People are in a weird world, you call this a game of cultivation

Chapter 520 Press the ghost emperor on the ground and rub it!

"The skill of [Installation Fanghua] instantly enhances its own power twice, and the duration is very short, only ten seconds, and the skill will be in a weak state after using it, if the enemy is not killed within ten seconds If it is resolved, it is very dangerous to use this skill."

"However, with your physique and the body of Bechymos, master, it shouldn't have any effect after using this skill. After all, Bechymos is famous for his powerful physique." Miss Saori said .

Indeed, there is a passive soul skill [Beast Blood Boiling] in Bechymos's exclusive soul collar, which can make Li Ran more and more courageous in the battle. Excessively long and exhausting.

In addition to this passivity, Li Ran also has more than 6 physical points, which is enough to support the aftereffects of the doubling of the strange power brought by the [Momentary Youth] skill.

The ghost emperor's eyes were blood red, and he stared excitedly at the evil bone piano on Li Ran's chest, and said in surprise: "This is the god-level treasure that was born in the Leviathan Valley this time. It seems to be a god-level armor that can resist Attacks with skills below the god level are powerful!"

The ghost emperor's expression became more and more excited, as if the evil bone piano was already in his pocket.

"As a chosen person who has just stepped into the world lord, you don't have to be too good at the heart of chaos. Back then, when I was at your stage, I didn't have such tyrannical strength as you."

"The god-level talent is the heart of chaos, the fusion of spirit and soul helps Behemoth, the god-level armor is the evil bone's incredible, it's amazing, how did you do it when you just stepped into a hundred thousand strange powers?"

The ghost emperor's eyes were full of fanaticism and dazzling light, he suddenly smiled and said: "Soon, these things on your body will be mine!"

Immediately, the ghost emperor's eyes froze, and his arms shook violently.

Li Ran frowned immediately, and he instantly felt the entire sky darken.Although it was night itself, the darkness this time was different from the previous ones.

It is darkness without a trace of light.

As soon as he raised his head, he saw a black curtain coming over him. The black curtain was extremely huge and boundless.

Afterwards, huge black curtains also appeared around him. The four directions, including the top of the head and the feet, were all endless black curtains. Li Ran seemed to be in the center of an extremely huge black cube.

At the same time, he noticed that the black cube was constantly compressing the space he was in.

With the compression of the black cube, Li Ran instantly felt the pressure on his body suddenly increase, and the surrounding air seemed to turn into heavy lead sand and poured on his body violently.

"Ghost Emperor is compressing this space, this is the rhythm to squeeze me out." Li Ran thought.

His gaze quickly swept across the black curtain of the rapidly compressed cube.

Is it a space-type legendary skill?

Outside the black cube, Ghost Emperor continued to use his right arm and claw half-clasped.

The black cube space Rubik's Cube shrinks rapidly with his exertion.

"Heart of Chaos, can't you escape? Why don't you escape this time?" Ghost Emperor sneered.

This skill is a space lore array, which can imprison the target in a black cube. The shady cast into the black cube is actually a wall of space barriers. Through the compression of the hexahedral space wall, the target can continuously feel the inner The pressure and pressure increased suddenly, causing the target to explode and die.

This skill does not cause damage at one time, but is continuous. The stronger the target's resistance, the more intense the space compression.

And in this space, the skills of the void shuttle ability will also be invalid.

Unless the target has overwhelming force to suppress the space lore formation, if not, then it can only be squeezed to death a little bit.

As far as the current strange power value of the heart of chaos is concerned, it is difficult to crush his strange power, so it is even more impossible to tear this space apart.

The ghost emperor seemed to have seen the scene where Chaos Heart's body was crushed into a piece of paper in the space lore formation.

Thinking of this, he accelerated the urging of the strange force and the compression of the space lore array.

"Die, Heart of Chaos!" Ghost Emperor said.

The black cube was quickly compressed from the size of a basketball court to the size of a small house, until now, the cube was only as big as an adult.

The less compressed, the greater the internal pressure.

Once it is compressed to the size of a fist, even a god cannot resist it.

It is even more impossible to resist the Heart of Chaos with only a piece of god-level armor.

