People are in a weird world, you call this a game of cultivation

Chapter 281 Don't let them see your shadow!

Chapter 281 Don't let them see your shadow!

"Ahhh, my hand!!"

"Did anyone see my eyes?"

"That's my's mine, it's me..."

"You...your's gone!!"

The stagnant water on the street is boiling violently. I don’t know how many monsters with salamander-headed human bodies emerge from the water, or from the human body. Their appearance will definitely take away some parts of the player.

Some are deadly, and some are immortal and crippled!
"Get out of the stagnant water area, hurry up!" Li Ran shouted.

This strange attack was too fast, almost at the moment Miss Saori told her, the strange monster lurking in the void launched a fierce attack on the players.

The most frightening thing about void monsters is that they are hard to guard against. They ignore defense, can shuttle back and forth between void and reality, and take away real things directly.

"Leave the water and go to the air!" Li Ran emphasized again.

He flew into the air on the ghost horse and looked at the messy team of players behind him.

The sudden appearance of the salamander caught the players off guard.

Those with the quickest reflexes are the first to fly or jump onto the roof of the house.

"Don't stay in a place with stagnant water, they travel through the void through stagnant water." Li Ran conveyed the message that Miss Shazhi had conveyed to him again.

Most of the people have been away from the pooled water area on the ground, but there are still a small number of players lying in the pooled water and howling. These players are almost missing arms and legs, and can no longer fly.

"Leave this rainstorm and waterlogged village as soon as possible. Most of the players' flying abilities are still cooling down. There is water on both the streets and the roofs of the houses. Those monsters can enter the void through the water surface, and then come out from the water surface. , silently, hard to guard against."

"They are only wandering in the void area near the village. Leave as soon as possible to be completely safe!"

Miss Saori reminded.

Li Ran immediately called the commander-in-chief of the extremely large camp and told them the information he had just learned.

"Those who can still move, immediately follow me and leave the village area as quickly as possible!" Li Ran added after the instruction.

Sloan, Tang Daofu, and Zang Jiu nodded, and then quickly returned to their respective camps to pass on the news.

Afterwards, Li Ran rode his horse galloping through the air towards the outside of the village.

It is impossible for the village area under the heavy rain to be free of water. Even if you avoid the houses and streets, there will still be water on people's clothes. Who can guarantee that these monsters will not emerge from the water in people's clothes.

Weird's ability to travel between reality and void through water as a medium is very similar to Li Ran Yingniao's ability.

It's just that the shadow bird can't do the silky and weird attack of the different dimension kill, and can't do the weird attack method of piercing the human body.

"It's a reflection in stagnant water, everyone run away!"

"Crazy, they're elusive, and you want to catch them?"

"Everyone who is not dead and who can still move, get up and leave the village. No one can save you if it is too late!" Tang Daofu roared hysterically on the floating devil fish.

"Don't care about those injured people?" asked a Yaozu player who flew into the air.

Tang Daofu snorted coldly: "You are going to rescue, no one is stopping you!"

The player immediately shut his mouth.

This time, the protoss players reacted quickly, flying into the air with little casualties, avoiding the deadly attacks of the ghosts.

Protoss players have relatively high average strength, and are much stronger than players from other camps in terms of reaction and perception, although this strange attack is hard to guard against.

"Don't go, save me, save me!!"

A ghost player who lost his lower body was crawling in the stagnant water in the street. He looked desperately at the players in the sky who were gradually leaving him.

The next second, he felt the sound of abnormal movement in the stagnant water behind him, and turned his head stiffly in horror, only to see a strange creature with a salamander head emerge from the stagnant water with half of its head showing a wide mouth. The meaning of the face is teasing.

He was furious, and took the sledgehammer in his hand and smashed it into the water.

But in the next second, his eyes fell into darkness, and a strange monster jumped out of its head...

The fate of players who lose their actions is dire.

Countless strange monsters jumped out of thin air and deprived their bodies. The players' bodies were like ooze when they met an impact drill. In an instant, their bodies disappeared piece by piece out of thin air and were swallowed.

Under the torrential rain, nearly a hundred corpses lay on the flooded street. It didn't take long for those corpses to disappear one by one strangely. Only the blood flowing in the stagnant water proved that there were traces of players coming here.

Players whose flying skills and flying props are still cooling down use their agility to jump quickly on the roofs and trees, and use their speed to get rid of the strange monsters chasing in the void.

In fact, this method also works, and many players who move quickly completely leave the weirdness in the void behind.

In the dark world, Li Ran was not sure if he was going in the right direction.

He flew over the village until he was out of the rainstorm area.

However, Li Ran discovered that they did not leave the village area, but only left the area hit by the heavy rain.

"Is there heavy rain in some areas?"

Li Ran looked up at the dark sky, full of surprise.

For a moment, he thought that he had merged with the world, if it wasn't for the soft body in his arms.

After having experienced several levels of purgatory before, Su Bingyao seemed to let go of all her guard against Li Ran, not caring that Li Ran squeezed her, and sometimes leaning her body against Li Ran's broad chest when she was emotionally agitated.

