Chapter 543 The True Face of Flesh Hell (Recovery Day Wan)

The moment the sarcoma burst like a sandbag.

A stream of insects poured down, like pouring cement...

Seeing this scene in the rear trio, Huang Que was almost disgusted.

After the huge sarcoma ruptured, the star worms flowed on the ground like mud.

But the wolf demon raised his head, and the corners of his mouth showed an unprecedented sense of comfort and relief, a feeling of intoxication and enjoyment.

" it so comfortable?" Yamazaki asked in surprise.

Yamazaki looked surprised. He looked at the fist-sized sarcoma at his feet and felt nausea and diaphragm.

Thinking of the disgusting star worms inside the sarcoma, he felt nauseated in his chest.

"Hey, haven't the star nematodes finished yet?" Ninlong asked in surprise, he suddenly found that the black water flowing down the wolf monster's back seemed to be endless, and star nematodes were constantly flowing from the ruptured sarcoma. out.

"His body seems to be getting thinner and thinner." Concubine Kagura said.

Ninja Dragon and Yamazaki also felt this way. Although the wolf demon floated in the air with a relaxed face, his hands were drooping, his back was bent and his back was bent, but it was flowing down with the endless stream of starworms. Visibly lost weight, just like liposuction, pulling fat out of the body...

But there is a limit to liposuction, but there is no limit to the flow of asteroids.

The three were horrified to find that the wolf demon's chest and abdomen shriveled rapidly.

The flow of star worms still has no tendency to stop.

"This, this, this is the rhythm of the internal organs being hollowed out." Yamazaki shouted at the wolf demon.

The wolf demon's body was still getting thinner, and the ribs of the sternum quickly emerged, as if only a layer of skin and bones remained.

The wolf demon seemed to have heard Yamazaki's cry, and turned his head with a face of intoxication and enjoyment. He squinted his eyes comfortably, and his whole body was in a slightly drunk state like an alcoholic.

"Comfortable~" the wolf demon twitched.

Then the whole person fell forward in a daze.

Falling into the blood-scarred land from a high altitude.

Can't die anymore!
"It's horrible, a living life being ripped out right in front of our eyes, I don't want that."

"Find the entrance, quickly find the entrance." Yamazaki panicked completely.

"Don't be impulsive, calm down."

At this time, Li Ran came in front of the three of them.

What happened to the wolf demon just now also fell into his eyes.

From this he deduced several causes that would hasten death.

"Since you have been infected, the result cannot be changed. What you need to do now is to calm down as soon as possible. The angrier you are, the faster your Qi and blood will flow. This will in turn accelerate the growth of parasitic star bacteria, accelerate their hatching speed and reproduction. speed."

"If there are meat balls on your body, don't try to cut them, and don't try to remove them by all means. Once the meat balls are stimulated by the outside world, it will send an alarm signal to the parasitic bacteria in your body. "

"After hearing the signal, the star nematodes will also become very panicked. It is very likely that they will wake up from the previous deep sleep state and run around in fright, thus forming bigger meat balls on your body."

"When the star worm hatches to its peak and is frightened again, they will scurry around, eat up the internal organs of the organism, and then look for a breakthrough."

"And the dead body will become a bit of nourishment in this flesh and blood hell, nourishing those spore forests."

Li Ran's voice was very loud, and he didn't just speak to the three concubines Kagura.

Many of the world masters who followed also heard what Li Ran said.

"Is there no solution to this kind of star fungus?" Zhenfei Kagura asked Li Ran with bright eyes.

Her gaze was extremely hot, but it also carried a bit of pleading and asking for help.

There was a contract between them, and in the case of outsiders, they were not allowed to fantasize about Li Ran, let alone say they knew Li Ran.

Li Ran also knew that Concubine Kagura was begging him, but so far no cure has been found for the parasitic star fungus.

"Find the entrance to the next level of hell as soon as possible, and you can still be saved." Li Ran said.

"But where is the next level of hell?" Concubine Kagura asked with tears in her eyes, her face full of collapse.

"Control your emotions, control your emotions, do you know that you are speeding up your death?" Li Ran said.

