Chapter 114 Slave Master Merchant (First Order!)

"Qiang! Qiang! Qiang!"

The continuous sound of heavy chains hitting the ground continued.

It was a monster with the head of a fish and a human body. It was tall and burly, with thick limbs, shirtless on the upper body, and ragged animal skins on the lower body, which were still stained with dirt and blood. Its skin was blue and black, like the skin of a dead body. , an adult-like thick chain bound from its shoulders to its waist for two full turns.

Its fish head is expressionless, its protruding huge fish eyes are dull, and its back is hunched as if it is carrying a weight. Every time it takes a step with difficulty, it will leave a heavy footprint on the ground.

The three of them looked at this scene, and couldn't help looking behind the monster.

"Qiang! Qiang! Qiang!"

When they were wondering, the sound of more chains hitting the ground came from the darkness.

A similar figure appeared in the black sandstorm in the darkness.

After the black sand wind was blown away, they could see that there was another monster behind the tall fish-headed monster carrying the chains, and they carried the same chains to move forward.

As the sound of the chains continued to approach, the black wind slowly dissipated, and more burly monsters carrying the chains appeared. They moved forward against the black wind and exerted their strength together. The roar is like a tracker pulling a boat by the river!

However, there were more trackers than they had imagined, and there was even more than the sound of a chain hitting the ground.

In the black wind, they saw another line of tall figures carrying heavy loads, and there seemed to be several lines in the deeper darkness, at least a line of hundreds or even thousands of people.

Moreover, the chain is stretched straight, which means that the end of the chain is pulling an extremely heavy giant, so that there can be such a large-scale load-carrying team.

The scene was too shocking, too shocking for all three of them.

Dozens of huge chains clanged powerfully against the ground, and finally something was pulled out from the black wind. It was a huge silhouette like a mountain. When the outline gradually became clear, a huge cage like a mountain appeared in front of the three of them. In front of him, what is even more frightening is that there is a hideous and ugly huge head imprisoned in the cage. The huge mountain-like head has a pair of terrifying golden pupils, a wrinkled forehead full of blood, and a thick beard. The head is rolling in the cage. , hitting the cage from time to time, trying to break through the shackles of the cage.

Seeing this scene, the three of them couldn't help but gasped.

The head has a fierce expression, and there are no extra limbs other than the head, but it does not hinder its actions at all.

And above the cage, there appeared a hill made up of baggage, treasure chests, jewels, gold coins, and bones. Holding a golden cigarette pouch in one hand and a long whip in the other...

Seeing this weird and terrifying queue, the three of them were terrified and their livers trembled.

The line of trackers and lalongs passed in front of the eyes of the three, which was both shocking and terrifying.

It took a long time for the three of them to recover from the shock.

"Okay... what an ugly toad monster." Zhao Yingzhi said in a low voice.

Who would have imagined that the monster controlling nearly a thousand trackers turned out to be an extremely ugly toad monster.

The long face of the toad monster is full of black hearts and philistines, and it seems that no one can take advantage of it.

"This team looks like it's transporting goods. Is that huge mountain of heads a cargo?" Lu Zhaohui said with a face full of palpitations.

Zhao Yingzhi asked: "Is it the black market merchant of the Dark Palace?"

Li Ran nodded, looked solemnly at the team of trackers in front of him, and remembered the heartfelt words Captain Zhang had said to him.

"Black market merchants are the slave owners in the Dark Temple. They have imprisoned a group of inferior monsters. As long as you give a suitable price, you can buy those monsters to do things for you. They like magic potions or equipment the most. Bargain with them wisely, and you'll have to lie down there too."

Li Ran informed the two of them.

"Let's avoid them, it's scary to see them." Lu Zhaohui said tremblingly.

Zhao Yingzhi didn't think so, but looked at those strong and tall latent bodies with fish heads and human bodies with fiery eyes.

"Can I buy a few fakes?"

"Why did you buy them?" Lu Zhaohui asked puzzled.

