Chapter 128 Giant Butcher! (seeking subscription)
Walk in the dark passage.

The dim lights and the occasional sound of shoes rubbing against the film from under the feet are particularly harsh.

Even if they tried their best to restrain the strength of their feet, they still made that harsh sound.

After passing through the passage, a wider passage appeared ahead, and in the center of the passage there was a thick iron door with two doors.

The iron door was open, and a few plastic curtains were hung on the opening, as if to isolate the air inside.

"This is where the back kitchen is important. The store manager usually makes raw materials here, and then takes the pre-made products to the kitchen for the chef to process." Zi Yan whispered to the few people behind her.

They nodded solemnly, followed Zi Yan, opened the plastic curtain, and sneaked in.

As soon as they entered, everyone immediately felt a chill, as if they had stepped into a freezer.

"Your store manager works in the freezer?"

Wu Xing rubbed his arms vigorously and spit out white air while talking, which shows how cold the temperature inside is.

"Me, it's my first time here too." Zi Yan shivered from the cold.

Li Ran felt that the temperature in the back kitchen plummeted by at least [-] degrees. It was [-] degrees outside, but it was at least ten degrees below zero inside.

He's fine, his physique is 1450, which is enough for him to adapt to various harsh environments.

Xue Jin, Lan Daifei, and Huang Ruojin were also fine, and they didn't show any discomfort.

"Have you noticed that the things inside are much bigger than what we usually see?" Lan Daifei said in a low voice.

Everyone also had the same feeling. As soon as they entered the back kitchen, they found that the things in the back kitchen were extraordinarily huge.

The back kitchen is spacious and huge. Li Ran reckons it is at least as big as a basketball court, and it is full of stainless steel equipment.

The top of the head is full of oil fume exhaust ducts, the bottom is a stainless steel operating table, and there is a tall and wide ingredient table in the middle, and several extremely huge trash cans are placed on the floor.

How big is the trash can?
Li Ran visually judged that the trash can on the ground was taller than a person. Although it looked like a trash can, Li Ran thought it was as big as a gasoline can.

Not only the trash cans, but also the various ingredient boxes, tableware, knives, and even the stove and soup stove on the stage are several times larger than ordinary restaurants.

This feeling, on the contrary, made him feel as if he had broken into a world of giants, or had they shrunk collectively through that curtain door?
Others feel the same way.

This is not a good sign.

This means that restaurant managers are either giants or have the ability to make them smaller.

Li Ran hoped that this was his illusion.

"By the way, do you have the feeling that we have become dwarfs?" Huang Ruojin whispered.

Everyone nodded, expressing that they all felt the same way.

"Are you sure it's a guiding mission?" Xue Jin looked at Zi Yan and asked.

Zi Yan nodded with certainty: "Yes."

Seeing that everyone looked a little uneasy, she expressed doubts: "Why don't you do other tasks first, and I will do this task by myself in the future."

"It's all here." Xue Jin scanned the cold back kitchen intently, and then said, "Let's go together and see what kind of secrets are hidden here."


Afterwards, a group of people tiptoed and shuttled carefully under the counter in the back kitchen, not daring to make a sound.

After going deeper, there is a feeling of entering the world of giants.

Li Ran noticed a huge machete standing on a huge chopping board covered in flesh and blood. The handle was as thick as his thigh, and the knife was more than enough to chop a cow!
There was also the flesh and blood on the chopping board and the minced meat in the trash can. For a moment, people wondered what kind of creature the store manager was slaughtering behind this.


At this time, there was a loud noise from the back kitchen.

Everyone hid under the table, frozen in place as if the pause button had been pressed, not even daring to breathe.

The loud sound was like the sound of a stainless steel washbasin falling to the ground, which was especially loud and harsh in this dark and cold back kitchen environment.

Then, they heard the sound of the stainless steel basin being picked up again by something, and there were heavy footsteps in the distance.

It wasn't until the sound of footsteps disappeared that everyone dared to breathe.

"I'll go, isn't this what a mouse feels like?" Wu Xing whispered in horror.

