Chapter 22 Goddess Raiders Outline
"I prescribed sleeping pills from a psychiatrist, and bought charcoal in the supermarket. After returning to the hotel, I secretly poured a lot of sleeping pills into the water he drank, and then lit the charcoal..."

"Due to the long-term use of sleeping pills, my body has developed resistance, and the result of both dying in love is that my first love died."

Anna told how she killed her first love, and why she killed her, without saying.

Later, Anna said that she had dated a few boyfriends in college, but it was understandable that they were all coveting her beauty.

One year, when she returned to her hometown, her good friend who grew up with her invited her to dinner in the name of reminiscing about the past.

But it turned out that he was trying to commit crimes in the name of eating.

"That night, he took me to the hotel with a knife, forced me to take off my clothes, and forced me to take pictures..."

"That's when I realized that men are all the same, they are all ugly lower body thinking animals."

"When he threatened me with photos again, I used the 1000 apple seeds I had prepared earlier to grind him into powder, paralyzed him with poison, and then killed him."

After hearing this, Li Ran was terrified.

The woman in front of her was able to tell how she killed people and how she killed them, as if nothing had happened.

It's even scarier than the murderer.

Li Ran didn't dare to show the slightest bit of fear. On the contrary, he asked with great interest, "What happened next?"

The three people in the booth couldn't help but gasped.

Li Ran, this pervert is more terrifying than a pervert.

One casually talked about killing himself, and the other casually listened to the killing process.

This scene, "Hiss~" caused a chill to appear on the soles of the feet.

"Later, my boyfriend after work secretly sold my photos for profit."

"Now, the grass on the grave is very tall."

Anna lit a cigarette and turned her head gently. The wine red wavy curly hair perfectly reflected the feminine charm on her body.

Li Ran poured Anna a glass of wine, twisted his neck, and said to Anna, "Your story is very good."

Anna smiled disapprovingly: "You've been trying to cover up with magazines, but I know you like me?"

Li Ran nodded and said, "Yes, I like you, what's wrong?"

Li Ran admitted frankly, after all, who doesn't like beautiful things.

"Sure enough, you are no different from them, but I can make an exception for you."

"I don't want you to be rich or handsome, as long as you don't cheat, don't lie to me, and don't play tricks behind my back."

Li Ran said: "Are you okay, why are you telling me these things?"

Anna puzzled: "Don't you like me?"

"I like you, but I don't chase you."

Li Ran's words made Anna choke on smoking on the spot...

Even the girl bartender at the bar raised her head in astonishment, her eyes showing surprise.

Xiao Yi, Chen Jiabin, and Lu Zhaohui spouted wine at the same time.

Is Li Ran out of his mind?

The rich woman doesn't even want to deliver food?
All three of them were numb by Li Ran's teasing.

Anna's eyes fluttered, and she stared at Li Ran in disbelief.

In the end, she became the one who pretended to be passionate?
"Well, I admit, you are indeed a little different from other men."

Anna glanced at the clock on the bar, and said to Li Ran with a charming face: "Would you like to go up and sit with my sister?"

Which man can refuse the initiative of a beautiful, mature and sexy woman?
"I'll go, if I can spend the night with her, I will die without regret." Lu Zhaohui said, swallowing his saliva.

"Okay, Li Ran wins completely, this time we can really save ten years of struggle." Chen Jiabin said enviously.

Xiao Yi's entire face became gloomy again, and he almost broke the wine glass in his hand.

On the other side, facing Anna's initiative to invite Li Ran, his heart skipped a beat.

As a supreme single dog, I have imagined such a picture countless times, a mature and beautiful woman with unique charm, on it...

However, he can't be impulsive, reason tells him that he can't keep up.

(Warning: If you agree to her invitation, today will be your death day next year.)
The hint was the same as his judgment, Anna's invitation was still a temptation.

Although Li Ran's current strange power was enough to frighten Anna and kill her completely, what Li Ran was more afraid of was the bartender at the bar.

Her strength is not inferior to that of the murderer.

Once a fight breaks out, he will die!
Just when everyone thought that Li Ran would readily agree to Anna's invitation, Li Ran picked up the fashion magazine on the table again, and said to Anna: "As I said, seeing some scenery once is enough."

Anna seemed to have expected Li Ran to answer like this, and was not too disappointed.

"Ah Ching."

"Yes, ma'am."

Anna ordered the bartender to bring a black gold card.

"Thank you for listening to my story, here, it's paid." Anna handed the black gold card to Li Ran.


Li Ran accepted the black gold card, but he was not polite.

That's a reward of 100 points of strange power and 1000 points.

It really is a rich woman, one mission is equivalent to ten guidance missions.

If she is really taken down, it will really save ten years of struggle.

"By the way, you can ask me for this card."

Li Ran said: "Any request?"

