Chapter 150 The Land of Exile (please subscribe!)


Li Ran played the violin underwater, commanding the countless wraiths to enter the terrifying coral area.

With the wraith leading the way, Li Ran would be able to react immediately if he encountered any danger or triggered any taboo.

In fact, when he got here, he really wanted to quit, but Wang Zhu, the sand sculpture NPC, had already rushed in, and the plot was halfway through, so he was in a dilemma.

Fortunately, he gritted his teeth and bit the bullet to complete this task.

Follow the prompts, at least it won't be very dangerous.

Entering the terrifying coral sea area, Li Ran felt intense unease in his heart. There were strange fluctuations in the depths of the dark coral sea, which made him feel very uncomfortable, as if in the darkness he couldn't see, there were countless twins Eyes were watching him.

But Xiao Yusu happily swam around Li Ran, and her voice sounded in Li Ran's mind: "Papa, it's so comfortable here, it's like soaking in a hot spring."

"Soaking in hot springs?" Li Ran frowned, which meant that the dark atmosphere in this sea area was stronger than anywhere else.

The dark breath is the little witch's food, and it can nourish her body invisibly.

But for people, this place is indeed gloomy and chilling.

Wang Zhu has been fishing overseas all year round, and his water quality is excellent. With underwater lighting equipment and diving equipment on his head, he goes boldly into the depths of this terrifying coral sea.

Li Ran didn't know what the sand sculpture saw. He was crazy. Could it be that he couldn't see the endless corpses under the seabed and in the coral?


The sound of the piano echoed under the deep sea, and continued to move forward.

He found more ghosts and resentful spirits floating around, and even underwater ghost lights floating around like ghost lights in the capital.

Li Ran felt his scalp numb and chills all over his body, as if he had entered the entrance of hell from the bottom of the sea.

"Papa, look at how big this bone is."

The little witch swam above a cluster of hideous coral bushes, and then got into the eye socket of an extremely huge head under Li Ran's horrified eyes, and then got out from the mouth of the head. It's a slide instead of a giant's skull.

"Yu Su, don't play with that, come quickly." Li Ran said in an orderly tone.

Yusu swam back reluctantly. On those huge coral bushes that looked like bone spurs, more than a dozen extremely huge skeletons were pierced by horn-like corals. In the coral groves, there is horror and horror.

The skulls of those giants are as big as a small house, and under the coral bushes, they are densely covered with all kinds of bones. At a glance, the seabed of this sea area is white, and the bones are as white as ice. Spread like a carpet into the depths.

"What the hell is this place?"

The so-called Coral Palace is just an appearance used to cover up this terrifying sea area, and this is the real face of the Coral Palace.

This is why there are so many ghosts here.

If he didn't have [Dream of Death], how would he dare to enter this underwater ghostland.

(The Land of Exile: It is said that the ghosts who make mistakes in the sea of ​​ghosts will be exiled here, and they will never be able to leave for eternity.)
"A ghost exiled by the ghost domain?"

After seeing the prompt, Li Ran probably understood what kind of place this place is.

In this place full of horrible bones, dead people, ghosts, giants or other horrible creatures, they all originally came from the sea of ​​ghosts, but were exiled here due to mistakes, and could never leave?

There are fairies here?
Looking at Wang Zhu who was rushing towards the fairy in the torrent in the distance, Li Ran had a bad premonition in his heart.

Wang Zhu continued to dive into the depths. Although there were terrifying scenes everywhere, there was no danger.

Li Ran even felt that there were no living things here.

As it continued to deepen, the ghosts and resentful spirits gathered in [Dead Dream] had reached a thousand, and under Li Ran's order, they rushed to the depths in a mighty way.

One or two of these remnant souls may not cause much harm to the living body, but if the number reaches a terrifying level, it will be another matter.

In the space of reincarnation, there are scholars who study dead souls, ghosts, and evil spirits. There is a report describing the harm of ghosts to living bodies.

If the soul of the dead is complete, the stronger the obsession and the higher the value of the ghost power, it can be used as a living body, and if the target's ghost power value is low, it is possible to be caught by the body, and there will be a problem of body competition.