She still looked around with full vigilance and said: "We should leave the shadowless area."

"It looks like it should be. Now we should enter the invisible area." Li Ran said.

"Wuying originally refers to the reflection in the water?" Su Bingyao clenched her fists tightly, only to realize that her palms were covered in cold sweat.

Unable to answer, it was pitch black, and Li Ran didn't even see the strange appearance, nor did he see any hints from the stagnant water.

If it wasn't for Miss Saori's reminder that there are strange shapes and monsters in the void, they would not have escaped from the rainstorm area so easily.

"We're still in the village, which looks much bigger than we thought."

Su Bingyao looked around the village and found that the streets were dark, the houses were still dark, and the inside of the houses was even darker. Even the weeds on the roadside were as black as ink, without any light.

The lighting equipment of the players still has no effect at this point, it can only be lit, but it cannot be illuminated.

"Be careful." Li Ran reminded the players behind him.

The village in front of me was dead silent.

There was no rushing sound of heavy rain, nor the sound of stagnant water.

Many players have flame skills, which are used to dry clothes on their bodies.

"Li Ran, there is someone in front!"

Suddenly, Su Bingyao frowned slightly, and pointed to the front of the village street.

Li Ran looked over immediately, and saw a stumbling figure in the middle of the dark village street.

The walking posture of the figure is very strange, and it cannot be called a complete stagger. The figure's figure is distorted, like curved noodles, and the whole body forms several S-shaped sections, but it can be determined that it is a person, as if the front There is a warped space.

Li Ran looked at the houses and streets, their outlines in the dark were normal.

Only the shadows on the street are distorted.


Zang Jiu came to Li Ran's side, staring sharply at the continuously distorted figure in front of him and said.

"It really doesn't look like it has any shape." Tang Daofu's bear eyes narrowed.

"Does it mean that as long as we kill this invisible person, we can pass through Shadow Fiend Purgatory?" Sloan asked.

No one can answer his question, it is too difficult to infer rules only by keywords.

(Shadows are their favorite, don't let them see your shadow.)
Along the way, Li Ran didn't see any useful hints. Part of the reason was that he couldn't focus on the real thing.

This time, Li Ran clearly saw a line of prompts.

Do they love shadows the most?
Li Ran looked down, the whole world was pitch black, how could there be any shadows?
There is no shadow without light.

This line of prompts confused Li Ran.

"They like shadows. Don't let them see your shadow. This is a piece of information I got when I was doing a mission." Li Ran lied casually. He couldn't tell the players that he could see hidden hints.

"They?" Tang Daofu frowned suspiciously and looked at the distorted figures on the street and said, "Are there many such distorted figures?"

"Like shadows?"

Both Zang Jiu and Sloan looked down at their feet.

At this time, after all the players left the rainstorm area, they returned to the streets of the village again.

The size of the village was beyond their imagination. They had been flying in the air for a long time without leaving. Secondly, whether it was skills or flying props, flying required great consumption.

Besides, Li Ran also fell into this area.

Li Ran is very strong but not a god. It is very lucky to follow him to this point.

"There is no shadow, our shadow is integrated with this world." Sloan said.

His doubts are also the doubts of the players.

In this dark world, they have no shadow.

"There are more of them." Su Bingyao pointed to the distorted figures on the street ahead and said, this time she used them.

The distorted figures on the street changed from one at first to three, all in pitch black, their limbs moving forward like twisted noodles, and the picture was extremely strange.

Especially in the dark world, this weirdness is a little more terrifying, as if they will rush in front of the players if they are not paying attention.

Li Ran said to the players behind him solemnly: "No matter what happens soon, if there is danger, go to the air first."

The players behind all nodded solemnly in response.

"Don't challenge the unknown, avoid it if you can!"

After finishing speaking, Li Ran jumped directly to the roof of the house on the ghost horse. He planned to avoid the distorted figures on the street from the roof of the house.

The players behind also followed up one after another.

The number of players from the four camps is less than 500.

The first two rules of Shadow Fiend Purgatory almost killed more than 100 players.

At this moment, even the protoss players let go of all their arrogance, and followed Li Ran with their eyes, what Li Ran did, what they did, how Li Ran acted, and how they acted.

Although the commander, Leando, didn't say that he was going to form an alliance with the human race, he followed Li Ran honestly.

Players scramble from rooftops to avoid twisted figures on the street.

Approaching from the roof still couldn't see the faces of those distorted figures, after all, it was pitch black.

But the players soon discovered that the streets and alleys of this village were full of such distorted figures.

"Are these creatures shadows?" a player asked.

"They like shadows? I don't understand, there are no shadows in this world."

Many players who got the information are checking their feet, but no matter how they check, they can't see a single shadow.

"Everyone, be careful, there are more and more people." Tang Daofu reminded the players in the camp.

Li Ran, who was at the front, glanced at the sharp light. He rode a ghostly ghost horse and galloped above the roof. Looking down, he could already see that the entire village was almost full of distorted figures.

