People are in a weird world, you call this a game of cultivation

Chapter 193 The place where demons gather, life and death!

Chapter 193 The place where demons gather, life and death!


Li Ran stared at Bingyao with a smile on his face, his eyes widened in disbelief.

They sleep together in the same bed, hugging the two Su Bingyao on the left and right.

They will not be jealous or quarrel, and serve a husband together.

I go!

Li Ran suddenly had a picture in his mind.

And this picture is not a little exciting.

Shuangfei Su Bingyao?

What the hell!

The picture was so beautiful that he didn't dare to think about it.

"That's right, I'll teach you to chase after me, okay?" Su Bingyao whispered into Li Ran's ear and said in her heart.

Li Ran swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his heartbeat accelerated obviously.

This Nima is so exciting.

"Bingyao, stop joking." Li Ran said in his heart.

"I'm not kidding, I really want to help you catch me." Su Bingyao said with a smile like a flower, and her heart was extremely sincere.

Li Ran narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes fixed on Su Bingyao's face.

(She's excited, excited, and she speaks from the bottom of her heart.)
Only then did Li Ran realize that under the effect of the bosom friend, one cannot lie in one's heart.

In other words, what Su Bingyao just said is the truth.

I'm going, what a double fly!
"Husband, you seem very excited."

Su Bingyao naturally heard what Li Ran was thinking.

Su Bingyao was not only not angry, but also said seriously: "Young me, lonely and arrogant, but it is difficult to handle, husband, are you mentally prepared?"

"Honey, aren't you jealous?" Li Ran asked in surprise.

"Why should I be jealous, and my own jealousy?"

"Ah... I'm speechless."

"Put it aside, she already has memories of our lives, and she will accept me sooner or later. I'm just curious, did we know each other before we met?" Li Ran asked sincerely in his heart.

Su Bingyao nodded, and said in her heart: "Do you still remember what I told you, I have never had a child, and you are the only man for me."


That was Su Bingyao's inner voice when Li Ran used Su Bingyao's bosom friend for the first time.

He didn't quite understand it then, and he's still confused now.

"Because you told me how to enter the Dark Temple, and you died protecting me."

Su Bingyao's heartfelt words made Li Ran bewildered?
Li Ran thought she was joking again, but Su Bingyao would not make such a joke when she thought that the little paper figurine was still there.

"But later, I still failed to break through the Dark Palace, and I failed your sacrifice."

Su Bingyao's voice gradually became low, and there were tears of sadness in her eyes.

"I used to be your team member and entered the Dark Hall with you?"

Li Ran couldn't believe it. He grabbed his hair and felt like his head was getting bigger.

What and what is this.

When did he enter the copy of Happy Home with Su Bingyao, and died to protect Su Bingyao.

Suddenly, he suddenly remembered the picture in the handheld camera.

That screen recorded images of Su Bingyao's group of players.

When Zhao Yingzhi showed him the video from the camera, Li Ran felt that the photographer's voice was a little familiar, and he didn't know where he had heard it.

But looking back now, it was actually his own voice.

The screen flashes back.

"Day [-] of recording survival," said the man with the video camera.

"Those who are not found may be in danger. Those who are alive should stick together and stop acting alone." A girl with short hair who looks very capable in the picture said.

A dozen people stood around the gazebo, both men and women.

At this time, the capable girl looked at a girl with a beautiful back sitting in the gazebo: "Bingyao, let's talk about your guiding mission first."

The camera lens was also aimed at the girl with a beautiful back.

The girl turned her head slowly, looked at the person holding the camera and said, "Didn't you say that you know this dungeon very well?"

Su Bingyao turned and walked forward, took the camera away, and then pointed the lens at the person in front of her.

A handsome young man with a radiant smile on his face.

"I have a customs clearance strategy for you." The young man took out a crumpled notebook and said.

"It's real, it's a fool, show me." The short-haired woman snatched the notebook from the young man's hand.

"Let me see."

"Show me too."

"Don't grab it, everyone has it."

A few people rushed out of the gazebo chattering over the clearance strategy notebook.

