Chapter 112 One Two Three Wooden Figures

There is only one door between the dark hall and the corridor.

The moment Li Ran stepped into the dark hall, it was like entering a dark and endless space.

Apart from the darkness behind him, there is only that door.

One door apart!
The monsters crowded outside the door were so dense that it made the scalp tingle.

They rage, freak out, growl, roar!
But he stopped outside the dark hall, and was blocked by a monster covered with bone spurs. The frenzied killing was like harvesting mustard!

"He won't last long, let's go!" Li Ran said.

Lu Zhaohui and Zhao Yingzhi nodded, feeling extremely heavy.

That person is Ah Qing.

It was Li Ran who entrusted Ah Qing to guard the entrance of the dark hall with the dark gold card Anna gave him.

With that card, he can make any request.

The first time I saw the bartender Ah Qing's level and ghost power were all "???", Li Ran had already made a plan to make good use of her.

It is very important to guard the door of the dark hall, and there is no other candidate except Ah Qing.

The three of them walked forward in the darkness, and the door behind them gradually turned into a light spot in the darkness, getting farther and farther and smaller until they were invisible.

They didn't walk fast, but the door gave the three of them a feeling of speeding away from them.

Chi Tong was in charge of leading the way, and Li Ran lifted the effect of possessing the little devil baby.

The little devil baby seemed a little tired, so he lay on top of Chitong's head, propped up his little tongue, and fell asleep wheezing.

All three of them held flashlights in their hands, and two flashlights were strapped to their shoulders.

The beam of the flashlight was swallowed by the darkness within a short distance.

"Be careful!" Li Ran said.

The faces of the three of them were very dignified, walking in the darkness like walking on thin ice.

Li Ran's [Spiritual Sensation] starts scanning from time to time.

However, he found that the perception range of divine sense was compressed in the dark hall.

In the community, his perception can cover the entire community.

In the dark hall, he can only perceive a distance of ten meters.

Li Ran took out the ghost lamp, which floated in the darkness, and there were strands of terrifying ghost faces floating in the light and shadow of the light.

(The Lantern of the Underworld will guide you to the Realm Gate.)
Li Ran was relieved when he saw this reminder, they just need to follow the lamp.

But it is not known how many unknown dangers there are on the way.

"It's completely different from this when I followed Sister Yang Ping into the Dark Palace." Zhao Yingzhi looked around vigilantly and whispered.

"Isn't it so dark?" Lu Zhaohui asked.

Zhao Yingzhi shook her head and said, "Sister Yang Ping took me through the rainy city. That city has no color, except for the red raincoats worn by me and Sister Yang Ping."

"Sister Yang Ping let me sit in the back seat of her car and told me not to leave or take off my raincoat."

"She was very busy, from morning to night, in the heavy rain, without a moment's rest. At night, she arranged me in a hotel, and she continued to deliver food at night in the rain."

"During the night, when I was half asleep and half awake, I was haunted by nightmares, one after another, I knew I was having a nightmare, and I was conscious, but I couldn't wake up anyway."

"In the end I yelled, sat up abruptly and broke out in a cold sweat, only to find that I was still in that hotel, but the red raincoat on my body was taken off at some point and fell beside the bed."

"I was so scared that I hurried to pick up my raincoat. Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed outside the window!"

"A woman with disheveled hair appeared beside the bed!"

"If I try to move again, my body won't move anymore."

Listening to Zhao Yingzhi's succinct description, Li Ran seemed to have entered the terrifying hotel. When he opened his eyes, a woman with disheveled hair was standing beside the bed...

Just imagining it in my mind makes me feel cold all over my body.

Li Ran couldn't help substituting himself, if it was him, what would he do?
Of course, he stepped forward with a punch, another kick, boasted a big one, and taught that female ghost to be a human being!
No, good people must be ghosts!

He has golden fingers, so he can have such confidence.

After hearing this, Lu Zhaohui was not as relaxed as Li Ran, his face was frighteningly pale, and he was sweating profusely.

The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, his emotions became tense again, and he unconsciously looked around.

Then, he suddenly found a black shadow flashing past the edge of the flashlight.

"Yes, there is something." Lu Zhaohui called out in a low voice.

Zhao Yingzhi immediately entered a state of alert.

And Li Ran also released his divine sense again, and his mind perception covered an area where they were.

