Chapter 404: The House of the Buddha!
"Bang chi, ku chi~~~"

A strange and piercing sound came from the outside room, which sounded like the sound of a cement mixer truck running.

Li Ran opened his eyes to the environment in front of him.

"I should be in the attic." Li Ran thought to himself.

He was in an attic where he had to bend over to stand. The ceiling was in the shape of a hypotenuse triangle, and only the innermost part could stand upright.

And Li Ran was lying on a flat wooden board as big as a door panel, with a blanket on the wooden board, a dirty quilt covering his body, and a dirty pillow on the back of his head.

"It seems that this is my bed." Li Ran said.

I'm afraid the identities assigned to Sen Luo Zhixu this time are not very optimistic.

Li Ran still misses the identity of the hotel owner assigned by Fengquan Township, at least he will not live in such a poor environment.

"Or a sea view room?"

Li Ran turned his head and looked behind him. There was a small original window on the wall. The window was half closed, and there was a faint sound of sea breeze and waves.

When he came to the window, Li Ran didn't touch the window. He looked out of the window through the glass window. It was pitch black outside, the sky was slightly reddish, and there was a strange atmosphere.

Other than that, nothing can be seen.

He also wanted to see his surroundings, but alas, the windows were at a dead angle.

"Find out the situation of the house first, and then look around with the eyes of ghosts and gods later."

It is necessary to find out the environment of the birth point, and it is still in a dungeon of myriad calamities.

Next to the "big bed" is a simple wooden table with a notebook on it.

Li Ran bent over and opened the notebook on the table.

"The master has a very bad temper, and he will punish us if we don't agree with each other. If you want not to be punished, please remember the following points."

"Don't look into the master's eyes, do whatever he asks you to do, and don't talk too much."

"When working in the medicine garden, don't cause trouble. If you see something you shouldn't see, you should treat it as if you didn't see it."

"Don't try to escape, the outside is far more dangerous than you think."

"After completing the tasks assigned by the master, you can move freely."

Li Ran continued to turn back, and there were no records in the next few pages, but horrible paintings, I don't know if they were people or ghosts.

"I'm in a place called Medicine Garden, the above should be the rules here." Li Ran thought.

Then he continued to search for other clues in the attic, but unfortunately, he did not find any useful information.

Li Ran stooped to the stairs. It was a nearly ninety-degree staircase that could only be passed by one person. It was very strenuous to go up and down the stairs. If you were not careful, you might just fall down the stairs.


Stepping on the narrow stairs, there was an ear-piercing sound of decaying planks in the dead room.

Li Ran's little heart also jumped.

Fortunately, nothing terrible was alarmed.

Then he summoned Xiao Yusu's possessed soul and flew down the stairs to avoid making any jarring noise.

Downstairs are stacks of dried herbs layer by layer, and the air is filled with the smell of several herbs mixed together, which smells weird.

"My identity should be something like a handyman in the medicine garden. My status is very humble. I can only sleep in the attic."

"The handyman's residence is on the edge of the sea cliff."

"Bang chi, ku chi~~"

The sound of cement mixer outside the house is getting louder and louder.

When Li Ran walked into the yard outside the house, he saw a machine similar to a threshing machine. A young man in coarse linen was stuffing the slender herbs in the basket into the machine, stepping on the machine like a pedal with his right leg. With the device, the machine will make a sound of "clang chi, clang chi" when stepping on it, and then the chopped herbs will flow out from the rear slot of the machine.

"No matter what you call it, you don't wake up. Originally, it was your job to make herbal medicine. I have done it for you. If you let the master know that you are lazy, you will definitely be punished." In a very threatening tone, it seems to be saying that you have to listen to me carefully, otherwise I will tell the master that you are lazy.

(Handy worker in the medicine garden: Tian Xiaohui)
(A-level mentally infected body.)
(Strange power value: 50000)

(He feels that he has done more work than you, and he is very upset. He has a small belly and shame that others live better than him. If you are caught by him, be careful of his small report.)
"I did the work for you, and you have to do the work for me, so it's only fair." Tian Xiaohui laughed triumphantly, then took out an empty pannier from the side and stuffed it to Li Ran: "From where do you go blindly?" I went down to the bottom of the cliff and fetched three kinds of medicinal primers, one was the compound eyes of the man-faced spider, one was the pig's ears of the pig-headed devil, and one was the tentacles of the evil monk."