The young man took out another notebook and said, "The one just now is fake, but this one is real."

Su Bingyao chuckled, amused by the young man in front of her.

"The way you look at me is like looking at a lover." Su Bingyao said.

"What lover, you will be my wife from now on." The young man said.

"It's like honey has been smeared on your mouth. I don't want to eat your set."

Su Bingyao took the notebook in the young man's hand, and after opening the content, her cold eyes trembled slightly: "Why is this all about me?"

The young man smiled faintly: "I'm afraid that one day you will forget the memory between us."

"Really or not." Su Bingyao looked at the contents of the notebook in surprise. The content on the first page was Li Ziyang's return home, and the second page was about repairing a broken family. The heroine in it was actually Su Bingyao.

"Li Ran, you're pretty good at writing. If you don't write novels, you'll be out of talent."

Su Bingyao was completely attracted by the content inside.

The young man stared at Su Bingyao in front of him brightly, and said in a low voice that he could only hear: "The time I can stay is too short, I wonder if this strategy can help her get through this dungeon, leave a clone in the This protects Bingyao."

The screen flashes back.

"That's how it is."

Su Bingyao narrated the process of getting acquainted with Li Ran in the dungeon with her heart.

Li Ran was so shocked that he could stuff a durian into his mouth.

what's the problem?

He participated in two copies of Happy Home?

Is it so outrageous?

He's in a mess right now.

Too much information has been poured into his head this day.

He felt like his brain was going to shut down.

"Could it be that in the future I will become a time-realm person, able to travel through various spaces and copies?"

But now he has a broken source of energy that has not been fully charged in his hand, and there is no information about the time-realm person, so how can he travel back to the past through time and space.

At this time, the effect of the bosom friend's little paper figurine arrives.

Su Bingyao didn't say much anymore, and went to the kitchen to continue working.

"Are you eating at home today?" Su Bingyao asked.

Li Ran looked at the time, shook his head and said, "Maybe it's too late, I'm about to be sent back."

Su Bingyao nodded, clenched her fists, and said, "Come on, take it."

Li Ran had black lines all over his head, and he knew what Su Bingyao meant.

He was asking himself to cheer for the young Su Bingyao.

It's ridiculous.

Li Ran's head is a mess now, and he can only take one step at a time.

Moreover, he is now in a brand new copy, and is about to face a new challenge.

The time limit for the Happy Homeland resident card expired, and Li Ran returned to the cave again.

The young Su Bingyao stood in front of the reincarnation sequence and looked at something seriously.

"It turns out that five years have passed since my death." Su Bingyao also sensed Li Ran's return. She was not surprised, but calmly looked at the reincarnation sequence and said.

"Now we are in a dungeon called Demon Gathering Land." Li Ran said.

"I need time to digest our memories. I can't accept the memory of my husband and children yet." Su Bingyao turned to look at Li Ran and said.

Li Ran noticed Su Bingyao's sad face.

If he hadn't gone back for a trip, Li Ran still couldn't understand this feeling.

But now I can fully understand that Su Bingyao was just 20 years old at this time. At this age, many people have not yet graduated from college. They dream about poetry and distant places, without any idea of ​​starting a family.

But because Li Ran resurrected her, the reincarnation sequence will endow her with memories of becoming an aboriginal and living with Li Ran. For a young girl who has just been resurrected, those memories are like a dream, both real and incredible.

If it were him, he would not be able to accept that he suddenly had a wife and son when he woke up, even though it was a real memory.

"It's okay, just digest it slowly."

Li Ran also walked in front of the reincarnation sequence, and he checked the trading area.

Before entering Cangming Airport, he hung up a customs clearance strategy for "Happy Homeland" in the trading area. At that time, he set the starting price of [-] points, and each increase was [-] points. He set it for seven days.

[The "Happy Homeland Customs Clearance Strategy" you sold has been sold, and the sales points are 80000. After deducting the 72000% handling fee, you can get [-] points. 】

Sold [-] points?

Is there really a player this rich?

Li Ran felt unbelievable, how many tasks did he have to do to earn [-] points.

