People are in a weird world, you call this a game of cultivation

Chapter 508 Demon Dao Lu Chen, The Witch Mansion's Horror

Chapter 508 Demon Dao Lu Chen, The Witch Mansion's Horror

Li Ran came to the backyard and stood in the distance looking at the little savage.

"Master, go take a bath first."

"Oh, don't hold that strange hand."

The four maids dragged the little savage into the house to take a bath.

Xiaoye is shy by nature, when he sees a woman's cheeks flushed, the butler A Fu is sure of this, and uses the maid to lure Xiaoye back to the mansion.

On the surface of the Wu Mansion, it seems that the old lady is in charge of the overall situation, but in fact it is Master Wu who is in power.

No wonder Master Wu secretly asked Ah Fu to take the little savage from Nanyu Street to the backyard of the mansion, and the old lady didn't know about it.

The little savage had never seen such a world before, surrounded by four servant girls, he half-pushed and half-heartedly came to Zulong City.

Along the way, these young ladies are gentle and considerate, like his mother, beautiful and moving.

The girls are pretty and nice to talk, and the little wild man is shy and doesn't know how to reject people, especially women.

"Boy, I can't cure you anymore!" The butler, Afu, looked at the little savage who was being dragged to take a bath, and said with a wicked smile.

Li Ran came behind the housekeeper and asked curiously, "You guys are efficient enough to bring him back so quickly."

As soon as Ah Fu heard this, his complexion changed. He turned around and saw Li Ran, made a "shh" gesture, and then pulled Li Ran into a small room in the backyard.

"Benefactor, just pretend you didn't see this matter. You saw today that the master and the old lady were arguing red-faced because of this matter. Don't let the old lady know about this, please." Ah Fu said.

Li Ran agreed, looked at Xiaoyeren's courtyard through the grille window, and couldn't help asking curiously: "Housekeeper, what happened ten years ago, where did the demon way come from, to abduct Miss Wufu's daughter? "

Ah Fu asked Li Ran to keep the secret, and Li Ran agreed, but the condition must be that Ah Fu also needs to tell him something, otherwise the secret may not be kept.

As the butler of the Wu Mansion, he is also a fine person, so how could he not know the meaning of Li Ran's words and expressions.

He thought about it, ten years had passed since the incident of the demon way, and there was nothing to say when there was a lot of trouble in the city.

"The name of the demon Taoist is Lu Chen. He was originally a swindling charlatan. He made a living by doing fortune-telling and deceiving people on the street. But one day, this guy stood up. He is a good fortune teller. The person who cuts his finger and offers a little blood."

"At first, no one believed it, but Lu Chen casually pointed to a person and said that he would have a catastrophe tomorrow, but that person didn't believe it. As a result, there was a catastrophe the next day, and the man's child went swimming in the river and drowned."

"The matter spread quickly. At first, some people thought that Lu Chen killed the child in order to make his own reputation. Facing everyone's doubts and speculations, Lu Chen calmly pointed out his embarrassing things to everyone. things that are about to happen."

"Those people were exposed as the last fig leaf, and what was about to happen also came true on them."

"In less than a few days, Lu Chen has gained a very high reputation among the people, and the people call him a living god."

"Wu Cuiyun, the daughter of the Wu Mansion, once participated in a temple fair, and met Lu Chen by chance. Lu Chen's simple words bluffed the young lady, and he fortune-told for the young lady. Every divination was counted in the young lady's heart, so The young lady who seldom goes out immediately believed in Lu Chen's words, and became very interested in Lu Chen."

"Since then, Miss has often gone out to have private meetings with Lu Chen. Time passed quickly day by day. When the Ancestral Dragon City was completed and a large number of people needed to be cleaned up, our lady cried and begged Grandpa and Madam to take him in. Lu Chen, because Lu Chen didn't win the lottery, he will be expelled from the city."

"It was also on that day that Master and Madam found out that Wu Cuiyun was pregnant."

"In Zulong City, it is a taboo to get pregnant before marriage. You will be punctured in the back, and you will be regarded as unclean, but Wu Cuiyun is trying to argue for that monster. You really have skills in the way of monsters. Why can't you count yourself as a shaker?" Why can't you be expelled from the city?"

"In the end, the old lady and the young lady got into a fight to the point of breaking off the relationship between father and daughter. The madam was so angry that she fainted on the spot, and scolded the young lady for being an unfilial daughter."

"After severing the relationship between father and daughter, Miss never came back, and Ancestral Dragon City also arrived as scheduled and started the purge plan, leaving the limited resources in the city to those who have won the lottery."