Only then did Concubine Kagura realize that now is not the time to act emotionally. After sealing off the ice field, she did become dependent on Li Ran. When she saw him, she couldn't control herself and almost caused a catastrophe.

She immediately held back the tears that broke the embankment, calmed down her emotions, and said to Yamazaki and Ninja Dragon beside her: "Let's find the entrance to the next level of hell."

"it is good!"

The three of them immediately separated and searched for the entrance of the next hell in three directions.

Many world masters had symptoms of sarcoma growing on their skin one after another.

These people are symptoms of exhaustion of defensive skills and insufficient duration.

"I didn't expect that the Heavenly Demon Resentment Knife has such a cute side. Seeing her collapse and helplessness really makes me feel pity." Su Bingyao muttered.

Li Ran's heart skipped a beat, did Su Bingyao see something?
It shouldn't be, I didn't show any clues.

"Is this still the notorious oriole who is notorious for murdering and stealing goods and doing dirty things?" Su Bingyao asked.

Li Ran didn't say anything, showing an indifferent attitude.

His team is the hardest looking for the exit from hell.

Most of them are not world lords yet, they are just in a state where the world lords have not yet integrated their souls.

They know very well that the longer they stay in the hell of flesh and blood, the coming of death.

Soon, Shi Long, Zang Jiu, and Zhao Yingzhi brought back news.

The three came to Li Ran's side one after another.

"Commander, I have a landform perception ability, and I found a downward trumpet-shaped passage in the densest spore forest in the center of the flesh and blood hell." Sloan said.

Li Ran frowned, and his eyes lit up.

"Is it in the spore forest?" Li Ran asked.

"Yes, an extremely dense spore forest looks like an alien virgin forest," Sloan said.

"Take me to have a look." Li Ran said.

"it is good."

Sloan led the way, and Li Ran and his party flew over.

During the flight, Zang Jiu said: "I found that there are spikes mixed in the flesh of the flesh and blood. Each spike is very huge, like sharp teeth. They are all over the whole earth."

Hearing this, Li Ran frowned, and immediately released his ghostly eyes to look at the bloody land below.

His eyes penetrated into the flesh layer, and soon he saw a bone spur growing in the flesh and blood. The bone spur was translucent and hidden in the flesh and blood, making it difficult to be found.

Then he looked at other places, these bone spurs were very densely distributed on this bloody continent.

If they protrude from the flesh and blood, this bloody land will become a dense forest of bone spurs.

If it is swift and violent, everyone may be tied into a string in an instant.

"That is to say, there are crises other than parasitic astrology in this area." Zang Jiu said.

This is not what everyone wants to see, a parasitic star is enough to make people desperate.

There are other crises in the earth.

"At present, it seems that we have not triggered the crisis in the ground of flesh and blood. If we can find the next entrance to hell, we should be able to avoid this crisis." Zang Jiu said.

During the flight, Zhao Yingzhi said: "My information may be more important, I see the border!"

Li Ran was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Zhao Yingzhi in disbelief.

Zhao Yingzhi has just stepped into one hundred thousand strange powers, and even Lord Haotian and Great Sage Huntian can't see the boundary of this area.

Can Zhao Yingzhi see it?

"Of course you can't see it, only the eyes of the blood demon can see it." Zhao Yingzhi explained.

Then he pointed to the earth of flesh and blood in the distance and said: "The earth I saw with Xueji's eyes is in the form of uniform patches, and the earth is like lotus leaves floating on a dark pool. Why is this area just one of the bloody lotus leaves."

"The edge of the lotus leaf is curled, looking down from a high altitude, like a lip."

"I feel like a flytrap spread out on the surface of a dark lake. It quietly spreads out on the surface of the lake in the dark pool, waiting for the tiny mosquitoes to enter it, and then catch them all."

Zhao Yingzhi's words shocked even Lord Haotian and Great Sage Huntian in the distance.

The world they see is different from what this Gu Nian sees?

Does this girl have any special talent?

"He has the soul of the blood demon outside the sky, and the tasks he does in the rule world are different from our ordinary people. At the same time, she can also see some things that we can't see." Li Ran explained.

Only then did Hao Tianzun understand, and carefully looked at Zhao Yingzhi.

