Chapter 303 Flower Resentment Hotel!
When exposed to sunlight, people explode!

Li Ran froze in place.

Looking at the big pool of blood on the street at the entrance, I was speechless for a long time.

In the ears were the miserable wailing of the two old men.

In just a short while, it became a white-haired person sending a black-haired person.

After a long time, Tan Xin shook his head in a low voice and said, "My condolences will change!"

Tan Xin left the hotel with the two elders.

The sound of mission completion rang in Li Ran's ears.

[Complete the guiding task: assist the old man to find his daughter]

[Completion Reward: Strange Power +50, Points +500]

When he came to the door, Li Ran took a red umbrella from the store and stood at the junction of the shadow and the scorching sun.

His hand slowly raised, staying in the shadow under the umbrella.

In the end, I still didn't have the courage to stretch out my hand.

Ke Miaomiao burst in the sun.

He didn't see any weirdness, nor did he see any abnormal phenomena.

All I know is that the people holding umbrellas on the street turned a blind eye to the pool of blood and did what they had to do.


Li Ran turned on his senses to scan the current environment.

All the strange things he felt on Fenggang Road were presented in his Chenguang world.

"This is almost equivalent to the density of people in the streets of the real world." Li Ran thought.

In the world of celestial light, countless celestial lights light up in this block.

Faint, bright, eye-catching, bright, and bright, there are all five levels, that is to say, half of the strange power values ​​here are higher than Li Ran's.

At the beginning of the dungeon, it is normal for the player's power value to be lower than that of the natives.

Fortunately for Li Ran, the aborigines in the dungeon of Fengquan Township are not too perverted.

It was the dungeon he chose on his own initiative. If he entered a dungeon where all the aborigines had 10,000+ strange power points, it would be beyond redemption.

"I don't know where the other players are." Li Ran thought.

He remembered the description of the dungeon of Fengquan Town that Zang Jiu had said before.

What is suffering?
At least he hasn't felt it yet.

Back at the hotel, Li Ran planned to finish the guiding tasks first, stabilize his identity, and stabilize his night's residence before going to other places to find other players or teammates.

At the same time, he still has a doubt.

Besides the eight players in this copy, are there any other players?
How many days does the copy survive before leaving?

Where is the Moonshine Stone he was looking for?

Is there a ghost emperor?

Qing Hidden Dragon said that he came here to visit the Ghost Emperor, which means that Qing Hidden Dragon can enter and exit this dungeon at will.

And the status of the ghost emperor is above him.

But Po Youming Meng also said that the ghost emperor is in retreat.

Li Ran hoped that it would be best not to meet the ghost emperor while he was in seclusion.

"Sister Lan, 303 has checked out, go and clean it up." Li Ran yelled upstairs.

Ke Miaomiao died, and the young man also ran away. Isn't this just checking out?

"Okay." Sister Lan's voice came from upstairs.

Then, there was a "cracking" sound from the stairs, like the sound of countless tentacles of wet molluscs beating on the tiles.

"A tentacle monster?" Li Ran muttered.

He didn't care either, this was originally one of the ways the aborigines worked.

Anyway, out of sight is out of sight.

At this time, a silver-haired old lady walked in outside the hotel door.

The old lady was holding a vegetable basket in her hand, hunched over, and walked slowly towards the stairs.

She walked to the stairs and walked up slowly, holding on to the handrail of the stairs.

Suddenly, the old lady turned her head and said to Li Ran: "Don't turn on the lights in the corridor during the day, it's a waste of electricity."

"There are also electric fans and TVs in the hall. Turn them off when no one is there. Don't leave the lights in the bathroom and utility room on all the time. Turn them off when people leave. The same is true for the water in the laundry room, which is splashing all day long. Damn it, you don’t even have to do it.”

"Look at the corners and corners of the stairs are full of dust, how do you do this sanitation?"

"The cobwebs on the ceiling were almost falling off and no one was going to clean it up."

"And look at this wall..."

Listening to the old lady's thoughts, Li Ran immediately understood the old lady's identity.

The old lady who lives on the sixth floor.

Li Ran saw the pair of old cloth shoes under her feet, which were almost exactly the same as those outside the door on the sixth floor.

The guests don't care about saving water and electricity and sanitation.

Only my own house will feel distressed.