"Of course it does."

Hearing this, Li Ran and Lu Zhaohui retracted their chins, and both of them couldn't help but smile meaningfully.

Zhao Yingzhi rolled her eyes and gave the two of them a friendly international gesture.

"Since it is a black market merchant, you can buy things from it. Don't forget that all our props can only resist the virus for [-] hours, and there are four hours of exposure to the virus. Even if you enter when the gate is open , We have no protection for another hour."

"So I'm wondering if I can buy props to resist the virus from the black market merchant, even if it can only last us for an hour!"

Zhao Yingzhi expressed her inner desire.

Li Ran nodded and said, "That's exactly what I mean."

"Brother Ran, have you really thought about it, what if there is danger?" Lu Zhaohui said worriedly.

Li Ran patted Lu Zhaohui on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, when have I let you down before?"

After all, Li Ran asked, "Give me all the points you have left."

"I still have eight hundred." Zhao Yingzhi said.

"I... I only have two hundred." Lu Zhaohui poked his two little fingers at each other and smiled embarrassingly.

Li Ran said: "I still have one thousand, plus yours, it just makes up two thousand. I'll go and see what good things I can buy from him."

The two transferred the remaining points to Li Ran.

Li Ran originally had 5600 points, and with the one thousand transferred from the two, he had 6600 points.

The reason why he said that there are still [-] points just now is that he doesn't want to cause too much blow to the two of them.

The two of them have worked so hard to accumulate so few points, and he would be unbalanced if he spends four or five thousand for a suit of equipment, skills and props.

Li Ran temporarily put the lantern in the storage space to prevent it from drifting too far.

"You are waiting for me here."

Li Ran left Chitong where he was, and brought the little devil baby over.

He directly possessed the little devil baby, and used the little devil baby's flight to fly above the cage.

Only by flying over in the air and looking down can we realize how huge the team of slave trackers is.

It turned out that there was another huge cage on the other side of this cage, and a monster as huge as a mountain was also imprisoned in the cage. Farther away, there was the sound of the queue and the cage colliding with the clanging and powerful chains.

"It seems that the scale of the black market merchants' transportation is beyond my imagination, and the goods they transport are also very strange." Li Ran couldn't help wondering where the black market merchants would transport those goods and who they would trade with.

Li Ran flew above the toad monster, and slowly floated in front of the toad monster.

(Dark Temple Slave Master Merchant: You can use points to buy some items that cannot be purchased in the market. Of course, the price will be much higher than the market.)
(Warning: When buying something, don't try to bargain because it will bid you more than you, and you may end up losing it all.)
(Hint: In addition, if you can solve the troubles brought to it by the undead, perhaps, you can get a free item from it.)
Li Ran was standing in front of the toad monster. He didn't come forward to talk to him, and the toad monster ignored him, and just stood there smoking a big cigarette.

"Dead soul?"

Li Ran looked around, and found a mighty army of dead souls behind the cage.

The mysterious bottle can allow Li Ran to see spirits and remnants of dead souls.

In fact, from the moment they entered the dark hall, there were countless remnant souls floating around them, except for Li Ran, no one else could see them.

Furthermore, those remnant souls could not threaten them, so Li Ran didn't care.

In fact, the mysterious bottle was automatically absorbing remnant souls along the way, but all the remnant souls near them were automatically absorbed by the small bottle, and there were quite a few of them. It is estimated that a few tablets of mysterious medicine had been refined.

Because he has been on the run, Li Ran has no time to look at it.

Just after seeing the reminder, he noticed that there were countless army of dead souls floating behind the shocking line of trackers and slaves, and they followed behind the slave trackers like a faint aurora.

Li Ran looked back at the fish-head tracker at the front, and found that the monster was actually dead. His eyes were white and dull, and his skin was like that of a dead person. It was a tall walking corpse.

"The dead souls above the head are the souls of these slave trackers?"

