Chapter 84
Name: Fang Chang
Race: Dominant Evil Spider
Soul Power: 50140

Evolution point: 71310
HP: 29300/29300
Strength: 10700
Attack: 10875
Defense: 19633
Speed: 13381
(Affected by "Domination" skill bonus)
Racial skills: poisonous web, spider spear, stealth...

Talent Skills: Devour, Poison Resistance, Hardening...

Additional skills: regeneration power lv19, dragon's blood lv3, fire armor...

Fang Chang glanced at his current panel. After re-evolving, his attributes skyrocketed again, and with the 50% bonus of the "Domination" skill, it was even more ridiculously strong.

With his current attributes, he might already be comparable to an ordinary 10-year-old soul beast like the 10-year-old Soft Bone Rabbit.

If the influence of many skills is added, his instantaneous explosive ability may already be able to compete with the overlord of the forest like Da Ming Erming.

Of course, he is not in the mood to challenge those two guys now. After all, they have occupied the Lake of Life for a long time, and they are rarely separated from each other. Once they make a move, they must be prepared to face them both at the same time.

And this is far from being achieved by the current Fang Chang. More importantly, if they can cultivate to that level, they must have some means of suppressing the bottom of the box.

Thinking of Fang Chang, he quickly shook his head and suppressed this dangerous thought. His greatest advantage is potential, so there is no need to take risks so early.

Besides, regarding them, Fang Chang had long planned to catch them all at that time. Before that, he should try his best to improve his own strength.

Thinking this way, Fang Chang looked towards the outskirts of the forest, and walked towards somewhere between the third and fourth rings, but this time he did not deliberately activate the "stealth" state.

When he returned to the place where he was separated from the mutated human-faced spider king, there was no spider here at first glance.

But soon, the shadow under a big tree suddenly blurred, and then her figure slowly appeared there.

Seeing Fang Chang come back, she was also a little surprised. In just half a day, his appearance has changed drastically.

If Fang Chang's appearance had changed a lot, but his breath hadn't changed much, she really wouldn't have dared to come out and recognize him.

The original Fang Chang was like a radiant little fresh meat in her eyes, but now he has the stability of a mature male spider, which fascinates her even more.

"Come here." Fang Chang used telepathy to send a voice transmission to her.

Although he could understand the words of the mutated human-faced demon spider king, he probably could communicate with her in the language of the human-faced demon spider.

But he still felt that using "telepathy" like this would be a bit more draggy, and it would better show his stature.

"Hmm." The mutant spider king nodded, blushing and walked towards Fang Chang. He said in the morning that he would let her recuperate. Now... are you in such a hurry?
When she got close, Fang Chang raised a shield-shaped front leg and was about to put it on her head.

The mutant human-faced spider king subconsciously took two steps back, avoiding the square long spider legs, but then she gritted her teeth and stretched her head over again.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you, I'm just giving you a fortune." Fang Chang comforted her, and gently put the shield-like spider legs on her forehead again, and a light curtain appeared in his eyes.

good fortune?What is that?The mutant spider king curled his lips, but he didn't have the nerve to ask.

Maybe this is a spider from a big place, always saying some strange things that I can't understand, and if you ask too many questions, it will make you look ignorant, she thought so.

Evolution line one:
Dark Scythe
Evolution conditions: Soul power over 1000 years, consumption of [-] evolution points (evolvable)

Evolution reward: Appearance changes, attack attribute is greatly improved, other attributes are slightly increased, state is fully restored, and the talent skill "Death Scythe" is obtained

Evolution line two:
Dark Armor Spider
Evolution conditions: Soul power over 1000 years, consumption of [-] evolution points (evolvable)

Evolution Reward: Appearance changes, defense attributes are greatly improved, other attributes are slightly improved, status is fully restored, and the talent skill "hardening" is obtained

Fang Chang looked at the two options on the light curtain in front of him and couldn't help but smile in relief, such familiar options.

Looking at the evolutionary conditions again, fortunately, only a thousand evolutionary points are needed. The thousand evolutionary points that once made him scratch his head, now it seems that it is not worth mentioning.

Let's choose the Dark Scythe Demon Spider. Fang Chang made his choice for this mutant human-faced Demon Spider King without much hesitation.

His current plan is to let this mutated human-faced demon spider king be his cheap thug. Naturally, it is better to choose the one with higher attack power.

After Fang Chang's choice was over, a pale golden energy came out from Fang Chang's shield-like spider leg, flowed to the head of the Mutant Human-faced Demon Spider King, and radiated from there to all parts of her body.

She began to groan in pain, and then the armor on her body shattered one after another, emitting a strong white light.

The white light dissipated, and a brand new Dark Scythe Demon Spider appeared in front of Fang Chang's eyes.

At this time, her body has grown up a circle, becoming more slender, but fortunately, the color of her body is still the same as the snow white before, and she is like a goddess in the spider's aesthetic.

The biggest difference from before is that her two front legs are now in the shape of two sickles, which are just opposite to the square long shield-shaped front legs.

Race: Dark Scythe Spider (mutation)
Soul Power: 45600

HP: 16308/16308
Strength: 5233
Attack: 8193
Defense: 4892
Speed: 5997
(Affected by the "Domination" skill)
Fang Chang looked at her current panel again, good guy, although her soul power has not improved, but with the evolution and the influence of Fang Chang's "Domination" skill, her various attributes have almost doubled.

And this mutant... the Dark Scythe Demon Spider also felt the change in itself, tried to swing those two sickle-like spider legs, and both the speed of movement and the strength in its body were obviously much stronger than before.

Is this feeling the good fortune he said?She blinked at Fang Chang with eight eyes, her eyes full of gratitude.

After living in the Star Dou Great Forest for so many years, it was the first time that she clearly felt that she had become stronger. Even if she was asked to find those 9-[-]-year-old soul beasts, she would still dare to fight.

Fang Chang looked at her who was ecstatic and nodded in satisfaction. If he could evolve a batch of spider-shaped soul beasts in batches, the combat power under his hands would definitely double.Unifying the Star Dou Great Forest, or even unifying the Douluo Continent is no longer a delusion!

Finally, he looked at the mutated dark sickle spider again, "Shall I give you a name?"

name?The mutated dark sickle spider was dumbfounded again, what the hell was this, but in order not to show her ignorance, she still nodded.

" about calling you Xiaobai from now on." Fang Chang thought for a while, and came up with a name that he thought was not bad.

"Xiaobai..." The mutated dark scythe spider nodded again after listening to the name in confusion.

"From then on, I'll call you Xiaobai." Fang Chang stared at her and called softly, but this time he actually uttered the language of the Man-faced Demon Spider with his mouth.


"En." The mutated Dark Scythe Demon Spider responded, and she probably understood the meaning of "name" now, it should be a kind of address between partners.

 Don't worry, everyone, I won't make emotional dramas, the heroine is just a tool to develop her power, by the way...|ω`)
(End of this chapter)

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