"It turns out that being a mouse is so frightening." Lan Daifei said.

They feel like mice stealing food in the kitchen at this moment, using various card perspectives to avoid being discovered.

Several people hid under the table while searching for the secrets in the back kitchen.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Not long after, the distant footsteps came over.

The crowd scurried under the stage like fleeing mice in fright, looking for a hiding place.

Because they were too flustered, the group was divided into three teams.

Li Ran and Huang Ruojin hid under the sink, and there was a huge trash can in front of them.

Xue Jin and Lan Daifei hid in the storage cabinet, and there was a gap in the door to watch the outside.

Zi Yan and Wu Xing were more unlucky, they went in the wrong direction due to excessive panic, and had to hide behind a vegetable basket full of potatoes under the ingredients counter.

All six of them held their breath, watching the huge figure approaching in panic through the gap.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The first thing that catches the eye is the huge elephant-like lower body, the oversized leather boots and the oversized chef's apron, and the footsteps that make the ground shake, so that two words can't help appearing in everyone's mind --giant!
Li Ran thought that the pair of giant boots could fit two people, and even trampled them to death like mice with one kick!
The giant store manager came to the ingredients table, and from Li Ran's position, he could just see the back of the store manager, as burly as Mount Tai.

Because he was hiding under the sink, he couldn't see the chef's head from this angle, only a tall chef's hat.

Huang Ruojin, who was behind him, leaned against the wall of the sink, tightly covering his mouth and showing two frightened eyes.

Xue Jin and Lan Daifei in the locker also noticed the giant kitchen manager through the crack in the door of the locker.

Wu Xing and Zi Yan were miserable.

Because the giant store manager was right in front of them, the two of them were like shivering mice hiding behind a vegetable basket, terrified and desperate, and even stopped breathing.


The manager of the giant was operating something on the batching table, and sometimes he let out a low growl like thick phlegm stuck deep in his throat, and sometimes made a loud noise on the operating table.

Every time there was a movement, the hearts of several people jumped violently.

Everyone didn't dare to move, let alone make any noise.

At this time, the giant store manager reached out to get vegetables from the vegetable basket.

A huge palm covered with calluses and abscesses on the back of the hand fell from the front of Wu Xing and Zi Yan.

The faces of the two of them turned pale, and their hearts almost jumped out.

But fortunately, the giant store manager didn't notice them under the vegetable basket, but just took out a huge potato from the basket, and then cut it up on the ingredient counter.

After a while, the giant store manager left the ingredient table and walked towards the broth stove.

Until the giant store manager walked away, several people came out from several directions one after another like mice, and quickly rushed under the table of the fierce stove.

The whole process was quick and silent, and everyone unconsciously formed a tacit understanding, all communicating with each other with their eyes.

I am afraid that a movement will attract the attention of the giant store manager.

They had seen the giant store manager just now, and several people confirmed it with their eyes, and it was an existence they couldn't deal with.

Now they just want to quickly find out the secrets in the back kitchen, and then leave the back kitchen.

Staying in this place for a second longer, I feel like my heart is about to jump out!

The fear that fate is in the hands of the enemy is the most terrifying.

The giant store manager has moved elsewhere again.

The eyes of several people locked on the broth bucket.

"Could the secret be in the broth bucket?" Zi Yan lowered her voice and said as softly as a mosquito.

"This shop makes soup, and the secret may be high soup, that should be it." Lan Daifei said in a low voice.

Several other people also felt that the secret was in the broth.

But now there is a problem. The soup stock tank is placed on a separate stove, which is more than two meters high. Only then can we see the secrets in the broth bucket.

And this climbing process cannot be discovered by the giant store manager, and one must have agile climbing ability or flying ability.

"This exploration and guidance task is too difficult." Xue Jin said with a frown.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know it would happen. If I knew it, I would have done other tasks first." Zi Yan lowered her head and said guiltily.

"It's all here, we can't waste all our efforts, let's find a way to climb up." Lan Daifei looked up at the soup bucket and thought.