The vampire soul in Zhao Yingzhi's body is a complete evil spirit with strong obsessions. At that time, Zhao Yingzhi's power value was low when entering the dark hall, which gave the vampire a chance to sneak in.

If you encounter a remnant soul, if only one passes through the human body, you will probably only feel a little coolness, and two or three will feel chilly. If you enter a place where there are many remnant souls, you will obviously feel Chill and gloomy, the remnant soul still has no substantial harm to human beings here.

According to a statistic in the scholar's report, if about a hundred remnant souls attack humans at the same time, the body of an ordinary person cannot bear it, and they will be insane immediately and lose the dominance of the body. Once a hundred remnant souls enter If the body is lost, there will be a horrible situation of ghosts possessing the body. Human beings completely lose control of the body and become a terrifying container that absorbs the remnant souls.

Li Ran is now ordering more than 1000 remnant souls. If they attack humans, they will lose control of their bodies in an instant, and turn that human body into a melting pot of thousands of ghosts, directly cultivating a terrifying ghost king. .


At this time, Wang Zhu yelled again in the water, and a lot of blisters appeared around his mouth.

At this moment, he noticed that Wang Zhu had brought him to the deepest part of this terrifying sea, under the bony coral wall ahead...

A huge golden coral is like a curved giant's palm. It grows out of a giant's skull, passing through eye sockets, ears, nose holes, and mouth. Countless tiny corals are intertwined, and finally intertwined like giant pillars standing on the ground. In the water, there are a total of five golden giant pillars, standing on the bone mountain like a huge golden bergamot.

The golden coral exudes a dazzling holy light, and the surrounding three feet are covered with golden light.

Li Ran's brows were greatly frowned. Golden and sacred corals grew out of this ghostly land. What's more ironic is that the corals actually grew out of the giant's skull, like a bergamot on the head of the giant's skull. Inexplicably, there is a feeling that Wuzhishan is suppressing Huangquan.

The golden coral in his hand can almost be determined to come from here.

"Papa, there's a big shell on it." The little witch Yusu pointed to the top of the giant's skull, with the golden bergamot in her palm.

The huge shell is extremely bright, exuding bursts of dazzling white light, and the transparent body is crystal clear, as if made of white jade.


Wang Zhu yelled, spit out a lot of bubbles and rushed up.

Wang Zhu swam up to the huge shell, patted the surface of the shell with both hands, vomited a lot of bubbles vaguely and shouted "Jiaoer, Jiaoer".

Jiao'er is Wang Zhu's wife. At this moment, he was so anxious that he cast a look at Li Ran for help, and he gestured: "Jiao'er is inside, I can't open it."

(Forcibly opening it will wake up the sleeping ghosts, be careful!)
A line of hints appeared on the surface of the huge shell.

"Sure enough, this is a trap." Li Ran cursed in his heart.

He swam up to the surface of the shell, didn't touch it, but swam around the giant Buddha's hand.

Li Ran gestured to Wang Zhu: "Open it, it will be dangerous."

Wang Zhu shook his head, determined to open it forcefully, and made a movement to smash it.

"No, give me some time, I'll think of a way." Li Ran stopped Wang Zhu with gestures.

But how can the shell be opened without brute force?

This terrifying haunted domain can never be just one or two ghosts. Once he wakes up, he may be swallowed instantly. Even if he controls a thousand remnant souls, it may be extremely dangerous.

And if there is a battle, it will be extremely disadvantageous to him underwater.

"Is Wang Zhu's wife really inside?" Li Ran swam to the top of the shell, his eyes narrowed slightly.

(Hint: You can show your beautiful singing voice, maybe it will open up for you.)
Li Ran: "..."

He was playing the violin all over the place, how could he have a beautiful singing voice, and this was underwater, even if he had underwater breathing potions, it didn't mean he could sing underwater.

"It's over, the mission is stuck here."

I gave a hint, but it won't work. What can I do?

You can't go outside and grab a person with a beautiful singing voice to come underwater. You have to prepare a high-end private room that can sing underwater.

"Yu Su, can you sing?" Li Ran asked in his mind.

