Chapter 240 Mandatory Imprisonment! (seeking a monthly ticket)
When Li Ran walked outside the door, he only saw the ceiling cave in and block his way.

In other words, the figure he saw just now either disappeared or passed through.

Could it be a ghost?
There are many strange forms, and it is normal for ghosts and wraiths to have the ability to pass through walls.

It's just that in the deadly atmosphere of the hospital, the sudden appearance of A Piao would give people a sense of panic.

"No way."

Li Ran looked around. He was either blocked or welded to death by iron bars.

He looked up at the half of the ventilation duct exposed on the collapsed ceiling, and thought: "It seems that the ventilation duct is going to be drilled."


[There is a powerful restriction in this area, this skill cannot be used]


Li Ran could stuff an apple directly into his mouth.

Even if the Eye of God can't be used, can't his own skills be used?

If the shadow bird can't be used, he can't use the shadow to escape.

What about flying?
Li Ran summoned Xiao Yusu to possess the soul on his body, and used the shared skills to fly.

[There is a strong restriction in this area, and this skill cannot be used. 】

"Papa, where is this?" Xiao Yusu's voice sounded in Li Ran's mind.

"Papa doesn't know where it is."

Li Ran released the soul-possessed state, and said to Xiao Yusu: "See if you can fly?"

Little Yusu stood on the ground, frowning slightly, shook his head and said, "Strange, Baba, why can't I fly."

Li Ran frowned: "Can't fly, can't escape? There are restrictions everywhere. This puts me in prison."

He tried to use other skills, Shadow Strike, Shadow Bite, Ghost Realm, these skills can still be used.

"It seems that only skills such as flying to the sky and escaping the ground cannot be used, and everything else is normal." Li Ran tested his own skills, and those with a relatively long cooling time were not tested.

"Fiona, you are really ruthless, wait until I get out, I'll fucking kill you, don't care if you are a four-winged angel or a seraph!" Li Ran cursed in his heart.


Kidnapped by the four-winged angel Fiona from the dark sea boss!

She did not sneak attack like Granny Youming Meng, nor did she break the rules like the evil snake god. Instead, she imprisoned Li Ran in a prison-like hospital, limiting his escape methods.

Summoned little Yusu back, in this strange and dilapidated hospital, little Yusu's inability to fly would limit her a lot of abilities.

"It seems that we have to find another way to leave here." Li Ran looked up at the ventilation duct above his head.

Li Ran jumped up, grabbed the opening of the ventilation duct and got in.

Cramped, narrow, dark, cold, and stench are mixed with various smells permeating the pipe, but they can only be penetrated by crawling.

Li Ran held his breath resolutely, and crawled forward cautiously.

Climbing forward for a while, he suddenly realized.

Wouldn't it be miserable if you encountered something weird in the ventilation duct.

Meow, this channel greatly limits his performance.

Continue to climb forward, probably crossing the collapsed area below.


Li Ran heard the sound of loud high-heeled shoes coming from the corridor below the ventilation duct. The sound of high-heeled shoes was particularly loud and harsh in the empty corridor, accompanied by the echo in the distant corridor.

"Is there someone?" Li Ran frowned slightly, crawled forward for a while, and looked into the corridor below through the ventilation grille on the ventilation duct.

A woman in a nurse's uniform came from the corridor, and then walked into a ward. The nurse walked quickly, and Li Ran only saw the back of the person entering the ward and a pair of blood-red high heels.

Immediately afterwards, a man's shrill scream came from that ward.

Li Ran frowned slightly, and continued to climb towards the ventilation duct. He probably reached the corridor of the hall on the floor, and a grille window appeared, and he pushed it open with a light push.

He climbed down from the grille, and then, just turning his head, he saw a figure walking into the room at the corner of the corridor.

This time, he still didn't see the figure clearly.

"Are some brats doing it again?"

In many places that Li Ran has experienced, there are some little ghosts and Ah Piao, and they all like to scare or tease people in this way.