Li Ran was greatly surprised when he heard the words of the housekeeper Ah Fu.

This is a new version of the boat.

It's all about the evil of the demon Lu Chen.

But in Ono's mouth, the demon Luchen is a good person, and he is the leader who wants to overthrow the tyrant's rule.

The words from the housekeeper, Fu, are more convincing. The little wild man can't speak clearly, and can't tell the good from the bad, so how can he know the ins and outs of the matter.

He was not yet born at that time, and Wu Cuiyun told him all the stories.

And Wu Cuiyun is Lu Chen's person, if Lu Chen really has that ability, Wu Cuiyun may have been brainwashed already, and he was thoroughly washed.

"After Lu Chen was expelled from the city, he held up the banner of Emperor Yuan to oppress the people and not give them a way to survive, trying to set off an uprising to overthrow Emperor Yuan. In the end, Emperor Yuan sent troops to drive him ten miles west of the city."

"I don't know much about the later situation. Some people say that the change in the palace ten years ago was the revenge of the demon Dao Luchen, in order to avenge Yuanhuang."

"That's all I know." The housekeeper, Ah Fu, glanced at the little savage in the backyard. The little savage had already finished his bath and was sitting at the dining table to eat.

Where has he eaten so much delicious food, using both hands and claws, grabbing the food on the table and eating it in one go, while the maid behind him is trimming his hair, shaking with laughter.

"Please don't let Madam know what's going on here, please." Ah Fu added.

"Okay." Li Ran said.

The housekeeper immediately ran back into the room, and told the maid not to make too much noise, so as not to be heard by the wife.

Li Ran noticed that the little savage put his arm behind him, and a servant girl wanted to take that scary red arm away, but found that she couldn't lift it at all.

"I'm afraid the King of Hatred is about to come." Li Ran said with his eyes fixed.

The plot of the Wufu obviously hasn't started yet, and the little savage's entry into the mansion is just the beginning of the plot.

At night, Li Ran thanked his wife for her hospitality, using Bigu as an excuse.

Madam also expressed her understanding, there are many people in Zulong City who have three or four months of fasting period every year, they don't eat fishy meat and eat very little, and they hardly eat much at night.

Li Ran sat in the room while meditating to recuperate, while practicing the last step of the Holy Spring Ice Heart Art.

His divine sense was activated all the way, scanning the movements of all the people in the entire Wufu, including the little savages in the backyard.

after dinner.

Master Wu and his wife returned to the room.

The wife sat on the tea table, and the grandfather sat on the edge of the bed, the two were silent.

Master Wu sorted out Wu Cuiyun's belongings, pasting the letters torn up by his wife with pigskin glue.

Looking at the last words in the letter and Wu Cuiyun's confession, Master Wu wept secretly and sighed.

"Don't bother me in front of me, I have been annoying." Said the table annoyedly.

"We are all old, and things have passed for ten years, so we should let go, let the past go with the wind." Master Wu said.

Then he picked up Wu Cuiyun's belongings and letters and walked out of the room.

After Mr. Wu left, the silver-haired old lady couldn't control herself all of a sudden, she burst into tears from the heart.

But what the old lady didn't know was that there was a ray of ghost floating behind her, and that ray of ghost was crying like rain, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Wu Cuiyun's dead soul?"

Li Ran opened his eyes, and his eyes flashed sharply.

He pushed open the door and walked towards the old lady's room.

"It's strange why Wu Cuiyun's soul came back, why didn't I find it before?"

"Could it be possessed by those relics?"

Because he used his golden finger to look at the burden before, and the burden said that it could not be opened, which would affect the plot, so he casually glanced at it with the eyes of ghosts and gods.

Now that I think of it, Wu Cuiyun's soul should have been in the burden at that time, escaped his perception, and successfully blended into the Wufu.

Li Ran faintly felt that something big was about to happen.

The mission of Wu Fu is not easy.

When he came outside the old lady's room, Li Ran turned on the perspective ability of the ghost eye, and saw Wu Cuiyun's soul standing behind the old lady. There was no resentment in Wu Cuiyun's expression, but more remorse and guilt.

Why is this happening?

Could it be that Wu Cuiyun realized that he was bewitched by the demon Lu Chen?

But it is a pity that the soul cannot communicate with ordinary people, and the old lady cannot see Wu Cuiyun.

"Little tricky bottle, take it!"

Li Ran took Wu Cuiyun's soul through the door.

Wu Cuiyun panicked, not knowing what happened.