Moreover, some players may not be selected into the Happy Home dungeon in their entire lives, and they may not be able to use this clearance strategy after purchasing it.

But if it is purchased by a guild, then it is understandable.

He once heard that the guild gathers players who entered the instance at similar times in the same area. It is said that there is a probability that they will be matched in the same instance. With a well-made strategy, you can do tasks in the dungeon in a sweeping manner, and complete all the tasks as perfectly as possible. When the dungeon is settled, the rewards will be higher.

However, this method is only feasible in some ordinary and entry-level dungeons.

The guild uses this method to sell the rewards and the equipment that has been brushed out in the trading area, and then gather the points to one person to accumulate a lot of points.

Of course, Li Ran has no way of knowing the specifics, nor does he know who bought his strategy.

In short, he did not lose money and got 72000 points.

Li Ran also had a copy on his body, and he wanted to hang it up and sell it again, but the reincarnation sequence reminded that the same type of item can only be sold once.

This obviously forbids him to be an empty-handed white wolf.

"Oh, by the way, there is another piece of equipment that can be sold."

A rare [Helm of the Hero] with an active skill [Inspiration].

This piece of equipment was a reward given to Zhao Yingzhi when he helped repel the fallen angel Safis Siren, because he felt that the attributes were not as suitable for him as the [Stalker Crown] on him, so he kept it until now.

This piece of equipment has attributes plus strength, a lot of physique, and encouragement plus strength and vitality. It is very suitable for players who are targeting fighters.

"Just put it up for [-], set up an auction, start at [-] each time, hang it for seven days, sell it if you can, if you can't sell chicken chops."

Li Ran didn't think how many points the rare equipment could sell, it was purely an extra benefit.

One hundred thousand points revived Su Bingyao, and the strategy was sold for another 72000, plus the rest.

He still has 75550 remaining points.

More than 7 points can directly purchase epic equipment in the point mall.

The epic equipment points span is very huge.

In the [-] to [-] points stage, there will occasionally be epic-level equipment, but it is the kind with very rubbish attributes or no attributes, and the kind that players of various professional orientations cannot use.

Epic equipment with more than [-] to [-] points can accurately find the attribute positioning. These equipment have high attributes and are suitable for players who pile up attributes.

Epic-level equipment in the range of [-] to [-] points has attached skills, and the best skills can even be sold for more than [-].

It is said that the epic-level equipment in the range of more than [-] points can only be sold at the price of the equipment in the orange-level (hell) dungeon, at least with more than two skills.

Li Ran's [Bloodthirsty Wolf God] and [Shadow Demon Bracers] all have three skills, which can only be purchased if they are worth at least 20 points or more.

Li Ran glanced at the epic area of ​​the points mall.

It's hard to choose, and I don't know what to buy for me.

"Forget it, let's see what kind of dungeon the Demon Gathering Land is, and then see what kind of equipment to buy." Li Ran launched the point mall.

Su Bingyao is also optimistic, and she can only look at it now.

Players who died and resurrected will have their points reset to zero.

"Are you on your planet and people call you a Valkyrie?"

Li Ran noticed that the player Su Bingyao's power value was approaching [-], and he had participated in the dungeon five times.

Introductory and ordinary dungeons have less rewards. After five dungeons, except for the last abnormal hell-level happy home, Su Bingyao has nearly [-] strange power points, which is not bad.

In the column of Su Bingyao's information, she is from Vega, and her occupation is the city lord.

"Is such a young Valkyrie city lord?" Li Ran asked curiously.

"Vega, human beings can get married at the age of 16, and it's nothing strange to be the lord of the city at the age of 20." Su Bingyao looked at Li Ran with her chin in her eyes: "You resurrected me, so who resurrected you? in front of you."

"Eh... this question, if you ask me, I don't know who to ask."

Regarding this question, he really didn't know how to answer it.

Either someone is impersonating him, or he has time traveled to the past.

But why did he die? Didn't he die in the most difficult dungeon?
There are only a few explanations.

If he can unravel the secrets on the ancient parchment, maybe he can really become a time-bound man from a mirror-breaker.

