People are in a weird world, you call this a game of cultivation

Chapter 505 Bloody Sacrifice, King of Hatred!

"The little savage lives alone inside this mountain?"

In the previous divine sense perception, Li Ran only perceived it roughly once.

Moreover, the internal structure of the body is complicated, and the cave is winding straight down. At most, the perception can only superficially perceive the situation outside the cave, while the situation inside cannot be perceived.

After entering the cave, Li Ran always kept a safe distance from the little savage.

He wondered where the little Savage ended up in the cave.

Is there any secret hidden inside the cave?

The road inside the cave is narrow, dark and stuffy.

The deeper it gets, the more sultry it becomes, as if you are inside an active volcano.

But for the current Li Ran, such an environment is not enough to have any influence on him.

Even without breathing, he can hold his breath for two hours.

It's just that he didn't expect that the road inside the cave would be so complicated.

Sometimes up, sometimes down, sometimes vertically down, the road is getting narrower and narrower.

After walking down for about half an hour, I got out of a nearly vertical hole that only one person could pass through, and came to a huge cave.

In the cave, there are bowls and dishes made of simple stone tools, beds of hay, and spears and axes made of stone tools.

Li Ran felt as if he had walked into a primitive cave.

On one side of the cave, there is also a passage leading to the outside of the mountain. The location of the cave should be at the foot of the mountain.

There is a huge biological skeleton in this cave, and there are traces of dragging outside the cave on the other side. Obviously, the skeleton of the giant creature was found from the forest outside the mountain, and then dragged into the cave.

The little savage used an ax made of stone to dismantle the skeleton of the giant beast, climbed to the top of the mountain through the hole above, and discarded the dismantled bones by the lake.

On the other side of the cave, leading deeper into the mountain, you can feel the heat wave blowing against your face.

"It should lead to the magma area inside the mountain." Li Ran looked deep into the cave.

The little wild man entered the interior of the mountain, and Li Ran followed.

There are many fire elves inside the cave. Their bodies are burning with flames. Their upper bodies are like muscular men, while their lower bodies are spiral flames. They are floating forward. Their heads are round flame heads and a pair of crystal The eyes look a bit funny.

Li Ran is a shadow bird who escapes into the underground shadows to avoid the fire elves.

"Does the little savage live with these fire elves?"

Walking towards the interior of the mountain with this doubt, the temperature in the air suddenly rose.

The number of Fire Spirits has also increased.

After walking forward for about half an hour, the air here is already extremely thin, as if being in a stove.

Ordinary people have no way to move forward when they get here.

Even Li Ran, who had a strange power of 28 and a physique of more than 6, felt extremely hot.

Fortunately, he has [body temperature cooling water] with him. After drinking this thing, the body surface temperature will be the same as the outside temperature.

But breathing has to be adjusted by himself, so he chooses to hold his breath.

The fire elves moved inside the cave like huge burning torches, illuminating the entire cave.

Soon, through the long and winding cave passage, an extremely huge cave appeared in front of it.

The entire cave was illuminated red, and the temperature was unprecedentedly high.

The entire cave is a scalding hot magma lake.

At the end of the passage is a stone bridge, which leads directly to the center of the magma lake and forms a huge circular platform in the center of the hot magma lake. The little savage is on the platform in the center of the magma lake.

And those fire elves drilled out of the center of the hot magma lake one by one, walked aimlessly around the cave and then walked back into the magma lake, they would not hurt the little savage, nor would they pay attention to him .

To Li Ran's surprise, the little wild man was lying alone in the middle of the circular platform of the magma lake, sleeping on a blood formation.

There is a dark red blood formation in the center of the circular platform, and a dark red blood sword is inserted in the blood formation, like an evil magic circle.

The circle outside the blood formation is like a circle of human skeletons piled up in a neat and orderly circle. The skulls are piled up together, and the hand bones, foot bones, ribs, and spine are all neatly classified and piled up. Stack on the edge of the platform in a circular fashion.

Not a single skeleton belonged to another creature!
Seeing this, Li Ran's eyes tightened.

"What's going on here? In the boiling lake on the top of the mountain, there are bones left by cannibals of the same kind. Why are there so many human bones here? Could it be that this little savage is using human bones to perform some kind of evil ritual?"