Thinking of this, the ghost emperor continued to increase his strength, and sneered: "Heart of Chaos, why don't you activate the second form?"

"If you start the second form with your current strange power value, it is possible to break through 200 million strange powers. Bechymos's soul is still very powerful. Maybe its desolate body can resist the space lore array compression."

"However, if it is a fusion of spirit and soul in the form of assisting the battle, I am afraid that you have to activate the third form. Raising the power to 300 million may be able to break through this space barrier. The problem is, if you have to activate the third form for every ordinary skill against me , What are you fighting against me with!" Ghost Emperor Zhang Heng said.

The ghost emperor is not afraid of the increase of Li Ran's strange power. He also has the means to increase his strange power, and he has been improving. His original basic strange power is only 130 million. After using the buff skills, his strange power has increased to 200 million. .

Even if the second form and the third form are activated later, it is far from possible for the Heart of Chaos to suppress him.

At this moment, Zhang Heng, the ghost emperor, saw a silver cold light emerge in the dark cube space killing array.

He frowned greatly.

Then saw the second cold light emerge.

Immediately after the third, fourth, and fifth, the speed is getting faster and faster.

In less than a second, there seemed to be hundreds of cold lights appearing on the surface of the black cube killing array.


After hundreds of cold lights flickered, the black cubic space instantly shattered.

It was Li Ran who was wielding his halberd in the space killing formation that caused this phenomenon.

At this moment, Li Ran stood proudly holding the halberd, with a strange blood energy floating all over his body, and flowers from the other side floated in the void around him, making his aura strange and magnificent.

"It's not the second form, nor the third form, but it actually broke the space killing array?" Ghost Emperor was surprised, and at the same time he sensed that Li Ran's strange force value had soared to a level that he couldn't understand.

The moment Li Ran broke through the space lore formation, a strange coercion from the strongest crushed swept over Li Ran.

"What's the matter with this strange power breath?" Ghost Emperor asked in surprise.

I saw a smile on the corner of Li Ran's mouth, and immediately, his figure turned into a bunch of Bana flowers and disappeared into the air.

"So fast!" Ghost Emperor was shocked.

Then, he noticed a flash of red light in front of his eyes, and then a halberd stabbed from the void, piercing his chest strangely.

He looked down and saw a bouquet of Bana flowers emerging from the void, the bouquet bloomed, Li Ran's figure appeared like a ghost, and pierced his heart with one blow.

Ghost Emperor's eyes widened, his body collapsed like black quicksand, and disappeared into nothingness.

Li Ran's battle is like a magnificent art, blooming again and again in the sky.

The Ghost Emperor, who turned into black quicksand and collapsed, quickly flew to the distance to condense, and returned to his original appearance again.

He looked at Li Ran in shock: "What's the matter with your strange power, why did it increase so much all of a sudden?"

Li Ran didn't want to explain at all, his time in this state was limited.

He attacked the ghost emperor again, and flew across the sky like red lightning, leaving a trace of the other side flower in the space.

In the eyes of the ghost emperor, he saw the heart of chaos floating towards him. His figure seemed to be floating slowly, but he could reach him in an instant. Wherever he passed, the other shore flowers bloomed, but they disappeared in an instant, as amazing as a flash in the pan.

"Ghost Shield!"

The Ghost Emperor immediately defended himself, propping up a huge ghost face barrier in front of him, and at the same time, he sacrificed a gloomy [Shenhun Emperor Sword] to block in front of his chest.

Facing Chaos Heart's strange attack method and the useless substitute's strange strength, the Ghost Emperor was not surprised, but also a little bit panicked.

Because he suddenly sensed that Li Ran's strange force value exceeded 300 million.

The first form's strange power value exceeds 300 million?

What is the concept?
How can this be?

Does a chosen person who has just stepped into the world master have such heaven-defying strength?
But the Heart of Chaos didn't give him time to figure out what was going on.


The Nether Turtle Shield in front of Ghost Emperor was shattered under Li Ran's halberd attack.

The legendary defensive shield was instantly shattered?
The ghost emperor was shocked, and hurriedly held up his weapon to block the strange slash of the heart of chaos.

The momentum of the slash was heavy, and the ghost emperor raised his sword in panic to block.