"Remember when crossing a blind path, don't let them know you can see!"

[Trigger task: Introduction to Sanweiyao]

[Task Reward: Weird Power +1000, Points +10000]

Li Ran looked towards a path behind the yard.

The sky is gray, and there is something that can't tell whether it's the sun or the moon hanging in the sky. It dyes the gray clouds and mist into a fluffy mist, making it hard to tell whether it's day or night.

And the trail leads crookedly to a stepped plank road on the edge of the cliff.

The strange thing is that you can hear the sound of the waves and feel the sea breeze, but you can't see the sea.

Li Ran didn't argue with Tian Xiaohui because the task was triggered.

If you really want to worry about it, he should be a corpse.

Right now, it is imperative to be aware of your surroundings.

And the task is also triggered, but it is not a guide task, but a direct trigger task.

Perhaps the copy of Ten Thousand Tribulations is in a different form, maybe this task is a guiding task.

Li Ran walked up the "blind path" on the sea cliff with an empty pannier on his back.

"Don't let them know that you can see?" Li Ran repeated in his heart what Tian Xiaohui just said.

This also seems to be a rule, a rule on blind paths.

Could it be that in addition to those strange monsters at the bottom of the cliff, there are also terrifying and strange creatures on this cliff path.

Did the copy of Wanjie do this?
Just a few rules at the beginning, plus rules and ghosts.

The further down the cliff path, the darker the surrounding area and the thicker the fog.

The square range that can be seen in the field of vision is less than three meters.

"Don't let them know that you can see?" Li Ran kept repeating this rule in his heart.

Even if you see something you shouldn't see, should you treat it as if you didn't see it?
Or can you pass with your eyes closed?
Rule ghosts are more disgusting, which is equivalent to rule killing.

If not handled properly, he will likely need to dedicate several valuable life-saving skills here.

"Swish, swish, swish~~~"

Not far away, there was a strange sound in the dense fog, which sounded like wind chimes from a distance, but it sounded like a few little ghosts whispering in the dark.

Li Ran continued to walk on the blind path.

He saw the thick fog rolling in front of him, and it seemed that a floating figure was emerging from the black fog.

"Here we come!" Li Ran said in his heart.

Immediately, he continued to walk forward without changing his expression.

A woman with disheveled hair flew out of the black mist, wearing a long white dress.

The clothes on the woman's body were all streaked with blood as if she had been whipped, and the long skirt was also festered in many places.

The woman slowly floated in front of Li Ran, with her head tilted, under her messy and wet long hair, was a pale face suddenly, her eyes and mouth were black, like three black holes, watching him silently. Li Ran.

Is it so explosive when you come up?
The female ghost appeared directly!

In Li Ran's heart, there are ten thousand grass and mud horses, but there is always a faint smile on his face, and he looks forward, even if there is a pale and sudden female ghost's face in front of him.

The pace is steady, the heartbeat is even, and the eyes are fixed.

Even sometimes jump happily a few times.

And the female ghost in white skirt flew around Li Ran, her black eyes stared at Li Ran, and several times she was less than a fist away from Li Ran's face.

If this is of poor psychological quality, he will be scared to pee on the spot.

Li Ran, as if he really didn't see it, walked down the blind path on the cliff with light steps, without squinting, carrying his beloved small backpack on his back.


The female ghost slightly opened her black mouth, making the sound of blisters stuck in her throat.

" have to...see..."

"You can see it!"

The female ghost in the white skirt made a hoarse and terrifying voice.

The female ghost stopped suddenly, stopped flying backwards, and hovered in front of Li Ran.

But Li Ran was unmoved, and walked straight towards the female ghost as if nothing had happened.

Afterwards, Li Ran passed through the female ghost and continued to walk down the blind path.

The female ghost turned her head to look at the back of Li Ran who was going away with a puzzled expression, and murmured softly: "You can see it, you must see it."

Li Ran continued to walk up the cliff. During this period, several horrible and strange things appeared. An old lady even came out of his abdomen and almost scared him to pee.

But after experiencing so much, if he couldn't even manage his eyes and face well, Li Ran wouldn't be able to get to where he is now.

