People are in a weird world, you call this a game of cultivation

Chapter 137 An Existence More Scary Than The Evil Snake God?The Onion Girl in the Cave!

Chapter 137 An Existence More Scary Than The Evil Snake God?The Onion Girl in the Cave!
It was only when he was on the beach that he realized how huge the cave under the sea cliff was. Standing in front of the cave, Li Ran felt as small as an ant. There was a strange gloomy light and the sound of hell-like whimpers coming from the huge cave. Creepy.

A mountain of foul-smelling corpses piled up in front of him, and Li Ran's pupils shrank for a moment. He actually found several giant skeletons in the pile of corpses. The branches growing from the skeletons had long since rotted and withered, and they had died for an unknown number of years.

Li Ran thought of the giant butcher in the kitchen behind a bowl of bone fairy soup. If the butcher died, his skeleton might be as huge.

This can't help but make Li Ran's chest turbulent. In the Cangming Airport dungeon, there are virtual aboriginals, nightmares who can pretend to be aboriginals and players, giant butchers, night herons that can eat people at night, and people who turn people into blood tree monsters. old dead tree.

What kind of place is this!
Relying on reminders in the dungeon, Li Ran, who always claimed to be calm and calm, also felt strong anxiety at this moment.

Because he found that this dungeon is far from as simple as he imagined.

Scarlet blood flowed into the dark cave like a stream.

Because the angle of view is on the No. [-] avatar, the reminder will not appear when Li Ran has doubts.

So he could only control the No. [-] machine to grope into the dark cave.

Li Ran controlled the clone of the No. [-] machine, and gradually calmed down. He stepped into the cave and observed the cave carefully.

As he went deeper into the cave, Li Ran initially thought that the cave was a huge karst cave, and there might be underground rivers or the like in the winding and rugged interior, there might be terrible ghosts inside, or the lair of nightmares, and even a trace of It's a fluke, even if there are some rare treasures in the cave, it's not necessarily true.

But not long after entering the cave, Li Ran felt a chill rush from his tailbone to the top of his head, and the chill spread all over his body.

He even regretted coming in, if he didn't control the mirror image clone, he would turn around and run away immediately.

It wasn't that he was cowardly, but that the scene in the cave was more terrifying than he had imagined.

The cave was filled with blood and blood, and it was pitch black. The air was filled with a strong smell of blood, and the sound of blood flowing into the depths of the cave could be heard next to Li Ran's ears. However, there were figurines of human figures on the rock wall in front of Li Ran. They are embedded in the rock wall with their arms folded, which is simply terrifying.

Li Ran noticed that when the underground water flows through the figurines on the rock wall, a stream of blood will be diverted and injected into the figurines on the rock wall, as if injecting life blood into the figurines.

The human figurines in the rock wall look like dead bark, rolled and wrinkled, wrapped layer by layer.

Manipulating the avatar to come to a human figurine. This is a human figurine with a broken face, and layers of bark can be seen at the crack. The cracked surface looks like several layers of bark are stacked together, but Li Ran didn't see it. any life inside.

If the main body is here, Li Ran will be able to see the prompt and know what these figurines do and whether they are related to the nightmare.

But the cave was too dangerous for him to risk his life.

Following the blood river on the ground to the depths, the blood river is like the branches of a giant tree, and the small tributaries that divert to the figurines are like branches.

Li Ran was curious about what was at the end of the blood river, and he came up with such a weird and complicated method.

"Nightmare died and turned into dead bark and resin. These figurines on the rock wall are wrapped in layers, like nesting dolls, but the blood is injected without signs of life. In this way, the blood flows into the human body. What is the function of figurines?"

"Or is there another layer of pipeline inside the rock wall, which transports the blood filtered by the figurines to the depths of the cave?"

"Could this be the lair of nightmares?"

With all kinds of doubts in his heart, he continued to walk deep into the cave.

Suddenly, the ground in front of him sank, and the clone's eyes gradually adapted to the darkness in the cave.

Thick blood energy and faint light shrouded the entire cave.

Although the environment is terrifying, he has not encountered any danger so far.

