Douluo: Evolving from the Man-faced Demon Spider

Chapter 96 Conquering the Sea Spider

Chapter 96 Conquering the Sea Spider

As the bubbles burst, the sea spiders around the wreck burst up simultaneously, fighting with the chimeric jellyfish that left behind the attacking bubbles.

After half of the chimeric jellyfish are attracted by the sea spider queen, the remaining chimeric jellyfish are still more than the sea spider, but the gap is not so obvious.

When it comes to average soul power, the sea spiders are even higher than these chimeric jellyfish, so at first glance they still have some advantages now.

However, these chimeric jellyfish are not stupid. They saw that they could not defeat the sea spider in a dispersed state, and immediately gathered and turned into a translucent jelly.

In just two breaths, another jellyfish monster with more than 8 years of soul power appeared in front of these sea spiders, and its soul power was even stronger than the one that was fighting with the sea spider queen.

At this time, on the side of the sea spiders, except for the sea spider queen who is fighting with another fused jellyfish monster, there are only two soul powers over 1 years old, one is in the early 2 years, and the other is just over 1 years old. .

At the moment, only the two of them can barely resist, and the other thousand-year, century-old, or even decades-level sea spiders are instantly stunned by the fusion jellyfish monster.

It just rotated its body in the sea, bringing up a circle of water flow, and the water flow swept past these sea spiders.

The weak sea spider was immediately rushed hundreds of meters away. If the two thousand-year-level siblings hadn't carried most of the impact force, they would have suffered many casualties just by this blow.

The fusion jellyfish monster didn't expect to destroy them with this blow. Its purpose has been achieved. After the impact of the water flow, the original formation of the sea spiders has been completely dispersed.

It ignored the two ten thousand-year-level sea spiders that were difficult to deal with, and turned around and rushed towards the weak individuals that were washed away.

A dozen tentacles swept over like a vacuum cleaner, grabbed them all, and sent them to the feeding port under the huge body.

The sea spider queen in the distance looked at this scene with tears in her eyes. Those were all her clan members, but now they were being mercilessly devoured by the fusion jellyfish monster. As the queen of the clan, she was full of grief and anger at the moment.

She wanted to support her wholeheartedly, but now she couldn't protect herself.

If she had chosen to distance herself from the fusion jellyfish monster to consume her, at least she would not be so passive at this time.

But in order to rush to support the tribe as soon as possible, she took the risk and chose the most dangerous melee combat. At this moment, she was completely entangled by the fusion jellyfish monster, and her body was continuously eroded by its toxin, and her consciousness began to blur.

At this moment, a voice came into her heart and awakened her consciousness again, "I can help you get rid of these jellyfish, but you have to promise me one condition."

This voice... The Sea Spider Queen remembered the monster spider that had been chasing her just now. This must be his voice.

Just now she was busy on her way and ignored Fang Chang, but she still remembered his voice.

At this time, she wanted to answer Fang Chang's words, but one of the tentacles of the fusion jellyfish had been groping around her mouth. As long as she opened her mouth, she would probably be invaded by it immediately.

Fang Chang also understood her situation, and continued to transmit the voice, "If you understand what I say, you just nod."

Even though the sea spider queen was bound by more than a dozen tentacles at the moment, she still moved her head with difficulty.

"My condition is," Fang Chang said, "after driving away these jellyfish, you must lead your people to submit to me."

This... the sea spider queen hesitated.

Most of the sea soul beasts live in groups, and if they pledge allegiance to another group, it means losing their freedom, just like slaves.

Just when she was anxious, Fang Chang's voice began to count in her heart, "Ten, nine, eight..."

Soul beasts with more than 8 years of spiritual intelligence are not weak, so they can naturally understand what he means. If he still can't make a decision after he counts, it means that he has given up this opportunity.

But... After all, this concerns the future of the entire ethnic group!

"Seven, six, five..." When he counted to five, Fang Chang deliberately prolonged the ending, and then added a sentence, "Look at your poor clansmen, they are about to eat three of them right now." One-tenth."

After hearing his words, the Sea Spider Queen hurriedly shifted her gaze to take a look.

At this moment, those weak sea spiders have no resistance in front of the fusion jellyfish monster for more than 8 years, and forty or fifty of them have been eaten in just a few moments.

Even if it wasn't as much as one-third of what Fang Chang said, it was definitely an unbearable loss for the small sea spider family.

Her heart began to shake...

"Four, three, two..." Fang Chang prolonged the ending again, and could vaguely feel a sense of threat.


"I agree!"

Almost at the same time Fang Chang yelled "One", the sea spider queen opened her mouth and made a sharp sound, while shaking her head violently a few times.

Immediately afterwards, her mouth was filled with the tentacles of the jellyfish monster, and the tentacles went all the way down her esophagus. The feeling made the sea spider queen feel so uncomfortable that she almost cried out.

She tried hard to bite off the tentacles, but the fusion jellyfish monster's tentacles were soft and slippery. Even though it was deformed by the bite and a liquid with a faint fishy smell leaked out, the tips of the tentacles were still stirring in her body.

Spiders of different species could not understand the language, let alone the spiders on land and the spiders in the sea. Fang Chang only heard a sound of "beep, beep, beep".

But at this moment, Fang Chang could understand what she meant without saying anything, and she also nodded.

Fang Chang suddenly withdrew from the "stealth" state, and his figure suddenly appeared next to the first fused jellyfish monster and sea spider queen.

While raising his shield-like spider legs, he slammed it fiercely at the fusion jellyfish monster. On the other hand, he used the "Shadow Clone" skill, separating three real and fake spider phantoms and rushing towards the second one.

The first fused jellyfish monster was frightened when it saw the mysterious spider that suddenly appeared, and its breath was not weaker than itself and the sea spider queen. At this moment, the mysterious spider attacked it without saying a word.

"Bang" the long, shield-like spider legs landed on it, slapping its soft body out of shape, and the chimeric jellyfish in its body were also shaken, and its breath became a little disordered.

After their fusion, not only the soul power but also the spiritual intelligence has been improved. Seeing that it has no advantage in facing two 8-year-old soul beasts at the same time, it immediately has the intention to retreat.

I saw that it pulled out all the tentacles from the sea spider queen's body almost instantly, and immediately retreated, rushing towards another fusion jellyfish monster.

The sea spider queen only felt a sudden lightness all over her body, but this feeling of something being pulled out of her body also made her uncomfortable, and she retched on the spot for a long time before gradually returning to normal.

On the other side of the fused jellyfish monster, three spider phantoms rushed in front of it in an instant, and a total of 24 spider legs inserted into its body at the same time, stirring crazily in its body like a sea spider queen, causing it to feel pain all over its body. twitch.

The tentacles that were about to reach out to the weak sea spider were reluctantly withdrawn by it, and hit the three spider phantoms embedded in it.

The spider phantom disappeared one after another after being attacked, but it also caused some damage to it before.

The two fused jellyfish monsters crashed into each other at this moment, and they fused together again.

They, no, it should be that its aura is constantly rising, surpassing the level of 10 years in the blink of an eye, but it didn't stop there...

In the end, a super-fused jellyfish monster with a soul power of 14 years appeared under the horrified eyes of many sea spiders.

This is how it looks after being weakened by the attacks of Fang Chang and the sea spider queen, otherwise it will be even stronger.

The sea spider queen looked at it with half panic and half helplessness in her eyes. Even she could only look up to a soul beast of this level.

Fang Chang, on the other hand, was making another calculation. Its current soul power was still too high, so it had to be weakened a little more before swallowing it.

(End of this chapter)

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