Chapter 173 Military affairs
The seasons got worse day by day, and half a month passed in a blink of an eye, during which there was a snowfall, and Lu Junyi also came to Tokyo.

After Lu Junyi was settled, Zhao Tang began to prepare for military training.

Not only training soldiers, but also practicing the art of war.

Meng De's new book may not be a first-class military book. At present, there are many military books copied by the Great Song Dynasty. It is not necessarily worse than Meng De's new book, and it may be better. are still common.

The reason why Zhao Tun attaches great importance to Meng De's new book is not because he thinks it will be better than other books, but because the world doesn't know it.

None of the art of war circulating in the world is a real secret. As long as the Song State has it, the Liao State will basically have it, the Xixia is similar, and Jurchen may also have it.

Everyone is familiar with it and knows it. Regardless of how well you learn it, you can always compare and deduce it with each other, and the power and effect will naturally drop by a few percent.

Although it is said that a master teaches two apprentices, some are strong and some are weak, but the routines are well known by the other party, so the competition is not only about the various tricks, but also the foundation and background.

In this way, besides the basic method of marching and controlling the army, the other functions of the book of war will be greatly reduced.

Unlike Meng De's new book, it was lost at the end of the Tang Dynasty. After the chaos of the Five Dynasties and the Spring and Autumn Period, few people in the world now understand the strategy and tactics of this book of war. This is the biggest advantage.

Lu Junyi: "Yes, my lord."

In the fourteen chapters of Mengde's military book, except for the first general outline and the last political strategy, the middle twelve chapters are all military tactics.

The first prologue talks about the preparations and things that the monarch and the commander need to do after the war is launched, including internal care, delivery, food collection, military pay, declaration of war, etc., which means coming.

If you look at the army above the Royal Highness, it means that you will win 100% of the time, and you are not at most forty sure.

"Military pay and pensions are hard to decide. If there is less, I am afraid that the national strength will be difficult to cash in. If there are too many, I am afraid that the soldiers will not complain." Tong Ying said: "It is not the one that belongs to Shangguan's grain, grass, and supplies. According to Yuanfeng before the reform Military law, that part should be in charge of the Ministry of War, and the grain and grass should be allocated to the Ministry of War by the Ministry of Households, and the part of the supply chain should be allocated to the Ministry of War by the Ministry of Industry..."

"Embroidery..." Zhang Xian thought for a while, and said: "Embroidery is nothing bad, it's slow to the end of the year and it's quiet inside, I ask you to dress thickly, then call Xia Dalang, and let's go to Zhouqiao for a walk together. "

Of course, Zhang Xian also thought about practicing Jun. After all, what needs to be prepared outside the chapter is that he is not handsome, let alone Jun, but that can only be considered as a joke. But I am not interested in the war at all, and I don't even like it. All I want is the result.

After a day, the exercise of individual combat and cooperative combat was completed.

To practice a kind of martial art, the moves and routines are here, but even if he reads the boxing manual a hundred times, he may not be able to practice it completely right the first time, and he may even hurt himself. would be wrong.

"How?" Liu Zhengyan asked.

Lu Junyi: "My lord, how long will it take to train an elite army?"

Speaking of that, Zhang Xian paused: "What's more, the so-called elite soldiers are elite first, advanced soldiers."

After going to the court, Zhang Xian went back to the mansion to see what was going on on the right and left, so he walked to the front house.

If you want to be timid, you are afraid of death. In fact, apart from being born with no faith, or being tempered outside the fire, the rest is like the Mingjiao disciples. If you suspect that you will be rescued by Mingzun after death, you will be promoted to the Ming Realm , This is naturally how afraid of death.

More than a dozen days ago, this soldier was trained, and as time passed, the New Year's Eve gradually came.

However, it is still the battlefield, because no matter how you practice, the real courage comes out of practice.

All practical things related to military pay, supplies and supplies were replaced with others. In short, a whole set of procedures after the war was completed.

Tong Yingwan: "My lord, is there a difference between township soldiers, Xiang soldiers, and forbidden soldiers?"

As for the weapons of the infantry, the only thing that can really pose no small threat to the cavalry is the God Arm Crossbow, but the God Arm Crossbow is a melee weapon, and its role in real small-scale combat is not necessarily limited.

Strength, speed, and spirit are all weaker than after a year, which is the result of training.

The same is true for the cooperation of few people. Surrounding battles, offensive battles, more battles less, less battles more, none of them have the same rules.

Tong Ying nodded and smiled, "Don't worry, there will be no chance."

If you want infantry to fight against equipped cavalry, it is feasible to rely on trenches, open the way with bows and crossbows, be covered with heavy armor, and hold heavy weapons such as small axes and hammers. That is also true for Yue Fei and Han Shizhong to use heavy armored infantry against the enemy Main way.

"Short-term battles are not good. If the wartime and the front line are prolonged, and the message transmission from the rear and the front is delayed, some mistakes may occur and affect the battle situation." Lu Junyi.

Those eight military books were not enough for Zhao Tong for a while, but even if he understood it, it was to practice it, but it was still just a "theory" outside his head, whether it had evolved into a real ability.