Li Ran fixed his eyes on the broth bucket, and frowned.

Zi Yan's guiding task is similar to an investigation task, and the task can be completed only by finding the secret of the back kitchen.

In other words, as long as someone climbs up to see the secrets in the bone soup bucket, this task can be completed.

It was a bold task and a certain risk.

"How about this, I'll climb up, and you guys help me cover." Zi Yan looked at the huge soup bucket, and continued in a low voice: "This is my mission, and I don't want to bother everyone."

Xue Jin asked, "Is anyone going with her?"

Everyone was silent, everyone knew that this mission was extremely dangerous.

The stove and the broth bucket add up to a height of ten meters, and the climbing process has to be done without making a sound, and the speed must be fast without being noticed by the giant store manager.

For ordinary players, the difficulty is indeed very high.

Seeing that no one answered, Zi Yan frowned slightly and said, "Since this is the case, I will also take out all the mission points. Whoever can help me complete this mission, the points will belong to him."

Li Ran's eyes lit up when he heard that there were points.

In fact, this task is not difficult for him at all.

He can fly up with the soul of the little devil baby, or he can use the shadow to swim up from the surrounding shadow walls. He only needs to see what is in the soup bucket, and even if he completes the task, he can easily get points. Wouldn't it be nice .

Just when Li Ran was about to speak.

"How many points do you have for this mission?" Wu Xing asked first.

"Five...five hundred." Zi Yan said.

"I really want these points. It's not difficult for me to build a ten-meter-high soup bucket. The difficulty is not to be discovered by the giant store manager." Wu Xing said in a low voice.

At this time, Huang Ruojin also stood up, and she whispered: "I want to try too, I have no problem climbing this."

For a while, both of them said they were going to help Zi Yan complete the task.

Zi Yan was also in trouble, she said: "Why don't you two go together, this task is an investigation task, you only need to see the secrets inside to complete the task, after the task is completed, the points will be shared equally between you two."

Wu Xing and Huang Ruojin looked at each other with firm eyes.


"I'm fine."

Afterwards, the two hid under the fierce stove to discuss countermeasures and how to climb to the fastest way to the broth barrel in the fastest way.

After discussing, the two had an answer.

The next step is to wait for the giant store manager to go away, and the two can act.

The giant store manager will walk around in the back kitchen, cutting vegetables, garnishes, stocking, frying, carrying, and checking the broth barrels, and repeats in these places. You only need to grasp the rules of the store manager in the back kitchen. It is not difficult to complete this task.

"Hey, it would be nice to let me go." Li Ran sighed in a low voice.

"You can also join now." Lan Daifei responded in a low voice.

"It's not worth the 500 points for the three of you," Li Ran said.

"Cut, you don't need points for a nightmare, so don't pretend there, you will die when you find another nightmare!" Wu Xing stared fiercely at Li Ran, and in his heart Li Ran was definitely a nightmare. .

Li Ran didn't even bother to respond to the doubts from his teammate Pig.

After waiting for a while, Huang Ruojin and Wu Xing were ready.

The giant store manager walked to the farthest distance from the broth stove, and the two quickly rushed under the stove of the broth barrel.

Then, Huang Ruojin put something like tape under his feet, and then stepped on the stove wall...

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, she walked upright on the wall of the stove, as if walking on flat ground.

On the other side, Wu Xing took out a crossbow-like hook from his pocket, and fired a rope hook towards the top of the broth barrel. The hook hooked the edge of the broth barrel with incomparable precision. Wu Xing tried to pull it a few times to make sure it was safe. After that, he quickly climbed up the stove wall.

In this way, one person stepped on the wall of the broth barrel, and the other grabbed the rope, climbing up without affecting each other.

In front of the huge broth bucket, the two were like miniature people, climbing the vertical and steep cliff.

The two were careful not to make any noise.

The four people below were also terrified, sweating for the two of them.

Soon, Huang Ruojin and Wu Xing arrived at the edge of the soup barrel almost at the same time. The two of them held the edge with their hands, and they only needed to climb up a little bit to see the secret inside the barrel.

