Chapter 46 Is This Improper Welfare?
In a dark living room, a thin, stained girl with disheveled hair curled up in a corner with her hands on her knees. She held a bloody dagger in her hand. Under her disheveled bangs, her His eyes were fierce and sharp, like a beast waiting for an opportunity!
And on the ground in front of the girl lay several corpses, blood stained the whole living room...

A group of plainclothes police officers rushed in and controlled the girl, and one man gave the girl something to drink.

"From now on, I ask a question, and you answer a question."

"What's your name."

The girl's eyes were no longer sharp, but became lax and dull.

"My name is Zhao Yingzhi."



"Brother Ran, I followed your outline for chasing a goddess, and I succeeded in dating Mengge."

At the community meeting point, Lu Zhaohui looked at Li Ran with admiration.

"Sure enough, boys still have to take the initiative to catch up with girls." Lu Zhaohui said.

"Chasing girls requires skill. There's no need to take the initiative blindly. Who can bear it all the time? Mario still has gold coins on the way to save the princess."

When Lu Zhaohui heard it, his expression became enlightened, and he felt enlightened.

"Listening to what you say is a waste of ten years of reading." Lu Zhaohui admired.

Li Ran smiled, looked at the time on the phone, and said with a frown: "Song Linjia is late today."

"It shouldn't be. She is always on time. There must be some delay."

"Forget it, don't wait for him, do you have any new mission clues these two days?" Li Ran asked.

Lu Zhaohui scratched the back of his head, and said awkwardly: "Brother Ran, you also know that I am very timid. If it weren't for the outline that Brother Ran gave me, I might not have taken the first step."


Li Ran frowned slightly, looked at Lu Zhaohui, and asked, "But what?"

Lu Zhaohui showed a complicated expression, he hesitated to say: "Brother Ran, Mengge has a problem."

"Nonsense, which aborigine is okay?" Li Ran rolled his eyes speechlessly.

He got up and patted the dust on his buttocks, cast a glance at Lu Zhaohui and said, "If you don't have any new quest clues, I'll go do the quests myself. I still have a lot of things to do."

"Brother Ran, I think you have to help me with this matter. I'll give you five hundred points." Lu Zhaohui said suddenly.

"five hundred?"

The corner of Li Ran's mouth curled up, and things became interesting.

"A task of one thousand points?" Li Ran asked.

"Yes, Brother Ran."

"After the task of letting Mengge take the initiative to ask me out yesterday was completed, I continued to follow the outline. When I went to the hotel, Mengge refused. I thought it was because I was too straightforward. Girls, I will compare Be reserved."

"However, I saw her bring a strange man home at around nine o'clock last night. Oh, I live in Building No. [-], and I can see the gate of Building No. [-] opposite."

"Actually, I found out a few days ago that she brought a man home more than once, and each time she brought a different man."

"But I don't understand. Why is it that I can't do it, or is everything I see is an illusion, and she is actually a clean girl?"

"Brother Ran, I'm really devastated by this task now. If I give up, my hard work these days will be in vain. If I continue to do it, I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it after discovering the secret."

Lu Zhaohui's words seemed to let Li Ran see the self-cultivation of a dog licking.

Li Ran opened his mouth and looked at Lu Zhaohui in surprise: "You really like her, don't you?"

Lu Zhaohui didn't evade, nodded and said, "It seems so."

"Submit!" Li Ran gave a thumbs up.

"She gave me a kind of inseparable feeling that girls in reality can't give me, like the taste of first love."

Li Ran said speechlessly: "Your first love brings a man home every day? Seriously, could it be that your girlfriend washed your feet!"

Although Lu Zhaohui's speech didn't have any new mission clues, from his speech, Li Ran suddenly remembered one of the rules of the community that Uncle Ge said.

(The female residents of Building No. [-] bring a man home every now and then, but they have never seen a man come out. They don’t have a strong waist, so it’s best not to provoke them.)
"So it seems that the female resident that Uncle Ge is talking about should be the dream pigeon that this idiot chases after. He often takes men home, but the men don't come out. Isn't this damn female fairy who sucks people's yang energy?"

"No wonder Uncle Ge reminds us to have a strong waist."

Obviously, Lu Zhaohui has been doing the follow-up of the guiding mission. From his description, it is not difficult to see that he is very likely to encounter a female goblin.

"What is your mission?" Li Ran asked.

When Lu Zhaohui was asked by Li Ran, his old face blushed suddenly, and he whispered, "Sleep...sleep with her."

"What? Sleeping with her?!"

Li Ran's jaw was about to hit the ground, and he thought he heard it wrong.

"What kind of mission is this damn, is this inappropriate welfare?"

To be honest, Li Ran was envious at this moment.

"Brother Ran, you are making fun of me. There are no benefits. I feel that I am hitting a wall everywhere. Now she is on WeChat, and she takes a shower without chatting a few words. She can't even get an appointment, and she still sleeps with wool." Lu Zhaohui Annoyed, he kicked the little stone at his feet, and continued: "I don't want to sleep with her, I really want to be with her."

"Actually, I just want to find out all this. Why is she so casual with other men, but why she treats me hot and cold?" Lu Zhaohui begged bitterly, "Brother Ran, please give me a trick."

How could Li Ran miss the task of five hundred points.

Although this task is really painful, Li Ran is still confident that he can help Lu Zhaohui complete it.

Whether Meng Ge is a scumbag remains to be identified. After all, seeing is not necessarily believing. It is still difficult to judge based on a few chat records from Fetion.

Moreover, Mengge's attitude towards Lu Zhaohui is a bit strange. If she is really the female goblin who sucks the yang energy that Uncle Ge said, why didn't she attack Lu Zhaohui?

Could it be that Nie Xiaoqian fell in love with Ning Caichen?
Could it be that you are not willing?

"It seems that in order to figure out all this, we must not only make our waist stronger, but also win by surprise. These [-] points are not easy to earn."

Thinking of this, Li Ran said to Lu Zhaohui: "Give me the phone, and ask her out first."

Lu Zhaohui handed the phone to Li Ran: "I tried, but I can't make an appointment."

Li Ran gave him a blank look, then briefly glanced at the chat history, and quickly typed on the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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