If you follow their rhythm, you may be led into the trap they designed.

"I'm on the third floor now?"

From the glass window of the corridor on the third floor, you can just see the guidance hall of the hospital on the first floor and the gate of the hospital.

Li Ran looked towards the door and narrowed his eyes slightly.

(There are restrictions on the gate, you need to close the restriction to leave.)
"Oh, it's a ban again?"

Li Ran withdrew his gaze, and walked towards the door where the strange figure disappeared just now.

(no danger, but "surprise")
A line of prompts appeared, Li Ran frowned slightly, and looked in other directions in the corridor.

With a dead end on one side and a caved-in ceiling on the other, the only way out was the door in front of him.

Behind is the glass window of the corridor, the broken window jumped to the first floor?
He thought about it, but didn't dare.

There are some powerful monsters in the hospital, which he may not be able to deal with, and he is very sensitive to abnormal noises.

Among them was the patient named Billy in that report.

Li Ran stepped forward, twisted the doorknob with his left hand, and attached a phantom to his right arm.

The moment it was opened suddenly, a specter and evil spirit rushed from the darkness of the house, as if an evil spirit was seeking his life.

If you didn't prepare in advance, you must be so startled that your scalp would explode.

But the ghost was just a ray of resentment, which was absorbed by the mysterious bottle on Li Ran's neck after a while.

"There should be a lot of what you like to eat here, and you should be able to eat this time."

In the Dungeon of Gathering Demons, the number of times the mysterious bottle eats is very small. Except for the most eaten in the old mansion of the full moon, the others eat some scattered souls, among which there are quite a few souls of the players who were defeated by him .

It is estimated that at least twenty mysterious medicines should be refined.

Li Ran is not in a hurry, he has a lot of people eating now, [-] grains are distributed to Chitong, Yusu, and Miss Shazhi, and he doesn't have much left, so don't worry if he saves more.

After the ghost was absorbed, there was a strong smell of blood immediately after the pavement.

Another figure flashed quickly in the darkness, and when Li Ran went to look, the figure disappeared again.

"What is it, it's gone in a whiz?"

Li Ran stepped into the room, intending to scan the entire room with his senses.

[There is a strong restriction in this area, this skill cannot be used. 】

Perception skills can't be used either?
Why is this restriction so strong?

After scolding, Li Ran walked into the room.

He took out a flashlight and shined it into the darkness. The first thing he saw was a large pool of blood spreading from the inside to the door, and there were dragging bloodstains and bloody handprints everywhere on the ground.

And Li Ran noticed that this place seemed to be a dispensing pharmacy, and there were all kinds of medicines on the cabinets displayed around it.

Step over the pool of blood and go inside.

If it wasn't for the fact that there was nowhere to go, and there was no warning that there was no danger, it would be impossible for him to walk in here even if he was killed.

Walking into the dispensing room, he hit the flashlight on a dispensing cabinet, and Li Ran's pupils shrank suddenly.

On the cabinet where various medicines were originally placed in front of him, heads were placed neatly, and they were placed on the cabinet as if they were exhibits.

Li Ran hit the cabinets in other directions with the flashlight, and his face froze instantly.

The cabinets in the pharmacy inside are full of human heads!
A chill rose from the tailbone and went straight to the top of the sky, Li Ran only felt his scalp tingling.

"Diagnostic Notes Patient Billy did it!"

He recalled the last diagnostic note in that report, if you meet the patient Billy and ask you to take him to find his mother, don't agree, this is a violation!

By the way, if you don't agree, he will be very angry and very angry, and will twist your head off to play with the ball.

"This is a contradictory rule, one of which must be false."

Seeing those unscrewed heads placed on the container like objects, Li Ran thought of the last paragraph of the note.

"These people didn't promise Billy to look for his mother, and then their heads were screwed off?"

"But the above article says that it is illegal to help find your mother?"

"Which one is true?"

Before seeing the patient Billy, Li Ran could not get further prompts.

Analyzing these, it does not mean that he wants to meet Patient Billy.