Looking across the neatly piled ring-shaped bone walls on the platform, a line of reminders appeared in front of Li Ran's eyes.

(Voluntary sacrifice of dead human remains.)
After the prompt appeared, Li Ran in the shadow was greatly shocked.

"There are so many people who took the initiative to sacrifice?"

Seeing the number of skulls, there are at least more than 300 people.

300 people offered sacrifices?
Sacrifice what?
Could it be that the blood formation was meant to summon something terrifying?
And what happened to that little savage, people don't die of dehydration in this environment?

Why do people eat their own kind on the top of the mountain when offering sacrifices actively in the cave?

Since they all chose to offer sacrifices on their own initiative, why do they still eat the same kind?
Li Ran couldn't figure out the connection between the two, and even felt a little contradictory.

He looked at the little savage, wondering in his heart: "Is the little savage a human?"

(It's people!)

This line of prompts surprised Li Ran.

A ten-year-old boy living in an extremely hot magma cave and sleeping on a platform above the magma?
Boys are human beings, there is nothing special about them.

Li Ran felt that it was necessary to observe this little savage closer.

Although the aura of the little savage is stronger than that of ordinary aboriginal children.

Li Ran came to the top of the rock wall through the shadow of the rock wall.

Only then did he see clearly that the little savage was sleeping under the rusty blood sword in the center of the blood-colored formation. The little savage's head was resting on a thick red arm. The whole arm was like a huge hammer, half the size of the little savage's body. .

The arms, wrists, backs of hands, and fingers are huge, like the hands of a red troll.

(The right hand of the Lord of Hate: Legend has it that this hand will bring doom to the world.)
Li Ran: "..."

What is the king of hatred?
He once heard that the Daughter of Hate was Lilith on the Dark Sea.

Could it be that the Lord of Hatred is Lilith's father?
Is there some connection between the two.

According to legend, Lilith is a demon, the first generation of vampires, and the title of the daughter of the succubus.

What kind of existence it is, no one knows.

It is not justified to confirm that it is related to Lilith just by relying on a huge arm.

It's just that inside this cave, a human being uses a demon's arm as a pillow, which is too shocking.

Is the Lord of Hatred a demon?

There was no doubt about it, he could feel the endless demonic aura contained in that arm from a distance.

Nothing about this place is normal.

The little wild man is abnormal, the huge red demon arm is abnormal, the blood array is abnormal, and the blood sword is abnormal.

Even the human bones in the lake on the top of the mountain, and the neatly piled bone wall on the platform of the cave, are not normal.

Everything is extremely unusual.

Li Ran was thinking about whether to get close to the circular platform, whether to talk to the little savage.

In such an abnormal scene, a big plot will inevitably be triggered.

Thinking of this, Li Ran frowned, and his gaze swept across the entire space.

(No danger yet.)
After getting this reminder, Li Ran dared to approach the little savage.

This time he directly emerged from the shadows, no longer hiding.

If they came rushing to trigger the mission, hiding and hiding would make the NPC vigilant.

He walked towards the narrow broken bridge leading to the lava lake.

Li Ran had the feeling that if he was walking on a single-plank bridge, he would fall into the magma lake if he was not careful.

The little savage immediately sensed that someone was approaching, picked up the stone spear on the ground, pointed at Li Ran vigilantly, and let out a ferocious growl.

The little wild man looked like a little beast, dirty and furry, like a little lion.

Li Ran stopped immediately, because he found that the little wild man had picked up [the right hand of the King of Hatred] with his other hand.

The moment the little savage picked up the demon's right hand, a majestic force emerged from the little savage.

The devil's aura condensed into a vague and tall phantom behind the little wild man.

The phantom is blood-red all over, has several devilish horns on its head, is tall and tall, and has extremely evil eyes.

"Is that the King of Hate?" Li Ran asked in surprise.

Just one arm gave the little savage an extremely terrifying demonic aura?

If it was in the past, facing such a terrifying demonic aura, he would have been scared to death, and he would have escaped in a hurry.

But now, Li Ran has more confidence just after obtaining the Shenbao, and he looks calm and calm in the face of the little savage.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you." Li Ran said.