After walking along the sinking terrain for a while, the roar of the waterfall appeared ahead.

It was the blood river that suddenly sank after reaching the end to form a small blood waterfall.

The front became brighter, and Li Ran's avatar came to an open area.

However, Li Ran's pupils shrank.

"This is……"

A platform made of countless branches and vines appeared in the subsidence area, and a white jade-like coffin was raised in the center of the platform, which was interwoven and condensed with white branches and resin!
But at this scene, Li Ran took a deep breath, as if he was in a magical ancient tomb.

But the problem is, this style of painting is wrong, he didn't come to rob graves.

He looked around, there were a total of eight caves of this type he was in, and blood waterfalls spewed from all eight caves, pouring into the pool of blood under the platform.

And the white jade-like coffin stood above Yin Hong's blood pool.

Li Ran's scalp went numb for a while, and he felt unspeakable fear and shock in his heart.

At this moment, fine cold sweat oozes from Li Ran's head, his clothes are soaked by the cold sweat all over his body, and even his breathing becomes short of breath.

Zhao Yingzhi on the side didn't know what Li Ran saw in the cave, her eyebrows were tightly locked, and she didn't dare to disturb Li Ran.

Because she knew that Li Ran controlled the avatar to enter, and if there was any danger, the consciousness would immediately return to the main body.

The reason why Li Ran was so abnormally frightened and trembling was that he must have seen something that shocked him in the cave.

Just when Zhao Yingzhi was thinking about what Li Ran saw, Li Ran had already controlled the No. [-] clone to jump from the entrance of the waterfall to the platform full of branches and vines, and he walked step by step to the white coffin on the central platform.

"It turns out that this is a space intertwined with vines. All the blood from the eight blood holes gather here. What is the purpose?"

Li Ran's avatar looked down at the blood pool filled with a strong bloody smell, and found that many vines were sucking blood from the blood pool, slowly crawling to the platform, and those vines sucking blood got into the white jade-like coffin The bottom, injected into the coffin, seems to be nourishing something.

Li Ran was so frightened that the hairs all over his body stood on end.

Because of the first-person perspective, Li Ran has that immersive sense of fear, which is much more exciting than watching a horror movie.

It is precisely because he is controlling a mirror image clone that he has the courage to go deep into such a vicious place.

He also knew very well that if he didn't understand the secrets of the dead tree and the cave, even if he survived to the last day, he would still have to face these terrifying things.

Otherwise, what's the point of these bluffing things set up in the dungeon.

It is precisely because we know this well and find out the truth as soon as possible that we can find a way to deal with it.

Approaching the white jade coffin, the breathing of Li Ran's avatar became rapid.

It was because Li Ran's tense consciousness caused the nervousness of his avatar.

The coffin, which was condensed with white branches and resin, did not have a coffin lid. Li Ran approached step by step, looking at the inside of the white jade coffin bit by bit.

Li Ran's brows were tightly furrowed, and his face became serious.

With the help of the not-so-bright blood energy and gloomy light, he vaguely saw the scene inside the coffin.

The first thing that catches the eye is a white jade-like arm, slender and clear, slender and perfect like a lotus root arm.

How could there be someone in the coffin?
A chill went straight from the tailbone to the Tianling Gai, he approached and continued to look deeper.

A beautiful woman with muscles like white jade lay quietly in the coffin, her eyes were closed tightly, her eyelashes were long and narrow, her arms like lotus root arms were slightly bent, and her jade white onion fingers overlapped alternately in the lower abdomen, a layer of decay and withering The dead leaves spread on her beautiful carcass...

Under her body, there are white jade-like vines condensed under her white jade skin inside the coffin, sucking blood from the blood pool below into her body, making her seem to be breathing, with her chest breathing slightly .

She has facial features like a perfect work of art, jet-black hair like a waterfall, and every inch of skin on her body is perfect. Even in the era of beauty everywhere, her appearance is enough to surpass the world.

The things that can be seen are not enough to make Li Ran feel terrified and shocked. The reason why she feels so terrified is because the left half of the white jade girl's face has been torn off like a page of a book. Under the torn face, there should be The bloody face is another face that is more perfect and peerless.