At the moment of blocking, a majestic force shattered the ghost emperor's body into a blood mist!
Blocked by the block, and the body was shattered by the force of the block?

What kind of terrifying power is this?

A ray of soul shadow floated a hundred meters away, and the blood mist and flesh foam in the sky condensed towards the distance at high speed, condensing into the appearance of a ghost emperor.

The ghost emperor was shocked, his face full of horror.

In this state, Li Ran's battle was unreasonable.

Just thinking of this moment, the heart of chaos attacked again with a gun, and saw him turn into a bloody light tearing the sky, the crack expanded, and the flowers on the other side bloomed, stunning and magnificent.

Seeing this, the ghost emperor shrank his pupils sharply.

"Ghost Emperor's Armor!"

His body was wrapped in a layer of bone armor in an instant, and the moment he swung the [Shenhun Emperor Sword] to block, a powerful and heavy force rushed towards him, and he only felt his tiger's mouth go numb, and his body shot like a cannonball To the foot of Silver Moon Peak.

The huge force caused Guidi's whole body to hit the hard mountain. Before he could react, a bunch of Bana flowers appeared in front of his eyes, the heart of chaos appeared out of thin air, and the war halberd pierced his chest like lightning.

The ghost emperor's armor was pierced, and the blade of the halberd pierced deeply into his chest.

Then a huge force wanted to tear him apart.

Li Ran held the halberd, poked at the mountain, and kept hitting him on Yinyue Peak.

Looking down from a high altitude, you will see an amazing scene. You can see a cloud of smoke and dust from the foot of Yinyue Peak to the top of the mountain. Where the smoke and dust recede is an amazing gully, just like leaving an ugly scar on the face of Yinyue Peak. Like a scar.

The smoke and dust billowed, and the Heart of Chaos pressed the Ghost Emperor against the mountain to rub against it, and kept rushing to the top of Yinyue Peak.

The ghost emperor was pressed from the foot of Yinyue Peak by the heart of chaos and rubbed against the mountain, and was finally knocked into the air. The ghost emperor's armor on his body was shattered and fell off in a large area under the violent collision with the mountain.

If it is just the collision of the mountain, it is not impossible to damage his armor of the ghost emperor, but the power of the heart of chaos is extremely huge, and the combat power displayed by more than 300 million strange power points is extremely terrifying. Under the collision of huge power, even a legend-level His armor is as fragile as porcelain.

Ghost Emperor Zhang Heng only felt excruciating pain all over his body, and just when he thought the attack was about to stop, he was blown into the sky.

"Copy the skill - Wanxiang Sword Formation!"

This time, Li Ran copied Mo Luo's devastating explosive skill.

As Li Ran's body fluttered, flowers from the other side appeared in his passing trajectory. The blooming coquettish flowers floated in the air in a circle, and the center of the circle was the Ghost Emperor who lost his balance. .

But the blooming coquettish Bianhua turned into the appearance of Li Ran, and the phantoms of Li Ran appeared in the air with the blooming of Bianhua, surrounding the Ghost Emperor.

The bruised and bruised Ghost Emperor looked at this scene in disbelief, with a bit of panic in his eyes.

The combo of Chaos Heart's skills did not give him a chance to breathe, let alone give him time to release his skills.

Obviously, Chaos Heart is going to unleash a huge killing move to end him.

It would be bad if the life-saving skills were consumed by the heart of chaos.

Thinking of this, the Ghost Emperor didn't dare to hold back, and activated the instant-triggered defensive technique the moment he lost his balance.

"Emperor Seal Golden Body!"

A jade seal-like imperial seal appeared out of thin air in Ghost Emperor's hand, and afterward, thousands of golden lights radiated from the inside of his body.

At the same time, hundreds of phantoms of the Heart of Chaos launched a shock attack on the Ghost Emperor.

Every phantom attacked the ghost emperor like red lightning, and a scar of the other shore flower bloomed on the path that tore the sky.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!"

One by one, the phantoms attacked the ghost emperor like eagles hitting the sky.

The cold light surged, and the sword lights intertwined!

Like a dazzling and intertwined gorgeous sword net, it pierced through the ghost emperor's body from all directions.

Clusters of blooming red flowers bloom in the sky, stunning and shocking.

