Chapter 214 Bloody Chamber of Secrets


At this time, there was a sound of opening the door lock.

Li Ran was overjoyed and quickly opened the door.

The two got into the basement like loaches and closed the door.

Almost at the moment of closing the door, the evil spirit wrapped in spiritual pressure arrived at the door, and through the crack of the door, one could clearly see the outline of a woman with a spiteful expression.

As the basement door closed, the terrifying Reiatsu was also blocked from the door.

The basement was pitch black, pitch black.


A light bulb above the basement turned on, illuminating the place with a dim yellow light.

Li Ran looked at the environment here, and walked down the stairs. On both sides are cabinets with various agricultural tools, including chainsaws, lawn mowers, hoes, hatchets, sickles, shovels, etc. The cabinets and The cabinet was covered with dusty cobwebs, and no one had been here for many years.

"The mission is not over yet, which means we haven't found the real secret of the cabin." Li Ran said while searching the basement.

Ryan nodded and searched in the basement. She asked curiously, "You seem to be calm and not afraid at all?"

"Is it scary?" Li Ran picked up a dusty music box in the corner and played with it, and said casually: "It's okay, at least we are still safe now."

Li Ran didn't want to reveal too much what was in his heart. After all, in the territory of the Nether tribe, he was still doing tasks as a living dead, and he couldn't do the task with a human mentality, lest it would look abnormal in the eyes of Nether tribe players.

"Do you think the woman killed herself in the end or cut herself apart..." Ryan asked with a bad face.

"Is there any difference? They all die in the end."

Li Ran didn't want to worry about the image on the wall, even though the woman aimed the kitchen knife at her abdomen in the end.

"There is a difference." Ryan said seriously, her eyes glowed dark red under the dim light, and she continued: "This is related to whether the child is still alive."

"You also saw it in the corridor and the living room, the face of the child on the wall, and the powerful evil spirit in the living room. I feel that the woman and the child are dead, and they died with a strong resentment."

"They will certainly kill drunken men in the most vicious way, and they will kill everyone who breaks into the cabin. I can feel that they are full of malice."

"So, we must do something, I don't want to die here."

Ryan looked a little flustered, searching for something in the basement, trying to break the situation with his own speculation.

"Aren't you curious where the man went?" Ryan asked again.

"I just want to finish the task quickly and leave this damn place." Li Ran said.

After searching around, a small door blocked by debris in the corner of the basement caught his attention.

He stepped forward, with the phantom attached to his hand, and with a wave of his right hand, the sundries in front of the door were instantly destroyed, and even the old small door was swept away with a crack.

When he came to the old door, Li Ran kicked the door open.

With the collapse of the door panel, a gust of wind rushed over.

Li Ran frowned slightly. He smelled a very strong smell of blood. This strong smell of blood even made him feel the fishy sweetness deep in his throat.

Behind that door is a pitch-black passage, which is made of dense stone blocks, dark and deep, and it does not know where it leads.

"The secret is likely to be inside." Li Ran said something, and sneaked in bravely.

What he didn't notice was that the pupils in Ryan's eyes became hotter and brighter, and the fangs at the corners of his mouth slowly grew out. She stared at the back in front, and looked at Li Ranlu unconsciously. The white neck beyond the collar.

The passage was very narrow, and one had to bend over to enter, which made Li Ran feel like he was drilling a ventilation duct.

There is a corner in front of the passage, and after crawling for a while, you will reach another space, and the strong smell of blood comes from that space.

Li Ran guessed right that this narrow passage is the vent of another secret room.

At the exit of the passage, there was an iron window blocking the way, but this could not stop Li Ran, he kicked the iron window and flew out.

He jumped down from the vent, and the oil lamps on the wall of the dark secret room lit up one by one like automatic induction.

"Help, help..."

The moment the oil lamp illuminated the secret room, a piercing cry for help rang out. The voice sounded very excited, as if seeing the dawn in despair.