"how can that be?!"

There is still a face under the human face, what kind of operation is this?
Are you wearing a human skin mask?
But somehow, Li Ran stretched out his hand to the girl's torn face.

Who gave the courage?

Perhaps it was because of this avatar that Li Ran had such courage.

In fact, his own brain was fried, and all kinds of horrible thoughts popped up at the same time, and he even prepared for the next scene where he would open his eyes to the girl.

Although he was controlling the avatar, he was already prepared to deal with various crises, but when he stretched out his hand to tear it apart, there was still unspeakable fear in his heart.

When the avatar's hand touched the left half of the girl's face, which looked like a torn page, Li Ran's body felt a "thump" in his heart, and his body froze violently as if he had been shocked by an electric shock.

But in fact, the avatar did not appear to be in any danger.

It's Li Ran's inner heart. You must know that he is tearing the girl's face with his bare hands.

This is a natural conditioned reflex formed by the body in the face of strong stimulation or indescribable fear, even if it is a clone.

The sense of touch that can be separated is actually fed back to the brain nerves of the main body.


Li Ran took a deep breath, suppressed the fear in his heart, and manipulated the avatar to uncover the broken page-like skin on the girl's face bit by bit.

The avatar's hands trembled just like Li Ran's main body's heart was trembling.

The girl's beautiful face like a torn page was easily peeled off by Li Ran.

How easy is it?

It's like tearing off a layer of wax film!
In the end, the skin of the human face was broken at the neck, as if the pages of a book were torn off.

The face under the girl's face became more and more exquisite, the skin was so fragile that it even looked as if it had aged, it was a feeling that was so beautiful that it took one's breath away.

However, Li Ran found another hole like a torn book page on this almost perfect face, similar to a small hole poked hard with a pencil on the paper, revealing whiter and more translucent skin under the small hole.

Li Ran suspected that it was his own illusion, because there was smoother and more delicate skin under the broken skin hole.

How can this be?

Isn't the girl wearing a human skin mask?

Could it be that her face is layer upon layer?
No flesh and bones in it?
With strong uneasiness and fear, Li Ran manipulated the avatar and stretched out a finger to pick at the skin break on the girl's forehead.

When he touched the break in the skin, Li Ran still felt the chill of palpitations, and his heart beat violently.

Little by little, slowly, slowly, he used his fingers to peel off the girl's broken face.

Still very relaxed, Li Ran took off that face without even feeling anything.

The entire face was torn off, this time it was broken at the chest.

Li Ran's pupils shrank for a while, and he looked at the broken skin on the girl's neck and chest in disbelief. It felt like three pages of a book that had been torn apart!
Looking at the girl's face again, there was another crack on that almost impeccable face. The crack seemed to be scratched on the page with a knife. Under the crack, there was tender skin like a boiled egg.

Li Ran's scalp was numb, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

How many faces does this girl have?

Annual ring girl?

Onion girl?

Li Ran felt like he was peeling an onion, layer after layer, the inner layer became more delicate, this strange phenomenon impacted his cognition.

Li Ran was chilled by the conjecture in his heart.

He didn't dare to tear off the girl's human skin anymore, maybe it would be closer to the truth, but he knew that the deeper he dug, the more dangerous it would be.

He was about to leave the cave, the moment he turned around.

Out of the corner of his eye, he inadvertently glanced at the girl's face again, and Li Ran froze instantly.

Under the blood-colored light, the girl's face was reflected in a strange red. At this time, the girl was opening her eyes. She had purple pupils one after another. Those pupils, like the eyes of reincarnation, stared silently at he!



On the cliff of the bay, Li Ran let out a terrified scream.

His whole face was extremely pale, cold sweat soaked his clothes, and he jumped up like a cat with fur.

Li Ran's natural reaction under the intense stimulation and excessive shock.

At the moment when his avatar met the girl's eyes just now, Li Ran's consciousness returned to his body in an instant.

That is the feeling of being stared at by death!