The old lady read him in bits and pieces, and Li Ran also went in one ear and out the other.

If you are serious with such an old lady, it will be endless.

Just nod yes and she will leave.

(Landlord, Grandma Shi)

(A-level spiritual infection body)

(Strange power value: ???)
(You rent her house to do business, it is best not to sing against him.)
(She who came from suffering from childhood can't see extravagance and waste. If you let him see you waste, she won't waste it when she eats you.)
(She has a strong patriarchal concept, if you see her beating and scolding her granddaughter, just ignore it.)
(Hint: She has mild Alzheimer's disease. You just need to answer what you say now, and she will soon forget it.)
Following the departure of the landlady's old lady, Li Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

He couldn't see the strange power of the old lady?
To know his current power value: 23450
Although the old lady was only an A-level mentally infected body, he saw question marks everywhere.

The strange power is simply unfathomable.

Li Ran is not stupid enough to offend the existence of unknown strange power value.

No, an old lady is so scary.

The landlord on the sixth floor also lives with a couple and a little girl.

"The boss opened a room."

At this time, a man wearing a flowered shirt with an open collar and a string of silver necklaces came out of the door, chewing gum in his mouth.

The man slapped three banknotes on the table.

"Do you want a double room or a single room?" Li Ran asked.

As a hotel owner, he still has this professional ability, and Li Ran soon got on the road.

"A big bed room, it's better to have a higher floor and better sound insulation." Said the young man in the floral shirt.

Li Ran retrieved the guest room system on the computer, and found a room on the fifth floor according to the man's request.

"Register your identity information for me," Li Ran said.

The man took out his ID card and handed it to Li Ran.

Gong Jie, male, age 26, ID number: 3268...

After registration, Li Ran took out a room card from the drawer, loaded the card information on the card reader with a computer, and handed it to the young man.

"Room 503." Li Ran said.

Gong Jie, a young man in a floral shirt, took his room card and chewed gum, walked to the shadow of the eaves outside the door, and waved to the street not far away.

Not long after, a girl holding a red umbrella and wearing a floral skirt came to the entrance of Huaren Hotel.

"Come on, what are you doing? I'm afraid I'll eat you." Gong Jie stepped forward and pulled the girl from the sun into the shadow of the eaves.

The girl was standing at the door of the hotel with a satchel wrapped in her arms, with a timid and restless expression on her face.

"My room is ready, what are you doing, didn't you agree at the beginning?" Gong Jie said impatiently.

"This... this is my first time in a hotel." The girl in the floral skirt said.

"Once born and second time familiar, you will become numb after a few more times, don't talk nonsense, I'm in a hurry, go upstairs!"

Gong Jie pushed the girl upstairs.

Li Ran immediately stopped the girl: "Girl, you need to register your identity information."

As an innkeeper, it would make sense to ask for level information.

He didn't want to be caught by the police when they came to investigate.

"I'll take her up for a sit down, she'll leave in a while." Gong Jie said, and he gave him an unfriendly look.

Li Ran pointed to the sign on the wall at the entrance of the stairs and said, "Go upstairs and register your identity information, whether it's for a short stay or an overnight stay."

Seeing Li Ran's tough attitude, Gong Jie had no choice but to ask the girl to register at the front desk.

"Will it be found out?" the girl in the floral skirt asked worriedly.

"Check it out, take out your ID card, hurry up!" Gong Jie urged.

The girl was attacked and shouted, her face turned pale with fright, but she had no choice but to show her identity card to Li Ran for registration.

Tu Siting, female, 24 years old.

After registering his identity information, Gong Jie urged Tu Siting to go upstairs cursingly.

After a sound of footsteps going upstairs, there was a violent slam of the door.

Li Ran felt the whole building shake.

Just now Li Ran glanced at Gong Jie and Tu Siting.

Gong Jie, an A-level spiritually infected body, with a power value of 25000
Tu Siting, B-rank spiritually infected body, strange force value: 18000
Li Ran stuffed the three banknotes into the drawer.

[Trigger guide task: prevent the tragedy from happening. 】

[Task Reward: Weird Power +70, Points +700]

"This triggers the mission?"

Li Ran frowned.

Just when he was wondering about the tragedy, a young man walked by the door.

The young man was wearing leather pants covered with chains, a yellow shirt, and dyed a head of yellow hair.