Li Ran noticed that a skinny man with a sallow face was hanging in the air in front of him. His collarbone was pierced by a big iron hook, and his hands were fixed by hooks and steel pipes, hanging like pork from a butcher's stall. On a truss full of iron hooks above.

However, not only one piece of meat was hung by hooks on that truss, they were all hung on it through the collarbone, and it was full of flies and mosquitoes.

Most of the hanging people are dead, some are so dead that they have become a skeleton, and some have become dried corpses.

And under the truss where the "meat" is hung, there is a huge square blood pool, and the blood foam floating on the top of the blood pool is particularly shocking.

He felt his scalp go numb, and the air he breathed was stenchy. This place was like a bloodletting slaughterhouse.

"Please, help me, I will give you whatever you want."

This is the cry for help from the only person on the truss who is still alive. It is yellow and emaciated, with a haggard face and looks like a skeleton.

Li Ran noticed that there were several leather tubes above the truss. Black and smelly liquid food flowed from the mouth of the leather tubes, and clusters of flies flew on them.

Seeing the leather tube, he probably understood how the man survived.

He did not try to save the man on the truss, although he sympathized with what had happened to him.

Li Ran noticed that there was a blood-stained iron door on the side of the blood pool secret room, and that door did not know where it led.

"This should be the secret of the cabin." Li Ran looked around the bloody secret room, and he looked at the man who was hooked on the truss.

I don't know if this man is the drunkard I saw in the plot of the shadow on the wall.

The drunkard in the shadow is potbellied, but the one hanging from the truss is as thin as a stick.

This man should have been raised by the evil spirit mother and son.

"But...but the task has not been completed yet." Ryan said behind her, her voice sounded a bit strenuous.

Li Ran turned to look at Ryan, and saw that she was pale and her eyebrows were tightly frowned, as if she was holding back something.

"We'll know the result in a while." Li Ran said with a faint smile.

As soon as the words fell, there was the sound of opening the blood-stained iron door of the secret room.

Li Ran and Ryan looked at each other, and the two flew into the vent.

Shadow Grip!

He took advantage of the opportunity to grab the bars back.

The ventilation duct was very narrow, and the situation was critical. The two of them got in almost at the same time. Therefore, they were lying next to each other in the ventilation duct and watching the bloody secret room through the iron window.


The blood-stained iron door slowly opened, and a woman's hateful voice followed into the secret room.

"Do you know why I let you live until now?"

The iron door opened, and a transparent figure wrapped in spiritual pressure entered the secret room and stood in front of the pool of blood.

"It's the evil spirit woman in the living room!" Li Ran remembered seeing the evil spirit when he entered the basement.

It seemed that there was a transparent woman there, with an invisible Reiatsu lingering all over her body, and if she got closer, she could see a woman's resentful face.

At this time, the evil spirit woman stared at the skinny man on the truss.

" kill me." The man said in an extremely weak voice.

"Want to die?" The evil spirit woman snorted coldly, and said viciously: "Before I died, I swore that I would not let you go if I were a ghost with the child. I want you to live, and life is worse than death!"

"You are looking for the wrong person, I am really not the person you are looking for...Kill...Kill me, kill me!!"

The man screamed in pain, and he actually looked at the ventilation duct intentionally or unintentionally, those words seemed to be speaking to Li Ran and Ryan.

"I won't let you die, I want you to live well, let your blood fill this pool, my child likes to take a bath in it."

As the voice fell, the blackened and moldy black leather tube above the truss slowly stretched towards the man's mouth like a small snake.

The man shut his mouth tightly in horror.

"Open your mouth!" the woman shouted loudly, a terrifying spiritual pressure erupted instantly.

Under that spiritual pressure, the man's thin face seemed to be pinched by a pair of invisible hands, his mouth slowly opened, and under his painful expression, the tube was slowly inserted into his throat .