At the same time, he also found that the countless fire elves in the cave were all gathering towards him.

The little firemen whose eyes were funny and cute at first were all glaring at this moment, and the flames of anger billowed from their bodies.

The temperature in the entire cave suddenly rose, and it was extremely hot.

The effect of body temperature cooling water is greatly reduced in an instant.

The little wild man stared at Li Ran fiercely as if he was facing an enemy, and regarded him as a thief who broke into his house.

Li Ran immediately raised his hands. He saw through the reminder that he only needs to show no killing intent or aura, and prove that he did not harm the little savage, and the little savage will not hurt him.

He stood where he was, raised his hands, and showed the little savage that he didn't have any weapons, let alone any malice.

The little savage held the stone spear in one hand and the huge demon right hand in the other, baring his teeth and roaring, probably telling Li Ran to get out!
Since he dared to come here, Li Ran definitely didn't intend to leave.

If you don't receive the mission, don't trigger the plot, and don't understand the truth, you definitely can't leave.

"Yu Su, come out."

Li Ran summoned Yu Su out.

Xiao Yusu looks like a cute girl, she looks cute, cute and charming.

Sure enough, the attraction of the opposite sex to the little savage is also huge.

After seeing a beautiful little girl summoned by Li Ran, Xiao Yeren's gaze became obviously unnatural. He didn't even dare to look into Xiao Yusu's eyes, and avoided them the moment his eyes touched.

"Yusu, I will leave the translation to you." Li Ran said.

He originally planned to use the [Little Zhiyin Paper Man] directly, but after thinking about it, the little wild man might not understand that thing, and the little paper man would be burned by him as soon as he got close, and it might even cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

So choose the second option: beauty trap.

Yusu showed her talent for languages ​​a long time ago. She can translate both human and non-human, understandable and incomprehensible.

"Ask Xiao Yeren why he is here alone, and where is his family?" Li Ran said to Yusu.

Xiao Yusu nodded, took a step forward, gestured with sign language, and said something that Li Ran couldn't understand at all.

The strange thing is that the little wild man's eyes widened, and he could understand little Yusu's words.

Then the little savage also took the spear and gestured with the devil's right hand.

Xiao Yusu translated: "He said he had no family members, and all his family members died when he was very young."

The little savage pointed to one of the similar-looking skulls on the bone wall, and murmured, probably meaning that the skull was his mother.

"Caring about his life first, take it step by step." Li Ran said to Xiao Yusu.

Afterwards, Xiao Yusu had a conversation with the little wild man.

Li Ran learned about it through Yusu's translator.

He has lived in this cave since he was very young.

His mother told him about his ability to hunt and survive, and told him how to enter the innermost part of the cave with the red arm.

His mother has been doing one thing, which is to move the huge bones outside the forest to the top of the mountain. His mother asked him to carry at least one skeleton to the top of the mountain every month, put it by the lake, and sprinkle a white powder in the lake water Shaped things to prevent the lake from evaporating.

He didn't know what that powdery thing was, there were still many in the cave where he placed the bowls, and he only sprinkled a little at a time, so at least the powder would last for a long time.

Then his mother got sick and left him.

He placed his mother's bones on the bloody altar here according to his mother's last wish.

His mother always said that she left with everyone back then.

It was because she was pregnant with him that she persisted until she gave birth to him and fulfilled everyone's last wish.

When his mother left, she walked away with a smile. The only regret was that she couldn't raise him up.

Later, he followed his mother's instructions and continued to carry the skeletons of large beasts to the top of the mountain. He lived in this cave without going anywhere, and grew up with those burning men.

The life of the little savage was almost finished, and Li Ran asked Xiao Yusu to ask where the red arm in the little savage's hand came from.

The little wild man is simple and kind, no matter how little Yusu asks, he will answer honestly, without any consideration.

Seeing the little savages, Li Ran thought that human beings were always so innocent at the beginning, and it was this world that polluted human beings.

Soon, following the communication between Xiao Yusu and Xiao Yeren, this communication lasted for a long time.

Yu Su brought back important information.

It took Yu Su a long time to explain the ins and outs of the matter clearly.