Li Ran thought of another soul in Zhao Yingzhi's body. Could it be that the soul came to Zhao Yingzhi after losing her body, trying to occupy the dove's nest.

He turned around and looked at the smoking toad monster, frowning slightly, and a line of prompts solved his doubts.

(If you offend it, you will become a walking dead dark temple tracker to work for it, and your soul will be banished forever.)
The answer is obvious. The trackers and slaves are all walking corpses whose souls have been stripped by the toad monster.

Li Ran didn't want to offend such an existence, he saw that the toad monster's strange power value was all "???"

Offending such a monster is no different from courting death.

However, Li Ran had to get something to survive from it.

Li Ran stepped forward, Toad raised his eyelids slightly, and the eyes under the eyelids swept over Li Ran like sharp blades.

"I can solve those flies above your head for you." Li Ran pointed to the countless ghosts above his head and said.

He compared the ghost to a fly because Goldfinger reminded the toad monster that it was deeply disturbed, and it would be more appropriate to use a fly that could not be driven away as a metaphor. Moreover, he didn't say that he wanted to buy something, but only said that he would solve the trouble for the toad monster.

After all, the toad monster is a black market merchant in the Dark Temple, and the word "black heart" is written on his face.

Li Ran thought that once the transaction was made, his points and even his equipment and props would be hacked by the toad monster.

It's not impossible, it's very possible.

He suspects that the purpose of the strange world is to punish the players to death, the worse the better.

If you really want to trade with him, you will be fooled.

In fact, it is true. Once the player trades with the toad monster, the toad monster will strip off the player's underwear.

If you don't agree, you will become the next slave tracker.

The toad monster spit out a big smoke ring, and the big smoke ring flew into the air, just as a ray of ghost passed through the smoke ring, a terrifying grimace let out a horrifying scream!


Toad Monster's fleshy and fat body was startled, and his eyes became big from fright.

[Trigger task: Troubles of slave owners and merchants]

[Task Reward: Strange Power +200, Points +2000, Special Item*1]

Li Ran did not expect that the task could be triggered in the Dark Hall.

"You've seen it too. They don't want me well. They startle me every day, which makes my sleep quality terrible. Look at my dark circles. You don't know me, you think I'm a panda."

"You say it's ridiculous, these things are like flies in the toilet and can't be driven away. They just like to scare me when they see me upset and can't kill me. It's too annoying."

"I'm not afraid of them. It's just that the quality of my sleep is so poor that I can't hear any sound. These little things have troubled me for a long time and made my head hurt. As a result, I can only rely on smoke to refresh me at work."

"If you have a way to help me get rid of these little things, I can give you a treasure, and I will also give you a VIP card for fractures in our store."

The toad monster's demeanor is very funny, Li Ran really can't imagine that such a monster's strange power value will be at the level of "???".

"I don't need the fracture VIP card, but my baby is okay." Li Ran said.

After all, he held the [Mysterious Bottle] in his hand, and the effect of [Soul Refining] was activated.

Immediately, the innumerable dead souls in the sky turned into thousands of faint lights and were sucked into the vial.

This process lasted nearly 5 minute.

Li Ran also found that the quality of the inhaled dead souls was extremely high. Although they were not complete dead souls, they were of high quality in terms of remnant souls. He couldn't help but look forward to how many mysterious medicines the small bottle could produce.

When all the ghosts on the top of the head were absorbed by the small bottle, the toad monster's eyelids were completely opened, and the protruding eyeballs were as huge as light bulbs, looking at the top of the head in disbelief.

"Quack, quack, finally... finally gone."

Toad Monster stood up, his whole body trembling with lumps, and the excitement in his eyes couldn't stop.

"It's clean, it's completely clean!"

Toad Monster suddenly became more energetic, and his pimple face became benign inexplicably.

Li Ran shook the small bottle in his hand, and there was the sound of water flowing "crash la la" from inside.

"It's still not full?" Li Ran was quite surprised. He said that he had absorbed nearly a thousand remnant souls just now, but such a large amount could not fill the mysterious bottle?
Afterwards, he shook the small bottle in his hand and poured out more than ten mysterious medicines in one go.