"If we suddenly have a shadow, is there a way to prevent our own shadow from appearing?" Su Bingyao asked suddenly.

"Do you want to keep your shadow from showing?" Li Ran rolled his eyes a few times and said, "Block the direction of the light source with something. As long as the blocking object is big enough, our shadow won't show up."

"Is the shadow of the occluder a threat to us?" Su Bingyao asked sharply.

Li Ran held his chin and stared at him and said: "The information prompt is that we must not let them see our shadow, which means that as long as we hide our shadow well, there is no danger."

Su Bingyao thought for a while, and immediately released several frost elves to float around the ghost horse.


Suddenly, above the village, a dazzling white light shone in the sky.

The white light emitted bursts of deafening sound waves, covering the sky above the entire village.

The players were almost shocked by the sudden sound waves and covered their ears immediately. Distorted sound waves enveloped everyone and distorted all players.

Li Ran and Su Bingyao also covered their ears for the first time, but soon their expressions changed drastically.

"Li Ran, shadow!" Su Bingyao pointed to the ground below in horror.

In the white light shining in the sky, the shadows of them riding ghost horses in the air were clearly projected on the ground.

Their shadows appeared!

Li Ran looked back at the players behind him.

In the bursts of sound waves released by the dazzling white light, the figures of the players became distorted, and the walking posture of the players was just like the distorted black silhouette they saw just now.

And the shadows of the players appeared with the dazzling white light, all appearing on the streets of the village, and every shadow was extremely clear.

Seeing this scene, Li Ran suddenly turned his head to look at the figures in the streets and alleys of the village.

At this moment, these figures were no longer distorted. Under the illumination of white light, Li Ran could clearly see the true appearance of those figures.

They were all villagers!

It's just that their faces are distorted and their eyes are evil and ferocious.

Li Ran saw that the faces of several villagers were squeezed together like a crowded group, with evil and greedy gazes in their eyes.

Li Ran suddenly looked at his own figure on the street, and secretly yelled: "Shadow, protect your own shadow!"

As soon as the words fell, Li Ran directly turned on the shadow absorption, absorbed all the surrounding shadow energy into himself, and used this shadow power to cover up the shadows of himself and Su Bingyao.

Su Bingyao also smashed the frost elves around the ghost horse immediately.

The shattered frost elf quickly formed a thick floating layer of frost shield above their heads, which was used to resist the sudden flash of white light in the sky.

Almost at the same time, villagers with distorted faces in the village rushed towards the player frantically.

Their speed is extremely strange, some fly towards the player, some strobe, some run wildly like zombies, some twist their heads, and their heads sweep towards them like long snakes.

"Uh uh uh!!!"

For a moment, the village was filled with the roars of villagers with distorted faces.

The speed of the villagers is strange and fast, and they are in front of the player in a few blinks of an eye.

They only saw the villagers rushing towards them like evil spirits, and when they killed them, the villagers plunged into the shadow of a player.

The player had already held up an umbrella for the first time, and the shadow of the umbrella covered his whole body, but due to his haste and fright, the umbrella shook, and his lower body was exposed outside the shadow of the umbrella, that is, When it was exposed so little, it was drilled in by one of the terrifying villagers.

The villagers slipped into his shadow as smoothly as if they slipped into the water.

" got into my shadow!" The player yelled in horror.

Although he was not harmed, a strange creature got into his shadow, which was more terrifying than seeing a ghost. He had an ominous premonition in his heart, and he had a premonition that something big was about to happen to him.

Thinking of this, suddenly, he found that his body stood up uncontrollably, and threw away the umbrella in his hand.

He walked onto the street, his body showing a distorted posture in the white light.

He started to panic, he tried to control his body, but found he couldn't.

Unable to release skills or take out weapons, his body is out of his control.

He walked to the middle of the street, and suddenly, with a "click", his arms folded behind him.

Immediately afterwards, a sharp pain hit him, causing his entire face to contort.

But even so, he still couldn't do anything.

The shadow under his feet is guiding his body to do some weird and twisted movements.

He was not mistaken, in the distorted sound waves of the white light, the shadow became the leader, leading his body to make some movements.

In the severe pain just now, he even heard the sound of his own bones being twisted.


A sharp pain came again, and he couldn't help crying out in pain. He looked at the shadow under his feet in horror, and the shadow was turning his upper body, slowly turning behind him and not stopping.

He turned his eyes in horror to look at his belly, which was exposed in a twisted shape, and it was still twisted in a 360-degree direction, like twisting a rag.

When he was twisted to 360 degrees, the unprecedented pain almost made him faint, but the remaining shadow was still turning his upper body, twisting towards 720 degrees...

"Ah ah... no... don't don't..."

Following the sharp twist of Shadow's upper body, he felt a huge pain from his waist, and this pain went straight to his brain, causing him to lose consciousness in an instant!

He once thought that he would die in the dungeon, be killed by players from other factions, lose in the arena of life and death, and even think about being killed by strange monsters while doing missions.

But I never thought that I could witness the process of my own death when I died.

Being twisted into a twist!
(End of this chapter)

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