After entering the hotel, he threw the red umbrella at the door and strode up the stairs.

"Which room do you live in?" Li Ran immediately stopped the yellow-haired young man.

"I'll go up to find someone, and I'll be down in a while." The yellow-haired young man ignored Li Ran and strode upstairs.

Li Ran quickly stepped forward, stopped the yellow-haired young man, pointed to the warning sticker on the wall and said, "I don't care who you are looking for, you must register when you go upstairs!"

"I'll just go up and find someone, then come down, 10 minutes... no, 5 minutes at most, what a fart to register." The yellow-haired young man said impatiently, and a look of sternness flashed in his eyes, as if he was about to explode.

Li Ran was reasonable, and naturally he was not afraid. He said to Huang Mao, "Do you need me to call the police over to reason with you?"

When Huang Mao heard this, his arrogance immediately faltered.

He curled his lips and followed Li Ran back to the front desk to register his identity information with a gloomy face.

After registering, Huang Mao went upstairs cursing.

Huang Mao registered room 503.

That is, the big bed room he just opened for Gong Jie and Tu Siting.

Originally, it was normal for a man and a woman to open a double room.

But now two men and one woman are in the same room, especially when Tu Siting is still timid.

Things are not so simple.

"Will the mission tragedy happen in Room 503?" Li Ran was puzzled.

He planned to go up to the fifth floor and use the perspective glasses to see the situation in the room.

If something bad happens, he can stop it in time.

But just reached the fifth floor.

Room 503 was slammed open.

Tu Siting, with disheveled clothes and bag, ran out of the room crying.

But before she ran far, Gong Jie and Huang Mao ran out.

"If you can't afford it, don't come out to play, what the hell, you've taken off your pants, what's the point of you coming here?" Gong Jie said fiercely, grabbing the girl's hair.

The girl was full of fear, tears kept rolling in her eyes, and said timidly: "But you didn't tell me that there are two people!"

"What the hell, come out to sell and pretend, there are only many people, you will have to play sooner or later." Huang Mao scolded.

"Don't fucking talk nonsense, make a quick decision, finally get her out, and let her run away?"

Huang Mao also gave Gong Jie a hint with his eyes.

There was cruelty in the eyes of the two of them.

Afterwards, the two men hugged the girl's upper body and the legs of the girl one by one, and forced the girl into the room.

Because of the good sound insulation in room 503, the girl's shouts were suppressed the moment the door was closed.

Seeing this scene, Li Ran's mouth opened wide, "Damn!"

The scene that just happened in front of him was an eye-opener for him.

Isn't this against a woman's wishes?

Grass is gone!

They are being strong! !

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Li Ran would not have believed this scene.

In broad daylight, two young people from society lawlessly forcibly had a relationship with that girl.

Well, this is no longer a question of strength.

It's round!

He guessed right.

Guidance tasks are generally not too difficult and will revolve around the initial identity.

In other words, the task of preventing the tragedy from happening is in the hotel.

It was in room 503 in front of his eyes.

He could almost guess what the girl would do next.

Constant resistance was beaten by two youths from society.

Or you may become disheartened afterwards and go to a dead end.

Either way, the result will not be good.

"Open the door and rush in to prevent the tragedy from happening?"

Li Ran thought it was wrong, Gong Jie's ghost power was 25000, and the yellow hair's ghost power was also above 25000.

How reckless!

Although he has the ability to easily solve these two youths.

But he has just arrived in the village of Fengquan, and he just arrived, and he got rid of the two aborigines as soon as he came up?
If he is drawn to a monster with a higher value of strange power, he may be in trouble.

The best way is to use reasonable means to solve the trouble within a reasonable range.

Thinking of this, Li Ran quickly returned to the front desk.

I called Tan Xin directly from the landline and told him that there were suspicious people here and asked him to bring more police.

It just so happened that the policeman Tan Xin happened to be nearby and did not go far.

A few minutes later, we arrived at Huaren Hotel.

Li Ran kept scanning room 503 with his senses. The tragedy hadn't happened yet, but it was about to happen.

The girl's resistance became weaker and weaker.

The two beasts had already bared their fangs.

"Officer Tan, fifth floor, room 503." Li Ran led the way to the stairs.

"Several people?"

"Two people."

