Chapter 275 The Last Ten Hours!

"Zang Jiu, where did the black mist go after the Nether Land collapsed?"

In the woods, Nether Shura galloped behind a benevolent monk.

"The brothers around me died one after another. We can't just run aimlessly like this." Shi Jun said worriedly.

Zang Jiu looked solemn, and the words that the Yaojun said to him in the red building emerged in his mind.

"Master Yaojun, I want to have the highest value of strange power."

"What can you come up with?"

Zang Jiu took out a pitch-black jar, which was sealed with a piece of talisman paper, and he said to Yaojun, "This is Nether Soul Gu, and it is my treasure."

The Yaojun behind the fire feather bead curtain said indifferently: "This thing is not enough to make you supreme!"

Zang Jiu showed distress on his face, and took out another object, but before he took it out, a word from the Yaojun shocked him, and he felt unwilling.

"Don't bother, everything on your body is not enough to make you supreme."

Zang Jiu's expression sank, his fists were clenched tightly, he raised his head suddenly and asked, "I want to leave the demon gathering place alive!"

Behind the fire feather bead curtain, Yao Jun said slowly: "I can tell you how to leave, but you have to offer your most precious thing."

"Is my most precious?" Zang Jiu said to himself, and then asked: "I don't know what is my most precious, so I ask Yao Jun to point me out."

"Even though you have degenerated into a monk, the heart of Dao in your heart has never been extinguished. Even though you are deep in the darkness, your heart is still full of light. Even though you have been kicked out, you always firmly believe that you will eventually succeed."

"The most precious thing in you is your unwavering devotion!" Yaojun slowly floated from behind the fire feather bead curtain to the front of Zang Jiu, stretching out a hand full of fire on the back. Yu's finger pointed at his heart.

Zang Jiu's face changed slightly, and he said in fear: "You took my heart, will I die?"

"No!" Yaojun said.

Zang Jiu showed hesitation on his face. He was an orphan who was rescued by the abbot of the temple and grew up in the temple. The abbot taught him from a young age to save all sentient beings, to have a devout heart of compassion, to be unswerving, and to save suffering and disasters. Make it a success.

Therefore, the devout Buddha heart in his heart is his most precious thing.

Even after his death, he entered the Netherworld, but his xinxing never changed.

If he loses his desire to seek Buddha, he may lose his direction in an instant and be at a loss as to where to go.

However, if he can't leave alive, what's the point of everything he believes in?

What's more, he who has entered the nether world is no different from a demon in the eyes of real Buddhist seekers, and he will never be able to return to the monastery in the human world.

If you can get out of the dungeon of the land of trolls alive, you will have a chance to get back everything you lost.

Thinking of this, Zang Jiu nodded and said: "I am willing to ask for a pious Buddhist heart in exchange for leaving the land of trolls alive."

Pulling back his thoughts, Zang Jiu touched the left chest with his hand, it was empty, as if a piece was missing.

Even though he was still alive, he always felt that something was missing.

"Troll purgatory, roof abyss!" Zang Jiu said.

"What?" Shi Jun asked suspiciously.

Zang Jiu said coldly: "Find the roof abyss and you can live!"

Shi Jun frowned slightly. He raised his head and looked into the distance. Suddenly, he saw a white "↓" in the sky above Lin Hai.

"Commander, look at that." Shi Jun said.

Zang Jiu looked in the direction of the arrow and knew it in his heart: "The arrow is the roof abyss!"

"Go, let's go there quickly!"



In the dense woods, a vigorous figure danced quickly in the woods.

Suddenly, she stopped and took out a white morning glory. The white morning glory slowly turned in her hand, and then settled in one direction.

"Got you."

Hua Shuying put away the white morning glory and continued to move cautiously in the forest.

In this forest, she doesn't trust any players, including those from the Yaozu camp.

She only believed that there was a man who would take her out of this dungeon, as long as she followed that man's track, she would definitely be able to leave alive.

