face is swollen and tall.

Ma Hongjun and Zhu Zhuqing were relatively better. They knew they couldn't beat them, so they ran back quickly, but they were still chased and beaten by several soul masters, and they suffered some injuries to some extent.

Perhaps someone revealed the situation here, and there was a loud shout from a distance, and then Liu Erlong's figure rushed over quickly, "What are you doing!"

It wasn't until this time that the students finally stopped, turned around and wanted to run away.

"Stop all, old lady!" Liu Erlong yelled again angrily, looking at the seven monsters who had been beaten badly, especially Tang San who was lying on the ground with almost half breath left.

How can she explain this to Master...

Flender, Zao Wou-ki, and Master also rushed over to help the badly injured seven monsters, their eyes were on fire.

"Whoever hits, stand up to my old lady!" Liu Erlong was furious.

Seeing her like this, none of the students who beat her just now dared to move, and just stood there with their heads down.

"You don't even want to admit it, do you? Do you want to fire them all!" Seeing them like this, Liu Erlong was even more furious.

A few older students in the advanced class gritted their teeth and stood up first. They were already graduates and didn't care about being punished by the academy.

Anyway, their own strength has reached the level of the soul master, and if they get the reward of the spider god, they can still live comfortably outside.

Seeing that someone was taking the lead, the students who beat people just now stood up one by one, and then even those who didn't participate in the beating but didn't like the connection of the Seven Devils also stood up.

In front of the cafeteria, over a hundred people stood in front at once, all looking up at Liu Erlong.

"We beat people, so if you want to punish them, punish us!" The voices of these people were uneven and uneven, but at this moment, they seemed extraordinarily powerful, even Liu Erlong was stunned.

She looked at the students in front of her and was speechless for a while. When she changed the name of the college, she guessed that some students would be dissatisfied.

After all, Lanba Academy sounds even more imposing, and it can claim a bit of the name of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family. No matter how you look at it, it is much better than Shrek Academy.

It's as if a university was originally called a certain branch of a certain university, but suddenly changed its name to Lanxiang xx College or some Shuguang xx college...

Anyone who changed would be dissatisfied, but what she didn't expect was that the students' negative emotions had accumulated to such an extent.

But as the saying goes, the law does not blame the public, here are almost half of her original students, if the punishment is severe, it will only cause more rebellious emotions.

She looked at the master and Flender as if asking for help.

Flender was so angry that he blew his beard. He was not good at managing college affairs, and he was helpless in this situation, but seeing his students being beaten like this, he really couldn't swallow this breath.

The master checked the wound on Tang San's leg, first reset and fixed his broken bones with his hands, looked at those students, and then at Liu Erlong, who was in a dilemma, waved his hand at her, probably meaning "Forget it Bar."

Liu Erlong sighed with relief, "It's all over, I will punish you later!"

After doing this, she came over apologetically, and stood beside the master without saying a word, like a parent who came to apologize to a child who had caused trouble.

It's a pity that Fang Chang didn't get to see this wonderful scene. He was still hiding in the basement thinking about his next plan.

The Shrek Seven Monsters couldn't kill these little monsters for a while, but it certainly couldn't make them feel better, at least they had to keep suppressing them and control their growth momentum.

And the best way for him to suppress them now is to use the Spider God Sect, which has already gained momentum...

(End of this chapter)

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