However, the criss-crossing sword shadows are not the end of this skill.

As the last phantom clone passed through the ghost emperor's body, hundreds of clones returned to the main body of the heart of chaos at lightning speed, as shocking as the illusion of ninety-nine returning to one.

When the phantom finally returned to the body, the heart of chaos shook violently.

In the entire space behind him, thousands of sword shadows pierced down like meteors, forming a web of intertwined sword shadows, each sword shadow piercing through the body of the ghost emperor, causing the ghost emperor's body to not float in the air and suffer hundreds of blows. Hit, can't fall at all!

The sword shadow intertwined, and as the last sword shadow pierced through the body of the ghost emperor, the whole body of the ghost emperor was like a falling leaf. shine.

"Bite of the Black Snake!" Li Ran turned around, his pupils glowing with an evil purple light.

However, this was not Li Ran's final blow. He wanted to consume all of the ghost emperor's life-saving skills and defense methods when the ghost emperor could not make any counterattacks.

Under his uninterrupted attacks, the Ghost Emperor was able to release defensive skills and various self-defense treasures.

Although the Vientiane Sword Formation is cool and gorgeous, the Ghost Emperor seems to have used some kind of defensive treasure, his whole body glows with golden light, and his body is fixed in the air as if frozen.

It seems to be similar to the invincible skill of Xuanbing Avatar, but the disadvantage is that the body cannot move, and the time is very short.

Li Ran's moment of youth was also very short, only ten seconds.

Release this skill to double the current magic value, and it cannot be superimposed with other buff skills.

After Li Ran copied Miss Saori's [Momentary Fanghua], his power instantly doubled from 1683272 to 3366544.
Instantly increased to 336 million strange power, the ghost emperor was caught off guard, with a dazed look on his face.

For their combat power at this level, ten seconds is enough to do a lot.

Even now, Li Ran still has no plans to let the Ghost Emperor go.

The Bite of the Black Snake under the power of a legendary skill of 336 million strange power.

A gigantic, sky-high, evil snake body quickly emerged from Li Ran's body. The soul shadow became more solid and larger than before. The snake's body was more than a thousand meters long. The bloody mouth of the evil snake god and the bloody esophagus were clear visible.

Li Ran focused his gaze, and saw the moment when the golden light on Ghost Emperor's body faded, the halberd pierced Ghost Emperor's body, and the huge evil snake god opened his bloody mouth, pounced on Ghost Emperor, swallowed him into the esophagus, and then swooped down , hit the ground!
"Shaping Mind - Armor of Frozen Dust!"

When the snake's bite slammed into the ground, its body was immediately covered with a layer of frost armor, and the appearance of the thousand-meter-long snake wearing the ice armor was astonishing and shocking.


The Bingchen Black Snake's bite slammed into the ground at the foot of the upper mountain of Yinyue Peak.

Suddenly, everyone in this area felt like an earthquake, the ground shook violently, and it felt like the sky and the ground were shaking.

A puff of smoke and dust merged with ice fog and rose into the sky.

At the moment of releasing the black snake's bite, the bloody aura on Li Ran's body and the Bana flower floating beside him disappeared, which also meant that he had canceled the skill effect of [Momentary Fanghua].

Ten seconds is too short, and he has already maximized the output as much as possible to deal a fatal blow to the ghost emperor in the first form.

He only hoped that this set of attacks of his could exhaust Ghost Emperor's life-saving skills.

Only in this way can we move forward and be invincible in the subsequent battles.

Once he lost his life-saving skills and hole cards, even the ghost emperor would be timid in battle, losing at least [-]% of his combat morale, which directly affected his combat effectiveness.

Li Ran didn't think his set of attacks could kill Ghost Emperor Zhang Heng.

If he was killed without even opening the second form and the third form, he is not worthy of being called a ghost emperor.

Of course, the ghost emperor would never have imagined that one day Li Ran would rub him on the ground and rub so hard, and even exhausted so many defensive methods in his hands.

In the smoke and dust below, a pair of red eyes reflected a bloody light, shining towards the sky like the light of death.

At this moment, Li Ran's expression changed instantly, and he immediately sensed a terrifying aura covering the world.

"The second form of the Ghost Emperor is here!" (End of this chapter)

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