Chapter 252 Death God Green Smoker!
Several people came under the wind-eroded broken wall.

Lim pointed to the sandy land in front of him. There were rotten wooden beams like pillars inserted around the sandy land, some of which were still hung with dilapidated relics and dead trees and vines.

But in the sand, there is a rusty iron lump protruding from the sand, and it seems that the scale of the iron lump is not small.

"Machine?" Bill asked.

A group of people approached, and Bill took out a shovel from the storage space, and shoveled around the iron lump a few times.

As more and more iron bumps were exposed, the brows of the few people became more and more frowned.

Then Li Ran and Lim also took out their shovels and dug it out of the sand.

After a long time, several people retreated to the distance, looking at the big guy they dug out with surprise.

"It's unbelievable, why is there such a thing here?" Ream said.

What several people dug out from the sand was an old-fashioned plane, and the iron bumps dug out were the nose of the plane. The whole plane had advanced laminar flow wings and a highly concise design, and looked down like a delicate Hummingbirds have propellers on the nose and wings.

Li Ran also felt incredible. According to his understanding, the technological civilization of the Demon Gathering Land did not seem to be able to reach the point of owning an airplane, at least his technological civilization in human towns was not yet possible, and it was even more impossible for Nether and Yaozu.

"Could it be the God City of the Protoss?" Li Ran guessed in his heart that maybe the God City in the Demon Gathering Land has a higher mechanical civilization. Before coming here, Lim took out a small helicopter and Bill took out a hang glider.

"It should be the aborigines from Shencheng who crashed the plane here," Bill said.

Several people checked the cabin for a while, but did not see the corpse.

"The pilot is not dead or did he parachute?" Bill asked suspiciously. Suddenly, he had an idea, looked at Tang Xilu and asked, "Could the pilot of the plane be the Professor Peng you are looking for?"

"I don't know. Since the mission is triggered, it proves that he is not dead. He is probably in this ancient city. Let's look for it." Tang Xilu said.

Li Ran looked away from the crashed old plane, the prompt he just saw was completely different from what they had guessed.

(Magnetic chaos leads to crashed plane!)
The hint he saw proved that the earth's magnetic field is very chaotic.

Either there is some unexplainable phenomenon, or there are powerful ghosts.

Anyway, it's dangerous here.

After walking into the depths of the ancient city, Bill suddenly said to Lim, "Lim, do you still remember the pilots in the city of God?"

"Remember, the guy in the pilot uniform on the edge of the cliff?" Lim thought for a while and said, "Many people have looked for him, but the mission has not been triggered, and he is talking like a lunatic."

Bill shook his head slightly, looked around the ancient city and said, "No, I think his words can stand scrutiny, maybe it has something to do with it, the pilot said that there is an ear in the desert, with helixes, ear holes, and even earlobes. "

While talking, Bill pointed to the structure of the ancient city and said, "I don't know if you have noticed that the terrain here is sunken, and the buildings in the ancient city in the distance are obviously taller than here, and they have an irregular ring shape. The ancient city is shaped like an ear, and we are heading towards the ear hole in the center."

"I remembered that the pilot also said that a friend of his once flew a newly manufactured plane to the desert in the west and never returned, as if he had disappeared from this world." Lim said, he Looking back at the old plane under the wind-eroded wall: "Now it seems that the plane is the one his friend drove."

Ream became excited as if he had discovered an amazing secret.

"Maybe we can trigger related missions," Rim said.

Going deeper into it, Li Ran couldn't help lamenting that time has changed. With the passage of time, the traces of human existence will gradually be erased. In this ancient city, apart from some bricks and certain solid ruins, some buildings can still be seen. Apart from its appearance, there are hardly any traces of human existence.

As they continued to go deeper, they discovered that there were many instruments and machine parts on the ground here.

Screws and rusty springs can be seen everywhere, as if some kind of huge device once exploded here, and the exploded parts splashed across the ancient city.

"Could this be the ancient city of the Void Lizardman?" Bill asked.