In addition to the strict management of expressions, there are also breath and heartbeat, which require strong willpower to control.

These rules and ghosts may seem stupid, but they actually have a certain IQ.

They even play with little traps.

Just now Li Ran met a little girl who was attached to a bouncing ball, and suddenly rolled down from the side stairs, bouncing continuously on the stairs, trying to attract Li Ran's attention in this way.

At this time, as long as Li Ran's gaze shakes, or his pupils squint slightly, Wei Wei will assume that you can see.

There is also the ability to be afraid, knowing that it is weird but not being afraid in front of you.

Weird's purpose is to find a way for Li Ran to see them, and what Li Ran has to do is to try his best to pretend not to see them.

So even if Wei Wei was standing in front of him, Li Ran couldn't avoid it or deliberately stop or close his eyes, all of which were very dangerous and would be judged as being able to see Wei Wei.

In fact, it proved that Li Ran's guess was correct, directly bumping into Wei Wei is the best way to dispel Wei Wei's suspicion.

Li Ran is no longer Xiaomengxin, and he has long since calmed down in the face of strange moods.

The weirdness of this blind path did not frighten him.

Soon, on the blind path, they encountered more than a dozen weirdnesses, large and small, and withstood their test.

At the bottom of the cliff, a small black wooden house appeared in front of Li Ran, and outside the wooden house was a black beach.

"The compound eyes of the human-faced spider, the ears of the pig-headed devil, and the tentacles of the evil monk, what kind of medicine are these?"

Li Ran murmured in his heart and came to the small wooden house. There were three words written on the front door of the wooden house: "Futu House!"

"What is this for?" Li Ran was puzzled.

(The Futu House is a guidance office set up by the Medicine Garden in the Demon Sea. The monsters in the Demon Sea will seek help from the Medicine Garden if they are troubled by diseases and stubborn diseases. Of course, the monsters have to pay a certain price of.)
Seeing this line of prompts, Li Ran frowned.

"Saving a demon's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, so this place is called pagoda house?" Li Ran didn't know if his understanding was correct, so he walked into the cabin with his back basket.

There is a bar in the cabin, and behind the bar is a huge cabinet with hundreds of drawers, each with the name of a blind medicine written on it.

Li Ran glanced over quickly, and was shocked by the herbs on the spot.

"The thin wings of the executioner of the void, the jellyfish mantle of the siren, the middle cerebellum of the three-headed sea serpent..."

The so-called medicinal materials are all the body parts of monsters.

The room is not big, there is a small room covered by a curtain beside the bar.

Li Ran lifted the curtain, and there was a surgical chair that could be laid flat.

In addition to the operating chair, there are all kinds of scary tools hanging on the wall. There is a trash can in the corner, and the trash can is full of blood-stained gauze and medical cotton.

"Is this the place to get the medicinal materials?" Li Ran said in disbelief.

The Stupa House is more like a small clinic, capable of prescribing medicine and performing surgery, but the patients it receives may be...

Li Ran put the pannier on the bar counter, and opened the medicinal drawers one by one to check. They were indeed parts of some monsters.

"What kind of copy of Myriad Tribulations is this?"

"Where is the medicine garden? Isn't my birthplace in the temple on that cliff?"

Li Ran didn't use the sense of spirit and the eye of ghosts and gods rashly. Before he figured out the rules here, it was very dangerous to release his breath.

Whether it's the aborigines in the dungeon, the native ghosts, or other enemies.

Once the breath is exposed, it may bring a lot of unnecessary troubles.

It's better to do the task honestly first.

Although there is no real guide task, Li Ran believes that completing the tasks of these birthplaces will more or less allow him to quickly understand the world.

What he can confirm now is that he is in a medicine garden on a sea cliff.

In the medicine garden, there are two disciples, he and Tian Xiaohui, who are responsible for the medicinal materials in the medicine garden.

Other than that, Li Ran knew very little.

I don't know where the other players are.

The surrounding environment is dark and misty, and there is always a halo in the sky, and it is impossible to tell whether it is the sun or the moon.

He remembered that the future Su Bingyao told him that they were wiped out after only one day in the copy of Senluo Ruins.