However, Li Ran didn't perceive anything.

Li Ran narrowed his eyes slightly, and scanned the edge of the flashlight.

(Little ghosts are causing trouble, just ignore them, the more you ignore them, the more arrogant they will be!)

Li Ran told Zhao Yingzhi and Lu Zhaohui the content of the reminder, and they felt a little relieved.

The three continued to follow the direction guided by the lantern.

"Hee hee~~~~"


In the gloomy and dead darkness, the little ghost's laughing and laughing, seemed to be far away, looming.

Lu Zhaohui had goosebumps all over his body.

He really didn't want to stay in the Dark Palace any longer.

Every minute and every second is pain and torture.

Being in a desperate situation, there is a sense of panic called every day should not be, and the ground is not working.

The light is like water, dead silent and gloomy.

The three of them continued to walk in the darkness, and there were ruins in front of them.

When the light shines on it, you can roughly see the pattern of the ruins.

Iron beds, hospital gowns, and water racks can be seen everywhere.

Bandages, bottles, toys, knives are scattered everywhere.

Collapsed walls, faulty steps, and broken bricks and tiles are everywhere.

There are bloodstains on the walls and on the ground!
They had a feeling of breaking into the ruins of an abandoned hospital.

Li Ran suddenly motioned to stop.

Using the flashlight, he looked at the dark and gloomy ruined buildings blocking in front of them.

He turned the flashlight elsewhere, trying to find another way out.

But unfortunately, the bypass was plunged into darkness, the lights were swallowed by darkness, and there was no other way to be seen.

Standing in front of the deserted hospital, four large characters seemed to appear in front of the eyes of the three of them - Great Forbidden Land!
A chill rushed from the soles of his feet to Tianling Gai, Li Ran couldn't help but blew up instantly, and couldn't help cursing: "Grass mud horse, if there is no ghost in this place, I'll wash my hair upside down!"

After being overly frightened and instinctively self-defense, after the national essence scolded, he felt much more comfortable.

Zhao Yingzhi's face turned pale with fright.

Lu Zhaohui's legs began to tremble uncontrollably.

"Brother Ran, I want to go back. Before I go in, I'm going to be scared to death by this ghost hospital." Lu Zhaohui said anxiously.

Although he knew that there were weird and frightening things in the ruins of the hospital, and he was prepared before stepping into the dark hall, but when he really wanted to enter, he still felt an unspeakable panic in his heart.

At this time, Ming Deng slowly drifted into the ruins.

The blood pressure of the three of them skyrocketed.

"Fuck, fight!" Lu Zhaohui yelled to embolden himself, and he was the first to follow.

Zhao Yingzhi didn't say anything, and followed, but she could see that there was no shortage of panic on her face.

Li Ran was at the end, and he swiped his flashlight to the side path, and another black shadow swayed past.

He frowned slightly, ignored him, and followed.

The devastated ruins were dead silent.

On the contrary, the footsteps of several people were especially loud in such an environment.

"It was like an earthquake happened here, most of the buildings collapsed, and a few buildings can still maintain their original structure." Zhao Yingzhi said.

The three of them did not enter the hospital, but entered a park that used to be a hospital. All the buildings belonged to the scope of the hospital building, and the old signs of the outpatient department, inpatient department, and restaurant could be clearly seen.

They walked on relatively wide paths.

The dead silence was desolate, and the three of them were filled with uneasiness.


Chi Tong, who was walking in front, let out a low cry vigilantly.

Chitong turned his head to look at the darkness on the right.

Lu Zhaohui's face changed slightly and he turned on the flashlight.

A woman with a bandaged head and a nurse's uniform stood motionless in the light with a weird posture.

"Mummy nurse?" Lu Zhaohui felt inexplicably cold all over his body, and there was no trace of warmth on his body.

The light continued to shine, and seeing that the mummy would not move, Lu Zhaohui patted his chest and let out a long sigh of relief: "I was scared to death, I thought it was alive."

He moved the flashlight away, and suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps approaching hurriedly.

Lu Zhaohui was so frightened that he flicked the flashlight in the direction just now.

Still the same mummy nurse, it remained motionless.


"Do you feel that its movements seem to have changed, and... and it's a little closer to us." Lu Zhaohui's heart trembled, and he swallowed unconsciously.

The complexions of Li Ran and Zhao Yingzhi were extremely solemn at this moment.