"It's not impossible, it's very close to the oasis." Lim said, then looked at Tang Xilu and said, "How did the task of finding Professor Peng be triggered? I almost visited the city of God, but no such task was triggered. "

"It's Professor Peng's wife, a woman who sells fish in the market area of ​​Shencheng. When you go to her to buy fish, she will whisper something, among which she will mention that since her husband came back from the desert Afterwards, it was like a different person, from every day before to now I have no interest in her at all. At this time, as long as you go up to talk to her, she will tell you that she suspects that her husband is a fake." Tang Xilu said.

When they heard this, their brows raised inexplicably.

From high energy to no interest, the change before and after too much is indeed suspicious.

"When was the last time Professor Peng went to the desert?" Li Ran asked.

"Three years ago." Tang Xilu asked.

Li Ran frowned, rested his chin and stared at his eyes, and became thoughtful: "Three years, is he still alive in the desert?"

"If the mission can be triggered, it means it can be completed." Bill asked.

"That's the theory, but it doesn't necessarily mean finding a living person. It might be possible to find a dead body. In short, I don't really believe that there are still people alive after three years in this ghostly place," Lim said.


While the few people were talking, suddenly there was a sound like tiles being crushed in front of them.

Their faces changed in an instant, and they took out their weapons one after another and stood on guard.


Li Ran released his senses again.

Before entering this ancient city, he scanned it once with his divine sense, and found nothing strange.

Suddenly, there was a sound of tiles breaking in the dead and silent ancient city, which was extremely loud and piercing.

It is impossible for this kind of place to fall rocks for no reason.

The power of divine sense swept towards the surroundings like a raging wave, and soon fed back to more than a dozen dazzling celestial lights in his celestial light world.

"It has appeared, be careful, there are many enemies." Li Ran said solemnly.

After finishing speaking, Li Ran directly traced back his soul, and started the Dark Night Flying Shadow to kill towards the nearest place of dawn.

"Breaking Tribulation Shock..."

After killing a broken wall, he was about to kill by surprise, but found that the enemy was a cloud of green smoke.

It was a cloud of green smoke like smoke from a kitchen, condensed there, if you don't look carefully, you can't even see the difference between it and the air.

It was also the first time Li Ran encountered such a situation.

What kind of weirdness is this, green smoker?
It was just such a moment of stunned effort, some of Qingyan "咻" got into the cracks in the stone and slipped away.

"A lonely ghost?"

Li Ran was a little surprised, he didn't see the thing clearly, and the blue smoke disappeared.

He is wearing a mysterious bottle. If it is a lonely ghost or a revenant, he can see it. What kind of ghost is the cloud of smoke, and it has a high value of strange power.

Bill, Lim, and Tang Xilu chased after them, and asked suspiciously, "Where's the enemy?"


Li Ran told the three of them what he saw, and asked them to pay attention to the green smoke floating around.

"There are still a lot around, I'll try again." Li Ran said.

Afterwards, he cast Dark Night Flying Shadow again and flew towards the heights of the ancient city, looking down sharply, he could see the outline of the entire ancient city.

And it was also guessed by Bill that the landform structure of the ancient city was indeed in the shape of an ear, with auricles formed on the periphery and ear holes formed in the center, and the terrain sank. Smoke, hazy, looming, looks like a hazy mist from a distance, but it is slightly different from the surrounding air when you look closely.

But who would have thought that it was a strange monster with a decent value of weird power.

"What the hell are these?"

When Li Ran looked at them intently, they would quickly slip into the darkness or fly to places he could not see. The speed was very fast, like a ray of wind passing by.

"Can they feel the gaze?" Li Ran was horrified.

He looked at a cloud of green smoke, and the cloud of green smoke slipped away. He looked at several balls in a row, and all of them slipped away after his eyes came into contact with the green smoke.

Looking around, all the smoke in the ancient city has disappeared.

Because Qingyan dodged too fast, Li Ran didn't even see the prompt.

At this time, Lim also took a small helicopter to fly high into the sky. When he reached the sky, the blue smoke below had long since disappeared.