She continued to move in the woods, and there was a faint circle of plant pollen floating around her body, which made her breath the same as the vegetation in the woods when she was moving or forbidden. Even if she encountered a troll, as long as she didn't move , in the eyes of the troll, she is a tuft of grass, a bunch of flowers, this is her exclusive secret method to travel alone in the woods.

With that man's breath in her body, she can feel it no matter where he goes.

Hua Shuying smiled slightly, and continued to rush towards the depths of the woods.



"what is this?"

Fan Kai spread his hands, and a green light spot slowly floated in his palm.

The moment the spot of light touched his palm, a woman's voice sounded in his head.

"In the hinterland of the forest, let's break into the tiankeng together, red signal!"

Fan Kai looked suspiciously at the fat man beside him. There was also a green light spot in the palm of the fat man's hand. From the surprised eyes of the fat man, he could be sure that he also heard a woman's voice.

The other three teammates behind him also heard contact with the light spot one after another.

"Brother Kai, are you going?" the fat man asked.

Fan Kai slowly flew to the high canopy, overlooking the center of the forest, and soon, he saw a huge ice crystal arrow suspended in the center of the forest.

He quickly fell back to the ground and said to his teammates behind him, "Go!"

Afterwards, a group of people cautiously switched to leaping forward in the forest towards the center of the troll forest.

At the same time, all over the troll forest, players from the four camps more or less received the information of the light spot and the sign of the ice crystal arrow in the sky.

Players gathered from all directions of the forest to the center of the forest.

Because of the collective movement of the players, the trolls in the forest also began to chase towards the central area, causing the trolls distributed in the central area to become more and more dense.

Players running cautiously in the forest will hear miserable screams from the forest from time to time, one after another, which makes people feel strongly disturbed.

The closer to the central area of ​​the forest, the players can notice that the surrounding trolls appear more and more frequently.

Some trolls will ambush the player's path, suddenly burst out, and break the player's team into pieces. If the fleeing players scream in panic, they will often not survive. Their screams and fighting movements will attract more If there are too many trolls, once they are besieged, they will surely die.

Some trolls even set traps, and players who step on or trigger the traps can hardly survive.

Often in the forest, if you see huge waves appearing in a piece of forest, it won't be long before there will be screams from the players.

In the central area of ​​the forest, where Li Ran and the others were located, they could already hear heart-pounding screams around them.

Li Ran frowned, and said solemnly: "More trolls have been attracted, even if the tiankeng is a ghost gate, we have to break through!"

"Commander, we are with you!" Sloan said.

"No, everyone has to disperse. We only have less than ten hours left." Li Ran glanced at the crowd present, and he suggested: "I will summon a monster to attract the attention of the trolls ahead, you have monsters It can also summon monsters to lure away the trolls near the tiankeng."

"Then take out all your life-saving means and defensive skills, and rush into the sinkhole with the fastest speed. Be sure to observe the trolls around you more. Lido uses the dense branches and leaves of the canopy to block his vision."

"If you encounter a troll leader, you can only ask for luck."

"Everyone, I hope you can all enter the Tiankeng!"

After finishing speaking, Li Ran activated several skills in succession, and other people also used skills and various states on them one after another.

Little Yusu possesses the soul!
Li Ran's base power value is 20400, and Xiao Yusu's basic power value has grown to 9000. After possessing a soul, he can provide a bonus of 4500 power value, and Li Ran's power value instantly increases to 24900.

Shadow absorption!

Add one thousand strange power points!
Fury of Valkyrie!
All attributes increased by 1.2 times

Mystery value: 31080
In an instant, the power value increased to more than [-].

The players around Li Ran widened their eyes in shock. Only by standing next to them could they truly perceive how terrifying Li Ran's strange power value increase was.

It's like watching a cluster of small flames instantly turn into a burning bonfire!

The speed at which the strange power surged made everyone dumbfounded!
"The wolf god calls!!"

Li Ran took out the broadsword, and the bloody wolf spirit raised his head as the broadsword was raised.

Then it turned into dozens of blood shadow breaths and dispersed in this forest.

Su Bingyao, Shi Long, and Yang Feng had all seen Li Ran summoning the Demon Wolf Army. Even if they felt it again, it was still incredible.