The heads placed on the cabinet are male and female, old and young, some have already turned into mummified corpses, some are soaked in jars of unknown liquid, and some are directly placed on top with bleeding from all seven orifices. ...

"Help... help, help!!"

Suddenly, a cry for help came from ahead.

"Anyone alive?"

Li Ran couldn't believe it. He walked inside, and a pile of bloody corpses were piled up in the corner like a hill. Almost all of these corpses were headless, and blood flowed from the broken neck. Some of them had dried up long ago, while others were still there. Yin Hong's blood flowed, staining the entire floor red, and the blood flowed to the surroundings of the pharmacy like a stream.

And at the top of Xiaoshi Mountain, a woman tremblingly covered her head with her hands, staring at Li Ran who appeared with a flashlight in fear.

It was a white-skinned woman with brown hair and blue eyes and a high nose bridge. She looked about 25 or [-] years old. There was a shocking bloodstain on her neck, and the bloodstain kept oozing blood. A look for help.

(Protoss player: Ella)

(Strange power value: 13000)

(Dungeon experience: 7 times)
"Help me, save me, I feel very scared, there is a monster killing us." The protoss player stood on the hill of corpses and walked down cautiously. Her hands were like holding a vase, and she was afraid that the vase would break. That way, the difference is that the vase is her own head.If a woman doesn't hold her head, it's as if her head will fall off.

Li Ran noticed the blood line on her neck, as if it had been drawn by an invisible silk thread, the blood stains were very neat.

He thought of the heads on the cabinet again, the necks were also unusually flat.

Li Ran didn't approach, he knew that this woman would definitely die.

"How did you get here?" Li Ran asked with a flashlight shining on the woman.

The woman said in a trembling voice, "It's the highest reward task in the city. The four of us came here as a team, and all my teammates died."

"What mission?" Li Ran asked.

He felt that it was necessary to ask about the situation here, otherwise he would run around like a headless chicken.

"Investigate Murik Mental Hospital and reveal the truth." Ella replied in fear.

"Is the reward generous?"

Ella wanted to nod, but didn't dare. She blinked her eyes hard and said, "It's very high, with five hundred rewards for strange force, five thousand points, and one or two additional rewards. It's a team task."

One can imagine the difficulty of a team task with [-] strange power points.

Li Ran looked at the mountain of corpses at the foot of Ella, and thought, "Are these the gods who died here?"

The corpses at the top of the corpse mountain are relatively fresh, while the ones at the bottom have long since turned into skeletons. This shows that not only the players from this dungeon died here, but even the Protoss players from the previous dungeons.

"I... can I still be saved?" Ella's eyes widened. She felt the blood from her neck flowing into her chest like a waterfall, and she panicked even more.

Li Ran didn't answer, but turned the flashlight to the back door of the pharmacy. The flashing shadow he just saw was going to the back door.

"Did it ask you to take it to find its mother?" Li Ran asked.

He felt that it was necessary to dig out all the information he could know before Ella died.

"Uh... uh uh uh... Gululu..."

Ella's voice became indistinct, making a "gurgling" sound as if water had entered her throat.

Ella staggered down from the mountain of corpses, covering her cheeks with her hands in fear and despair, and she walked towards Li Ran step by step, with the sound of bubbling bubbles in her throat.

Her steps faltered, her face became extremely pale, her walking steps faltered, she seemed to realize something, her face became extremely pale, suddenly, his figure stopped, and the whole person fell forward After falling to the ground, his head rolled like a ball a few times on the ground, and finally stopped at Li Ran's feet, with a huge net and fear engraved on his face.

"Alas, there is no useful information at all."

Li Ran shook his head and walked around the corpse mountain to the back door.

After opening the back door, he reached the other end of the blocked corridor. Li Ran saw the corridor going down, but when he walked in, he found that the place was full of things like iron beds and iron cabinets, and he couldn't walk at all.

"Mommy mommy."

Suddenly, a strange voice sounded above Li Ran's head.