The two of them made eye contact and decided to look inside together.

Huang Ruojin and Wu Xing held the side of the bucket, and quietly poked their heads out to look into the bucket.

When they saw the situation in the barrel clearly, the expressions of the two of them changed suddenly!
"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, the hurried footsteps of the giant store manager suddenly appeared in everyone's ears.

The four people who were hiding under the fierce stove saw clearly that the giant store manager had no head, only a tall chef's hat fixed on his neck.

When I saw the manager of the headless giant rushing towards the soup barrel.

Li Ran secretly yelled that it was not good!

At the same time, when Wu Xing and Huang Ruojin saw the scene inside the barrel clearly, their faces froze instantly.

There is a face hidden in the soup full of soup and various seasonings!

When looking at the human face hidden in the broth.

Wu Xing and Huang Ruojin's faces suddenly turned green and pale.

Thinking of the delicious bone fairy soup outside, the two of them felt chills, but luckily they didn't eat it.

"Materials, there are fresh materials again!"

Suddenly, the giant face in the soup suddenly opened its eyes, and there was a piercing smile that made the scalps of the two of them burst!
Wu Xing and Huang Ruojin screamed in fright, and climbed down the broth bucket in a panic.

However, at this moment, the manager of the headless giant rushed to the position of the soup barrel, and grabbed the two people on the soup barrel with two huge arms.

The sudden scene was beyond everyone's expectation.

Before Wu Xing could react in time, he was caught in the huge palm of the headless store manager.

Huang Ruojin reacted a little faster. She stepped on the wall of the bucket, and with the help of the rebound, she jumped to the outside of the refrigerator on the other side, and then slid along the outside of the refrigerator to the ground at an extremely fast speed.

The headless store manager grabbed Wu Xing who was screaming, and waved his hands to grab Huang Ruojin who was in the crack of the refrigerator.

Huang Ruojin hid in the gap between the stove and the refrigerator, and the giant store manager's thick arm was just caught, and he was just barely able to touch her.

Huang Ruojin leaned against the innermost part of the crack, almost touching the wall, with a face full of horror and helplessness.

The giant store manager's arms were too thick, so he had no choice but to give up Huang Ruojin.

It held Wu Xing in one hand and came to the broth bucket.

"Ingredients, there are fresh ingredients again."

The other hand picked up the head, and then installed it on the broken neck, just like installing a clockwork part.

This scene made the scalps of the four under the fierce stove tingle.

"Ah... help me, save me, save me!"

The four heard Wu Xing's desperate cry.

But no one can save him, or in other words, no one is willing to risk their lives to save him.

Not indifferent!
It can't be saved!

Together, they may not be the opponent of the giant store manager.

Saving Wu Xing is exposing himself, and may even be life-threatening.


At this time, after the head of the giant store manager was fixed, he held Wu Xing vigorously with both hands, and the horrible "cackling" sound of bones being squeezed accompanied by Wu Xing's screams resounded throughout the back kitchen.

Then, Wu Xing's voice was no longer heard.

Li Ran stared at the giant store manager in horror, and thought: "Giant butcher, rank A, with 4200 strange power? Is this a guiding mission?!"

"Ingredients, I found fresh ingredients." The giant's low growl like a beast echoed in the back kitchen.

Then, they heard the sound of chopping bones and chopping flesh.

Every time the heavy and huge bone-chopping knife fell, their hearts also jumped heavily.

This sound lasted for a long time.

Some pieces were flung in the trash can.

After a while, the giant store manager poured all the ingredients and pieces of meat into the broth bucket.

"Tomorrow's Bone Immortal Soup is available." The giant made an ugly hoarse voice.

The feeling that everyone can't express.

Huang Ruojin, who was hiding in the crack of the refrigerator, covered her mouth in dismay, not daring to make a sound.

Despair, collapse, and grief lingered in the hearts of several people.

Several people were silent and stopped talking.

Until the terrifying giant store manager walked away.

They came out of the corner without a sound, and fled like rats scrambling for their way.

(End of this chapter)

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