The girl in the coffin in the cave is something she can't afford to mess with right now!
It was he who took the initiative to withdraw his consciousness back into the main body, and he didn't know whether it would affect the main body if the consciousness remained in the avatar.

There is cheating in the dungeon, Li Ran rarely has the feeling of fear sweeping his whole body like today.

"Go!" Li Ran shouted.

His intuition told him that the girl was extremely dangerous and was waking up, or had already woken up.

Li Ran felt an unprecedented sense of crisis approaching here.

He must get out of this place as soon as possible!
Zhao Yingzhi didn't know what happened from the beginning to the end, and followed Li Ran to leave quickly.

When Li Ran and Zhao Yingzhi returned to Cangming Village, Li Ran felt the sense of crisis of being stared at gradually disappear.

In the cave just now, he really felt the threat of death. If it was not the avatar but the main body, death might have fallen on him long ago.

Although he broke into the cave bravely once, Li Ran felt like he was reborn as a human being after the catastrophe.

Although Zhao Yingzhi didn't see anything, she could feel an indescribable sense of panic from Li Ran's frightened face.

Even a perverted powerhouse like Li Ran was terrified, what a terrifying existence there must be in that cave!

"I saw extremely bad and hopeless on your face, I don't want to know what you see inside!" Zhao Yingzhi said suddenly.

Li Ran breathed calmly, his eyes still palpitating, and said: "I have to speed up and improve my strength!"

"It's definitely not going to work today. After going back and forth, one day will pass, and it will be dark soon." Zhao Yingzhi pointed to the darkened sky and said.

Li Ran also planned in this way. The original plan to go to the terminal to meet other players was forced to terminate, so he could only share the information he saw today with them tomorrow.

Before entering the cave, Li Ran was quite confident in his own strength.

But after staring at the girl, the feeling of being stared at was even more terrifying than being stared at by a snake god.

Could it be that the girl is a more terrifying existence than the evil snake god?

Before this, Li Ran was not so eager to increase the value of the strange power, but now, he urgently needs tasks, equipment, and points!
"By the way, can you give up your mission?" Li Ran looked at Zhao Yingzhi and asked.

Zhao Yingzhi's two tasks were extremely weird, and he really did not recommend Zhao Yingzhi to continue doing them.

I just don't know if I can give up and pick it up again. Li Ran has never encountered such a thing.

"I'll try." Zhao Yingzhi frowned slightly, and stood there in a daze for a long time.

"My God, so I can choose the mission!"

Zhao Yingzhi suddenly said excitedly.

"What do you mean?" Li Ran didn't quite understand.

Zhao Yingzhi said excitedly: "It turns out that under the task of guiding Bloody, there is another task of guiding that belongs to me. This task is normal. The first one is for me to report to the security inspection team leader."

"The bloody mission belongs to vampires?" Li Ran asked in surprise.


There is really an indescribable weirdness about Zhao Yingzhi.

Others have one-line missions, but she is lucky to have two-line tasks.

In other words, for the past three days, Zhao Yingzhi has been doing vampire tasks without knowing it.

If he hadn't tried to ask a question today, it is estimated that this girl still doesn't know that she has a normal mission.

Nima, the heart is really big, just like her chest.

Li Ran checked his mission panel, he has no mission now!
He didn't expect his mission to be cleared so quickly.

"Tomorrow, I have to do more trigger tasks. Trigger tasks are easy to get some equipment. By the way, I will help players complete the tasks to collect points. Well, it's such a happy decision."

Li Ran has already made plans for tomorrow.

He now needs to purify his mind and dispel the shadows in his heart.

After saying goodbye to Zhao Yingzhi and agreeing to go to the terminal building to have a round with other players tomorrow, Li Ran returned to the apartment.

The first thing to do when entering the apartment is to feed Huang Xudong the sleeping potion to ensure that he can have more adequate sleep.

On the day he leaves, Huang Xudong will definitely be grateful to Li Ran for taking care of him these days.

Afterwards, he took out his "Happy Home Resident Certificate" and planned to enter Happy Home.

A cold system voice sounded in Li Ran's ear.

【Your environment is not absolutely safe, please check the surrounding environment! 】

(End of this chapter)

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