The atmosphere of the New Year in Tokyo is getting stronger, but there are fewer peach charms sold in places like Xiaoxiangguo Temple, Kaibao Temple, and Guanyinyuan. Set up a big stall, sell new peaches, and write spring stickers.

From the beginning to the end, all the matters were decided by Zhao Tong, passed on by Zhao Tong, and even supervised by Zhao Tang later. Tong Ying just sat in the town and watched everything with keen eyes.

However, individual combat in the training battlefield is a complicated contest of martial arts between two people. While fighting, they also have to respond to drums, gongs and flags, flying arrows and galloping horses, or retreat or advance.

"Siege the city and defend the city..." Zhang Xian narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard the words, and suddenly laughed: "That king is good at it, so he can't ask Wang Bao, do I seem to be in the army?"

Therefore, military training is not only training soldiers, but also training generals and handsomes!
Lu Junyi: "Your Majesty, what is an elite, an ex-soldier?"

Lu Junyi: "My lord, you understand too well."

Liu Zhengyan: "The battle line is too long to feed the war. The attacking side burns, kills and loots, and the defending side defends the walls and clears the field. At that time, we could not count on the supplies ahead. We all had to rely on our own ability. "

But in August of this spring, Liu Fa was ordered to attack Tong'an City in Xixia, and died in a fierce battle. Li Gang, who had just been demoted from Yushi to Yuanlilang, even wrote "The Essay on Hanging the Kingdom" in honor of him.

"My lord, I remember that there are only a few mistakes, but there are really no things that are actually done in the same way as in the book." Zhao Tong thought about it.

Both those two articles and the general outline were passed on to Zhao Tun, and Zhang Xian passed on the eighth article to me in the next few days.

Jin'er said: "The lady is embroidering in the building."

Looking at Zhao Tun's back, Zhang Xian's eyes gradually narrowed. Wang Tian has always been an officer of the Infantry Commander Division, and just one month later, I was promoted to the Du Yuhou of the Infantry Division.

Zhang Xian looked at the imperial guards in the tent who were writhing and resting on the ground, and said: "At least this one is weaker than us."

Zhao Tun nodded and said, "My superior remembers it."

Emperor Daojun Longyan was angry, and all the officials flinched, so they didn't get Tong Guan, a member of the Privy Council, to come out and recommend Zhang Xiandao to Hebei to suppress the rebellion.

At this moment, the infantry's heavy armor has not yet fully formed, and the infantry with infantry armor is still considered to be under heavy armor.

Jin'er is old, and it's the time when he loves silence. Hearing this, he said: "My lord, you go and call your wife now."

The so-called fighting a prepared battle, the so-called knowing yourself and the enemy, doing those things is not preparation, this one must be a confidant.

Zhang Xian looked at me and said, "Want to train recruits?"

There are people in all the yards of the front house, and it looks hot and clear, except that there is no big courtyard where Zhang Zhenniang is, and there is no breath and people's voices at the moment.

Because the theory may be wrong, but people make mistakes sometimes. When people use the theory, they need an unfamiliar process, which is worse than accumulating experience.

According to the equipment of the infantry, there is no chance of winning against the Liao cavalry or the real male cavalry.

Zhao Tong pondered for a moment, and said, "But my lord, where are the new recruits from outside practicing? You heard from my father that the young and old in the imperial army are inherited from outside the family, and father and son attack each other. I am afraid that some of them will know these so-called life-saving experiences after serving in the army. However, the young men who flee from famines and famines from various places are collected every year, but few of them serve as retreating troops, and few of them can be allocated among the forbidden army."

As for the so-called arrangement of archers on the flanks, shooting at the opponent's horse's buttocks, so that the opponent's cavalry can charge and break the infantry formation, that kind of thing is just a matter of thinking about it. There is a problem with logic, and it is extremely difficult to implement in operation. Talking about military affairs is even more false.

Liu Zhengyan: "Where is Zhenniang?"

The seventh piece of military articles talks about what preparations the army needs to make after the war, including post-war mobilization, boosting morale, rewards and pensions, front-line supplies, etc., so that the spirit and psychology of the soldiers can reach the worst state. After worrying about it, he went to participate in the war.

Then the scouts spied, and the scouts reported back. The vanguard officers marched around the Yellow River, and then camped independently, and continued to scouts, reported back to the camp, and returned to the commander.

Zhao Tong was in charge of the Shenwu right wing, but found that training the infantry based on it was something that could be done overnight. The imperial army was already tired and lazy, and it was impossible to complete it in a short while if we wanted us to accept so many things at once. .

Tong Yingwan: "Your Majesty, must you attack and defend the city?"

When returning to the camp, Tong Ying was not depressed but happy, Liu Zhengyan: "Dou Pian is a method of training elite soldiers, and it can be completed in a short time. This one can train an elite soldier in just a few days. On this day Everyone is a warrior."

The descriptions in Meng De's new book are very detailed, which is very similar to other military books.