But now Li Ran doesn't have any concept of time, there is no distinction between day and night, how to determine the survival time?

"For now, as long as I'm not in the temple, at least I'm safe."

"This is likely to be the back mountain of the temple, or a medicinal garden dedicated to planting medicinal herbs in the temple."

"It may have nothing to do with the temple. Maybe I was hunted down to the temple, or it may be for other reasons."

"Before you have a clear understanding of the environment, don't act rashly. First, follow the rules and do the task in front of you well, and the reward for this task is not low."

While Li Ran was thinking wildly, there was a sound of messy footsteps outside the pagoda house, it sounded like many people were walking on the beach.

"Doctor, save me, I'm in pain."

A huge shadow outside the grille door and window is reflected on the door and window. Judging from the deformed shadow and multiple tentacles, the outside is not a human being.

Li Ran sat up from the chair in a jerk, frowned slightly and stared outside the door.

(In the pagoda house, you are a doctor saving lives and healing the wounded, so you don’t need to be afraid of any patients.)
Seeing this line reminded Li Ran that his frown was slowly relaxed, and then he sat on the chair like an old dog and shouted to the door: "Come in."

"Crack, creak~!!"

An incomparably huge magicweave spider came in from outside the grille door. Its eight terrifying tentacles bumped into the door frame with a loud noise. After moving for a long time, the huge spider squeezed its body into the room.

The huge magic spider put two claws covered with barbs on the bar. Its head was like a distorted human face. On the forehead where the original eyes were, there were eight blood-colored compound eyes. , each eye is full of viciousness and anger, its mouth is fangs that expand outwards, when it opens, the lips are all turned outwards, revealing ferocious sharp teeth and fangs, like a dilator, the disgusting gums are all exposed Outside.

The giant spider's belly rested heavily on the ground, shaking and elastic, as if it was filled with soft silk. Three of the four tentacles on its hind legs were trapped by hunting. Clamped, deeply embedded in the flesh of the tentacles, purple blood dripped continuously on the ground from the three tentacles respectively.

(Human-faced giant spider)
(S-rank mental infection body)

(Strange power value: 72000)

Grass, if you don't move, it's S rank, whether you want to go too far.

Is Tier S your rice? Is there so much?
If he hadn't seen the prompt before, Li Ran would have pulled out his weapon and wiped out the man-faced spider the moment he saw the terrifying appearance of the man-faced spider!
But now, Li Ran didn't panic at all.

Sitting on the bar counter like an old monk in meditation, he glanced at the Man-Face Demon Spider with disdain and impatience.

"Doctor, look at my leg. I'm hurt. It feels like it's going to break!" People say!

Li Ran only glanced at the Man-Faced Demon Spider, and said impatiently, "What's it called, it won't die yet!"

The Man Faced Demon Spider was stunned, and immediately said angrily: "If you can't cure me, I will definitely eat you!"

"The deteriorating abscess of the lower limbs shows signs of spreading to the abdomen. If you don't get treatment today, let alone eat me, you may not even be able to eat ordinary food. In three days, your whole body will die of tissue decay and decay!" Li Ran said. Said expressionlessly.

When the Man-faced Demon Spider heard it, its entire face panicked and became even more distorted.

"Doctor, you must have a way to save me, right? I'm still so young and beautiful. I haven't enjoyed spider life much. I haven't mated or eaten humans. If I die like this, I won't be reconciled! "The Man Faced Demon Spider begged in fear.

"You just said you wanted to eat me!" A sharp cold light flashed in Li Ran's eyes, and the Man-Faced Demon Spider knelt on the ground with all eight legs in fright. It buried its head and begged: "Doctor, I was wrong, please Forgive me this time."

The corners of Li Ran's mouth turned up slightly, and he smiled disdainfully. He didn't expect these monsters to be so easy to deceive.

He glanced at the eight compound eyes on the head of the Man-faced Demon Spider, and thought: "Yao Yinzi has compound eyes, not legs, how can I get the compound eyes of the Man-faced Demon Spider?"

"Yes." Li Ran had an idea and had a corresponding strategy.

Li Ran walked around from the bar counter in front of the Man-faced Demon Spider. With his hands behind his back, he said solemnly, "Your problem is not your legs, but your eyes."

 Ask for a follow-up order, ask for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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