Li Ran's body froze. From the shadow cast by the weak light on the ground, he found a deformed creature hanging on the ceiling behind his head.

Li Ran turned his head slowly, looking at the creature hanging upside down above his head.

This creature has a deformed human face, with facial features like a weasel, a pair of blood-red eyes staring at him silently, there are two blood-colored split pupils in its eyes, and its body is covered with twisted and slender hairs. The tentacles, the two forelimbs were like slashing blades, with a terrifying cold glow, hanging upside down like an insect called a gnat crawling upside down on the ceiling, staring straight at him.

"Mom, take me to find my mother." The deformed monster spoke in a human voice, and the voice was like a child's voice.

No matter how weird this scene was, Li Ran only felt his scalp go numb, and a chill swept through his whole body.

He didn't realize when this monster approached?

Not even sound.

(Patient Billy)
(S-rank mental infection body)

(Strange power value: ???)
(A mutant transformed by a mental hospital, it only has the IQ of a three-year-old.)
(Both rules in the diagnostic notebook are true, and it's best left alone.)
(Hint: As long as a woman plays with it, it will recognize it as a mother.)
(Hint: It can be defeated by running out of cards, but you may attract more powerful monsters, which is not recommended.)
Li Ran did not show any timidity when he met the patient Billy.

He didn't rush to agree to the monster, nor did he refuse, but met the other's eyes, thinking about the hints he saw.

"Are both of the diagnostic notes true?"

This is unexpected, because the two rules are actually contradictory, and a contradiction means that one is true and the other is false.

If both are true, it would be really hopeless if there were no other hints.

"Women can recognize their mothers by playing with them?"

Li Ran immediately thought of Miss Sazhi, and asked Miss Sazhi to take the monster to play.

But after thinking about it, it's not very good.

This monster may be stronger than Miss Saori, and Miss Saori is such an arrogant person, how could she take this thing around.

And if Miss Saori is not in his field of vision, many uncontrollable things will happen.

He denied this idea. If he wanted to completely control this monster, he had to hold his vision in his own hands.

Li Ran didn't agree to take the monster to find his mother, nor did he refuse.

He used camouflage amber to transform himself into Song Linjia's appearance, and then transformed into a shadow dust clone of Song Linjia.

"I'll take you to play."

Li Ran controlled one of the shadow dust clones and said to the monster above his head.

"Mom...Mom." Patient Billy climbed down from the ceiling along the wall, and followed behind Shadow Chen's avatar.

Li Ran slowly changed back to his original appearance, staring at the direction where the avatar left with the scorpion-like monster.

With the avatar, he can keep track of the avatar's movements at any time, and even share the avatar's perspective.

Now he controlled the avatar and walked to the corridor area where the ceiling collapsed and said to the patient Billy: "What if it's blocked here, shall we move these things away?"

"Okay, Mom."

Afterwards, the patient Billy got into the collapsed area and began to carry the collapsed rocks rustlingly.

He took the monster to find his mother, and he didn't refuse his request. He just conjured up a mother.

That's not illegal at all.

Following this opportunity, Li Ran quickly slipped away.

He found a window open, from which he could jump directly to the first floor.

He jumped silently from the window to the guidance hall on the first floor, and landed quietly.

At the same time, he observed the location of the clone. Fortunately, the IQ of the patient Billy was only three years old, otherwise it would be really hard to fool around. Now the monster is playing a game of drilling holes in the collapsed rock pile, and he is having a great time.

"Damn, we have intruders here!"

Suddenly, an old voice came from the depths of the guidance hall on the first floor.

Li Ran quickly looked for a hiding place. Because of the restrictions on the shadow bird, he could only find a cover to hide his figure.

He quickly ran to the central consultation desk, where there was a body of a security guard and a body of a nurse. These two bodies had a very striking feature.

There was a bloody hole in their chest, as if their heart had been directly ripped out by some horrible creature.

But he can't control that much, only here can hide.

(End of this chapter)

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