Joysen, Bill, and Tang Xilu couldn't speak from ear to ear, their eyes widened in shock.

It was outrageous, Li Ran summoned 62 three-meter-high blood-colored demon wolves by himself!
62 horses!

What a concept!
This is the wolf pack in full force! !

"Bingyao, follow me!"

Li Ran stretched out his hand and pulled Su Bingyao onto the ghost horse's back.

"Frost Elf!"

Su Bingyao didn't stay idle after getting on the horse, and summoned twelve frost elves, which floated around the two of them.

"Each frost elf can resist a certain damage attack!" Su Bingyao said.


Li Ran raised his broadsword high and turned to look at the players behind him who had released various summoning monsters and defensive skills.

"I will try my best to attract the trolls to my demon wolf army, and then it will depend on everyone's ability!" Li Ran said.

Everyone nodded solemnly.


At this time, Bill fired a flare into the sky.

The red signal flares went straight into the sky, dyeing the dark night sky red.

Almost at the same time, all players approaching the center of the forest.

All the trolls in the forest looked up and saw a red flare floating in the air.

"Come on!!"

Li Ran roared and ordered more than 60 magic wolves to rush to the central area of ​​the forest.


The 62 demon wolves raised their heads and roared, and ran wildly, scurrying in the forest, like a torrent of blood rushing into the forest.

"Brothers, go!!" Sloan shouted.

The monsters they summoned also rushed into the woods along with the wolf.

Afterwards, they each showed their magical powers, either flying or running wildly.

At the same time, countless figures of players appeared in the woods. The figures passing by in the woods were in the woods, and the figures running wildly on the ground. I don't know how many players rushed to the sky, and they all displayed the fastest flying skills.

In all directions, in the woods and in the sky, there are players.




Heart-throbbing roars followed one after another, resounding through the entire troll forest!
Giant trolls emerge from the forest one by one, they are no longer lurking, no longer hiding, turning into terrifying trolls chasing players in the forest!
At the same time, the boundaries of the troll forest began to crumble.

The ground and vegetation on the border collapsed inch by inch, turning into countless rubble and debris and floating into the endless darkness...

The red signal flares dyed the troll forest red, and the troll in the middle of the forest raised its head in surprise, looking at the red light overhead.

Just when they were wondering, a group of bloody demon wolves rushed out of the forest like a bloody torrent.

Following behind the wolf were figures flying out of the woods.

A troll with a huge palm put its arms on the ground and spread them out like a mountain, trying to stop the army of demon wolves.

Suddenly, the torrent of the demon wolf split into two and rushed over from both sides of the troll.

The troll immediately blocked it with his hands, only to find that these demon wolves were very flexible, like a school of fish effect, as soon as he attacked, all the demon wolves scattered.

When the troll blocked the wolf, Li Ran rushed out from all directions of the forest with a dozen players on horseback.

The ghostly ghost horse stepped directly on the head of the big-handed troll and galloped in the air.

"Be careful ahead!"

A troll opened its bloody mouth from the canopy and swooped down towards the ghost horse.

Zha Ma immediately made a sharp turn in the air, and sprinted with an elegant S, easily dodging the troll jumping out of the tree.

"Zama still has two brushes."

Li Ran continued to control the wolf army below and moved forward.

The players behind are also very smart, they will wait until the trolls are attracted by the magic wolf, and then fly past the trolls.


Suddenly, the ground exploded, and a giant worm troll with a giant earthworm body and a human face burst out of the ground, swallowing two magic wolves in an instant.

"Well, these trolls look really disgusting!"

There is almost no safe place in the forest. Even if you run wildly on the ground, you will encounter trolls who can burrow into the ground.


Suddenly, a frost elf beside Li Ran glowed with white light and turned into a honeycomb-shaped ice shield, with a sharp bone spur stuck on the surface of the ice shield!

Li Ran's eyes narrowed, and he glanced at a troll covered with bone spurs in the forest. It had the shape of a giant porcupine, and its body was covered with terrifying bone spurs. The human face on its head grinned creepily towards them in the sky. smile.