The man's throat swelled up for a while, as if a lot of food had been forcibly poured in, and his skinny abdomen could even be seen bulging obviously.

"Eat, eat quickly, you will be healthy when you are full, hahaha." The evil spirit woman let out an extremely piercing laugh.

After an unknown amount of time, the leather tube slowly retracted to the ceiling, and the mouth of the leather tube was full of food residues dripping down.

The man hung on the truss tremblingly, with unknown food residues around his mouth.

"Kill me, kill me!" The man cried out in despair, his eyes swept across the ventilation duct pleadingly.

"Call, you call, no one can save you, just like back then, I would be beaten all over by you if I left this house for half a step. It's punching and kicking."

"You are not a human, you are a beast!"

"I'm pregnant, and I have your flesh and blood in my stomach."

"Why, why do good people cry so much for their lives, but people who are not as good as animals can live well."

"Everything I suffered before I was alive, I will take it back from you intact. You must not die, because your soul will continue to be tortured by me after death!"

Hearing this, the man's body trembled violently, his expression extremely terrified.

"Okay, when you're full, it's time to let the blood out." The evil spirit said.

The man shook his head desperately and begged for mercy hoarsely.

A sickle floated towards the man's calf, and slowly, bit by bit, cut open the man's calf. A trace of blood slowly overflowed from the wound. The amount of bleeding was extremely rare, and it could not even drip.

The shrill screams echoed in the secret room.

"Trash, are you out of blood so soon?"

Unwilling to give up, the evil spirit manipulated the sickle and slashed the man's other leg again.

The man's whole body, wrists, arms, back, shoulders, calves, backs of hands, and soles of feet are almost all covered with tiny scars.These wounds almost avoided major arteries and vital points.

The purpose of the evil spirit is to not want the man to bleed to death.

But it will spill his blood endlessly.

If there is no blood, he will be fed, so that his body will have the vitality to produce blood.

Time and time again, bloodletting while making blood, a man's life would be worse than death!
The miserable cry sounded again and again in the bloody secret room. Li Ran looked at the other corpses on the truss, wondering in his heart: "Are those corpses the players'?"

Judging from the appearance of those corpses, they were almost all men, and their physical features were very similar to the man in front of them.

From this point of view, the evil spirits catch people in the image of the alcoholic husband.

The man hanging on the truss is not supposed to be a drunkard husband either?

Li Ran thought of a frightening thing.

On the projected wall, the pregnant wife took advantage of her alcoholic husband's sleep and tried to kill her husband. Unexpectedly, the alcoholic husband snatched the knife and fell to the ground. However, the alcoholic husband did not kill her. Instead, he abandoned the knife and fled. The dying wife finally picked up the knife and killed herself.

If the alcoholic husband ran away and never came back.

The wife who turned into an evil spirit was looking for the drunkard husband everywhere, and found people who looked like husbands one after another, and hung them in this secret room to execute them with capital punishment.

Thinking of this, Li Ran couldn't help but gasp.

Therefore, until the evil spirit finds the real alcoholic husband, it will keep arresting the man and keep killing him.

Those corpses on the truss are the best explanation.

But how many years have passed, is the alcoholic husband of the evil spirit still alive?
The screams finally stopped, and the man hung on the truss and passed out because of his bloodthirsty again.

"My child, come take a bath." The evil spirit shouted.

Suddenly, the whole bloody secret room was filled with a manic spiritual pressure.

The oil lamp flickered, the truss swayed, and the blood in the blood pool fluctuated.

On the stone wall facing the blood-stained iron gate, the wall bulged like a transparent film, and a huge baby's face stretched open the wall, as if it was about to break through the wall.

Afterwards, Li Ran and Ryan saw a deformed black ghost crawling out of the wall and slowly crawling into the pool of blood.

[Complete the task: explore the secret of the swamp hut]

[Completion Reward: Strange Power +100, Points +1000]

At this time, Li Ran heard the sound of the task being completed.