"According to what you said, we are all just on top of a lotus flower. In this vast hell, how do we find the entrance to the next hell? Doesn't your statement crush the slim vitality to nothingness?" Hao Tianzun said.

Zhao Yingzhi said: "I'm just explaining what I saw. As for whether you believe it or not, it's up to you."

She was still ruthless, and she didn't expect anyone other than her own team to believe what she saw.

"This girl has a bit of a temper, you can't take Hao Tianzun down." The Great Sage Huntian laughed at the side.

Naturally, Haotian Zun will not be as knowledgeable as a little girl, no matter whether what she said is true or not, it can be kept as a backup value.

It's much better than searching like a headless chicken now.

"Let's go to the spore forest first," Li Ran said.

Under the leadership of Sloan, a group of people came to the top of the spore forest that Sloan said.

"Commander, I used the landscape perception technique, and the trumpet-shaped entrance I sensed is right below." Sloan said, pointing to the extremely dense blood-colored spore forest below.

Several people immediately opened their ultimate eyesight to penetrate the bloody spore forest.

Soon, you will see the result.

"The trumpet-shaped passage you mentioned does exist, but it is like a long hollow flower stem, not an entrance." Hao Tianzun said.

"The long flower stem is hollow inside and trumpet-shaped, which is somewhat similar to the lotus leaf shape that Zhao Yingzhi mentioned." Su Bingyao said.

"We are miniature mosquitoes, parasitized by the star fungus in the spore forest, and after we die, we become the nourishment of the blood lotus and are eaten." Zhao Yingzhi said.

"Is this continent where we are located a piece of blood lotus?" asked a boundary master in the Heavenly Palace.

"It's not just one piece, there are countless blood lotuses floating on the dark deep pool. I don't want to repeat it again, just forget it if you don't understand it." Zhao Yingzhi said.

"Take us to the edge of the lotus leaf. I want to see the dark pool." Li Ran said.

Zhao Yingzhi nodded and flew forward with everyone.

During this period of time, the small fleshy balls on many world masters grew into a sarcoma.

When looking at the sarcoma hanging from the body, everyone is devastated.

But once the collapse is hopeless, the sarcoma grows faster.

They are already afraid to cut off the sarcoma, which will only make the star worms in the body wake up faster.

Among them, several world masters were directly hollowed out by countless star nematodes due to improper handling, and turned into shriveled corpses and fell on the bloody earth.

As time passed by, the entrance to hell has not been found for a long time.

Except for him and Su Bingyao, the rest of Li Ran's team had more or less fleshy balls.

But because they cooperated well before, they cooperated with each other and released elemental shields for a long time, so the infection time was slightly slower.

After Li Ran's confession, they were not too panicked.

Because once you are emotionally tense and afraid, it will only speed up the speed of death.

The reason why Su Bingyao was fine was because Li Ran kept spreading the ice dust on the two of them. Su Bingyao's body protection skills were already cooling down, otherwise she would definitely be infected with the star fungus.

Arriving at a plain of flesh and blood, Zhao Yingzhi pointed to the boundary below and said, "This is the edge of the bloody lotus leaf."

Zhao Yingzhi's pupils exuded a peculiar blood-red color, and her body exuded a faint blood energy, which formed the soul shadow of a blood demon from beyond the sky.

Everyone looked in the direction she pointed.

But all he could see was a plain of flesh and blood on the ground, connected to the bloody spore forest not far away.

"Mo Luo, move your sword downward!" Li Ran called Mo Luo.

Mo Luo flew over the plain, raised his right hand, and a dragon-patterned sword fell into his hand like a swimming dragon.

Immediately, his eyes were fixed, and the dragon sword in his hand burst out with a soaring devilish energy, and formed a thundercloud flashing devil cloud in the sky.

"Heaven and Earth Demon Sword!"

Raising his hand and pointing, a huge magic sword descended from the sky in the magic cloud.

At this moment, the world was eclipsed, only the nearly [-]-foot-long Heaven and Earth Demon Sword, with sword energy soaring to the sky, deterred all directions.

"I asked you to strike a sword, are you exaggerating?" Li Ran muttered.