The bone spurs on the back of the porcupine troll shot at the players in the air one after another as it ran!

"You have good skills!" Li Ran said looking at the frost elves floating around.

Su Bingyao looked around intently, then suddenly pointed to the front and said, "Look at that, Li Ran."

Through the tall trees, a vast dark land appeared ahead.

A huge sinkhole appeared in the field of vision of the players.

The existence of a meteorite crater appeared in the forest, and the crater was pitch black, like a dark bottomless abyss.

At the same time, Li Ran noticed that the trees around the edge of the pit grew extremely huge, and the tree crowns even covered the sky and the sun, forming a huge dome of tree crowns above the pit!
No wonder why this deep pit cannot be seen when looking down on this land from a high altitude.

In Li Ran's view, this may not be called a deep pit, but an abyss is more appropriate.

"We will be safe once we enter the deep pit," Li Ran said.

Li Ran ordered the demon wolves to speed up.

The impact of the demon wolves, a troll can't stop a few at all.

Even under the provocation of the nimble demon wolf, the trolls made the behavior of throwing watermelon and picking sesame seeds.

He obviously wanted to catch the wolf on the left, but just as he was about to catch it, he found a player on the other side rushing past him. When he went to catch the player, he found that the player was too fast to catch him. The magic wolf also ran away.

Some trolls are also very agile. Porcupine trolls, eagle trolls, leopard trolls, giant ape demons, etc. are all very agile. They even ignore the trolls running on the ground, and just use the summoned monsters to escape players.

Li Ran was almost caught several times by trolls who suddenly came out of the woods.

His divine sense, coupled with the reaction of ghostly horses, and the defense of Su Bingyao's frost elf, allowed him to avoid many hidden arrows.


About to reach the edge of the abyss, Li Ran immediately ordered all the magic wolves to disperse.

At this time, the players rushed out of the woods and gathered above the abyss.

When you really come to the sky above the abyss, you will understand what is the fear of being stared at by the abyss.

When staring into the abyss, it seems that the abyss will crawl out of horrible strangeness!
"It's safe to rush into the abyss!"

"Brothers, go!"

Excited shouts from the players came from all around, and figures flew towards the endless abyss.

The trolls are still defending the players flying out of the woods.

The whole forest is full of the roar of trolls and the sound of trolls rushing.

The whole forest was shaking.

"Go into the abyss, this forest is collapsing!!"

Suddenly, a player in the woods flew from the air to the sky above the abyss, and he shouted loudly.

Everyone immediately looked at the woods behind. The surrounding woods were sinking and collapsing. The land collapsed again, and even some trolls collapsed into a blood mist because they had no time to escape.

All this is too shocking for all players.

The endless dark abyss in front of him is the only way to survive.

All the players poured into the dark abyss from all directions in the west. Looking down from a high altitude, it was like countless mayflies swimming into a dark abyss.

"Let's go in too." Su Bingyao said.


The ghost horse carried the two of them to the top of the abyss.

"Boo! Hah! Hah!"

Suddenly, countless bone spurs fell from the huge canopy dome, and the bone spurs poured down like rain! !
Li Ran and Su Bingyao's expressions changed suddenly.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!  …"

Almost at the same time, one after another miserable cries echoed above the abyss.

The bodies of the players were pierced by the bone spurs that fell rapidly from the air, pierced through the heads, inserted into strings, and even split the body into two and fell into the abyss.

The terrifying rain of bone spurs fell over the abyss indiscriminately.

It was only then that everyone realized that a skeletal human face appeared on the top of the tree crown. That face was suspended in the center of the tree crown, with a terrifying death light in its eyes, and a huge giant rib slowly emerged from the tree crown. From the dome to the ground, the entire abyss is shrouded, horrifying and shocking! !

The terrifying giant ribs shrouded the heads of all the players. It was endless, like ants burrowed into the ribs of the corpse.

The terrifying ribs are like a net covering the sky, killing all the players! !

When had the players seen such a terrifying scene? The players who came down from the new village under the terrifying bone spur rain all stared in horror at the giant and terrifying monsters that appeared on the canopy dome!
(End of this chapter)

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