When the two returned to the ground, Li Ran told them what he saw with a solemn expression.

"Are you afraid of the green smoke in your eyes?" Bill felt a little unbelievable.

"Did they make the sound of the tiles breaking just now?" Tang Xilu asked.

"I'm not sure. Anyway, be careful. I want to correct one point. They can feel the gaze and not be afraid of the gaze." Li Ran said.

Feeling the gaze and fearing the gaze are two concepts, one is ability, the other is fear, if it is the former, it means that Qingyan is more terrifying than they imagined.

"Damn, a rat in the ditch?" Lim cursed.

"It's a bit weird, otherwise we'd better go and go back to defend the city." Bill said uneasily.

Just when the few people began to hesitate, a burst of meaty smell, roasted meat and cumin smell came from ahead, continuously piercing through their noses.

The stomachs of several people suddenly gurgled, and their appetites were suddenly aroused.

"It came from that stone house." Lim pointed to a well-preserved stone house not far away.

"Could it be Professor Peng?" Tang Xilu's eyes lit up.

"It's so strange, how can there be a smell of barbecue in this kind of place?" Bill wondered.

But they decided to go and investigate together.

Although this situation is very strange, the aroma of the barbecue really floated into the tip of their noses.

Although the smell of meat aroused their hunger, they could still overcome this hunger with reason, and no one would lose their minds and go for the smell of meat in the stone house.

Several people came to the stone house, and Li Ran led the way into the house.

There are traces of human life in the house, including very simple plates and bowls and chopsticks. Inside, a skinned creature is driving a skinned creature on the stone stove. "Crackling" sound.

"It's wolf meat." Li Ran said, he saw the prompt.

On the fire stove was skinned wolf meat.

The whole house can be seen at a glance, powerless and no one.

"Who roasted the wolf meat? Is it really Professor Peng?" Tang Xilu asked.

Li Ran walked to the door of the stone house and looked around. Except for the dead and ruined walls, he didn't find anything abnormal. Even the green smoke from before had all disappeared from his spiritual perception.

"Stay here for a while and see if people will come back." Li Ran suggested, and then, he walked to the fire stove, and put out the flame with a phantom claw: "This thing is easy to arouse our emotions." Appetite, don’t eat it if you’re really hungry.”


Several people were very cautious, and they were indeed aroused by the appetite of the roast wolf meat.

Fortunately, I took some rest and ate something in the house to replenish my strength, and waited for the real master to come back.

"It's a pity for the barbecue." Lim glanced into the corner.


Lim walked to the corner, looking suspiciously at the extinguished charcoal in the corner, the smoke formed by the charcoal drifted out of the window, but there was a cloud of green smoke condensed in the corner and did not disperse, it was very strange, Lim was puzzled Walking forward, he stared at the cloud of smoke curiously and asked, "Dude, is this the weird thing you said?"

Li Ran's eyes were all outside the stone house. When he turned his head, he saw Lim looking at the green smoke of extinguished charcoal in the corner. His eyes froze, his face changed suddenly, and he shouted: "Get out of the way!"

Almost at the moment when his voice fell, the green smoke in the corner suddenly rushed to Lim's body.

Lim was shocked, and then his whole body froze in place.

Bill and Tang Xilu were startled by Li Ran's voice, and when they turned around, they saw Lim frozen in place.

Just when several people stared in amazement, the green smoke from Lim's body burst out of the window and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Look at him!"

Li Ran left a word and immediately chased after him.

The cloud of green smoke flew towards the ruins, and Li Ran directly cast Shadow Bird to chase after it.

"Yeah, what the hell are these things?"

The speed of Qingyan's escape was very fast, and it was like a gust of wind passing over the ancient city, and it would even bring up dust in the place where it passed.

Shadow Grip!

After the distance was close, Li Ran shot a phantom ghost hand directly at Qingyan.


When the phantom ghost hand was about to catch Qingyan, Qingyan drifted extremely fast, dodging the phantom ghost hand's attack.

"Fuck, does this thing have eyes behind it?"

Li Ran continued to catch up. If they didn't figure out what the green smoke was, they would still be in danger.