Everything was prepared according to the real war, and the camps were directly opposed to each other. During this period, there were as many mobilization preparations, and both sides even wrote letters in a decent manner and sent envoys to hand them over.

Liu Zhengyan: "Yes, every soldier has to become an elite soldier. Some people have bad conditions and become elite soldiers even if they practice again. Some people are dull by nature. It may take ten or four years to practice. Thousands of soldiers, which coach can let me train alone?"

Zhang Xian walked back and saw a snowman piled up in the yard, Jin'er was wearing a big red coat, and was playing with a broom under the snowman's body, apparently trying to make an arm for the snowman.

I led the right wing of Shenwei, and Tan Zhen led the Tiger Wing Army, so they confronted each other and practiced by the Yellow River.

Zhang Xian glanced at me and said, "The temper of the forbidden army has been formed long ago, and there is no set of life-saving experience on the battlefield that has been handed down in the army for a hundred years. If they want to train us into elite soldiers, even if it is one out of ten, will it take two years?" It's all done, let alone..."

Lu Junyi: "My lord, are the Western Army's Xiang soldiers so weak?"

When the Emperor Daojun heard that he was the son of Liu Fa, he immediately played the role and named Tong Yingwan the husband of Taizhong, the military governor of Weisheng Army, and then went to quell Tianhu's rebellion.

Spring posts, not Spring Festival couplets.

Tong Ying nodded in disapproval: "The reason is the same, but the number is rigid. Maybe there are 1 people out of 7000 people who can't do it, so let's practice 8000 people, and [-] people, let's practice [-] people. That still depends on the general's eyes."

Compared with the troops of the different ranks of the Sima Infantry of the bodyguards and guards, there has been little change compared with the one year later.

Zhang Xian saw that your face was flushed red from the cold, and hoarfrost formed under the eyelashes, so he smiled and said, "Why don't you wear less clothes when you come out to play?"

Zhang Xiandao is the son of Liu Fa, a famous general of a generation. Liu Fa was known as the head of the famous generals at that time. He made great achievements in Hehuang, and he was envoyed by officials on the way to Xihe.

Zhao Tong thought about it and said: "You understand, what the lord means is that he really wants to train elite soldiers, whether they can be good or bad, and they should be trained together. We have to choose from them. 1 people choose 7000 people, 8000 people choose [-] people, and [-] people may choose again. One thousand, practice accordingly."

Moreover, that still has the most basic combat power.

Tong Ying went to court that day, it was originally Tianhu in Hebei who rebelled, the force was small, and he had not yet occupied Weisheng Prefecture and the seven upper counties, and now he was attacking Zhaode Mansion.

The second is not the long knife, the long knife is a broken horse leg, but because the infantry armor at this moment can still cover the whole body, so the threat of the long knife is not limited. As for the gun stick and catapult, the same is true, especially the individual catapult , there is a shackle that cannon stone consumption is difficult to replenish.

At that time, although the snow under the main road in the Wangfu had been cleared, the eaves, roofs, rock gardens and other places where the snow was thrown, formed a series of snow scenes, which complemented the carved beams and painted buildings.

Xiao Song's infantry at the moment, the main weapons are knives, guns, sticks, bows and crossbows, long knives, long spears, sticks, bows and arrows, magic arm crossbows, and catapults in order.

Jin'er was startled when she heard the words. Seeing that it was Zhang Xian, her face became even redder, and she hurried over to salute.

That time when Zhang Xian practiced the infantry, he and Tan Zhen each led a team. Zhao Tong was my deputy, and Zhao Tongdao was Tan Zhen's deputy.

Tong Ying thought for a while, and then said: "A recruit is better than a veteran, just like a piece of white paper, you can't draw any color you want to paint on, but the veteran's paper has already been smeared all over the bottom. , just like those Gyeonggi Forbidden Army, although they can barely draw a picture, but it takes more effort and effort."

Inside the handsome tent, Zhang Xian looked at the map and asked Zhao Tun: "Remember how much?"

Lu Junyi: "It turns out that Wang Xiaoren is good at it, so I will ask this subordinate now."

"Which one is the same?" Zhang Xian asked.

This is also the reason why military books and strategies are small. The battlefield is to say that the battlefield is changing rapidly. If you want to move randomly, you can copy it mechanically, but the preparation after the battlefield can be practiced.

Zhang Xian thought for a while: "This war has dragged on for a long time. The reason is not to fight and consume. One goes up and down, and the east wind prevails over the west wind. It's a mistake before we talk about it. Winning doesn't mean exhausting the opponent. Losing is not a strategy." Planning is enough, as for the battle line being too long, it’s nothing to worry about.”

The eighth chapter of fighting talks about how to improve the combat capabilities of the army, including individual combat, encirclement combat, small-scale army warfare, many people fighting against few people, few people fighting against many people, how to fight in those battles, Improve the combat ability of each soldier, and bring out the combat power to the minimum.

Zhang Xian shook his head and said: "The township soldiers said that as for the Xiang soldiers, there are not many Western troops out there who are weaker than the local imperial troops. If you pull them out alone, I am afraid that many local imperial troops are opponents."

(End of this chapter)

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