Even the little devil baby who was sleeping on Chitong's body woke up vigilantly, baring the little devil's teeth and staring at the mummy nurse fiercely.

Lu Zhaohui tried to slowly move the light of the flashlight away.

"Da da da……"

The sound of hurried footsteps came from that direction again.

Lu Zhaohui was so frightened that he threw the flashlight back to the position of the mummy nurse.

"The body movements have changed again!"


Lu Zhaohui and Zhao Yingzhi said at the same time.

The two of them didn't dare to breathe, their whole bodies were tense, and they could clearly feel their hearts beating wildly.

Lu Zhaohui didn't dare to remove the flashlight any more.

"What the hell is going on here? Is it here to play with one, two, three wooden figures?" Lu Zhaohui said anxiously, his hands holding the flashlight were trembling.

Li Ran frowned, and he took out more flashlights from the storage space.

Seeing Li Ran's actions, Zhao Yingzhi and Lu Zhaohui didn't quite understand at first, but suddenly they realized something.

"Brother Ran, don't scare me." Lu Zhaohui was about to collapse.

"You stay still, there is no danger yet." Li Ran distributed more flashlights to Lu Zhaohui and Zhao Yingzhi while speaking, and he continued: "Use strong tape to wrap the flashlight around the waist, and the shoulders , to ensure that 360 degrees of light can be illuminated."

360 degrees?
This means that they are about to face more than one monster.

Lu Zhaohui held the flashlight in one hand to shine on the mummy nurse, and secured the flashlight with strong tape around his waist with the other hand.

After Li Ran fixed his body, he also wrapped eight bright flashlights around Chitong's body and tail.

"I finally understand why you asked us to bring more flashlights."

Zhao Yingzhi looked at Li Ran in disbelief.

Before that, Li Ran got a few rules about the dark hall from Captain Zhang of the criminal police team using the "Little Paper Figure of Confidante".

The first one is【Bring a flashlight! 】

"Da da da!!!"


"Crack, crack, crack!!!"

At this moment, there were bursts of hurried footsteps around, messy and noisy, all around!

These sounds made their hair stand on end, both absurd and weird, but also revealing an indescribable horror.

"Turn on all the lights!" Li Ran shouted.


All the flashlights on them were turned on one after another.

Immediately, dozens of flashlight beams radiated all around.

The area they were in was instantly illuminated like daylight.

The sound of chaotic footsteps all around stopped abruptly!


The three of them took a sharp breath.

Under the ruins irradiated by the light beam, mummified nurses, doctors, and patients appeared in the ruins.

Their limbs are weirdly distorted, and most of them maintain a deformed fast-walking posture, as if someone has pressed the pause button during the fast-walking, and the posture is as weird as possible.

What's even more frightening is that these mummies have no faces at all, and their bodies are covered with bandages, and the bandages are stained with blood, which is extremely frightening.

When the three of them saw this scene, their bodies stiffened suddenly, and their scalps were about to explode.

They didn't move.

They don't move!
No one dared to take the first step.

"Hurry up and think of a way, we will be finished sooner or later." Zhao Yingzhi looked at Li Ran in fear.

"Da da da da!!!!"

More terrifying footsteps approached from around the ruins in the area where the light of the flashlight could not reach.

They all noticed that many motionless mummies suddenly appeared at the end of the flashlight beam.

But there were still creepy hurried footsteps in the distance.

Li Ran frowned. He saw a reminder just now.

(Hint: they are afraid of light sources, use them well to get out of trouble.)
That's why Li Ran tied a flashlight around everyone's waist.

"The value of these virtual strange powers is around [-]. If the number is small, it can be handled, but there are so many monsters like this in the ruins of the hospital. If they can't be killed, it will be a hindrance."

"The dark mask can only be provided for five hours. Once the time passes, the virus will infect our body unscrupulously."

"In order to hurry, my suggestion is - run!"

Li Ran said to the two with a solemn expression.

Zhao Yingzhi asked: "Are you using light sources to restrict their movements while running?"

"This is the only way to get rid of them. If this continues, the flashlight battery will run out of power, and there will be more and more voids around. We must rush out to find the gate as soon as possible."

After all, Li Ran temporarily put the lamp into the storage space.

He looked at Zhao Yingzhi and Lu Zhaohui, and made three two one gestures.