In other words, if Li Ran takes all these medicines, he can randomly increase his attribute points by more than 1000 points.

This is not ten times or a hundred times better than Mingdixiang.

At this time, the over-excited toad monster turned his head and noticed the mysterious pill in Li Ran's hand.

The toad monster grabbed Li Ran's palm with its wet baby palm, and stared at the mysterious pill in the palm with eyes as big as light bulbs.

"Do you sell these medicines?" Toad asked, his light bulb-sized eyes filled with fanatical light.

(Strange power medicines and medicines are its favorite trading currency. The mysterious medicines in your hand are of high quality. With these medicines, you can choose two items in its store. Of course, you can also choose not to sell them.)
Li Ran frowned, closed his palms together, and said in his heart, "It turns out that the mysterious medicine is more useful than points here."

He hesitated for a moment. Taking these dozen pills by himself can increase the power value by more than 1000. If he trades with black market dealers, although he will not have the risk of being stripped naked, he is afraid that the value of the things in exchange will not be worth it. The medicine is good.

After thinking about it, Li Ran wanted to see how to get reward items from the toad monster in the task of dispelling ghosts.

"One yard is one yard, I solved your troubles for you, it's time for you to fulfill your promise." Li Ran said.

The toad monster croaked and said with a loud laugh: "I thought it was something, you don't know something, little brother, in this dark world, you can find out the integrity of slave owners and merchants, and we have zero bad reviews."

Li Ran doesn't believe in zero negative reviews. Either the customer is very satisfied, or the customer is gone.

"Then I'll release them again." Li Ran was about to pour out the small bottle as he spoke.

"Don't, don't, I'll bring it for you right now." The toad monster was taken aback, it didn't want to be harassed by those dead souls anymore.

Toad Monster flicked the whip with his right hand casually, and the slender whip picked out something in the treasure pile.


Toad Monster handed Li Ran a half-cut red candle.

The shape of the candle is no different from the candles that burn incense and light wax in ordinary households.

"I helped you solve such a big trouble, so you just give me a candle?" Li Ran felt that he was being played.

"This store never sells vulgar items, please take a closer look." The toad monster sat on the seat and said with an old god.

Li Ran frowned slightly, and looked at the candle in his hand.

[Special item: Holy Candle of Blessing]

[Effect: Blessing: Light the Holy Candle, the halo can disperse darkness, viruses, curses, poisonous insects, and wraiths. The light is in the blessing, and the effect of light extinction disappears. It can be lit for one hour. The number of uses: 1]

After reading the item introduction, Li Ran frowned.

"It's really timely rain. I was worrying about where to get the last prop to resist the virus, and here it is." Li Ran was secretly happy, this special prop came at just the right time.

However, Li Ran still had a dissatisfied expression on his face: "After all, it's still a candle, won't your conscience hurt?"

"Others call me a black-hearted businessman, I have no conscience, croak." Toad Xixi laughed.

"What a black heart!" Li Ran cursed in his heart.

At this time, the sound of mission completion rang in his ears.

[Complete task: Slave master's troubles]

[Completion reward: Weird power +200, points +2000, special item*1]

Completion of the mission means that the reward cannot be changed.

Li Ran got what he wanted. As for the items in the slave owner's shop, he could want or not. Wouldn't it be nice to leave those pills for him to increase his power by more than 1000.

And it didn't consume any points, so I'm happy.

Li Ran turned around and was about to leave, but the toad couldn't laugh anymore, it hurriedly got up and called Li Ran: "Where are you going?"

"Go back." Li Ran said without looking back.

Toad asked to stay, "Can't you just walk away?"

"Don't go, you protect me?"

Toad was taken aback, to be honest, it couldn't do it.

"Can you sell me the medicine?" Toad wondered.

Li Ran stopped in his tracks and became thoughtful.