He looked at Ryan, and from her stunned expression, she should have completed the task.

Perhaps because of the close proximity, Li Ran could clearly hear Ryan's rapid breathing, and even her eyes were very hot and bright in the dark.

"Can you restrain yourself in this situation?" Li Ran was startled.

When he opened the wooden door of the vent, Li Ran noticed that her breath became chaotic, her eyes became hot, and the small fangs on her mouth would be exposed from time to time when she breathed and spoke.

When a vampire smells blood, it will stimulate the vampire's blood-sucking desire, just like when a human being is hungry and smells delicious food, he will want to eat more, but the vampire will be more intense.

In fact, Li Ran has been waiting, waiting for Ryan to pounce on his neck, open her sharp teeth and leave two blood holes in his neck.

It is said that people who are bitten by vampires will be in a state of wanting to die, and death is not painful.

Of course, this does not mean that Li Ran wants to be bitten to death by a vampire.

What he expected was for Ryan to pounce on him, and he would kill Ryan without hesitation, that's all.

Although he and Ryan are in different camps, they are still players after all, and there is no inexplicable hatred in themselves. He can't do it when he suddenly shoots a player.

But if Ryan suddenly attacked him, then he would kill her without mercy!
Li Ran gave Ryan a look, and gestured outside the vent with his hand, meaning to withdraw.

Ryan understood, and went into the passage first.

She tried her best to restrain herself and didn't want to follow Li Ran, because every time she saw Li Ran's neck, she wanted to go up and take a bite.

She would not have such worries when she walked ahead, even though the smell of blood in the air made her desperately want to drink blood.

Li Ran withdrew his gaze from the blood pool, and when he turned his head, a cat's butt crawling in the ventilation duct came into view.

People who exercise regularly are particularly firm and have a particularly perfect shape. Coupled with the ageless physique of a vampire, her skin is still as fair as a girl.

Who the hell can stand this.

Damn, this vampire did it on purpose.

The ventilation duct can actually walk like a cat, but this vampire wants to crawl and walk so high!
Li Ran touched his nose and crawled out.

Just to appreciate it.

"Who's there!"

At this moment, a terrifying spiritual pressure poured into the ventilation duct from the bloody chamber.

Li Ran and Ryan's expressions changed suddenly.

"Grass, you've been spotted, run!" Li Ran yelled.

He didn't want to fight in this cramped ventilation duct.

He looked at the iron window of the vent, and a transparent vicious grimace rushed into the vent.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

When the situation was critical, Li Ran pushed forward vigorously with both hands regardless of the three sevens and twenty ones.

Ryan was shocked like an electric shock, feeling a strong thrust from behind.

"Grass, it's catching up, hurry up!" Li Ran shouted behind him.

It was only then that Ryan realized that the evil spirits had discovered them, and now was not the time to worry about whether he was taken advantage of by that kid, the most important thing was to escape to a safe place first.

Li Ran pushed his buttocks away from the ventilation duct, pointed to the door of the basement, and pushed Ryan's buttocks again: "Quick, go up!"

Ryan frowned slightly, no one would deliberately take advantage of life and death.

"Ryan, what time is it, you still have to worry about this."

Thinking of this, she hurried to the living room.

When the two came to the living room, the terrifying spiritual pressure reappeared.

"Damn, it's so fast!"

Li Ran looked back, and the woman's vicious face turned into a terrifying wind blowing towards her.

"What are you doing in a daze, run away!"

With that said, Li Ran slapped Ryan on the buttocks again.

This time Ryan glared at Li Ran resentfully.

But I saw the sense of urgency and solemnity on Li Ran's face.

Could it be that I misunderstood him again?
She was a little annoyed but didn't dare to attack, the terrifying evil spirit was behind her.

The two slammed the door one after the other and came to the front yard of the cabin.

A terrifying Reiatsu came out of the room accompanied by a terrifying grimace, floating in the air, looking down at the two men viciously.

(End of this chapter)

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