Li Ran didn't put Wu Cuiyun's soul into the small treacherous bottle, but received it in front of him, staring at Wu Cuiyun with cold eyes: "What are you doing when you come back? Didn't I fulfill your long-cherished wish?"

Li Ran has the power of ghosts and gods and has a small trick bottle, which can communicate with dead souls.

He felt that some things still needed to be clarified, and he couldn't be vaguely led by these NPCs.

Naturally, Wu Cuiyun knew Li Ran, and she asked the little wild man to entrust Li Ran with the task of "Dead Soul's Long-cherished Wish", and the real client was actually Wu Cuiyun.

When he first saw that mission, he also looked puzzled, the long-cherished wish of the dead soul, he had never seen the dead soul in the whole process, how could some relics be regarded as the dead soul.

"Benefactor, don't accept me, I have a reason." Wu Cuiyun begged, she was very afraid of the little tricky bottle in Li Ran's hand.

Li Ran put away the little trick bottle, and Wu Cuiyun felt a little more comfortable.

"I want to see my parents, and I want them to accept Xiaoyao. Xiaoyao lives alone in a cave. As a mother, it really hurts my heart." Wu Cuiyun said.

"But you sent him to this witch mansion, do you know that he might turn into a devil from hell?" Li Ran said.

"No, Xiaoyao is kind-hearted and has no evil intentions. It is impossible for him to be used by that arm. If he wants to become a devil for so many years, the time has changed." Wu Cuiyun said.

"Hehe." Li Ran smiled coldly and said, "He fights against animals all day long, how could he know that the human heart is far more terrifying than hell."

"What are you trying to say, accusing me of bringing Xiao Yao back in this way?" Wu Cuiyun said angrily.

"Perhaps keeping Xiao Yao in the cave is the best way to protect him." Li Ran said.

Wu Cuiyun bit the corner of her mouth. It's not that she hasn't thought about this truth, but she is obsessed with her long-cherished wish and cannot leave Wu Xiaoyao's side, but she sees her child in a dark cave every day. As a mother, her heart aches. Incomparably, I hope that my children can return to the Ancestral Dragon City Wufu.

"Then your long-cherished wish is over, why don't you want to leave?" Li Ran asked.

Wu Cuiyun looked in the direction of the backyard, worry written all over her face.

"So you are still worried that your child will become a devil, and you can't convince yourself." Li Ran said.

"Yes, I have to watch him, watch him grow up, and watch him not be deceived by the devil." Wu Cuiyun said with firm eyes.

"This is your real long-cherished wish." Li Ran said.

Although Wu Cuiyun didn't answer, the expression and determination on her face said everything.

"I swear that I will not interfere with his life, let alone interfere with everything in Wu Fu." Wu Cuiyun said.

The more he said this, the more Li Ran didn't believe it.

He suspects that Master Wu temporarily changed his mind to bring Wu Xiaoyao into the Wu Mansion, and it is likely that Wu Cuiyun was behind it.

He remembered the way Master Wu secretly wiped his tears and whispered while reading the letter several times.

Could it be that Wu Cuiyun used the power of the soul to send messages to Master Wu through letters?

It is difficult for the soul to interfere with reality though.

But some souls with deep obsession can change some things in reality through the power of obsession.

For example, let the curtains flutter, let the font change, and dream or something can still be done.

No wonder Mr. Wu took that letter with him all day long.

"It seems that Mr. Wu suddenly changed his mind and brought Wu Xiaoyao here from Nanyu Street. Wu Cuiyun must have made a mess." Li Ran thought.

He saw through Wu Cuiyun's trick at a glance.

"Then you come to this bottle first and witness the consequences of everything you have done with me." Li Ran said.

"No, no." Wu Cuiyun begged for mercy.

Li Ran didn't care, and put Wu Cuiyun in the small tricky bottle, and put it in an area that would not be refined.

Hanging the little tricky bottle around his neck, he patted the little tricky bottle and said, "Don't worry, you are not in danger inside."

As soon as Wu Cuiyun was taken away, a servant girl's frightened scream came from the yard beside her.

Li Ran's expression changed slightly, and he said, "Is this the beginning?"

The screams awakened the weeping old lady and Mr. Wu in the house.

Master Wu opened the door and called the housekeeper, Ah Fu.

"What happened?" Master Wu asked.

"The little one just heard about it, Master and Madam, come and take a look with me." said the butler, A Fu.

"Okay, lead the way."

The scream came from the West Wing where the maids and servants lived in Xiyuan.

