Chapter 8 Survival by chance
The surrounding scenery slid past like a revolving lantern, and the forest covered by mist below gradually approached and magnified in Fang Chang's eyes.

Almost subconsciously, the innate skill "hardening" he had just acquired through evolution was used.

A black light flashed across the metal armor covering Fang Chang's body. It seemed that nothing had changed, but it gave off a more oppressive feeling.

On his panel, the value of defense also increased from 208 to 416 in an instant.

At a certain moment, Fang Chang's figure fell into the mist between the trees. He forcibly stabilized his figure, and spit out a white spider web with a diameter of five or six meters wide downward.

This is exactly his racial skill "Poison Net". After he evolved, the cooling time of this skill was also refreshed, which is just in handy now.

The spider web fell down a short distance, and the edge was just stuck to the two branches of a giant tree below, propped up in mid-air, like a hammock hanging on the tree.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Chang's body fell on it, and the spider threads on the spider web collapsed and straightened in an instant.

With a click, the branch of the giant tree stuck by the spider web snapped, rolled back with the spider web under the action of inertia, and hit Fang Chang heavily.

Fortunately, although this spider web only lasted for a moment, it also greatly weakened his falling speed, and gave him a chance to react in other ways.

Taking advantage of this momentary delay, Fang Chang once again spit out a spider web directly below.

It only took about half a second. After catching his body, the spider threads on the spider web collapsed to the extreme, and then broke one by one, breaking a big hole in the middle, and his body slipped out of the hole. , continue to fall downward.

Almost the same result, the second spider web also failed to withstand the impact of his fall from the cliff.

Then, there is the third spider web.

This time the spider web lasted a little longer than the previous two times, but in the end it was reeled back under the force of Fang Chang's fall.

The number of uses of the "Poison Net" has been exhausted, and Fang Chang's body is still falling.

The further down he went, the denser the trees became. His body kept hitting the giant tree, and was bounced off to hit another place.

Occasionally, sharp branches penetrated his carapace under the action of gravity and pierced his body.


Long's HP value on the top of the panel continued to decrease in such an impact, and his heart also rose to his throat.

He would jump off that cliff, and he was betting his life, hoping to use this to fight his way out.

With the strength of the giant ape titan, he didn't think he could take its blow.

If he was really hit by that huge fist like a hill, Fang Chang was sure that he would definitely die.

The HP value is still decreasing, and Fang Chang's spider legs have been broken during the fall. All he can do now is to silently pray that he will not fall to his death.

With a loud "bang", Fang Chang's body finally fell to the ground, creating a deep hole.

Looking at the subtitle "HP: 1/550" on his panel, Fang Chang heaved a sigh of relief, "I survived."

The extremely nervous mood gradually calmed down, Fang Chang's vision became smaller and smaller, his vision became more and more dim, and the whole spider passed out completely.

He didn't know how long it took before he woke up faintly.

After re-examining his current state, Fang Chang showed a wry smile on his spider face.

His current state was quite miserable. Seven and a half of the eight spider legs were broken, and only half of the right front leg could barely move. The others were either broken at the root, or had completely lost consciousness.

Take another look at the properties.

Name: Fang Chang
Race: Dark Armored Demon Spider
Soul Power: 2173

Evolution point: 730
HP: 47/550 (slow recovery)

Strength: 126
Attack: 134
Defense: 208
Speed: 171
Wait, this HP?

Oh yes, it was that one.

Only then did Fang Chang remember that when he devoured the slime, he had obtained a "regeneration" skill.

This ability allows him to slowly regenerate HP points and heal injured bodies.

It's just because the recovery efficiency of this skill is too low, it can only recover 3 points in an hour, so he didn't take it seriously at first, but he didn't expect it to become his biggest reliance now.

It's 3 o'clock in an hour... Then he has been in a coma for more than ten hours?
Thinking of it this way, Fang Chang immediately felt lucky. If he hadn't chosen to evolve into the Dark Armor Spider, but had chosen to evolve into the Dark Scythe Spider, he would probably be gone by now.

He raised his head, his eyes seemed to look at the previous cliff through the verdant forest, no matter whether it was Tang San or the Titan giant ape, he would not let it go!

30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't bully young spiders!Let's come to Japan...cough, cough cough.

After two whole days like this, Fang Chang still lay in the pit that he smashed out in such a posture, drank some of the surrounding rain and dew when thirsty, and could only bear it when he was hungry.

About one-third of his blood volume has recovered, and several relatively serious wounds on his body are gradually healing, but his legs have not been able to fully recover for a long time.

His three legs, which had been unconscious before, are now a little bit conscious, but they still can't use the strength to support the weight of the body, so they can only wave lightly.

As for the few remaining broken legs, some had a small granulation sprout from the broken part, and some had grown into a "pocket leg" that was a few sizes smaller.

It rained intermittently for two days, and it finally cleared up today. The muddy water in the pit gradually faded away, making Fang Chang feel more comfortable.

Hold on for a few more days, and you'll be able to go out!He thought so.

But at this moment, an accident occurred.

A fiery red ant-shaped soul beast emerged from a cave not far from Fang Chang, and crawled towards Fang Chang, looking for the guidance of the smell.

It looks to be about ten centimeters long, and its whole body is covered with fiery red hard armor. What's more, it has a pair of jaws that are almost half the length of its body on its head, which looks very intimidating.

Species: fire ants
Soul Power: 10 year

HP: 10/10
Strength: 1
Attack: 2
Defense: 1
Speed: 1
It just walked over, gradually approaching Fang Chang, and finally stopped at a distance of only twenty or thirty centimeters away from Fang Chang.

Then, using its huge pair of jaws, it picked up a dark object from the ground at that place, and crawled back, back into the hole.

Fang Chang recognized at a glance that the black thing was part of his stump, which should have fallen from him when he fell.

He let out a sigh of relief, but luckily the fire ant had bad eyesight, it just found his stump but not him, otherwise it would be really hard to deal with him in his current state.

But he wasn't happy for long, his expression gradually froze.

Not long after the fire ant just crawled back, another fire ant came out from there, slightly bigger than the one just now.

Two, three, four... More and more fire ants came out, and their target was surprisingly the same - Fang Chang.

(End of this chapter)

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