Toad Monster took the initiative to seek him for a deal, the nature of which was completely different, and the initiative was in his hands.

Moreover, what was traded was originally the mysterious medicine refined from the ghost absorbed by it, and if it was traded with it again, it would be equivalent to a white wolf with empty hands.

Although a dozen pills of medicine can bring him a great improvement, but who can be sure that there are no good things in the slave owner's shop?
After thinking about it for a while, Li Ran decided to give it a go, maybe the bicycle would become a motorcycle.

"What do you exchange for?" Li Ran turned around and asked.

The toad monster stepped forward and pointed the big golden pipe at the Treasure Mountain under its feet and said, "You can choose any two of my treasures here."

Li Ran felt dizzy looking at the densely piled treasure mountain under his feet, and he didn't have time to search here slowly.

"Sorry, I don't have time." Li Ran said.

The anti-virus effect of their dark masks is less than three hours, and they haven't found the boundary gate and safe zone yet, the longer the delay here, the worse it will be for them.

Li Ran got up and was about to fly away, but the toad monster's frog paw stepped forward and pulled him down.

"In this way, I think you are in a hurry, so if you make your request, I will find it for you."

"It's almost there."

Li Ran thought for a while, and said: "I need a baby that can set up a safety barrier, and a baby that can defend myself."

Due to time constraints, Li Ran couldn't think about it.

Therefore, two directions were roughly determined. After all, once the time limit of the dark mask expired, they would have to inject a strong anesthetic. Finding an absolutely safe place in the dark hall might be more difficult than going to heaven.

If you can't find it, you can only create it yourself. You have to look for treasures that can set up a safety barrier, or a formation that draws the ground into a prison.

The second one is for self-defense. The little devil baby's [Disillusionment] has already been used, and he also has a self-defense skill [Phantom].

But he still didn't think it was enough. The danger in the dark hall was definitely much higher than that in the community. He even felt that the monsters in the community had already entered the dark hall.

Zhao Yingzhi was able to come out of the Dark Hall alive, and Captain Zhang was able to trade with slave owners and merchants. If the tens of thousands of aborigines in the community really entered the Dark Hall, it would be terrible.

The voids in the dark hall are much more terrifying than those in the community.

Not only are there a huge number of them, but they are also elusive. If you don’t master the rules, you might not even know how they died.

"Quack." The toad blamed the bulb's eyeballs on a whirl, raised a frog paw and said, "Give me a minute."

Immediately, it quickly rummaged through the treasure mountain on the cage.

The speed of the toad monster is both weird and fast. Its actions are flashing, and it seems that the fast forward button has been pressed.

Li Ran was horrified and had to sigh Niu Plass.

One minute later, the toad monster gave Li Ran two items.

Time was running out, so Li Ran gave the toad monster the dozen or so tablets of the mysterious medicine.

The toad monster knows the goods, and he can recognize the mysterious medicine at a glance, so he is naturally not afraid of Li Ran's cheating.

After Li Ran got the things, he didn't have time to look at them at all. He realized that he had been waiting here for too long.

We have to hurry, it is important to find the boundary gate.

As for these two treasures, we have to look at them on the road.

"This is the VIP card of the slave owner's store. You can enjoy discounts in the slave owner's store in the dark world." The toad monster gave Li Ran a crystal card with a toad on it, and said to Li Ran with a philistine face.

Li Ran took the card and hurriedly flew towards the direction it came from.

Because, just now, he received the wave of thought power from the red pupil in the summoner's coat of arms.

Chi Tong is in danger!
After Li Ran flew away, Toad Guaiwang sat on the leather chair, stared at the dark sky with half-raised eyelids, and said with great interest: "I'm afraid you are going to miscalculate this time, you have chosen an interesting guy to come in." .”

 [-] words yesterday, my old waist is about to break.

  On the second day of Riwan, the [-]-character chapter will be delivered first!

  Please follow up!Please follow up!Please follow up!
  Hearth is grateful!

(End of this chapter)

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