Tan Xin stopped immediately, and said solemnly: "That's no good, I have to wait until my colleague arrives to start the action, otherwise it will be too dangerous."

Li Ran was convinced, and they were all at the door. The policeman was scared.

"Officer Tan, I will assist you." Li Ran said.

Tan Xin continued to go upstairs and took out a baton from behind.

Li Ran came to room 503, holding the master card of the room in his hand.

"I opened."

He counted down three two one.

Swipe your card and open the door!
The door was pushed open by Li Ran.

"Police, hands up!"

The moment the door was pushed open.

Li Ran was dumbfounded on the spot.

In the room, three monsters wrestled together, one monster was pressed on the bed by two hideous monsters, countless tentacles scurrying across the ceiling.

After Tan Xin yelled, the three monsters quickly returned to their original shape.

It seemed that the scene of the three monsters fighting was just an illusion that Li Ran saw.

"What are you doing?"

Tan Xin walked into the house with a baton, and swept Huang Mao and Gong Jie vigilantly.

On the bed, Tu Siting's clothes were disheveled, and she shivered from crying.

"I...we didn't do anything, we just talked about business." Gong Jie said, he looked at Li Ran behind Tan Xin, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"About business?" Tan Xin looked at the girl on the bed and asked, "Did they bully you? I'm a policeman. If you have grievances, you can tell me. I will definitely bring them to justice."

Tu Siting's body trembled and she kept shaking her head, not daring to utter a sound.

Huangmao smiled hippiely, while tidying up her clothes, said unhurriedly: "Her family is poor and can't afford anything, so she came to ask our brothers for help, so we extended a helping hand, and then comforted her, what's wrong, it's also against the law ?"

How could Tan Xin believe the nonsense of these two people? It was obvious that the little girl had been frightened out of her wits, and her mind went blank.

At this time, the walkie-talkie on his shoulder rang, and a low voice came.

"Tan Xin, is the suspect under control? We're downstairs!"

When Gong Jie and Huang Mao heard this, their expressions changed suddenly.

After the two looked at each other, they ran towards the window.


The two turned into two terrifying monsters one after the other and broke through the window.

Li Ran and Tan Xin immediately chased them out of the window, only to see two monsters with tentacles growing quickly along the wall under the eaves, and disappeared around the corner after a while.

Normally, Li Ran would have chased him out immediately.

But chasing it out is meaningless to him, his task is to prevent the tragedy from happening.

Right now, it is obvious that success has been prevented.

After that, it's up to the police.

"Captain Wang, the two suspects escaped through the window!"

Tan Xin also flipped out of the window with the walkie-talkie, and black hair grew on his body, making him chase after him like a light and agile black panther.

"Girl, it's okay, you can go back quickly." Li Ran said to the girl on the bed.

"Thank you, thank you."

The girl ran away crying.

It was the first time I came out to sell and encountered such a thing, I am afraid it will become the shadow of that girl for the rest of her life.

No, that young man is not kind.

One fast food, two people eat?
Who is willing to change?

Li Ran has convinced those two young men and the sixth.

Afterwards, the hotel was quiet.

waited a long time.

"What's going on, isn't the task completed?"

Li Ran was puzzled.

It stands to reason that he has prevented the tragedy from happening, and the task should be completed.

And after so long, the two young men and the girl have both left.

"Isn't it the girl who was the tragedy?"

Thinking of this, Li Ran had a bad feeling.

He picked up the red umbrella in the lobby, propped it up and went out into the street.

Standing under the eaves and looking upstairs at the hotel.

He slowly enveloped the entire Flower Resentment Hotel, not letting go of any detail of the floor.

"Why does room 504 only have a light of day?"

In the original register, Room 504 was checked in by a couple.

In the previous spiritual scan, Li Ran remembered that it was two sun-like stars, both of which were above him in strange power.

And he was at the hotel all morning, and he didn't see anyone coming downstairs.

How could there be one less person in the room?
Li Ran immediately stepped up his spiritual scan.

"No, it didn't disappear, it's just that the power value has become weaker!"

There is a person in that room whose strange power value is disappearing!
The tragedy is not 503, but 504? !
Li Ran was greatly shocked. He quickly came to room 504 with the guest room master card.

As soon as he arrived at the door, he smelled a strange smell overflowing from under the door.

(End of this chapter)

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