Following the hundreds of feet long Heaven and Earth Demon Sword fell to the ground that Zhao Yingzhi was pointing at.

A scene that stunned everyone appeared.

The moment the heaven and earth magic sword fell on the flesh and blood plain.

The blood-colored land suddenly gathered, just like lotus leaves gathered and gathered, and a large area of ​​blood-colored land around them was quickly drawn together.

"Ascend, hurry up!" Li Ran shouted.

Seeing this scene, everyone's expressions changed, and they immediately used their unique skill to soar into the sky.

The moment everyone rushed to the sky, the bloody land they were on gathered together like a dragon's bouquet.

The people who flew high in the sky were shocked to find that there were dense and huge bone spurs growing in the center of the blood-colored lotus leaves.

If they hadn't flew high in the sky just now, the lotus leaves that had gathered in an instant would have killed all creatures like piranhas full of sharp teeth.

Only then did they realize that the so-called trumpet-shaped passage was the esophagus of the blood-colored man-eating lotus, and it wasn't the entrance to hell at all.

Sloan broke out in a cold sweat, and his back felt cold.

He was lucky that he didn't force his way into the trumpet-shaped passage.

"Xiao Zhao, it's really thanks to you this time." Sloan said.

Li Ran stared at the other area where the Heaven and Earth Demon Sword fell. The power of the Heaven and Earth Demon Sword was so huge that several blood-colored lands turned into blood-colored lotus leaves and quickly converged, revealing their ferocious sharp teeth.

"This is the true face of flesh and blood hell!" Li Ran said.

As the earth of flesh and blood turned into a huge constricted man-eating lotus, the originally connected earth finally revealed its true colors.

Black pool as dark as ink!
Bottomless and dark.

Not even reflections stay on it.

And those huge blood-colored man-eating lotuses that were collected slowly sank under the black pool, leaving only a faint circle of ripples on the black pool.

Not far away, several bursts of light came through the sky.

They are the leader of the Tiangong team and the leader of the Yaozu respectively.

"It's not good, our people have been swallowed by this land!" Lei Gong shouted anxiously.

Before, because the blood-colored man-eating lotus was all unfolded, and the edge was connected to the edge, it was almost impossible to see the existence of the black pool. After the Heaven and Earth Demon Sword went down just now, the earth gathered together violently, and some world masters who had no time to escape were killed on the spot. The blood-colored piranha was swallowed.

Mo Luo shrugged his shoulders and put on an attitude of not caring about me. You are the ones who asked me to strike.

No one expected such a result.

It was originally a temporary test, and Zhao Yingzhi had also said it before.

They just don't believe it.

As a result, when the sword went down, people in several areas were implicated.

They were prepared in their hearts, so they fled immediately.

The other people didn't have the slightest equipment, and after reacting, it was too late to escape, and they were directly eaten by the earth.

Hao Tianzun didn't have any expression on his face, he turned to look at Li Ran and asked: "Okay, now there is another problem, where is the entrance to the next level of hell?"

A bat demon under the command of the Great Sage Huntian also came to report, probably the report was similar to Lei Gong's face, someone from the demon clan was swallowed by the earth.

But the Great Sage Huntian didn't care even more.

As long as he can escape from the Myriad Tribulation Dungeon alive, more people will turn to him in the future, and his influence will be even greater.

And in his opinion, people who follow the heart of chaos and die are simply fighters among garbage.

Li Ran glanced across the black deep pool below, and then at the blood-colored land in the distance.

He snapped his fingers suddenly, and the corner of his mouth curled up.

"They are covering up the entrance of hell. As long as the man-eating lotus is forced out of its original shape, the whole black pool can be seen at a glance. Do you still have to worry about not being able to find the entrance to the next level of hell?" Li Ran said.

"Interesting." Hearing this, Hao Tianzun had a faint smile on his face, and then he said to Lei Gong's face: "Order everyone to attack the earth from high places without distinction."

The Great Sage Huntian also issued an order to the bat demon: "Tell the brothers not to look for it, and fly to a high place to attack the earth."

Li Ran said to the team members behind him: "Let's hurry up too, time is running out!"

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(End of this chapter)

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