As soon as the group arrived at the gate of Xiyuan in a hurry, they saw a few maids running out screaming.

Master Wu and the housekeeper, Ah Fu, stepped forward, and saw the cook holding two kitchen knives, covered in blood, standing in the open space of Xiyuan with fierce eyes.

And at the cook's feet was the bloody corpse of a servant girl, the ground was stained red with blood.

"Old Guo, what are you doing, put down the knife!" the housekeeper Ah Fu shouted.

With this shout, Chef Guo shuddered all over, and looked at the people around him in confusion.

Then he looked at the two bloody kitchen knives in his hand and the corpse of the maid on the ground, and was so frightened that the two kitchen knives in his hand fell to the ground.

As soon as the kitchen knife fell, the guards on both sides rushed forward with sticks and subdued Cook Guo.

"It wasn't me, I didn't do it!!" Chef Guo shouted heartbreakingly.

"What's going on?" Master Wu grabbed a maid and asked.

The servant girl counted tremblingly: "As soon as we returned to Xiyuan, we saw Cook Guo chopping Xiaodie. Xiaodie had already fallen to the ground, and Cook Guo was still chopping. It was terrible."

Master Wu looked at the other maids and servants and asked, "You all saw it too?"

"Yes, I see." Several people replied one after another.

"Hmph, Lao Guo, everyone saw you killed Xiaodie, and you still want to argue?" Master Wu's face darkened, and he said to the housekeeper, A Fu: "Report to the official, and hand Lao Guo to the yamen."

Several guards escorted Lao Guo away, and from a distance, Lao Guo could only hear him shouting for injustice.

"Don't destroy the scene, let the yamen come and see what to say." Master Wu said.


Afterwards, Master Wu frowned and left Xiyuan.

The old lady's whole body was tense, and she was holding a string of Buddhist beads in her hand, turning them constantly, and she was really frightened.

"I'm afraid this is just the beginning." Li Ran said standing not far away.

Li Ran can't interfere with the plot of the mission, and it's meaningless to interfere.

The plot of this mission begins when the little savage Wu Xiaoyao enters the Wu Mansion.

This kind of thing will inevitably happen again, and it will happen frequently tonight.

Sure enough, Cook Guo had just sent the yamen to the yamen, and on the other side, a nurse hurried over and shouted: "It's not good, master, there is a dead body in the lotus pond."

Immediately, the hearts of everyone at the foot of Wufu Mountain sank.

The old lady's hand holding the prayer beads tightened even more.

"Take, take me there quickly." Master Wu said.

So, the nurse took the two old men and a group of maids and servants to the garden behind the courtyard.

At the lotus pond, a tall and thin man in gray clothes was salvaged from the lotus pond by the nurse.

"This seems to be old Liu Liu, a carpenter in our yard." The housekeeper Afu immediately recognized the tall and thin man in gray clothes who died of drowning.

" did you drown in the water?"

Suddenly two people died in the Wufu, and everyone felt uneasy and panicked.

"Chef Guo is usually pretty good, it doesn't look like he will suddenly go crazy and kill someone with a knife." A little maid said.

A handyman burst into tears and looked at the salvaged body and said: "Yesterday I was still drinking with Lao Liu, and he said he would go back to his hometown after finishing this month. His wife is about to give birth, and it turned out that just one day...just..."

"Wouldn't Xiaodie be even more pitiful, she was hacked to death after only coming to the house for a month," said a servant girl.

"Did you see Chef Guo's eyes just now? When the butler shouted, his eyes completely changed... He couldn't have been raped by something dirty." A servant said suddenly.

"Don't... don't scare me, I'm cowardly, after all these years, our house is still very safe, nothing like this has ever happened before." A servant girl said.

Uneasiness, weirdness, and fear enveloped the Wufu.

"Ah Fu, protect the scene and let the yamen come to investigate." Master Wu rubbed the center of his brows, and his frown turned into a deep "Chuan".

"Ma'am, it's fine, let's go back to the room." Master Wu supported his wife, and found that her hands were very cold and her whole body was tense, apparently out of shock.

"Master, could this be retribution? I only decided during the day that Cuiyun's child would be taken to Nanyu, and so many things happened at night..."

"Don't think about it, hand it over to the government, they will definitely investigate it clearly," Master Wu said.

"But... But, I feel that Cuiyun is by my side. Could it be that she came back and blamed us?" said the old lady.

Master Wu's body trembled slightly, he squeezed out an ugly smile and said to the housekeeper, "Ah Fu, take Madam back to rest."

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(End of this chapter)

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