"Explosive Arrow!"

Li Ran chased to the center of the ancient city, and aimed an arrow at the crevice of the stone where Qingyan was about to escape.


The sparks exploded, and the golden rain of flames and the oscillating shock wave blasted the green smoke into pieces and flew upside down.

A wisp of red ghost floated out of the dissipated blue smoke. The ghost had a ferocious face, and its eyes were venomous, as if it wanted to eat people.

(Grim Reaper Blue Smoker)

(A-level spiritual infection body)

(Strange power value: 16500)

(Transformed by the ancient city's resentful spirit, it is full of malice towards everything, and will bring all living beings who enter the ancient city to death.)
(It has the ability to devour souls, and it will feed the god of death after devouring people's souls when people are not paying attention or relaxing their vigilance.)
(Hint: They can feel gazes and will not confront people head-on. The best way to catch them is by surprise, or with sufficient strength.)
After seeing the prompt, Li Ran felt that he belonged to the latter.

There is no need for surprise, strength is king.

The true face of the smoker was revealed in front of him, and in Li Ran's eyes, he was a red ghost.

Qingyan Gui knew that he was no match for Li Ran, so he suddenly let out a shrill cry with a ferocious face.

Harsh and sharp, Li Ran quickly covered his ears.

But soon, he frowned, and he felt that more and more green smokers were gathering towards his position.

Li Ran sensed the dawn gathered around him.

"I've never been afraid of gang fights." Li Ran smiled.

Inside the stone house.

"Are you okay, Lim?" Bill said, looking at the back of Lim who was frozen in place.

Lim stood stiffly in place, with his back to them.

"Don't go there." Tang Xilu took out the Xuanyue Double Blades and assumed an attacking posture.

Bill took out his long sword, looked alert, and continued to shout: "Rim, can you hear me, don't scare me.",



Bill shouted several times in a row.

Suddenly, Lim started to move, he slowly walked to the corner and lay down, grabbed the browned and crispy wolf on the ground, and gnawed it.

Bill and Tang Xilu looked at each other, and they both saw horror in each other's eyes.

Lim picked up the roasted wolf meat with both hands, biting and swallowing, without even chewing, regardless of the image, and swallowed the roasted meat directly down his throat.

Bill also noticed that Lim even grabbed the charcoal on the ground and stuffed it into his mouth, swallowing it.

"What's the matter with you, Lim?" Bill walked forward with a sword in fear.

Lim was like a very hungry beast at the moment, lying on the ground eating the barbecue and charcoal on the ground.

Bill walked behind Lim, slowly put his hand on Lim's back, and patted lightly.


Lim suddenly glared at Bill fiercely.

Bill was startled, took a few steps back, and looked at Lim in disbelief.

Lim's eyes were ferocious, his face was fierce, his mouth was full of grease and black ash, and his eyes were full of hostility and ferocity like a beast.

"He's dead!" Tang Xilu said, pulling Bill behind her.

Bill still didn't want to believe that after working with him for so long, Ream died like this.

"He is now a body without a soul, and his behavior is no different from that of a beast!" Tang Xilu said.

Although unfortunately, her teammate turned into a walking dead because of an inattention, she has an unusually keen perception of the soul, and she can even see that there is no soul in Lim's body.

That strange green smoke swallowed Lim's soul!

"Rim, don't force me!"

Lim seems to have found something more delicious than roast wolf meat.

Walking towards Bill fiercely, Bill held the sword with a more complicated expression.


A cold light flashed across Lim's neck.

Lim's head and body separated instantly.

"You..." Bill looked at Tang Xilu who had killed Lim, and wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

He knew very well that Lim was dead, but as a teammate, he couldn't bear to do it.

"You can't solve it, I will solve it for you!" Tang Xilu said coldly while covering her face.

Bill put down his weapon and said discouragedly, "You did the right thing."


Lim's head on the ground let out a ferocious roar.

Lim's headless body, which lost its head, suddenly accelerated and rushed towards Tang Xilu.


(End of this chapter)

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