Anna walked up the stairs, leaving Li Ran with a beautiful and meaningful look: "As long as you want..."

Looking at the graceful back of Anna leaving, Li Ran's tense nerves relaxed.

A woman who is both beautiful and dangerous, every move seems to be a fatal temptation.

The last look lingered in Li Ran's mind for a long time.

Until, the message that the task was completed sounded again.

[Complete task: Anna's story]

[Completion Reward: Strange Power +100, Points +1000]

This wave, big profits.

It's not in vain for him to come here.

Li Ran
Strange power: 310
Agility: 20
Power: 20
Points: 1100
Active skills: [Shadow Escape] [Shadow Assault]

Passive Skills: Thunder Mark, Concentration

Li Ran clearly felt a stronger force surge in his body.

"Save up a little more points, and then you can exchange for a piece of top-quality equipment in the mall."

"After the task here is completed, it's time to go to the mutton restaurant to find Grandma Mi's son. If all goes well, I will go to the beauty shop by the way. Maybe there will be a bigger harvest."

Thinking of this, Li Ran strode towards the booth.

"I'll go first. If you still drink, I'll treat you." Li Ran said generously.

Xiao Yi walked over with a gloomy face: "Stop being a good person hypocritically, why do you complete the task again and again, while we can only be clowns?"

"Do you think we are ridiculous?"

"I don't need your pity, I will use my strength to prove my ability."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Yi slammed the door angrily and left.

The dog-legged Chen Jiabin naturally followed.

Lu Zhaohui scratched the back of his head in confusion: "What stimulated them?"

"It's nothing, don't you want to eat, I invite you."

"Okay, okay, where shall we eat?"

"Well, the mutton restaurant nearby."




On the pedestrian street.

Lu Zhaohui completely turned into a fan and followed Li Ran adoringly.

"Can you teach me how to chase girls?"

A single dog asks a single dog how to chase girls, it's like asking the bottom one for advice...

Li Ran smiled and said, "You are asking the right person."

What does chasing girls have to do with him being single.

This does not affect his full theoretical score.

"My guiding task asked me to chase a girl. Fetion has already added it, but I don't know how to chat after a few words." Lu Zhaohui took out his mobile phone, and there was a cute girl's headshot on the top of the information bar .

Li Ran asked, "Is there a time limit for the task?"

"That's not true, it's just..."

"That is, if I don't chase the girl, the matchmaker will lie on my window every night to urge me."

A row of black lines appeared on Li Ran's forehead.

If he remembered correctly, Lu Zhaohui lived on the 11th floor.

The matchmaker is lying on the window on the 11th floor every night, just thinking about this scene is a bit intrusive.

"Aren't you afraid?"

"I was so scared to death. After I found out that the matchmaker couldn't get in, I was not so scared. Moreover, I sleep very well, as long as I fall asleep, I won't wake up."

"What an enviable sleep, like mine."

Lu Zhaohui sighed and said, "I can't bear the hunger. I don't have anything at home. If I don't do the task, I won't have points to buy food. If I don't buy food, I will starve to death."

"That's true."

"They all said that you are very powerful, can you help me, at least let me finish the first guiding task."

There was a bit of begging in Lu Zhaohui's eyes.

"Teammates, we must help each other, show me your mobile phone."

The two sat down in a lounge chair under the shade of a tree.


Li Ran stared at the chat records, frowning.

Lu Zhaohui: Hello, I am introduced by Aunt Wang.

Mengge: Hello.

A day later...

Lu Zhaohui: Are you free for a walk?
Mengge: I resigned to take care of my mother at home. My mother broke her leg and stopped going out.

Lu Zhaohui: Okay... okay.


Li Ran thought that he was already a fighter among straight men, but he didn't understand what the Czar nuclear bomb among straight men was until he saw Lu Zhaohui's chat records.

"Won't you find another topic? Or if you care about others, it's good to ask about other people's mothers."

"I know that too, but I can't get out of my mouth. I also want to care, but in what capacity should I care... Moreover, the information given by the introducer is too little, and her I can only see her in Moments for three days, and I don't know anything about her, so how can I talk about her?"

"I originally wanted to make an appointment again today. If I can come out, I will come out. If I don't come out, I will fall down. At worst, I will gnaw on the bark for the remaining ten days."

Lu Zhaohui's mentality is actually the same idea that Li Ran once had.

"If you treat him as a task, you won't be able to resist it. You want to get what you can get after completing this task." Li Ran is like a teacher teaching students; "In this way, I will draw up an outline for you, and you follow my outline , if there is no accident, it can be won in three days."

"Is it so amazing?"

Lu Zhaohui's eyes were as big as light bulbs, and he felt a golden halo behind Li Ran.

Li Ran took out the paper and pen from his portable space, and wrote six large characters on the paper:

"Goddess Raiders Outline"


(End of this chapter)

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