[The weird world is synchronizing...]

[Player Li Ran and Su Bingyao have entered the dungeon of Gathering Demons]

At this time, Li Ran and Su Bingyao heard a cold mechanical voice at the same time.

[The place where demons gather is divided into four camps: human race, gods, ghosts, and monster races. The four camps need to stick to their positions to resist the invasion of demons. The demon camp is menacing, and each wave is more ferocious. Only by holding on to the end can we win the final victory. The survival time is seven days! 】

[There are towns, villages, tribes, relics, secrets, and ghosts scattered outside the demon-gathering camp. Players can improve their strength as soon as possible by doing tasks. 】

[At the same time, each player in this dungeon will randomly select a player from other factions to enter the arena to fight for life and death every day. The winning player can get rewards and points, and the rewards for leapfrog challenges are even more generous. 】

【There is no boundary gate in this dungeon, the player who survives to the end will be sent back to the real world! 】

[Players, please prepare, the magic gathering place is open! ! ! 】

After the voice in the ear fell.


From the cave in front of the two of them, there were bursts of huge roars, like the sound of boulders moving.

Li Ran and Su Bingyao looked at each other and walked forward slowly.

The originally blocked cave suddenly opened a huge gap, and bright sunlight shone into the cave from the outside.

Li Ran came to the edge of the cave, and his vision suddenly widened.

They are on a high mountain, at the foot of the mountain is a lush forest, and there is a town in the middle of the forest.

"It seems that that town is the camp of humans." Li Ran said.

This copy is different from the previous ones.

In addition to the human camp, it also joins the camps of the gods, ghosts, and monsters.

After seeing the classification of these three camps, Li Ran thought of the Evil Snake God, the Four-Winged Angel Fiona, and Nether Meng Po.

It was obvious that he was jointly targeted by these three old monsters in the Dark Sea.

He didn't return to the reincarnation space, probably because of what these old guys did.

Still, the patrolman has a conscience, and made a reincarnation sequence for him in this cave.

"Are players from other camps also players?" Su Bingyao asked.

Li Ran nodded, and said coldly: "The players selected by the strange world are not limited to humans."

"Let's go, let's enter the town first."


The two descended from the mountains to Linhai, and arrived at the town without encountering any danger along the way.

On the high mountain, you can see that the entire town is a diamond-shaped structure, with a narrow head and a tail, and a wide middle. At the same time, the central area is also the most prosperous and densest area of ​​the town.

"So lively?"

As soon as they walked into the town, the two saw the streets of the town crowded with people, and the shops and vendors on the street were shouting loudly, as if they were going to a market.

Seeing this scene, Li Ran thought that he was going to the fair, it didn't look like a strange world.

He glanced at the pedestrians on the street, and immediately frowned.

"So many players?"

Li Ran's eyes scanned the crowds of heads on the street, most of them were human players.

Shopkeepers and stall vendors are the aborigines of the town.

The current situation is that the players and the aborigines are all mixed together.

There were too many people, and Li Ran couldn't tell them apart.

"Let's go to a quiet place first." Li Ran suggested, and he subconsciously pulled Su Bingyao's hand.

Before Su Bingyao could react, she was caught by Li Ran's hand. She subconsciously wanted to break free, but found that Li Ran's hand was holding tightly.

She frowned slightly, seeing that she couldn't break free, she had no choice but to let Li Ran lead her to a place where no one was around.

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"

At this moment, several beams of light descended from the clear sky.

These beams fell on the bustling crowd.

The light beam then shrank, and the person irradiated by the light beam disappeared in place.

The sudden scene made many people on the street panic.

"Someone has been teleported to the arena!"

"It's life and death so soon?"

Just when Li Ran and Su Bingyao were puzzled,
A beam of light from the sky fell on Su Bingyao's body.

Before Li Ran could react, the light beam quickly closed, and Su Bingyao disappeared in place.

PS: The new copy, the new version of the ship, I hope you guys will like it, the excitement will continue, please ask for a monthly ticket, please support the firepower, I am very grateful!

(End of this chapter)

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