Probably means.

A long time ago, the little wild man's mother was also a resident of the ancient city in the distance. Later, she was driven out and lived in the cave because she was homeless. Many people came out with his mother.

At that time, there were dangerous wild beasts all around the mountain, and many people were eaten by wild beasts.

After his mother and those people were kicked out, they had no food to eat, so they ate everything that could be eaten on the mountain. They also dug tree roots and soil to eat. One day, the volcano erupted and wiped out all the food in the mountain. Plants were burned, and many people had nothing to eat, so they began to eat those who passed out from starvation, as well as newborn children.

His mother said that during that period of time was very painful, life would be worse than death, and he was lucky to be protected by his family to survive.

People are like beasts, but also like food.

The days of hell have passed for a while.

Finally someone can't stand this hellish life anymore.

A young man walked out of the crowd, and he said something that everyone recognized.

The young man said that he would take everyone back to that city and take back everything that belonged to them.

But their strength is very weak, so they need to rely on the power of the devil in the region.

In order to return to Ancestral Dragon City, the young man found a magic sword from nowhere, and drew a blood formation in the deepest magma cave of the cave. He inserted the sword into the center of the blood formation and demanded that everyone Let out your own blood.

The magic sword has some kind of magical power, which allows them to enter the cave without being driven back by the heat.

The young man said that everyone is already living in a hell where life is worse than death, and there is nothing to be afraid of in the face of death.

As long as they can take revenge, as long as they can take back everything that belongs to them.

So, under the call of the young people, everyone spilled blood on the blood formation, and the blood dyed the blood formation extremely bright red.

The youth chanted an ancient spell and summoned two things from hell.

A green disc stone, a red hand.

Among them, the young man can only move the green disc stone, but cannot move the red hand.

Only a mother who was pregnant at the time could hold the red hand.

The young man told his mother to give birth to the child and give the child the red hand.

But the young man left the cave with the green disc stone, and has never been seen since.

The little savage said it was a story his mother told him.

Li Ran looked at the huge red arm in the little wild man's hand in surprise.

That arm was bigger than his upper body, and the little savage held it in his hand like nothing.

Then he looked at the magic sword above the blood formation.

(Blood Sacrifice Demon Sword: It is said that a sword that can summon hell demons, as long as you sacrifice enough blood.)
Although Xiao Yusu's translation was very messy, Li Ran has made a big change and has already cleared up the clues.

"Sure enough, it's related to ten years ago." Li Ran thought.

In the imperial palace ten years ago, what the ancestor of the roe owl said to Immortal Daoyuan.

At first he thought that the ancestor of the roe owl was the source emperor of Ancestral Dragon City.

Until what the little wild man said, combined with what the ancestor of the roe owl said, Li Ran could be sure that the ancestor of the roe owl was not Yuanhuang, but the young man who used the blood sacrifice demon sword.

At that time, the young man called countless people to sacrifice their lives, and summoned two monsters from hell.

One of them is the [Right Hand of the King of Hate] that the little savage is holding now.

The little wild man said that no one could lift this arm, only his mother and him could lift it.

After he was born, his mother couldn't afford it, and she died of illness.

Li Ran could probably guess that the little savage's mother probably couldn't bear the backlash from the devil's breath, so she died shortly after giving birth to the little savage.

The reason why the little savage was able to hold the right arm of the King of Hatred was that when the Blood Sacrifice Demon Sword was summoned to resist the monsters, something possessed the little savage's mother's belly and was reborn by means of seeds.

The little boy in front of him is very likely to be the King of Hatred, or a demon related to the King of Hatred.

Otherwise, how to explain that he can easily pick up the red arm, but others can't.

As for the young man holding the green disc, he should have gone hunting Yuanhuang after leaving the cave.

In a conversation between the ancestor of the roe owl and the immortal Daoyuan, the ancestor of the roe owl once said that the emperor Yuan went to hunt in a place called the colorful forest, and when he arrived, there were some accidents and he turned back temporarily.

Associating this sentence, it is not difficult to guess that it must be the young man who did something with the green disc stone.

If you guessed right, the green disc stone is the cursed jade that later caused chaos in the imperial palace! (end of this chapter)

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