"Papa, I can't." Little Yusu's little head shook like a rattle. Suddenly, she showed two sharp devil teeth and said, "Papa, catch me a monster, and I can turn it into a Singing servant."

A cloud of black mist sprang out of Xiao Yusu's hand. After the black mist dissipated, a book of darkness floated in her hand.

"Can you show Papa what's inside?" Li Ran asked curiously.

"Papa, you can't look at it, you will become a slave if you look at it." Xiao Yusu said.

Li Ran swallowed, but luckily he didn't look at the book of darkness curiously.

"Then tell Papa, are there any creatures that can sing?"

"There are wind-up puppets that can sing, frogs with wonderful sounds, birds, and ghosts that can turn into beauties..." Xiao Yusu introduced them solemnly.

The little witch's [Book of Darkness] skill, chanting a spell, has a certain probability of turning targets lower than her own strange power into dark creatures on the Book of Darkness.

Although Li Ran couldn't read the book of darkness, he could understand what kind of book it was through the little witch's insinuations.

In his opinion, it is a book of dark creatures, which records all kinds of dark creatures. The little witch can turn the target into a dark creature in the dark book by chanting a spell, and obey her.

The premise is naturally that the power value is lower than her own.

"Then are there any dark creatures that can sing underwater?" Li Ran asked.

"Let me see." Yusu began to read the book of darkness. She didn't use her hands to read it, but there was a cloud of black mist between her eyebrows. Read what's inside.

After a while, Yusu opened his eyes, showing his little devil teeth: "Papa, I found it."

Li Ran frowned, and used Dead Dream to summon a remnant soul to his side.

"Yusu, is this okay?"

"Yes, papa."

Remnant Soul: "..."

Little Yusu made mudras with his hands, and an ancient and dark incantation sounded from his mouth.

It sounds like a bubbling mantra like "ba la la la" in the water.

Xiao Yusu pointed at the wisp of remnant soul, and several strands of black mist quickly engulfed the remnant soul.

The remnant soul let out a shrill scream that shocked the soul.

When the remnant soul dissipated, a haggard creature with a catfish head, a huge mouth, a hunched body, and a pitch-black body appeared in front of Li Ran.

At that moment, a monster named "Benbo Erba" or "Ba Ben Erbo" appeared in Li Ran's mind.

The dark creature stared harmlessly at little Yusu with wide catfish eyes, and seemed to have no idea why he appeared in such a strange place.

"It's so ugly, how can it sing well?" Li Ran asked doubtfully.

(Singing Siren: A dark creature with an ugly appearance and a beautiful singing voice. It is said that in the dark sea, they often use singing to confuse people.)
Oh open!

Can this ugly thing really sing beautifully?

Wang Zhu was very anxious and couldn't wait to break open the shell.

"Yu Su, let it sing." Li Ran said.

Little Yusu nodded, and ordered the Qige Siren to sing in front of Shell.

The moment the ugly sea monster opened its mouth and made a sound, the appearance of the ugly sea monster instantly rose to a "handsome" level in Li Ran's eyes.

It turns out that it is really impossible for a person to only look at the appearance, no matter how ugly the appearance is, even if there is an amazing talent, people will fall into a trap, and unconsciously turn on the filter and beauty in front of their eyes.

Opening his throat, a beautiful and poignant singing voice echoed in the terrifying coral bone.

Poignant and ethereal, it is like a stream of sweet spring that refreshes the heart and soul, directly hitting the depths of people's hearts.

Although he couldn't understand what the ugly siren was singing, he was deeply attracted at the moment it opened its mouth and throat.

Wang Zhu on the side couldn't help turning his head, his ears moved slightly, his eyes widened, and he was silent in the poignant singing.

The poignant sound is beyond words, echoing in the deep sea, nourishing the sea of ​​sorrow.

At this time, Li Ran noticed that the white jade-like shell was slowly opening.

Wang Zhu was overjoyed immediately, and stared at the shell with fiery eyes.

The poignant singing pried open the heart door of the shell, and a white light appeared in front of them as the shell opened.

They unconsciously widened their eyes, staring intently into the white light, afraid of missing something.

Qige Siren also stared wide-eyed, with a beard floating up and down, and dazzling white light reflected in his pupils.