After making one gesture, Li Ran shouted, "Run!"

In an instant, the three of them rushed forward.

Dozens of flashlights frantically shook in the darkness.

The red-eyed fox took the lead, slapping away the two mummies standing in front of it with one paw, and killed them out of the encirclement like sharp swords.

"Da... da! Da... da!"

Then, an extremely weird scene appeared.

Under the frantic dance of the light beam, the light disappeared, and they began to chase after them at a faster pace. When the light beam hit them, they remained motionless.

Whenever the beam of light shines on them, they appear in their field of vision with a new posture and a closer distance.

"Crack! Crack... Cack Cack!!"

"Da da da da!!!!"

The three of them ran wildly all the way, surrounded by the sound of hurried footsteps.

The beam of the flashlight trembled wildly on the body, and where the beam flashed, there would be a mummy nurse fixed there in a strange posture, and there would be a lot of chaotic footsteps in the place where the light did not shine.

The three of them dare not stay for a moment!
They didn't know what would happen if they were approached by these mummy nurses, but they knew that the end would definitely be miserable.

It's not out of the question that it might even be turned into the next mummy.

In the darkness where light and shadow staggered, Li Ran saw more and more dense shadows, and the sound of footsteps became more and more dense.

"The one behind is approaching me!" Lu Zhaohui ran the slowest, and finally shouted.

The range of the light beam is limited, it can't irradiate very far away, and it only has a visible range of ten meters.

With the swaying of the running light beam, the mummies will approach quickly at a speed of one stop and one pause. It seems that they are not fast, but in fact, their speed in the dark will become faster and faster, so that the next time the light beam hits them When you are there, you will suddenly find that they are so close!
Before he knew it, four or five mummy nurses were already following behind Lu Zhaohui, flickering frame by frame in the light and shadow!
"Chitong, here's a tail!" Li Ran shouted.


A gorgeous blue tail wrapped around Lu Zhaohui's body, and Lu Zhaohui's speed increased instantly as if there was a pulling force.

And Li Ran came to the end, using a phantom ghost hand to hold a flashlight and float behind him, aiming at the approaching Xu behind him.

Chitong is even more powerful, with five tails spread out like a peacock spreading its tail, and a flashlight wrapped around one tail, shining on those who are approaching Xu.

With the gorgeous tail and the gorgeous light beam trembling, the mummy nurse seems to be dancing in the light and shadow, and the picture is extremely weird.


The little devil baby stood on Chitong's head and took a small flashlight to illuminate the surroundings randomly.

On the contrary, it feels very interesting and fun, holding a flashlight and constantly teasing the mummy nurse who is looming in the light and shadow and quickly approaching.

The three of them tensed their nerves, put up [-]% of their energy, and watched their surroundings vigilantly, not daring to let any of them approach them.

Finally, the exit of the ruins appeared ahead, and there was a desolate place at the exit.

The three rushed out of the ruins of the hospital holding their breath.

The footsteps behind him slowed down, and there was no sign of approaching.

Li Ran found that those Xu followed them no longer when they reached the exit, as if they couldn't cross the line, he stood in place and watched them leave.


Lu Zhaohui supported his knees, bent over and panted heavily.

Zhao Yingzhi's breathing also became short of breath, but it was obviously much better than Lu Zhaohui's.

On the other hand, Li Ran didn't blush and his heart beat, and he didn't breathe in the slightest.

His agility is 920, and his constitution is 450. He can run such a short distance without panting at all.

If it wasn't for the fear of endless virtual approaches, Li Ran could even kill.

After the breath calmed down, the three of them walked forward slowly, and Li Ran took out the lamp again.

The ghost lamp slowly drifted towards the desolate place ahead.

They are in a forest.

The ruined hospital behind him was hidden in the darkness, as if swallowed by a giant beast in the darkness.

"Withered, withered, and dead!" Zhao Yingzhi frowned and gave three labels to the forest in front of her.

It is said to be a forest, but there is not even a leaf.

The ground was covered with rotting leaves and dry branches.

The whole forest is desolate and dead silent!

There is no breath of life!
 The three chapters are close to [-] words, so everyone can read it at once.

  This is all the manuscripts of the furnace.

  I have to get out and continue typing.

  The dark hall continued to be a high-energy thriller without any urine point.

  Ask the big guys to subscribe and support, I am very grateful!

(End of this chapter)

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