"This is..." Li Ran's pupils shrank.

I saw a beautiful woman in white clothes, with a graceful figure, long hair dancing, and a beautiful face lying in the dazzling white light. The woman's shiny and white feet were lying in the shell, exuding fairy air like pearls. The white light is like a sleeping fairy in the sea.

Wang Zhu and the catfish siren stared dumbfounded.

"It's so beautiful." Xiao Yusu stared blankly.

Wang Zhu swam into the shell emotionally, gently lifted the woman in white up, and shouted with bubbles in his mouth, "Jiaoer, Jiaoer, it's me."

"Jiao'er, open your eyes and see, I am a pillar."

"Wake up, Jiaoer."

Under the water, Wang Zhu's voice was full of bubbles, and his voice was indistinct, but he could feel his screaming at the top of his lungs.

At this time, the fairy in white slowly opened her eyes, and her pair of beautiful eyes full of immortality trembled and stared at the person in front of her. She stared at Wang Zhu in front of her in a daze, as if she didn't remember who he was.

"Jiao'er, I...I, Zhuzi." Wang Zhu roared in the water, his voice piercing through the water forcefully.

Seeing his strenuous and excited appearance, Li Ran was really afraid that he would choke and drown.

Seeing that his wife didn't recognize him, Wang Zhu took off his oxygen mask, hugged the woman in white and shouted, "Jiaoer, Jiaoer!"

The wife in his arms was shocked, with an expression of disbelief.

She slowly stretched out her white and slender lotus root arms to caress Wang Zhu's face, weeping with joy.

The two burst into tears, and then hugged each other tightly.

In the dazzling white light, Wang Zhu's journey to find his wife came to a successful conclusion.

"Papa, it's so touching." Xiao Yusu wiped away tears, which were washed away by the sea water, but it was obvious that she was very moved.

However, such a gorgeous and complete scene was another scene in Li Ran's eyes.

The white jade-like shell is a bloody cage made of hideous bones,
After the cage was opened, a shriveled, emaciated female siren lay dying on a bed of bones until Wang Zhu rushed to it and rescued her.

At the moment when the terrifying sea monster embraced Wang Zhu, wisps of energy penetrated into the body of the female sea monster, making her body and face full.

Li Ran raised his head and looked at the huge bergamot hand emitting holy light.

At this time, the five fingers of the bergamot were five huge mottled bronze pillars stained with blood, and the rusty chains were connected to the huge bone cage!
Wang Zhu, Xiao Yusu, and Catfish Siren are still in the joy of Wang Zhu finding his fairy wife.

Suddenly, I don't know that everything here is a way of blinding the female siren.

(Exiled Siren: Desperate, helpless, suffering imprisoned in exile, quietly waiting for death.)
At this time, the sound of the task being completed rang in Li Ran's ears.

[Complete task: find Wang Zhu's wife]

[Completion reward: Weird Power +300, Points +3000, Rare Skill*1]

Li Ran opened his mouth, hesitated to speak, but finally failed to reveal the bloody truth.

This is a willingness to fight and a willingness to suffer.

His mission was completed, and the relationship between Wang Zhu and Jiao Er also had a happy ending.

Perhaps, Wang Zhu already knew the truth in his heart, and he would rather live in the illusion created by his wife. For him, the happiness at this moment is beyond words.

After several people returned to the fishing boat, Li Ran canceled the skill effect of [Quiet].

The moment Li Ran opened the shell, he smelled a strong breath of death, and he felt something was wrong, so he opened the [Quiet]

Tranquility is active: it can purify effects such as charm, fear, hypnosis, anger, frustration, hatred, blindness, and sound confusion.

Only then can he see the cruel and bloody truth.

In fact, he wished he hadn't seen it.

On the fishing boat, Wang Zhu and his "fairy" wife stood at the bow of the boat, holding each other's hands tightly and looking at the setting sun on the sea.

Regardless of the truth, the scene of the sunset on the sea is beautiful and romantic.

There is another reason for not revealing the truth.

He had to find out the secret of the ghost domain sea from Wang Zhu's wife.

(End of this chapter)

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